The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1)

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The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1) Page 4

by Robyn Wideman



  Erica was surprised when they arrived at their destination. She had assumed when he said she had to leave, that they would be leaving the state, maybe even the country. She had not anticipated a short drive out into the country, less than an hour from her downtown apartment.

  Seeing the look on her face, Brad explained. “When we found out what happened to Tomas, we knew there was a possibility that you might be in danger. We have been making preparations ever since. The place is almost ready.”

  “What kind of preparations?” asked Erica.

  Brad got out of the car and walked around opening her door. “Come, I’ll try to explain.”

  Erica got out of the car, and walked beside Brad as he headed towards the home’s front doors.

  “When Tomas was killed, we knew that you could become a potential target,” said Brad. “There is a notoriously ruthless sect of vampires trying to halt the peaceful integration of the different species that inhabit this world. They instill fear into those who oppose them. It’s their habit to exterminate not only their enemies but also their enemies’ families. Their methods of terrorism work very effectively. They do instill fear, but to not oppose them is even more frightening.”

  Erica’s heart beat faster. “And my husband opposed them?”

  “He opposed their ideals, the segregation of species, and the harvesting of humans.” Brad explained. “Your brave husband worked very hard to bring peace.”

  “So Tomas pissed off the worst of the bloodsuckers?”

  Brad nodded. His face was grim. “Yes, they must have discovered how vital he is. It was Tomas who designed the software that helps us find appropriate places for our shifters to live. He focused more on integration, while I spent more of my time trying to provide security for the shifters we assist.”

  Erica suddenly had an insight as to why Tomas was reluctant to start a family. Things that did not make sense then, now made perfect sense.

  “Tomas being murdered came as a shock to us, and we couldn’t be completely sure it was that particular sect of vampires. We hoped this would not be the case, that it was a lesser known cell of vampires that killed Tomas, ones that don’t continue killing an enemies family to make their point. We started following you and guarding your apartment building. We also started preparing for the eventuality of an assassination attempt by the worst of the worse. Construction on this place began immediately, so that you would hopefully have a safe place to live. It’s far enough away from the city that it’s hard to find. It’s owned under a fake company name. Even the car you drive will be under a company name. You’ll be able to keep a low profile. Hopefully you will be able to one day take back some of your old life. For now, the idea is survival,” explained Brad.

  Erica was overwhelmed and confused. There was so much to process. Vampires killed her husband and now she herself was in mortal danger. She was forced to flee for her safety, but was only an hour out of the city? It seemed wrong. Erica eyed Brad suspiciously. “Shouldn’t I be flying off to some deserted island, or bumfuck nowhere in northern Canada, hiding in a cabin? You know, somewhere far away, where no one can find me? This isn’t exactly what I call hiding.”

  Brad nodded calmly; he had expected that Erica would be a little confused by the location. “We did think about moving you somewhere far away, but the downside would be that you would be isolated from our network of shifters. If they tracked you down in Bumfuck, Canada, there is not much I can do to help.” His face showed the traces of a smile at her reference to Canada. Tomas’s wife was showing some spunk. “This location was chosen for very specific reasons. It is close to the city and my people can keep an eye out on it long term without much issue. It’s far enough out into the country to be somewhat isolated. People notice strangers here. We also needed a property big enough to rebuild the mansion—.”

  “That’s another thing,” interrupted Erica, “Why are you rebuilding a mansion? If the place was meant to keep me safe, it seems a little much.”

  “This is a very special home. It comes from Italy. We had every single piece of the original mansion disassembled and brought here. We are still finishing up some of the interior details, so you won’t be alone for the next couple of days. I apologize. I was hoping we would have it finished before you got here, but with the attack at the nightclub, our timetable had to be moved up. This house has a history in shifter lore, but that’s a story for another time. Let us get you settled into your new home. While the exterior is rock and mortar we’ve made some extensive modifications to the inside, to make it a little more livable. The house had been neglected for a while, and needed some love and attention. I’m sure you’ll find it sufficient.”

  Sufficient was not the way that Erica would describe her new home. The building was magnificent. The two-story structure was large and majestic. Even after being torn down and rebuilt, and with completely modern windows installed, the building maintained its old-world charm. The four corners of the roof all featured intricately carved sculptures. The carvings along with the red tile roof made Erica feel like she was being thrown back in time. Something about the sculptures kept bring Erica’s eyes back to them.

  Noting that Erica was examining the sculptures, Brad commented, “I see you noticed the gargoyles.”

  Erica smiled. “Pretty hard not to notice them, they are very grim looking.”

  “Grim, yes that’s a very good way of describing them. Gargoyles were made to scare off evil spirits. Traditionally many Italian gargoyles were statues of demons or grotesque animals. In later years gargoyles became part of the architecture of the house, waterspouts were designed into the statues. They’re one of the original styles of gargoyle sculpture, because they don’t have waterspouts. They’re somewhat unique in that they are of men with very few demonic features. They are very special gargoyles, but it’s very fair to call them grim.”

