The Defence of the Realm

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The Defence of the Realm Page 144

by Christopher Andrew

  Aden 473–7, 605, 801;

  DSOs/SLOs 138, 220, 480, 612

  Afghanistan 92, 799, 802, 804, 808, 811, 817, 825, 827

  AIRLINES, Operation 795–7, 855

  Ali, Abdullah Ahmed 828–33

  Al Megrahi, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed 747, 748

  Al Qaida 607, 799, 802–4, 806–11, 816–17, 823, 828, 829, 836, 856, 860–51

  al Zawahiri, Ayman 799, 802, 804, 808

  Alca´zar de Velasco, Angel 260–62

  alcoholism 331, 415, 421–2, 433, 439, 592, 599, 714, 723

  Allen, Albert 156–9

  Allen, John 445, 446, 519, 629, 761

  Allen, Sir Philip 492, 517–18, 531, 535, 536, 547, 574, 588, 590, 596, 597, 602, 603–4, 620, 629

  Allison, George 137, 164, 402

  Alverstone, Richard Webster, 1st Viscount 38–9, 40

  Ames, Aldrich 713, 726

  Anderson, Sir John 129, 226, 235, 236

  Andropov, Yuri 565–6, 585, 605, 606, 709, 722, 723

  Angleton, James ‘Jim’ 511, 512–15, 520

  Angry Brigade 610–12

  anti-Semitism 7, 125, 189–90, 193–4, 224–5, 362, 364

  appeasement 195, 198, 202, 203, 205–6, 853

  Arafat, Yasir 608, 648, 736

  Archer, Kathleen ‘Jane’ (née Sissmore):

  background and character 122, 131;

  recruitment of 122, 128;

  head of Registry 122;

  interrogation skills 128, 220;

  MBE 128;

  responsibility for Soviet intelligence 128, 220, 341;

  and Invergordon Mutiny 164;

  and Krivitsky case 220, 264, 265, 267–8, 341;

  marriage 220;

  sacked 220, 235;

  moves to SIS 220, 341;

  and Philby 341–2

  ARCOS (All-Russian Cooperative Society) 153, 154–6, 157–8, 167

  Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles 451, 453

  Argov, Shlomo 690–91, 734

  Arkell, John 396

  Armed Forces Security Agency (United States; AFSA) 372, 373, 375–6

  Armstrong, Sir Robert:

  and appointment of Smith as DG 553;

  and appointment of Duff as DG 557;

  and ‘Oberon Singers’ 558;

  and industrial subversion and unrest 594, 671, 672;

  and Wilson’s business friends 630, 631;

  and Wilson’s suspicions of Security Service 634;

  chairs Interdepartmental Working Group on Subversion in Public Life 658;

  and Bettaney case 720;

  and expulsion of Guk 724;

  and Gordievsky case 726–7;

  and review of vetting procedures 751;

  and Spycatcher affair 761, 762, 763–4;

  and Security Service Act 766

  Armstrong, Sir William 533, 537

  Army Security Agency (United States; ASA) 366, 372–3, 374

  Arnold, Henry 385, 389, 390

  Asquith, Herbert 3, 9, 20, 66, 81, 86

  Astor, Hugh 249, 299, 316

  atom spies 340–41, 345–6, 349, 375, 377, 383–8, 389–91, 420, 858

  Atomic Energy Authority 323, 491

  Atomic Energy Cabinet Committee (GEN 163) 392

  atomic and nuclear weapons:

  British atomic bomb project (TUBE ALLOYS) 183, 279, 313, 384, 392, 579–80, 584–5, 847;

  bombing of Hiroshima 340, 341, 858;

  Los Alamos 346, 366, 377, 384, 385, 550, 858;

  Soviet atomic weapons 366, 383–4, 386, 388, 405, 858;

  thermonuclear warfare threat 405, 722–3, 781, 858–9;

  anti-nuclear movement 559, 673–6;

  KGB/GRU Operation RYAN 709, 722–3, 861;

  and Islamist terrorism 807;

  ‘dirty bombs’ 820, 861;

  see also atom spies

  Attlee, Clement:

  appointment of Sillitoe as DG 319, 321, 847;

  relations with Sillitoe 321–2, 682, 847;

  character 322;

  and Zionist extremism 352, 353, 355, 360, 361–2;

  and appointment of Jews 364;

  and VENONA project 367;

  vetting procedures 380–81, 382, 383, 387, 391, 392, 393, 858;

  and atom spies 384, 387, 390, 391;

  and CPGB 401, 402, 853;

