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Scorched By Flames: Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 10)

Page 10

by Vella Day


  Bevon teleported back to his house, and thankfully Zulema was still there. Instead of looking relieved he’d returned, she was pacing. He rushed up to her. Waves of concern and fear were washing off her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Derrick contacted me.”

  His blood pressure spiked. “How?”

  She pulled the medallion from her pocket. “He used this.” Zulema pressed the crystal and Valoric’s voice sounded. “Shame on you, Zulema, for taking your mother. But don’t worry, I found a replacement—a nice young lady named Aislin. If you ever want to see her alive, kill Forrester. Time is ticking.”

  When she looked up at him with such despair, all Bevon could do was reach out and pull her close. “Don’t worry, we’ll get both of them back.”

  He expected her to pull away like she had before, but instead, Zulema wrapped her arms around his waist, and a sense of well-being and security overwhelmed him. Bevon wasn’t sure what came over him, but he leaned back, lifted her chin, and kissed her.

  Every instinct in the world told Zulema to pull away, but no force existed that would make her move out of his grasp. Bevon was competent, secure, and everything she wanted in a man. Never before had she let herself feel so strongly about a person. Sure, her dragon kept saying he was her mate, but she found it hard to believe that she’d be lucky enough for the gods to pair them together.

  Her dragon mother was mated to a warlock, and that combination was unconventional, but never in her wildest dreams did she think she’d get a Fey—and a prince at that!

  Kiss him back, stupid, her dragon said, awakening from what seemed like a deep slumber.

  Why not? Zulema wanted to experience what he had to offer and begged for entrance. Bevon obliged. One second they were standing in the living room and the next they were on a bed—his bed—with him lying next to her.

  He dragged a knuckle down her cheek and smiled. “You do something to me that no other woman has ever come close to doing.”

  His words scorched a path of desire straight to her core. “Is that so?”

  Zulema rarely flirted, mostly because there wasn’t time in her life to do so, but with Bevon, it came naturally. Did she feel guilty about enjoying him while her friend and sister were being held captive? Hell yes, but even if they freed one or both of them, Derrick Valoric would find more people to take their place. His treachery would never end.

  “Yes, that is so, but if you want to stop, tell me.”

  For once in her life, she decided to do something she wanted to do. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

  Zulema cupped his face, causing streaks of pleasure to shoot through her. This whole sexual draw was totally unexpected but oh so pleasant.

  He pulled her close and deepened the kiss, convincing her that Bevon must be sending magic through her body, because every touch and every taste altered her. Bevon let her in, and when their tongues collided, she knew without a doubt that they were indeed meant for each other. She hadn’t planned to groan, but the delightful rush of lust was too much to deny.

  Not being one to shy away from anything, she slipped a hand under his shirt and ran her palm up his muscled back. She broke the kiss to draw in a deep breath. “Oh, my.”

  He grinned. “Tit for tat?”

  It was a phrase she’d never heard before. “Meaning?”

  “I’ll take off my shirt if you do the same.”

  Zulema laughed. No man had bothered to ask before. He just did it, but she liked the respect of him asking. “Deal, but let me do the honors.”

  His brows rose. “A tease, I see.”

  “I’m not teasing.” Zulema rose to her knees and motioned for Bevon to sit up.

  Once he did as she asked, she slowly lifted the material up over his stomach and then stopped when it revealed a body worthy of staring at. “Do you have to work at this physique?”

  “Stay around long enough, and you’ll find out.”

  So that was how it was going to be. That was okay. Zulema was up for the challenge.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Zulema released her hold on Bevon’s shirt and removed hers. His pulse soared. He might have been mystified by his reason at one point about his attraction, but he wasn’t any longer. While he didn’t plan on living on Feyrion, he hoped Zulema wouldn’t be against visiting his home world—as his princess. But that conversation would have to be put on hold. He had more important things to do. Like kiss her and make love to her.