  “Well even if they are ugly as sin, if they help ward off evil, I will love them forever,” said Erica.

  “Yes, we can only hope that they love you in return,” said Brad. Before Erica could reply to the cryptic comment Brad continued, “Come, let’s go see how the inside is coming along.”

  Opening the newly re-varnished oversized solid oak entrance doors, Brad led Erica inside the old, Italian home. Although it was hard to tell it was old from inside, as the construction crew had tastefully renovated and modernized the place. “Welcome to Villa de Bello. As you can see, we have tried to keep as much of the old feel to it as possible, preserving the exterior rock work and the marble floors. The staircases and wooden trim throughout the house are new, but we modeled after the original. The kitchen is completely modern. All the plumbing, electrical services, and windows are new. It is now, once again, a truly magnificent home,” said Brad.

  “It’s gorgeous,” said Erica. The main entrance was a large spacious foyer with off white and jade marble floors and caramel-colored walls with wide oak trim. On the opposite end of the foyer was a wide staircase leading up to the second floor.

  “The room to our left is the parlor. If you ever host any events, that’s the main room for such functions. The first doorway on your right is the dining room. The second one is the library. Beyond the dining room are the kitchen and the staff quarters. Guest rooms are upstairs along with the master bedroom, on-suite, and the solarium. The house has a completely up-to-date security system and you will have a staff of one.”

  Erica followed Brad through the dining room into the kitchen. A large man with long flowing blonde hair was busy whisking a bowl of something. The kitchen smelled delicious.

  “Erica, this is Jeffery. Jeffery is a shifter. He will be your on-site protector. He’s also an amazing cook and a trained butler. He’s a very handy guy to have around.”

  “Hello, Erica, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Brad, I am disappointed, you didn’t mention my green thumb, my ruggedly handsome looks, or how devastating good I am at scrabble.” The almost smiling shift
er put in a very big effort to be amiable. He was very much an introvert. He made the effort because this was Tomas’s wife. He owed his life to Tomas. The poor young woman looked overwhelmed.

  Brad laughed. “I should have mentioned how humble he is.” He smiled his thanks to Jeffery. He knew the effort Jeffery was making to welcome Erica.

  “If the smell of this kitchen is any indication, you’re an amazing cook! It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jeffery.” Erica turned to Brad, “This place is amazing. But I certainly cannot afford any of it.”

  “Erica, I know we haven’t talked much about finances, but you CAN afford it. Tomas helped a lot of shifters over the years and while he didn’t make a ton of money, he did very well. Since a large part of our business is hard to explain to the government, we have some very creative financing at times. This property is paid for under a corporate shell. It doesn’t show your name anywhere on the paperwork until you get very far into the paper trail. We have several very talented computer people who are experts at data retrieval. They have attempted to find your data and have failed. Your identity as owner of this estate is hidden from the public, but it is yours. The cost of moving the villa was absorbed by the shifter community that your husband supported through the years. Jeffery here is very cheap labor. You can’t afford not to have him on staff. We can go over financial stuff at a later date. You’re not super rich, but you’ll be able to live a very nice life here, if you choose to stay long term. In the short term, this house will be a safe place for you.”

  Erica almost hugged Brad. Validation that she was not crazy was a relief. That she was not alone was a relief. She started to cry. The strain of the last few days had her feeling incredibly down. The news that she at least had some financial stability and someone there to help protect her was huge. Brad looked like he was about to offer a shoulder to cry on. Erica pulled back, embarrassed by her tears. “I’m sorry. I can be a little emotional at times.”

  “Nonsense, you have gone through so much, the loss of Tomas, being followed and watched, and then being attacked at the club. You owe no one an apology for being emotional. Just know we’re here for you now,” insisted Brad.

  Jeffery agreed, “Erica, you don’t know me at all, but your husband was a huge part of my life. He was the one that helped me to find my way. I was a very angry young shifter for a long time. The bear within me could not function within society. I felt confined and trapped. I was getting into trouble with the law, and was on a very self-destructive path. Tomas, helped give my life direction. He helped me find social networks that I could interact with and a job that didn’t make me want to tear off people’s heads. I am very content in my current life, and that is because of your husband. Now that you are my employer, you will never find a more loyal worker. I owe my very life to Tomas and will spend my years repaying that debt. I am proud that Brad asked me to be your butler.”

  Erica didn’t know what to say to Jeffery. She had known so little about Tomas’s business, and what she had thought she knew was all wrong. But, the fact that Jeffery had such strong feelings for Tomas was very comforting and filled her with pride. Her late husband had kept many secrets from her, but he was a good man. She instinctively knew whatever reasons Tomas had for keeping secrets from her would have been noble in intent. Her memory of him would not be tarnished by the secrets he kept. “Thank you, Jeffery. I am grateful to know that Tomas was important to you.”

  “Come, let me show you some more of the house,” said Brad as he gently guided Erica out of the kitchen.

  “Be in the dining room in one hour for dinner,” insisted Jeffery. He was hungry and just a little stressed over making a good impression on Erica. When he was stressed his appetite increased. He offered Erica a tissue.

