The Defence of the Realm

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The Defence of the Realm Page 150

by Christopher Andrew

  Great Terror 161, 183–4, 266, 404, 456, 854;

  Nazi invasion 273, 292;

  British–Soviet Treaty (1942) 282;

  limitations of intelligence assessment 349, 420;

  support for Israel 362;

  atomic weapons 366, 383–4, 386, 388, 405, 858;

  1956 Party Congress 404;

  crushing of Hungarian Uprising 404, 409, 418, 445;

  relations with India 445, 446, 447;

  backing of Nasser 454;

  presence in Commonwealth countries 470, 473;

  crushing of Prague Spring 480, 536, 541, 566, 583, 588, 711;

  Sino-Soviet split 512–13, 514;

  and PFLP and IRA 605–6, 622;

  funding of NUM 679, 680;

  fear of nuclear attack 709, 722–3, 861;

  ‘refuseniks’ 727–8;

  disintegration 730–31, 771, 853;

  Afghan war 799;

  see also Administration for Special Tasks; Cheka;GRU; KGB; NKGB; NKVD

  SPA (Special Political Action) 460, 474, 477–9, 480

  Spain; Fascist 259, 260;

  wartime espionage network 259–62;

  First of May Group 610, 611;

  security service (DSE) 741, 742, 744

  Spanish Civil War 174, 176, 241, 253–4, 263, 277, 341

  Special Branch (Metropolitan Police; MPSB):

  foundation 5, 600;

  size 53;

  and First World War 79, 82, 102;

  countersubversion responsibilities transferred to MI5 128–9, 130, 131, 159;

  penetrated by Soviet intelligence 129, 158–9;

  and Woolwich Arsenal spy-ring 181–2;

  and Fascist movement 193, 194;

  wartime espionage investigations 277;

  and Zionist extremists 355, 358;

  and Profumo affair 495;

  and Lyalin defection 567, 571;

  responsibility for Irish Republican terrorism on mainland 600, 603, 615, 619–20, 622, 653, 684, 696, 734, 751;

  and Arab terrorism 601, 609;

  Angry Brigade investigation 611–12;

  and Libyan terrorism 700–701, 703;

  Van Haar lem case 728;

  transfer of lead role in Irish Republican terrorism to Security Service 772–3, 775–6, 852;

  and Islamist terrorism 800, 802

  Special Intelligence Bureau see MO5(g)

  Special Intelligence Missions 93–4

  Special Political Action (SPA) 460, 474, 477–80

  Special Relationship (US–UK) 365–6, 372–3, 490, 494, 509, 514, 810;

  crises in 386–7, 427

  Springhall, Douglas Frank 278–9, 281

  Spycatcher (Wright) 329, 336, 507, 512, 519, 642, 759;

  fabrications and distortions of evidence 520;

  failed attempt to prevent publication 563–4, 760–65;

  damage to Security Service’s public image 563–4, 765–6, 767, 768

  Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) 294, 369, 444

  SSI (Special Branch countersubversion section) 128–9;

  transferred to MI5 129–30, 131

  staff surveys 782, 791, 808, 819, 852

  staffing see recruitment and staffing

  Stalin, Joseph:

  conspiratorial worldview 161, 175;

  Great Terror 161, 183–4, 266, 404, 456, 854;

  Eden’s view of 175;

  wartime intelligence revealed to 175, 289;

  and mission to assassinate Franco 267;

  Nazi–Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939) 273;

  anti-Semitism 362;

  atomic weapons project 858;

  fanaticism 860

  Stanley, Sidney 360–2

  StB (Czechoslovak State Security) 413, 415, 535, 541–2, 543, 640, 707–8, 728, 729

  Steinhauer, Gustav 6, 12, 36, 37–8, 40, 41, 44–5, 47–8, 49–52, 81

  STEPFORD, Operation 822–3

  Stephens, Donald 462–3, 463–4

  Stephens, Robin ‘Tin-eye’ 250, 251, 252, 255, 258, 288, 314, 451, 453

  Stephenson, Sir John 219, 227

  Stern Gang 350, 351–60

  Sternberg, Sir Rudy 630–31

  Stevens, Richard 200–201, 242, 244

  Stewart, Robert ‘Bob’ 142, 147, 403

  STILL LIFE, Operation 400–402

  ‘Stoke Newington Eight’ 611

  Stonehouse, John 541, 632, 707–8

  Stop-the-War Committee 66

  Straight, Michael 436–7, 509


  Metropolitan Police (1918 and 1919) 106, 107;

