The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1)

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The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1) Page 7

by Robyn Wideman

  “What would your boyfriend think about that?”

  “Darren isn’t my boyfriend; we’re just having a little adult fun. Besides, Darren would actually understand, he would equate it with losing out to a celebrity. We talked about it one night. We both named three celebrities we could have sex with and not have it affect our relationship.”

  Jess gave Mandy a questioning look. “That sounds like a serious question for a guy who’s only around for a little fun.”

  “Well, he named three cute little pop singers, and I said anyone from the movies 300, Troy, and Top Gun.”

  “Aren’t there like a gazillion extras in 300?” asked Jess.

  “Exactly,” said Mandy.

  Jess laughed. “You’re bad.”

  “I was just making a point with him. I’m not interested in a guy who’s going to keep track of who I’m talking to. He got the message. Now quit trying to sidetrack the conversation. We need to go out dancing and you need to wear your stupidly expensive new dress! How much did that thing cost?”

  “It just showed up five minutes before you. I have no idea.”

  “Hold on, I’ll look it up then.” Mandy pulled out her smart phone and a moment later, she let out a low whistle. “Here it is. Sleeveless black party dress by Cleo Wang, suggested retail price $3,499.”

  “You’re joking. I paid less than a hundred for mine and it is almost identical.”

  Mandy waved her hand in the air. “Darling, how can you put a price tag on originality? Put it on! Let’s see what that extra thirty-four hundred gets you.”

  “Okay,” said Jess. She too was curious as to how the original designer dress compared to the knockoff she was used to wearing. Slipping out of her bathrobe, Jess tried the dress on. It fit perfectly.

  Mandy stood back and eyed Jess carefully. “Turn around.”

  Jess did a slow spin, letting Mandy examine her from every angle. “Well, what do you think?”

  “You always looked hot in the old dress, but I definitely like the new one better.”

  Jess headed to her bedroom so she could look in the mirror. Upon examining her reflection, Jess decided that Mandy was right. The designer dress, while almost identical to the knockoff, looked much better. It actually felt better too. The neckline was slightly lower, and cut at a different angle. The result seemed to draw the eye more to her cleavage than the old one. The material also seemed to fit better around her hips, tight but not restrictive. A slightly more elastic material, Jess guessed. “Damn, you are right. No wonder women marry rich guys. I would love to fill my wardrobe with designer dresses. This really is gorgeous, and I loved the old one.”

  “Score one point for your mysterious knight in shining armor,” said Mandy.

  Jess wasn’t so sure about the knight part. Her memory of that night was still hazy, but she hadn’t gotten a shiny armor vibe from her rescuer. No, but maybe a dark knight. There was definitely something dark and mysterious about the two handsome men who’d saved her from rape, or an even worse fate. She would tread carefully, but she couldn’t help being curious about Cain. Their notes back and forth had been the highlight of her week and she was curious as to how they would interact in person. “Okay, we’ll go dancing.”



  EMILIO’S WAS A QUAINT little bar and grill on the east side, a popular hangout for the business crowd. Having a reservation was almost a must, if one didn’t want to wait an hour at the bar. Erica was a little curious as to the table the waiter chose for them. The table was a little large for two, but Sally had made the reservation, and Erica was just glad to be there, waiting for Sally. While her new home was beautiful and safe, it was lonely at times. Jeffery was the only one around for the majority of the time and his conversation level was hardly much better than that of Garg, her stone balcony smoking buddy. Sally, on the other hand would talk one’s ear off if given the chance. Erica would be able to get a week’s worth of socialization in with one visit with the gregarious and bubbly woman.

  Erica watched Sally walk into the room, spot Erica, and head her way.

  “There you are. Sorry, traffic was a bitch,” said Sally, as she sat down in the chair beside Erica.

  Erica noted the curious decision to sit beside her, instead of in front of her. Erica took a closer inspection of Sally, cute little black dress, string of pearls, hair done up and a scent of vanilla and rose perfume. “You are awfully dolled up for little old me,” stated Erica, as she watched Sally with suspicion.

