The Cinder Earl's Christmas Deception

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The Cinder Earl's Christmas Deception Page 16

by Em Taylor

  “You can be less of a pompous ass though.”

  He waggled his eyebrows, lifted her gloved hand and pressed a kiss to it. “I could, but you fell in love with this pompous ass, Duchess. I should hate to change now.”

  And then he strode off, in search of the card room. She watched him go, wondering if she and Gabriel would ever have such a comfortable rapport. With everything that was happening, they had not really got the chance to know one another. And that saddened her. She wondered how much of himself he had given away while he had courted her all the time pretending to be Cedric.

  Her ruse worked, and it seemed that Cedric was unperturbed at not being allowed to dance with her. He simply shrugged and headed back to the card room. She did not see hide nor hair of him for the rest of the evening and that suited Kathleen fine. He was clearly still annoyed with her over the situation the other evening with the Duke of Kirkbourne. The Duke had also reported to her that Cedric was giving him a very wide berth this evening.

  She arranged to leave the ball early so that she could meet Gabriel in the garden. Midnight was very early to be home. She popped into her Aunt Matilda’s room to see if the old lady was still awake.

  “Did you not enjoy the ball?” the older lady asked.

  “Oh well, I turned my ankle slightly and could not dance. It is fine now but at the time it pained me. So I decided to come home.”

  “And was your betrothed there?”

  “He was.” Kathleen glanced around the room at her great-aunt’s nik naks. She had so many things that had been brought over for this relatively short trip.

  “Tell me, Kathleen, how do you really feel about the young man to whom you are betrothed?”

  “Oh well, I barely know him. I have not had time to make any real judgements about him.”

  “You are being evasive, my dear.”

  “I am?” Of course, she was. Aunt Matilda may be old and cranky and occasionally a bit paranoid, but she was not an imbecile.

  “You are. You marry him in but a few days. Have you even decided what you are going to wear?”

  “Oh yes, I chose a dress when I went shopping with Lady Stal... Lady Christina Marchby, oh, about two weeks ago. I should make sure I collect it. I had planned to take mama to see it but I forgot. I am sure she will like it anyway. We can make a small posy of some of the evergreens that are being brought in to decorate the house.”

  “You do not seem overly keen to marry him. If you are not sure about it, Kathleen, you should speak to your father. He can find another investor.”

  Kathleen bit her lip and shook her head. “It is fine, Aunt Matilda. We just do not know each other properly yet.” Oh, she hated lying to the old woman. She had to get out of this room.

  “Well, I am for bed. I am rather tired.”

  “You do look quite worn out. Are you sleeping?”

  In truth, she was not sleeping particularly well, when she was not worrying about Gabriel, she was thinking about their times together and how he made her feel.

  “Do not worry about me, Aunt. I am well. I think I am just fearful of missing you all when you return to America.”

  “But you shall have an exciting new life here.”

  “I know. I just love you all and shall miss you terribly.”

  “As we shall miss you, child. But we can still write, and we shall be over for Teresa’s season in the summer.”

  Kathleen just hoped her family would speak to her after the scandal she would bring down upon their heads.

  She nodded. “Well, I shall bid you goodnight.” She glanced at the clock. She had half an hour to get ready for bed and sneak out into the garden. She was not ruining another ballgown. Her nightgown was much more practical, even if it was hardly appropriate. But she would have her pelisse over the top, and he was her husband.


  Half an hour later, Kathleen was in Gabriel’s arms and Gabriel was kissing her as though both their lives depended on it. When she tugged on the button of his breeches, he placed his hand over hers.

  “No, Kathleen,” he said against her cheek. “Not again. You shall catch your death.”

  “I am fine. Please, Gabriel. What did you invite me out here for, if not for this?” She opened her pelisse and undid the buttons of her nightgown. She had worn this particular one because the buttons ran right down to her waist. She exposed one breast to him and lifted her hand to draw his head down towards it. He resisted for a second then his mouth was on it, licking, biting and sucking. She moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair, enjoying the sensations his suckling sent to her core.