  General Strike (1926) 125–6;

  dockers and tramway workers (1924) 147, 148;

  seamen (1966) 527–31, 588, 598, 853–4;

  dockers (1970) 587;

  miners (1972 and 1974) 591–4, 598–9, 664;

  Ulster Workers Council (1974) 624, 641;

  miners (1984–5) 676–81;

  see also labour unrest

  Strong, Sir Kenneth 319, 32

  Stuart, Judi 476, 612

  Stuart, Sandy 475–6, 612, 613–14

  Subversion at Home Committee (SH) 658, 659

  Subversion in Public Life, Interdepartmental Working Group on (SPL) 596–7, 658, 780

  Sudan 331, 556, 802, 804, 856

  Suez crisis (1956) 445, 473, 499

  Sullum Voe oil terminal 694–5

  Sumption, Jonathan 826

  SUNSHINE, Operation 465

  Sutherland, David 613, 655, 685

  Swann, Sir Michael 397

  Swingler, Stephen 412, 847

  Swinton, Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Viscount (later 1st Earl of Swinton) 227, 228–30, 235, 236, 238, 321

  Switzerland 92, 99, 426, 608, 680

  Syria 284, 648, 747

  T Branch 772–3, 783;

  T2 776, 785;

  see also Appendix 3

  Taaffe, Peter 661, 663, 680

  Taleban 809, 810, 811

  Tanweer, Shehzad 822–3

  Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar) 469, 470, 688

  Tel Aviv: Lod Airport massacre (1972) 609, 610, 613, 614

  Templer, Sir Gerald 449–50, 459, 463

  Terry, Walter 415, 533

  Thatcher, Margaret (later Baroness Thatcher):

  Leader of the Opposition 553, 670;

  appointment of Jones as DG 556;

  appointment of Duff as DG 557

  support for intelligence community 559, 670, 682, 725;

  Security Service reforms 564;

  becomes PM 651, 669, 670;

  target of Irish terrorism 651, 694, 704–5;

  and ‘wreckers’ in industry 670–73;

  and peace movement 673, 674, 675;

  and miners’ strike 676–81;

  meeting with Gorbachev (1984) 680, 725;

  and Iranian embassy siege 685, 686;

  exposure of Blunt as Fourth Man 706, 754;

  and Gordievsky case 709, 720, 725, 727, 730;

  and Bettaney case 720–21;

  attends Andropov’s funeral 723;

  and expulsion of Guk 724;

  international threat to assassinate 735;

  and PIRA’s attempted terrorist attack in Gibraltar 741, 745;

  dissatisfaction with response to PIRA’s mainland campaign 750–51;

  and allegations against Hollis 754;

  on secrecy 754;

  and Franks Committee 755;

  and Spycatche r affair 762;

  and Security Service Act 766, 768

  Thistlethwaite, Dick 372, 373

  Thomson, Sir Basil:

  head of CID 53, 56;

  on spy mania 53, 223;

  and First World War German espionage and subversion 67, 80, 87, 90, 91, 92–3;

  rivalry with Kell 81–3, 106–7, 108–9, 115;

  background and character 82, 116;

  and pacificism 94, 101–3, 104;

  and labour unrest 96–7, 98;

  and post-war intelligence service 106–7, 108�

  and Metropolitan Police strike 106;

  head of Directorate of Intelligence 109, 116, 117–20;

  knighthood 109;

  Holt-Wilson’s attack on 117–18;

  dismissal 119–20;

  late career 119–20;

  responsibility for civilian subversion 140, 142, 143;

  and Soviet Trade Delegation 144–5

  Thomson, R. J. S. ‘John’ 454, 468, 470–71

  Thorpe, Jeremy 533–4, 633, 635–7, 639, 641

  Thwaites, Sir William 10–11, 34, 115–16

  Tiltman, John 175, 176

  TINNITUS, Operation 797

  Tinsley, Richard 72, 73–4

  Titov, Igor 710, 712

  TORCH, Operation 284, 285

  torture 824–5

  Trade and Industry, Department of (DTI) 566, 582, 606, 608

  trade unions:

  vetting of civil service union officials 395;

  Communist influence 406–11, 534–5, 594–5, 598–9, 656–7, 666–7, 670, 672;

  Trotskyist penetration 408, 592, 595, 596, 666, 670, 681–2;

  ballot-rigging scandals 409–11, 529–30, 681

  Trades Union Congress (TUC):

  industrial truce during First World War 66;

  control of Daily Herald 125;

  General Strike 125;

  Communist influence in 406–7, 593, 595, 657, 659, 711;