  Communist influence in trade unions 406, 407;

  and pro-Soviet Labour MPs 411, 412;

  on operations in Commonwealth countries 443;

  and British Guiana 461

  Auslands Organisation 197

  Australia 106, 366, 367–73, 430, 517, 520, 762–5, 768–9

  B Branch/Division 126, 127–8, 130, 134, 150, 197, 229–30, 254, 255, 268;

  reorganization of 236, 325, 388, 549;

  BIa 248–50, 252–3, 256, 258, 284, 285–6, 287–8, 293–4, 297–300, 310, 855;

  BIb 249–50, 286;

  BIc 219;

  BId 250;

  BIE 382, 388;

  BIF 134;

  BIG 261;

  B2 322;

  B2b 369;

  B3a 350–51, 353, 360, 362;

  B4 128, 152, 184, 385, 394, 427;

  see also Appendix 3

  Bacon, George Vaux 73–4, 75

  Bagot, Milicent 131, 217, 232, 330, 550

  Baldwin, Stanley 146, 151, 154, 155–6, 178, 199

  Balfour, Arthur 75, 108

  Ball, Sir Joseph 126, 150

  Baltic Exchange bombing (1992) 782, 784, 855

  Baring, Sir Evelyn 454, 456, 467

  ‘barium meal’ operations 507, 508

  Barot, Dhiren 819–21, 861


  Burgess at 173, 270;

  coverage of Cuban Missile Crisis 327;

  programmes on union ballot-rigging 409, 410, 529, 530;

  news presentation 663;

  Dimbleby Lecture 777, 801

  ‘Beavers’ (BIb decrypt analysers) 249–50

  Beckett, Francis 411, 592

  Bedell Smith, Walter 426, 428

  Begin, Menachem 351, 352–3, 354, 363

  Belfast: SLO 602, 604, 618;

  British troops posted to 604–5, 618–19;

  terrorist attacks in 620, 646;

  unpopular posting 621, 646–7, 852;

  IJS station 684, 692, 693, 696, 700, 852;

  Long Kesh 692–3


  First World War 66;

  Second World War 205, 222, 223, 230, 241;

  Zionist extremists operating in 355;

  reaction to FOOT 574;

  PIRA terrorist attacks in 651, 652, 696;

  PIRA bases in 699, 748, 772;

  Sûreté 772

  Bell, Eddie 82, 109

  Bell, Walter 444–5, 468

  Bella, Leo 357–8, 359

  Benn, Tony 522, 525–6, 638, 660

  Berger, Roland 400–401, 404, 417

  Berlin Wall 419, 771, 853

  Bernstorff, Count Johann Heinrich von 86, 87, 105

  Bethell, Sir Alexander Edward 25, 26, 27, 32

  Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von 86, 91

  Bettaney, Michael 557, 558, 564, 714–22, 723–4, 732, 754, 756

  Bevan, J. H. 284, 286, 296, 310, 318

  Bevin, Ernest 177, 178, 351–2, 355, 358, 359, 360, 361, 412, 424

  Bin Laden, Usama (UBL) 799, 801–11, 856, 860

  Birmingham pub bombings (1974) 624

  Bishopsgate bombing (1993) 783–4, 793, 855

  Black List 58–9, 84, 143

  Black September (Palestinian terrorist organization) 608, 612, 613

  Blair, Tony 766, 791, 793, 797, 809, 811–12, 817, 822, 831, 833, 856

  Blake, George 488, 489–91, 492, 503, 509, 537–8, 587, 716, 718, 720

  Bland, Sir Nevile 223, 242

  Blenheim Palace 217, 231–5, 317

  Blunkett, David 811, 813

  Blunt, (Sir) Anthony:

  early academic career 173, 232, 269;

  recruited by Deutsch 173, 268–9, 420, 438;

  and Cairncross 173;

  sexuality 174, 269, 429;

  and Rothschild 219, 269, 270;

  joins MI5 245, 268–70;

  wartime intelligence work and supply of information to Soviets 261, 272, 280–81, 289–90;

  prewar Communist associations 268, 269;

  recruitment of subagents 269, 436–7, 509;

  appearance and character 270;

  recruitment of Burgess 270–72, 856;

  codename TONY 272, 349;

  and VIPER investigation 275;