  “Well, funny you mention that,” started Sally. “I happened to run into Todd, that cute lawyer from the third floor yesterday, and he asked me out. I might have told him that he could show up with Frank, the really cute new guy.”

  Erica looked incredulously at Sally. “You turned our lunch into a double date?”

  Sally nodded.

  “You bitch!” declared Erica.

  “Don’t be mad,” pleaded Sally, “You know how long I have been flirting with Todd, and I do have to go upstate to see my mother this weekend, so it was the only way I could think of to keep our lunch date and still get to have lunch with Todd. Besides, Frank is really cute and nice. You should be happy I bring you hunks.”

  Erica wanted to be mad, but knowing Sally it was not in her to be mean spirited. She was just the type that would think of it as killing two birds with one stone and a logical thing to set up. Sally was also much better at asking forgiveness than she was permission. Erica sighed. She supposed lunch with a couple cute young lawyers wasn’t the end of the world. But she wouldn’t admit that to Sally. “I am going to get you back for this. Watch your back!” declared Erica.

  Sally laughed. She knew Erica’s threat was empty. Erica didn’t have it in her to hold a grudge and Sally knew it. “Oh whatever, it will be fun. Besides, you know the last time I had a real date. You better be a good wing man for me today.”

  Finally Erica laughed, “Okay, but don’t expect miracles. I’ll be nice.”

  When Todd and Frank walked in, Erica recognized the tall blond lawyer from the third floor of their building. He was cute and nice, as far as she knew. She would be happy for Sally, if things went past the double date. Frank, Todd’s friend was slender, dark haired and had classic features highlighted by his light green eyes. Sally had not been lying. Frank was cute.

  As the men joined them at the table, Sally made introductions, “Todd, you remember Erica, and Frank I would like you to meet Erica.”

  Frank smiled brightly, “Hello, Erica, it is a pleasure to meet you.” Frank had reason to smile. Todd had not lied about Erica being a blonde bombshell. Her reputation as a smart and brainy accountant had preceded her. Apparently beauty and brains could mix. He looked over at Todd and got what appeared to be an “I told you so” look.

  Erica smiled, “Todd, Frank, have a seat.”

  Frank took the seat to Erica’s right, while Todd sat across from her.

  Sally, as per usual, started talking, “Frank is the newest associate in Wells and Associates. He got old Bumgaurtner’s job.”

  Erica looked at Frank, “Really? What happened to Ted?”

  Frank laughed, “I’m not totally sure, I just heard about the opening. Todd probably knows more than I do.”

  Todd nodded, “The rumor is that Ted had a mild heart attack. No one really knows. He had a meeting last week with the firm partners and said he was leaving immediately for health reasons.”

  “Wow,” said Erica, “Ted wasn’t that old. I am surprised.”

  Sally scoffed, “He was at least fifty and you know how Wells and Associates overwork their employees. He was probably a hundred years old in normal years after all the overtime he has put in.”

  Todd and Frank laughed.

  Erica smiled and looked casually around the room. Her comfort level increased significantly. At a discreet distance sat Jeffery with an attractive brunette. Jeffery shadowing her reminded Erica of the dangers she faced. She looked at Frank. For all she knew he could be a shif
ter. As far as she could guess he probably wasn’t a vampire. He was too tanned by the sun. She smiled. But what do I really know about vampires? What she thought she knew she didn’t. It left her with a vulnerable feeling. She was glad for Jeffery’s presence.

  Frank, the surprise blind date, found his interest in Erica climbing to a higher level. She looked at him intently and smiled. If he was reading her body language right she was as interested in him as he was in her. Todd had told him she was recently widowed. He was a bit surprised it was going so well. Perhaps it had not been a happy marriage and she was ready to move ahead. He truly hoped so. Frank was a little rusty with the dating scene. He had been in a relationship for several years that had slowly fizzled out. Different values, too much time apart grooming careers, and not enough commitment to work to build a stronger relationship were to blame. He consciously owned his fair share of the responsibility.