  “You are temptation incarnate woman,” he said, raising his head and closing her nightgown. But when she managed to undo the fall of his breeches this time and stroked his already hard length, he allowed his head to drop back and surrendered to her touch.

  Was it wrong that she enjoyed having this power over her husband?

  “Please Gabriel, it is still days until we can be together. This may be our last chance. You just need to lift my nightgown and push inside me.”

  He opened his eyes and frowned at her. “Devil take it, Kathleen. I cannot resist you. Help me remove my coat.” He offered her his sleeve and she helped him.

  “Why?” When the coat was off, he placed it over her shoulders.

  “I shall survive a little cold. I am used to it. You are not.”

  “I live in New Hampshire. It is much colder than this in winter.”

  “I care not. Keep that over your shoulders and lean on the bench. I swear to God, this is the last time.”

  She assumed the position she had the previous night and Gabriel removed his gloves, dropping them on the bench. He blew onto his hands and rubbed them together. When he lifted her nightgown and placed his hands on the cheeks of her bottom she smiled.


  “My hands are not too cold?”

  “They are fine. They are warm.”

  He rubbed his hard length a few times through her folds and she wriggled against his tough. The cold night air just heightened the sensations. Then he placed the blunt head at her opening and braced for him to enter her. But he waited for a moment, rubbing his finger over her pearl until she moaned and pushed back onto his shaft.

  “Dash it, Kathleen. You are so eager.”

  He guided her along his shaft and set a rhythm. Then under her nightgown, he ran his hands up her body until he clasped his hands over her breasts. She had always been a little embarrassed by her large breasts and the way men would ogle them but knowing that Gabriel liked them gave her a sense of empowerment. He kneaded the flesh with his hands but captured the nipples between his thumb and forefinger and rubbed and pinched them sending more pleasure to where they were joined.

  Gabriel was pumping into her with abandon now and he slid one hand down to where they were joined to help bring about her release. When he lost his rhythm, he ground out an apology and withdrew from her. She turned in time to see him release onto the ground. He scuffed the seed into the ground with his shoes then fell to his knees in front of her. After his apology, Kathleen was a little perplexed. Why was he apologising and why was he now on his knees? His servant’s clothing and this posture made her wholly uncomfortable.

  “Hold on to the bench,” he commanded. She did, and he lifted her nightgown enough that he could bury his head underneath. He pushed it up farther and then her leg was pulled over his shoulder. It was wholly ridiculous. But when his tongue lashed her wet folds and pleasure sliced through her, she did not care what tableau they created. Her only thought was to stop herself from crying out his name and alerting the whole of Mayfair to what was going on in the darkness of her parents’ back garden. She writhed against his tongue and face and Gabriel pushed two fingers inside her, curling them and thrusting them frantically. She thought she may swoon with pleasure until suddenly the world shattered around her.

  “Gabriel,” The moan was torn from her as she tried not to make a sound. But he di
d not ease up. He continued to stroke with his tongue and pump his fingers in and out of her extending the release until she was completely mindless and the one leg she was supporting herself on started to give way.

  Then Gabriel ducked out from under her nightgown, sucking his fingers and grinning. His wet chin glinted in the moonlight and his eyes sparkled with pleasure. He caught her up in a strong hold but kissed her gently.

  “I apologise, my lady. It was not well done of me to release first. But you will insist on being beautiful, passionate and altogether irresistible. A gentleman only has so much control.”

  “I did not mind. I quite enjoyed what you did after your release.”

  “Did you? I can do it again if you wish.”

  “I do, but you are correct, it is getting cold.”

  He frowned then. “Devil take it. I believe that Cedric has plans to go to a gaming hell and probably on to a brothel tomorrow night. He shall not be at the Hammond ball. I may just dress up and pretend to be him.”

  “He is going to a brothel?”