  Zulema exposed a feminine black lacy bra. Oh, my. Bevon had misjudged his little assassin. “Sweet.”

  He leaned closer when she held up a hand. “Your turn.”

  Fair was fair. Instead of using magic, he pulled up his shirt as slowly as he could. It was all about the reveal—or so women always claimed. When her eyes turned purple, pride rushed through him, until he noticed a white aura around his own arms and body, something that had never happened to him before. He’d been told it was the definitive sign that he and Zulema were meant to be.

  “You’re kind of glowing,” Zulema said with awe in her voice. She slid a finger down his arm, probably to see if it was hot to the touch.

  At some point he’d let her know what it meant, but now wasn’t the time for the mate discussion. “It means I’m highly attracted to you.”

  “Is that so?”

  “You can’t deny you don’t feel the same. Your eyes changed to purple.” His heart pounded as he awaited her response.

  “I won’t deny I’m turned on.” Zulema ran a hand down his chest, her fingers leaving a scorching path of desire.

  “But you’re wondering if there is more, right?” Damn. Why did he say that? It had been stupid to bring up the topic, but he wanted to assure her that he wanted her wholeheartedly.

  “Hmm. I can’t be sure. Perhaps you can convince me.” When she smiled, his cock nearly exploded.

  “Just you wait.” One minute she was on her knees, and the next she was flat on her back.

  “Oh, my. I like a man who takes charge.”

  He hadn’t expected that comment. Despite her claim that she liked a strong man, the kiss he bestowed was gentle yet passionate. Once he tasted her, however, Bevon wasn’t sure if he could hold back from taking her. His blood heated, and his cock turned to steel. Never before had he needed to force himself to slow down.

  Zulema opened her mouth and invited him in. That one action made his blood heat up further. His white glow intensified as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. In equal partnership, they explored and thrust, making a deep connection between them.

  As much as he wanted to kiss her for hours, there were so many other places he had to touch and taste. Bevon swiped a hand and removed her bra. Ah, much better. He then slid lower, captured a delicate nipple in his mouth, and then sucked on the tiny nub. He loved how she drew in a sharp breath and then grabbed his shoulders, responding as if the desire was overwhelming her.

  Wanting to take her higher, Bevon cupped her other breast and pinched the tip. Her moan came out loud. A moment later, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He rolled to the side. “I need you naked, princess.”

  Without asking for his help, she kicked off her shoes and tugged down her jeans, taking her panties with them. Her desperation spoke volumes. The controlled Zulema Garcia would never engage in this kind of sex unless she believed he was innocent of murder—and that knowledge unlocked any inhibition he might have experienced.

  Because he was in a hurry, Bevon swept a hand down his body, divesting himself of his clothes.

  She smiled. “That’s cheating.”

  He laughed. “Are you complaining?”

  “Not in the least. Maybe next time, you can help me out.”

  Bevon grinned. Who knew this sassy woman existed under that tough exterior? “Promise.”

  Without further ado, he slid down between her legs, grabbed hold, and widened them. She returned her hands to his shoulders and dropped her head bac
k. The first lick sent spikes of need through him so great, Bevon had to force his pulse to slow down. Shit, she was hot.

  He continued his sensual assault, with his cock growing harder and harder until he was forced to stop or come. Bevon rolled onto his back and pulled Zulema on top of him. Her lips were slightly swollen and her eyes a bit glassy.

  “My turn,” she said.

  That hadn’t been his plan—it had been for her to ride him. Before he could stop her though, she lifted onto her knees and slid toward his feet until her lips were at his cock. Fearing he might press too hard if he clasped her shoulders, he grabbed the sheets the moment she ran her tongue up his hard shaft. He swore an electric current that didn’t seem natural shot through him, forcing his back to arch. “Did you do something by any chance?”

  She looked up at him, her hair falling over her face. “If you’re asking if I gave you a little buzz, I did. Did you like it?” Zulema smiled and more than his cock received a charge.