  “So, Erica, what does a beautiful woman like you do every day, other than make men like me want to get to know you?” Frank used a teasing voice, but he was serious.

  Erica raised her eyebrows ever so slightly. “That was a pretty good bit of flattery. I hope you don’t use that line too often.” She could tease too. She surprised herself with the quick way she handled his rather lame and overused pick up line.

  Frank chuckled. “I’m rusty at pick up lines. Seriously, what do you like to do to relax?”

  Erica nodded her agreement He was rusty. His admission made her feel a little sympathetic. “I like a good book to read. I like to dance. Are you a dancer?” she responded.

  “I’ve been known to step out on to the dance floor and enjoy it.”

  Sally interjected, “You had better be a dancer. I have a list of skills you must have to date my best friend!”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Oh jeez, Todd!” Frank protested playfully. “You never warned me this would be an interview!”

  Sally playfully wagged her finger. “You need to be gainfully employed, single, untangled, and have monogamy in mind.” Sally looked at Todd. The message was for two men.

  Erica nearly choked on her drink. Sally was taking the bull by the horns again in her usual bold and gregarious way. Frank handed Erica a napkin as she put down her glass.

  Todd raised his hands up, as if surrendering, and laughed. “I didn’t know, man. But I’m okay with the list so far. Are you?”

  Frank grinned. “So far I’m not striking out. I usually take things slow and steady.”

  Sally piped up, “What? You don’t like to sweep a girl off her feet?”

  Frank responded, “I shall plead the fifth amendment. A guy needs to have some secrets.” He noticed Erica’s interest in his answer.

  “Good answer, Frank,” said Erica, as she chuckled. She would be having a conversation with Sally about boundaries, and her willingness to date. Despite enjoying the lunch date so far, Erica had mixed feelings about dating, and had no intentions of letting Sally be her social coordinator.

  The remainder of the lunch date was pleasant as the couples talked about movies, people at the firm, and places to travel. A little gossip, a little chit chat with small revelations about personal beliefs mixed with comments on the weather. It ended up a pleasant afternoon with Frank asking for Erica’s phone number. He even went so far as to ask Sally for permission to ask Erica for her phone number. That brought another round of laughter, and some teasing. Erica gave Frank her new phone number. She almost gave him her old number. It was a reminder of the dangers she was newly aware of. It would be easier to say “no” to an invitation without Sally prompting her to say “yes.” Erica noticed a smug satisfied look on Sally’s face. She gave her the finger when the men were not looking. Sally responded with a, “what did I do wrong” expression. Erica just smiled. It was another “I know what you are trying to do” look.

  Erica glanced quickly and carefully to see Jeffery and his date rising from their table also. It gave her comfort to know he was near. It was daylight. Would daylight give her a reprieve, a measure of protection from vampires? Or did the bloodsucking murderers that wanted her dead wear sunscreen? She had many questions for Jeffery. It was time to go back to her sanctuary and do some more reading in the library.



  Jess stood at the Bar with Mandy. It felt strange being back at the same nightclub where the attack had happened and wearing a dress that was nearly identical to the one she’d been wearing that night. It felt even stranger to be about to meet one of the mysterious men who had rescued her. It had only been two weeks since the assault, but it seemed longer.

  “Do you think he’ll show up?” asked Mandy.

  “Yes, he’ll show,” answered Jess. She wasn’t sure why she felt so confident, but why would he have written all those notes and then sent her a designer dress if he didn’t want to meet her here? “I’m sure he will.”

  “Speak of the devil,” said Mandy.

  Jess looked towards the door. Cain was standing there looking at her and she wondered briefly how close to the truth Mandy’s statement was. Despite looking forward to finally meeting the man she’d been exchanging notes with, the hazy memory of his brother needing to feed still troubled her.

  “I’m going to use the ladies room. I’ll be back in five,” said Mandy.