  “Possibly.” Kathleen was horrified. This was the man she was supposed to have married.

  “Gabriel, that is awful.”

  “It is Cedric. Of course it is awful.”

  “But… it is four days until we wed.”

  “You are not marrying him.”

  “But only a very few people know that. I must be a laughing stock.”

  “I suspect more people pity you than are laughing, my love. God alone knows what they will think when the truth is revealed.”

  “That my husband has little care that my betrothed may be going to a brothel.” She really could not understand why he was being so flippant about it.

  Gabriel wiped his hand over his face then drew her into his embrace. “I do care. I care so much I married you so that you would not have to lead that life. Let me be Cedric tomorrow night so that if the scandal and my sire’s reaction is such that we are exiled from town for some time, then we will have had one last ball in London together. Please Kathleen, do not be vexed with me. I forget that you are still very innocent and not prepared to be exposed to Cedric’s… less than appropriate habits. I have been aware of them for many years and do not flinch at them, no matter how distasteful. I apologise if you are distressed by them.”

  Kathleen sighed against his waistcoat. It was made of rough material. Nothing like the fine waistcoats he had worn when gadding about town with her. It was then she realised she still had his coat around her shoulders.

  “You must be cold.”

  “Not really.”

  “I am not vexed with you. I am just… shocked, I suppose. Distressed that my father did not think to check that I was not marrying someone who had such distasteful proclivities.”

  “I doubt he is the only man in the ton to spend his time in brothels. Though the brothels Cedric frequents do seem to be the less salubrious ones considering what he brings home.”

  “Brings home?”

  Gabriel shook his head. “My love, you need not worry yourself. Please, think no more on it. I am your husband and believe me, I have no plans to stray. You are woman enough for me. You have quite enchanted me.” He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “Now go before you become ill with cold. I shall see you at the Hammond’s ball tomorrow evening.”

  “Until then, my love.”

  She hurried through the garden, unwilling to look back. She had allowed him to remove the coat as she went and was fastening the buttons of her nightgown and pelisse as she reached the back door. Luckily the kitchen was silent. She hurried up the stairs and was nearing the top when Aunt Matilda appeared from the shadows—her face lit up by the single candle she held in her shaking hand.

  “Oh! Aunt Matilda, you startled me.”

  “I would think I would when I have caught you sneaking into the house after a dalliance in the garden with a servant for the second night running. You and I need to talk, young lady.”

  Kathleen’s blood ran cold, and she stepped down one stair as if she could run away from her aunt, but the concern creasing the old woman’s brow brought Kathleen to a halt. Perhaps she could confide in Aunt Matilda.

  Kathleen followed Aunt Matilda back to her room. Once back in the old lady’s bedchamber, she was directed to a chair by the fire. She sat down and waited.

  “I have watched you the last two evenings in the garden. I have a perfect view from my window. You were led in by a servant last evening and you went out to meet him this evening. I saw what he did to you. Did he coerce you?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Then why? My dear child, why have you given your innocence away to a servant? He was the one you gave it to, is he not?”

  “He is, but he is not a servant. Well, he is, but he is my husband and he is an earl. Well, that is to say… his title is an honorary one.”

  “An earl. But he is dressed as a servant.”

  “Yes. It is rather complicated.”

  “How can he be your husband if you are affianced to Mr Onslow?”

  “I have no plans to marry Mr Onslow. He is cruel and visits brothels and is altogether unsuitable as a husband.”

  “He seemed quite pleasant on the few occasions I met him.”

  “That was not Mr Onslow. That was the Earl of Cindermaine.”

  “Pardon? The Earl of Cindermaine? Who is he?”

  “The legitimate son of the Duke of Hartsmere.”

  “I am confused, child. I am an old woman. I sometimes cannot quite follow what is going on. It is my age. I fear old age does not come itself.” Aunt Matilda tapped at her forehead in frustration.