  Hollis’s suspicions of 282, 517, 856;

  interrogation by Wright 282, 439, 520;

  recommends Harris to MI5 284–5;

  leaves Security Service 281, 339, 429, 439, 540, 706;

  post-war intelligence supplied to Soviets 339, 402;

  and VENONA decrypts 374;

  suspicions of following Burgess and Maclean’s defection 424, 428, 429;

  liaison between Philby and Modin 430;

  confession 435, 437–8, 509, 517;

  identification as Fourth Man 438–40, 564;

  alcoholism 439;

  publicly exposed as Fourth Man 706, 754;

  stripped of knighthood 761

  Boddington, Herbert ‘Con’ 122, 123, 152, 164, 177

  Bolshevik Revolution (1917) 95, 99, 100–101, 102, 103–4, 139–40, 435, 853

  Box 500 reports 659, 666, 677, 679, 680, 795

  Bradley, Omar Nelson 373–4, 377

  Brandes, Willy 167, 181, 184

  Brandon, Vivien 32, 33–4

  Brandreth, Gyles 815

  Bravo, Rafael 813–14

  Brezhnev, Leonid 573, 605, 709, 861

  Brighton bombing (1984) 704–5, 734, 735, 737, 772

  British Guiana (later Guyana) 459–61, 473, 477–80

  British National Party 738

  British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association (BNFMRA) 182, 183, 579–81

  British Socialist Party (BSP) 99, 102, 103

  British Union of Fascists (BUF) 124, 190–94, 226–7, 228, 853

  Brittan, Leon 557, 677, 681, 701–2, 757

  Brockway, Fenner, Baron 674–5, 676

  Brook, Sir Norman 322, 392, 404, 493, 496

  Brooke, Henry 492, 498, 501, 502, 507

  Brown, George 412, 413, 415, 476, 532

  Browning, Freddie 64, 150


  MO5(g) 29, 31, 35, 36, 41, 64;

  MI5 117, 118–19, 134, 222–3, 779–80, 788, 790, 811–12, 814, 861;

  see also Secret Vote


  legislation for 336, 758–9;

  Wilson’s obsession with 526, 637–8

  Burgess, Guy:

  background and character 172;

  at Cambridge 172, 420, 854;

  recruitment 172, 420, 854;

  BBC radio producer 173;

  sexuality 174, 272, 422, 429;

  defection (1951) 184, 272, 318, 344, 391, 424–6, 433, 438–9;

  joins SIS (1938) 185;

  recruited as MI5 agent by Blunt 270–72, 856;

  Foreign Office information supplied to Soviets 339, 342, 426;

  identified in VENONA decrypts 374, 429;

  heavy drinking 422, 423;

  outrageous behaviour 422, 424, 425;

  Washington posting 422–3, 424;

  and Philby and Makayev 423;

  White Paper on defection 431;

  death 433

  Burt, Leonard 345–6, 355

  Butler, R. A. ‘Rab’ 462, 466, 483, 492, 779, 852

  Butler, Sir Robin 751, 771, 773, 774, 789

  Byrne, Jock 409, 410

  C Branch/Division 63, 134, 236, 325, 384, 399, 536–7, 551, 584, 600, 606–7, 612, 614, 615, 654–5, 695, 731, 772;

  C2 584;

  C3 275;

  C4 609;

  see also Appendix 3

  Cabinet Committee on Subversive Activities (GEN183) 380–81, 387–8, 391

  Cabinet Office 126–7, 552–3, 614, 671–3, 695, 731–2, 751–2, 782

  Caccia, Sir Harold 496, 497

  Cadogan, Sir Alexander 201–2, 204, 206, 207, 208–9, 213, 218, 244, 263–4, 319

  Cahill, Joe 622–3, 649

  Cairncross, John:

  background and character 173, 707, 854;

  recruitment 173, 420, 438;

  sexuality 174;

  Treasury career 174, 339, 428;

  codename MOLIÉRE 349;

  former Communist Party member 428;

  suspicions of following defection of Burgess and Maclean 428–9;

  confession 435, 436, 437, 438;

  identification as Fifth Man 438, 440–41, 707

  Callaghan, James:

  and identification of Fifth Man 440;

  and allegations against Hollis 519;

  Home Secretary 534–6, 602–3, 604–5;

  interest in industrial subversion 534–5;

  and Communist influence in trade unions 534–6;

  dislike of Hanley 552;

  appointment of Smith as DG 552;

  and Northern Ireland 602–3, 604–5, 644–6, 653;

  and alleged plot against Wilson 640–41, 642;

  becomes prime minister (1976) 644–5, 656;

  and counter-terrorism 647–8;

  economic crises 655, 657;

  and labour unrest 656, 664–5, 667;

  and subversive penetration of Labour Party 661, 663, 664;

  on secrecy 754

  Calvo, Luis 261, 262

  Cambridge Five:

  recruitment of 168–73;

  Soviets’ suspicions and mishandling of 169, 173, 339, 420–21, 426, 433, 434, 856–7;

  successes of 169, 173, 339, 420, 434, 855, 856;

  sexuality of 173–4;

  ego as motive 713;

  see also Blunt, Anthony; Burgess, Guy; Cairncross, John; Maclean, Donald; Philby, Kim

  Cambridge University 170–71, 329–2, 420, 440, 854;