  Though Jess was glad Mandy had come along to lend her moral support when she’d walked into this nightclub, she was just as grateful Mandy was choosing to give her space now. Jess’s emotions were all over the map. She was thankful and happy to be meeting the man who’d rescued her, apprehensive to be meeting the man she’d been exchanging flirtatious notes with all week, and more than a little uneasy about meeting the man whose brother apparently needed to feed on her assailants. The introduction was bound to be a little awkward and Jess was happy to have as few witnesses to that as possible.

  Cain walked across the room towards her. Jess was able to get a good look at him now that she wasn’t under the influence of drugs. Mandy’s right, he’s hot. Short dark hair, classic features, and what appeared to be a toned body under his crisp white dress shirt and black dinner jacket.

  “I’m Cain,” he said as he arrived at the bar and extended his hand towards her. “I’m glad you came tonight.”

  “Jess,” she said as she accepted his hand, smiling up into his beautiful blue eyes. “It’s nice to meet you in person.” Cain returned her smile, revealing perfectly white teeth. Dimples too? Dear God, I’m done.

  Cain held her hand for a moment longer than a friendly handshake called for. His grip was oddly cool against the warmth of her hand and Jess hoped he couldn’t tell that her palms were a little sweaty from nerves. In their daily exchange of notes, they had both avoided the subject of the night she was assaulted. Part of Jess wanted to forget the attack had ever happened, but part of her needed some answers to set her mind at ease.

  Steeling her nerves, Jess took a deep breath and asked, “Will you tell me what happened that night? My memory is still so unclear about what happened. I’m not sure what’s real and what’s not. And then there’s the fact that I ended up naked in my bed and my dress is missing.”

  Cain smiled. “Well, I undressed you. But I’m afraid your dress was already ruined from your encounter in the alley. We made those assholes go away and then decided it was best to get you home. You were able to tell me your address and which pocket in your purse to find house keys but that was the extent of our talking. I brought you home and cleaned you up a little and then put you to bed. I apologize for you being naked, but your attackers tore your underwear, you had nothing on underneath your dress. I cannot take blame for that.”

  Jess blushed. She wasn’t sure how to take Cain’s smile and pleasant attitude. He was obviously very attractive, physically speaking, and she found the passing back and forth of handwritten notes rather old-fashioned and charming. Add to that his generous gift of the designer dress and the fact that he’d rushed in and saved her like a knight in shining armor, a
nd he seemed like the total package. But she couldn’t help thinking bad things had happened in the alley after he and his brother arrived on the scene. She needed to know the truth. “I want to thank you for rescuing me and for the dress. It’s really too much. My dress was a knockoff, you didn’t need to get the real thing.”

  “Saving you was my pleasure, and don’t worry about the dress. Believe me, it was actually easier for me to get that one than to find another replica. I found out the hard way that your dress went out of production last year. Finding the designer was easier than finding another knockoff. However, I’m sensing that you have more you want to say.”

  “Yes. I saw and heard things in the alley. Things that are confusing and scary,” said Jess.

  “Ask me whatever you want, I’ll tell you the truth,” said Cain. “But I can’t promise you that it will sound believable.”

  Jess thought for a moment about what exactly she wanted to ask. “Okay. The two guys that attacked me, what happened to them?”

  “They’re gone. They will never hurt another woman again.”

  Jess took a deep breath. She was not surprised, nor was she upset. Whatever they got, she was certain they deserved. The practiced ease with which they drugged her and lured her outside told Jess that she was not their first victim. She was glad there would be no more to follow her. “What did you do to them?” Jess stared into Cain’s eyes, watching every twitch to see how he reacted to her question.

  “My brother drank their blood, and then we disposed of the bodies.”

  Jess flinched. Even though the words “now that you have threatened me, my brother can feed” had played through her mind repeatedly for the past two weeks, she still hadn’t been prepared for Cain’s answer. It was too bizarre. She had wondered if they belonged to some sort of satanic cult, or something else equally absurd, but could never fully convince herself that anybody actually fed on anyone else that night. “Why did your brother drink their blood?”


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