  “Absolutely. I didn’t know someone could do that.”

  “It’s a bit of magic I inherited from my warlock father.”

  “What else can you do?”

  “Patience, my prince.”

  He didn’t want to be called a prince since he had done nothing to deserve it, but he’d bring that up later. Zulema continued to lick and suck while she moaned in pleasure. Just as he was about to come, she took hold of his dick and squeezed.

  “Enough.” He flipped her onto her back and pressed against her wet opening. “I hope you’re ready for the ride of your life.” So much for having her ride him.

  “Show me your magic,” she said and then grinned.

  Zulema wanted to appear calm and collected, but that was impossible. Being sassy wasn’t her style, but Bevon seemed to bring out her light-hearted side.

  He leaned over, cupped her face, and kissed her. She was so distracted by the rampant pulses coursing through her veins that he was halfway inside her before she refocused her attention to this major event in her life. The old Zulema would be questioning what the hell she was doing, but the sexy Fey had her smitten. More than ever, she was convinced they were mates.

  Bevon withdrew and slowly eased in again. When he was fully seated, heat swamped her hard, awakening her inner dragon. She drew his face to hers and kissed him like it might be the last time they would be together. It was almost as if he’d put some kind of spell on her!

  Zulema expected him to thrust into her again, but instead, he remained in place, and that would not do. She pressed her heals against the mattress and lifted up.

  “Someone’s eager,” Bevon said with too much glee.

  “Just move!”

  He laughed. “I do adore you.”

  What happened next transported her to another realm. He kissed, thrust, and plunged again and again, causing every part of her body to explode.

  Holy goddess, her dragon exclaimed. Told you he was our mate.

  You were right.

  Bevon dipped his head, dragged his lips down her neck, and kissed her while he hammered into her. With each additional thrust, her climax built until she couldn’t take it any longer. Zulema dug her nails into his skin.

  “Now!” She wasn’t really sure what that meant, but her mind was fogged, and her thoughts had jumbled.

  As she dropped her hips and then lifted them again, he tunneled into her and held still. When he slightly bit her shoulder and grunted, her orgasm swooped in. Her mind blanked and her body soared. A second later, he came, his cock pulsing and throbbing, stretching her to the max. Without a doubt, Feys—or maybe it was just Bevon—were larger than any man she’d ever known.

  Bevon eventually collapsed and then rolled them over. Zulema lowered her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. For the first time in a long while, she felt safe—a feeling she relished.

  Holding Zulema in his arms for hours calmed something deep inside of him, but it also built a worry, a worry that escalated the longer that group of Zon were out there. Forcing all but the most pleasant thoughts aside, he eventually managed to catch a few winks.

  When sunlight streamed in the window, he eased himself away from his mate. The fact Zulema didn’t wake told him she felt safe with him, and that gave him a lot of satisfaction.

  With a sweep of a hand, he cleaned up and dressed. Bevon then teleported to the kitchen. While he could use more magic to produce a meal worthy of kings, he wanted to show her that he could be like any other Tarradon man—albeit one who could teleport and protect her better.

  He looked around the kitchen, wondering if he could pull this off. Making coffee would be easy. He filled the pot and started the coffee maker, a piece of machinery that didn’t exist on Feyrion. Next, he located the skillets that he’d use to cook the food. Lastly, he grabbed the needed ingredients from the refrigerator.

  Bevon was halfway through the meal preparation when Zulema came out of the bedroom dressed adorably in one of his shirts. The fact her nipples pressed through the thin material had his cock turning rigid in no time.

  He smiled. “Good morning. How did you sleep?”

  She swiped a hand over her eyes. “Good.” She moved closer. “You cook?”

  “My sisters would say no, but you can be the judge.”

  “Is today the day?”

  He assumed that meant it was the day he would pretend to die. “Yes, but I’d like to visit Tory’s cousin, Camden, first to find out whether the medallion has a tracking device in it. The answer might change how we do things.”