  General Council 406, 407, 410, 577, 593, 659, 681, 711;

  expulsion of ETU 411;

  confidential documents supplied to Soviets 577–8;

  and Labour’s wage-restraint policy 656, 657, 659;

  Alternative Economic Policy 659

  training (of Security Service staff) 332–3, 549, 549–50, 554–5, 557, 561

  Travis, Sir Edward 372, 373


  and intelligence services’ budgets 69, 116, 119, 321, 332, 793;

  Cairncross’s career at 174, 339, 428;

  and vetting procedures 382, 387, 399, 421

  Trebilcock, Edward 178

  Trench, R. M. 32, 33–4

  Trend, Sir Burke 95, 337, 338, 510, 517, 523, 526, 528–9, 588, 590, 594–6, 601, 603, 607, 634

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh 229, 324

  Trinity College, Cambridge 167, 168, 172, 173, 269, 428, 437, 706, 707, 854

  Trinity Hall, Cambridge 172, 340

  Trotsky, Leon 99, 103, 162


  NKVD pursuit of 183;

  penetration of union movement 408, 592, 595, 596, 666, 670;

  infiltration of civil rights movement 604;

  infiltration of Labour Party 659–60, 661;

  penetration of universities and the media 662–3;

  influence in peace movement 673, 675;

  see also Militant Tendency

  Truman, Harry S. 345, 352, 365, 367, 373–4, 377, 384

  TRUST, Operation 860–51

  TUBE ALLOYS see under atomic weapons

  Tudor-Hart, Edith 184, 640

  Turkey 342–3, 648, 691–2, 736, 821

  Turnbull, Malcolm 763–5

  Twenty Committee 254–7, 283, 284, 286, 297–8, 311, 860

  UB (Polish intelligence) 484–5

  Uganda 459, 469, 470, 708

  Ulster Defence Association (UDA) 653–4, 683–4, 738

  Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) 87, 653, 654, 683–4, 738

  ULTRA (Second World War decrypts) 248, 253, 280, 287, 299, 308, 365, 366–7, 374, 856, 860–51, 859

  United Force (British Guiana; UF) 478, 480

  United Nations 358, 360, 474, 533, 573

  United States of America:

  First World War 73, 74–5, 77, 78, 92–3, 98, 104, 105–6, 861;

  isolationism 225;

  Second World War 292;

  atomic bomb project 346, 366, 377, 384, 385, 550;

  support for Israel 362, 547;

  Special Relationship with Britain 365–6, 372–3, 386, 427, 490, 494, 514, 810;

  American Communist Party 366;

  Soviet agents working in 366, 374, 586;

  purges 393, 440, 460, 858;

  Irish Republican arms supply and fundraising 697–8, 699, 703–4, 749;

  air-raid on Libya (1986) 735;

  see also Armed Forces Security Agency; Army Security Agency; CIA; FBI; September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks; US embassies

  United States Communications Intelligence Board (USCIB) 372, 373

  U’ren, Bill 442, 443

  US embassies 805;

  London 82, 224, 225–6, 611;

  Helsinki 747;

  Dar es Salaam 803–4, 856;

  Nairobi 803, 856;

  Tirana 804

  Ustinov, Jona ‘Klop’ 196, 198, 200–201, 204, 206, 213, 242

  Ustinov, Peter 198–9, 201

  V-1 and V-2 weapons 310–16

  ‘Van Haarlem, Erwin’ (Václav Jelínek) 727–30, 731

  van Koutrik, Folkert 213, 244–7, 256–7

  Vansittart, Sir Robert:

  on Dick White 136;

  background and character 195, 196;

  early career 195;

  opposition to appeasement policy 195, 202, 207, 853;

  support for security services 195;

  and investigation of Auslands Organisation 197;

  and Munich crisis 202, 203–4, 206–7, 853;

  and German invasion of Czechoslovakia 207–8

  Vassall, John 400, 492–3

  Vaygauskas, Richardas 627–9

  Venlo affair (1939) 244, 247, 248

  VENONA project (intercepted Soviet telegrams) 366–79;

  secrecy about 366–7, 372–3, 373–5, 377, 378;

  identification of atom spies 375, 376, 377, 384–5;

  and Cambridge Five 375 378, 420, 423, 428, 429, 431–2, 433–4, 440, 517


  introduction of 380–2;

  Purge Procedure 381–3, 393, 395, 400, 402, 858;