  “No Aunt. It is a confusing tale. This has nothing to do with your age. Gabriel, the Earl of Cindermaine and the heir to the Duke of Hartsmere, looks very much like his older half-brother Cedric Onslow.”

  “But he is in the country for he does not keep well.”

  “That is what the Duke wants everyone to believe. But he actually makes Gabriel work as a servant in his own household because of what the Duke thinks is a misdeed that Gabriel committed when he was but five years of age.”

  “And what was this crime?”

  Heat burned up Kathleen’s cheeks, but she was determined to soldier on. Gabriel had lived a terrible life and if he could overcome the odds, she could explain it to her great-aunt.

  “I understand that the Countess—as she was at the time, Gabriel and Christina’s mother, believed the affair between the then Earl and Cedric’s mother to be over once Godfrey, the younger sibling was born. Gabriel, who was too young to understand about affairs and what happens between a man and woman, passed the dower house on the Marchby estate, saw his father spanking a woman as he had carnal relations with her. Obviously, he did not understand. Apparently, his father is a brute and beat his wife and children. Gabriel was concerned for the woman and told his mama. The Countess, distraught at the news climbed to the ramparts of Marchby Castle and threw herself off. The Earl, who is now the Duke, has never forgiven the child who told tales and has punished him ever since.”

  “Good God, that sounds like some lurid gothic novel.”

  “I know.”

  “And so why did he end up gadding about town with you?”

  “Cedric was ill. When he cast up his accounts, the first day he visited us, apparently he was quite ill and was abed for a fortnight. Gabriel, because he and Cedric both resemble the Duke, was made to impersonate Cedric. But he struggled to be quite as rude and obnoxious as his half-brother.”

  “But you do not know his half-brother. How do you know this is so?”

  “I have heard enough people talk about him. His reputation precedes him. Besides, he is well again, and I met him a few nights ago at Lady Arbuthnott’s soiree. He was ready to drag me upstairs with him despite my protests and attempts to pull my arm out of his grip. And he would have, had it not been for the intervention of the Duke of Kirkbourne.”

  “Oh my!”

  “I believe he is as much a
beast as his sire, Aunt.”

  “Well. Now tell me, you said you have married this Earl of Cindermaine.”

  “We married three days ago. We would have left London by now but I wanted to have one final Christmas with you all and Gabriel has been so sweet about it. We plan to leave letters and leave on Christmas night. I know it is not well done of me to jilt Mr Onslow but I am sure he shall get over it and find comfort in a brothel, which is apparently where he shall be tomorrow night instead of the Hammond ball.”

  “I see.”

  “Anyway, it is done now and it cannot be annulled.”

  “Well, not from what I witnessed, it definitely cannot be annulled.”

  Kathleen closed her eyes and wished the floor would swallow her up. “I am sorry, Aunt. You should not have had to witness that.”

  “I could tell you were very much in love with the fellow. I did not watch for long. I just established what was going on.”

  “I still apologise. I believe I have more than a tendre for him. He only married me to stop me from having to marry Cedric but my feelings for him are stronger.”

  Aunt Matilda chuckled. “I have found, my dear, that men rarely do what duty demands and only do as they please. He has more than just duty on his mind. Even if he is only thinking with his manhood, then it is because he wants you permanently in his bed. He knows he shall deal well with you for a long time to come.”

  “He was worried that Cedric might beat me and bring home diseases from brothels to me. He is a good man, Aunt Matilda, and though we shall have no money, at least until he inherits his father’s land, even then, his father need not leave his fortune to Gabriel, just the entailed estates.”

  Aunt Matilda pursed her lips and stroked her chin as she considered Kathleen’s words. Kathleen was trying to think what else she could say in Gabriel’s defence when Aunt Matilda held up her hand.

  “Can you get a message to him to come here and meet me tomorrow morning?”

  “I am sure that I could arrange it through his twin, Christina.”

  “You do that. Now go to bed and do not fret. Everything has a way of working out in the end.”


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