  Erica nodded her head, her stomach had been in turmoil the last few days, but the smell of the kitchen had her more than ready to eat. She dried her eyes and dabbed at her nose following Brad through the beautifully appointed house. So much for gaining control of my emotions she thought.

  “I’m sure you’ll find the library to your satisfaction, we took the liberty of looking at your Goodreads and Facebook accounts. The library contains a healthy selection of novels by your favorites, as well as some novels by similar authors. The original library had many classics; we simply augmented the collection with some modern classics and ones that fit your taste.

  Erica smiled. She was a sucker for a good book and would be spending her fair share of time going through the impressive number of books in her new library. “I’m impressed,” she said.

  “I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do about the need for you to drastically change your life, but we can provide a level of comfort.”

  As they walked up the stairs to the second floor, Erica asked Brad how long she would have to be isolated from her old life. “Do I have to stay here all the time? Can I ever see my friends?”

  “You’re not a hostage, or a prisoner. You can choose to do anything you want. If you want go home, we won’t stop you. But personally I wouldn’t recommend it, if you value your life. We look after our own, so we’re providing a means to keep you safe. Certainly, no one expects you to stay here all the time. When you want to go into the city, we would like to shadow you. Let us give you a new cell phone and computer. Our systems are protected and will not lead back here. As for your friends, visiting them is not a problem. I’d ask you to keep it to a minimum for the next few months, but you certainly don’t have to follow that advice.”

  Erica thought about Brad’s words. It was comforting to know she wouldn’t have to completely disappear off the map, and it wasn’t like she loved her job. Accounting was not a fun career, but it had paid well. Her analytical skills were why she rose quickly to her senior position. She would find other ways to make use of her time. Her small network of friends from the office would be missed, but with careful planning she could arrange to visit them once in a while. Luckily, she was a very independent woman and didn’t really need to socialize a lot to feel like she wasn’t alone. She was barely getting to the stage where she was willing to admit it was time to start being open to the idea of socializing again. She needed to stop avoiding people to avoid the condolences of sympathetic people, or the suspicion of those who looked at her as a suspect like the police had. Having some alone time, under the protective wing of Brad and his people didn’t sound that bad.

  Brad walked down the upstairs hallway, pointing out guest bedrooms as he went, then he stopped at the last two doors. “Here is your bedroom,” said Brad.

  Erica looked inside the bedroom. Living here would be no hardship. The blonde hardwood floors complimented the sharp looking burgundy and gold bed ensemble on the king sized, four-poster bed. The room itself was very spacious. She could see open doors to a walk-in closet and a private bath from the bedroom door. A sitting area featured double glass doors leading out to a balcony overlooking the back of the property.

  “The next room is perhaps my most favorite room of the entire house,” said Brad as he led her across the hallway. He walked into the room.

  Erica entered the door right behind him. The room was a solarium, with a large domed glass ceiling. The wood and stone structure was home to beautiful vines and exotic flowers strategically placed along the walls. “Oh my, it is beautiful,” said Erica. “I think between this room and the library I may never need to leave the house.”

  Brad laughed. “That’s good to hear, I was worried you would feel isolated and alone living in such a big house. I will be around once in a while to check on you, and Jeffery will be here. He is not the best of company, but he knows how to be social.”

  “Jeffery … anything I should know about him?” asked Erica. “I’ve never been around a shifter before, well not that I know of. I have met some of Tomas’s business clients before, but if they were shifters, I never knew about it,”

  “Jeffery is a bit of a loner. The bear in him makes him uncomfortable in large group settings. He really struggled g
rowing up in the city, trying to fit into a society that conflicted so much with his natural instincts. It was Tomas who convinced Jeffery to become a security worker. The job is perfectly suited for him. He is strong and has great protective instinct, prefers to be alone but does need some human interaction. He is loyal and very intelligent.”

  “Shouldn’t he be a park warden or something like that if he so anti-social? Besides, I thought you said he was a butler, not a security guard?”

  “Park warden is actually a job we considered for Jeffery at one point, but the number of shifters that need a position like that is greater that the number of positions available. Park warden is a dream job for many shifters. As for being a butler, it is really a matter of perspective. Most people are comfortable with the idea of a butler. Tell them you have a highly-trained security shifter who loves to cook and you get a different reaction. You can just as easily call him the groundskeeper, manservant, bodyguard, chef, the list goes on.”

  “Sounds like he is a multi-talented shifter,” said Erica, “How about I just call him Jeffery. Um, the bear thing?”

  Brad smiled. “Jeffery will work just fine. The bear thing will protect you. Now I have to head back to the city. Is there anything else you have questions about?”

  “Yes, besides the one vampire I saw at the club, are there more? How will I know what they look like?”

  “I’m afraid you won’t,” said Brad, “Jeffery will be able to smell them, but to you they will appear normal. You have met many shifters over the years and never knew. I’m afraid that won’t change much now.”

  “That is comforting, I would prefer pale skin and fangs, like in the movies. That way a girl knows what is coming.”


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