  ‘Industrial Purge’ 383, 389;

  negative vetting 383, 389, 390, 681;

  positive vetting 387–8, 391–7, 493;

  of homosexuals 398–9;

  numbers of inquiries 607, 681, 752;

  review of procedures 751–2;

  decline in proportion of subversives detected 780

  VIPER investigation (1942) 275

  Vivian, Valentine 135, 174, 182, 254, 263–5, 267–8, 281

  Volkov, Konstantin Dmitrievich 341, 342–3, 517

  Voronin, Yuri Nikolayevich 571, 574

  VOSTOK, Operation 605

  W Board (Wireless Board) 255, 283

  Waddell, J. H. 547, 552

  Walden, George 551, 566, 572

  Walker, Sir Patrick:

  appointment as DG (1987) 56, 561, 563, 682;

  on Howard Smith 555;

  background 560;

  early Security Service career 560, 561;

  and Northern Irish counterterrorist operations 699, 700, 734, 739, 751, 772;

  and interational terrorism 702, 734, 736, 745, 773;

  selection of Stella Rimington as successor 774;

  retirement 774;

  appearance on Desert Island Discs vetoed 778;

  strategic review 779–80

  Wallace, Colin 641

  War Book, Government 194, 404, 406, 859

  War Office:

  and establishment of Secret Service Bureau 4–6, 21, 23, 25–6, 28;

  Intelligence Department (ID) 5, 11, 56, 82;

  MO2 5, 6;

  MO 35, 6;

  MO5 6–8, 11–12;

  and pre-First World War German espionage 10–12, 13, 15, 19–20, 23, 30–31, 41;

  MO 964;

  and Double-Cross System 73;

  MI(B) 125;

  Security Service ceases to be section of 130;

  economy measures 217–18;

  see also MO5(g)

  Ward, Stephen 495–7, 498–9

  Warner, Sir Gerry 773, 785

  Washington DC 93, 105, 376–7, 4

  see also September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

  Weimar Republic 186–90, 198, 852–3

  Weisband, William 375–6, 377

  Weldsmith, Catherine see Morgan-Smith, Catherine

  West Germany (German Federal Republic) 490, 575, 608, 612, 747;

  PIRA attacks on British army bases 650, 651, 696, 748

  White, Sir Dick:

  on Liddell 131;

  background and character 135, 136, 320, 324, 483, 547, 789;

  recruited by MI5 (1934) 135–6, 508;

  and Ustinov 196;

  and Italian invasion of Albania 208;

  wartime recruitment 219–20, 238, 255;

  on Petrie 237;

  and The Hague SIS mission 242, 243, 244;

  on penetration of Abwehr 249;

  on screening of refugees 251;

  on Blunt 269–70;

  and Churchill 289, 293;

  on Sillitoe 321, 323;

  appointed DG 323–4, 325, 447, 779;

  moved to SIS 325–6, 483, 763–4;

  and Cuban Missile Crisis 327;

  on ASIO 370;

  and VENONA project 378, 433–4;

  and atom spies 384;

  and Burgess and Maclean’s defection 426–7;

  and Philby case 430, 433–4, 436;

  disbanding of Overseas Service 447;

  refuses post in Malaya 449;

  relations with Macmillan and Heath 483, 493, 500, 547;

  and Blake case 489, 491;

  and Profumo affair 500;

  Hollis and Mitchell 505, 509, 511;

  and Sino-Soviet split deception theory 513;

  and Wilson government 523

  Whitelaw, William ‘Willie’:

  and appointment of Jones as DG 555;

  Secretary of State for Northern Ireland 620, 621, 623;

  Home Secretary 670, 677, 709;

  and industrial unrest 598 670, 671, 672;

  and Iranian embassy siege 685, 686, 687

  Whitmore, Sir Clive 773, 774

  Whytock, Roslyn 74–5, 106

  Wigg, George 522–5, 526, 528–31, 532, 534, 536, 633

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser 5, 6, 32, 51–2, 162, 861

  Williams, Marcia 528, 531, 533, 534, 632–3, 634, 636, 637, 639, 642

  Wilson, Harold:

  early political career 412, 416;

  Security Service file on 416, 526, 632;

  contacts with Soviet Union 416–19;

  and KGB 417, 418–19;

  becomes PM 419, 522–3;

  and Aden Emergency 475;

  policy in British Guiana 480;

  and Hollis and Mitchell 518, 519, 634;

  and Wigg 522–4, 536, 633;

  paranoia about plots and bugging 524, 526, 532, 552, 632–3, 635–6, 637–8, 642, 754;

  and tapping of MPs’ telephones 526–7, 542;

  and intelligence on industrial subversion 527, 534, 535, 854;

  and seamen’s strike 527–31, 588, 598, 854;

  D-Notice affair 531–2;

  and Thorpe affair 533, 534, 535–7, 539, 541–2;


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