  “That makes sense. Is the coffee ready?” she asked.

  “It is.”

  Zulema fixed herself a cup. “Do you want one?”

  “Most definitely.”

  She poured him a cup and handed it to him. “Why don’t you let me fix breakfast?”

  Now he was insulted, but he didn’t want her first meal to taste bad. “Be my guest. It will give me time to hone our plan.”

  While Zulema worked her own kind of magic in the kitchen, he drew a map for how he pictured the supposed killing to go down. Once he talked it over with Zulema, he’d share his idea with his sisters.

  Less than fifteen minutes later, she placed two plates on the table. “I’m impressed,” he said.

  “Wait until you taste it.”

  Zulema picked up her fork and then stopped. “Before we visit this tech genius, I’ll need to grab more clothes.”

  He didn’t like that idea of her leaving his house as it would make her more vulnerable. Bevon did a hand sweep and dressed her in jeans and a pretty pink top.

  She looked down. “For real? That was great.”

  That gave him such satisfaction. “Check out the underwear.”

  Zulema peeked down her shirt. “My bra is bright red. I’m highly impressed.”

  “Thank you. If the medallion is a tracking device, I’d rather have you stay here, but I know you’ll just argue with me.”

  “You got that right, but can’t this cousin disable it so Valoric can’t find me?” she asked.

  “I imagine he could, but I think we can use it to our advantage.”

  She smiled. “You mean by leaving it in strategic places to make Valoric believe I’m someplace else?”

  He tapped his forehead. “Exactly.”

  “After Tory’s cousin finishes examining the medallion, we’ll head back here and leave it, if need be.”

  She made a valid point. “You got it.”

  Zulema seemed to work to hold in a smile, as they both dug into their meals. Once they finished, Bevon stood and inhaled deeply. Because time was an issue, Bevon used magic to clean up.

  Zulema’s eyes widened. “Wow. Can you clean the whole house like that?”

  “I can, but I won’t. At least not right now. We need to visit Camden to see what he can tell us about the medallion.”

  Zulema pushed back her chair. “Do I need to take anything?”

  “No.” Bevon wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her.
“Sorry, I had to have my morning lovin’.”

  Even after the amazing lovemaking last night, he feared he might be moving too fast. Zulema appeared to be a bit weary at times, but Bevon was confident that he could charm her into falling in love with him. Naturally, he expected the gods of fate to lend a hand.

  “I’m not sorry.” The grin on her face implied they’d be mates very soon. Guess he was wrong about moving too fast.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that.” He tapped her butt. “Let’s go.”

  Bevon would have called Camden to let him know they would be stopping by, but he didn’t want to disturb Tory for the phone number. A moment later, they arrived at Tory’s cousin’s front door. Bevon knocked, but no one answered.

  “Tory said her cousin is often in his basement doing experiments. How about we check?” he suggested.


  They teleported to the basement. Sure enough, Camden was bent over some metal structure, wearing his goggles with his music blaring. So as not to surprise him too much, Bevon turned down the volume.

  Camden jerked to attention and then slapped a hand over his chest. “This is a surprise,” he said.

  “Sorry, but we need your help.”

  Tory’s cousin took off his goggles, set them down, and faced them. “Tell me.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  After introducing Zulema to Camden, Bevon did a great job at detailing the current tense situation.

  “Let me see this intriguing device,” Camden said. “I’ve never examined a portal opener before.”

  Zulema handed it to him. “We fear that Derrick has been keeping track of where I am. For all I know, he is watching me now.”

  Camden nodded. “Give me a few minutes.”

  “Sure,” Bevon said.

  She would have suggested that they take a stroll or enjoy the town, but being in public probably wasn’t smart. “How about we sit upstairs and plan your death?” she whispered.

  “You like saying that don’t you?” He winked.

  “No! I need you alive.” While that was quite true, Zulema enjoyed teasing him.


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