  Cavendish Laboratory 167, 168;

  see also Trinity College; Trinity Hall

  Camp020 (Second World War interrogation centre) 250, 251–3, 288, 295, 450

  Campbell, Alastair 810, 811


  wartime deportation of aliens to 230;

  Soviet spy-ring in 339–41, 344–49, 380, 431–2;

  Anglo-Canadian nuclear research 340–41, 389–90;

  Commonwealth Security Conferences 369, 398–9, 516;

  ban on employment of homosexuals in sensitive work 398–9;

  reaction to FOOT 574;

  see also Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  Canaris, Wilhelm 209, 293

  Canary Wharf bombing (1996) 794, 797

  Cannon, Les 409, 410

  CARDOON, Operation 703–4

  ‘Carlos the Jackal’ (Ilich Ramírez Sánchez) 617–18

  Carr, Robert 592, 596, 597, 613;

  bombing of home 610, 611

  Carter, J. F. C. 73, 128–9

  Casement, Sir Roger 86–90

  Castle, Barbara 524, 530–31, 532

  Castro, Fidel 477, 480, 490, 635

  CAZAB (secret collaborative counter-intelligence association) 514–16, 518

  Chamberlain, Sir Austen 124, 151, 155, 156, 753

  Chamberlain, Neville:

  and Viscount Davidson 126;

  succeeds Baldwin as prime minister 199;

  Munich agreement 202–3, 205, 206, 207, 208, 853;

  Hitler’s insulting references to 205–6, 853;

  introduction of conscription 207;

  and outbreak of war 241;

  predicts short war 244

  Chapman, Eddie (double agent ZIGZAG) 253, 287–8, 293–4, 312–13, 314

  Chapple, Frank 409, 410

  Cheka (Soviet intelligence agency) 95, 174, 852

  Chernenko, Konstantin 723, 725

  Chicherin, Georgi 95, 97, 100, 103–4, 151

  CHIFFON, Operation 783

  Chifley, J. B. ‘Ben’ 367–9, 370
/>   Chin Peng 447, 449, 450, 451

  China, People’s Republic of 384, 467, 472, 512–13, 514, 731–2

  Cholmondeley, Charles 285–6, 287

  Christensen, Adler 86, 89

  Christie, Stuart 610, 611

  Churchill, Sir Winston:

  in Asquith cabinet 10, 20, 37;

  enthusiasm for intelligence 20, 29, 118–19, 239–40, 670, 856;

  and Secret Service Bureau 20, 29–30;

  Home Secretary 29;

  and Kell 29–30, 37, 88, 239;

  and registration of aliens 30;

  expansion of HOW 36–7, 49–50, 52, 239, 861;

  facilitates interception of correspondence 36–7, 49–50, 63;

  First Lord of the Admiralty 37, 63, 86, 225;

  and Indian nationalism 92;

  on Lenin 99;

  and security services budget cuts 118–19;

  on Mussolini 124;

  supports backbench campaign against Soviet subversion 155;

  on Auslands Organisation 197;

  becomes prime minister 217, 225, 241, 248;

  and ‘fifth column’ fears 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230;

  founding of Security Executive 227;

  appoints Harker 228;

  visits Blenheim 234;

  unease at state of Security Service 235–6;

  relations with Petrie 238–9, 288–9, 292, 308, 856;

  briefed on operations 239, 286, 287, 288–94, 296, 300–301, 305;

  and secret work 279;

  and D-Day landings 305–10;

  VE Day 316–17;

  peacetime government 322, 407;

  Zionist letter bomb sent to 355;

  expansion of positivevetting 391–2;

  and atomic bomb 392;

  and British Guiana 460–61;

  on history 861

  CIA (US Central Intelligence Agency):

  London station 335;

  and VENONA project 366, 373–4, 428;

  suspected of being penetrated 374, 428;

  and defection of Burgess and Maclean 427–8;

  and British Guiana 460, 461, 477–8, 479;

  alleged clandestine operations in Africa 470–71;

  and Castro 477, 490, 635;

  recruitment of Goleniewski 484–5, 487, 488, 511;

  and alleged Soviet penetration of security services 509, 511, 514–16, 518;

  Wilson’s suspicions of 632, 635, 638;

  scrutinized in ‘Year of Intelligence’ (1975) 635;

  daily brief to President 682;

  and Irish Republican terrorism 698;

  and Islamist terrorism 803, 807, 810;

  see also OSS

  Clan na Gael 698–9

  Clarke, Carter W. 372, 373–4, 377

  Clarke, David 278, 279

  Clarke, Peter 814, 820, 824, 832, 858

  Clarke, Stanley 34, 35, 36, 42

  CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) 559, 673, 674, 675–6, 758

  COBR (emergency Cabinet Office briefing room) 614, 685–6, 687–8, 702, 809, 810


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