Livermore Radiation Laboratory
Livingstone, David
Lombardo, Sandy
Lombardo, Walt
Lomtadze, Shoto
Lookofsky, Georgann
Los Alamos Laboratory
Louisiana Energy Services
Louisiana Power & Light
Lovelock, James
Ludwig I, king of Belgium
Machiavelli, Niccolò
McCourt, Joe
McCourt, Tom
MacKenzie, Paul
McKnight, Bill
Mahapoysa Australia
Mahdi (salvation figure)
Maktoum, al-, family
Maltsev, Mikhail
Mamoun, caliph
Manhattan Project
building the bomb
formation of
information blackout about
Lady Godiva experiment in
and Laurence
object of
physical layout of
plutonium for
secrecy in
“tickling the dragon” experiments in
Trinity test
uranium for
uranium survey by
Manzie, Daryl
Margarula, Yvonne
Martinez, Paddy
Martino, Rocco
Marx, Karl
Masaryk, Jan
May, Timothy
Mays, Wallace
Megatons to Megawatts
Meitner, Lise
Mellanby, Kenneth
Mernissi, Fatima
Merritt, Phillip
metal oxide
Midland, Archer Daniels
Midnight Oil
Millennial City, Arizona
Miller, David
Mirrar clan
Mitchell, Greg
Moab, Utah
Mobil Oil
Mobutu, Joseph-Désiré
Mohler, Bob
Monadnock Building, Chicago
Mongol hordes
Mongolia, drilling in
Moore, Patrick
in Arizona
in Utah
Mount Brockman, Australia
and Aboriginals
as Djidbidjidbi
and Kakadu National Park
as Kombolgie Formation and Rainbow Serpent and Ranger Mine remediation plan for uranium in
Muhammad, Prophet
Murphy, Nick
Murrow, Edward R.
Musharraf, Pervez
National Intelligence Estimate
Navajo Indian reservation
Navajo people
Nebuchadrezzar II, king of Babylon
Negev Phosphates Chemicals Co.
Netanyahu, Binyamin
and atomic bomb
discovery of
and fission
and uranium
and Zeno’s arrow
Nevada Proving Ground
Newton, Sir Isaac
Nichols, Kenneth D.
Air Massif Mountains
Akouta mine in
author’s visit to
Tuareg rebels in
uranium exports of
and uranium sales to Iraq
yellowcake from
Nobel, Alfred
Norse mythology
North Korea:
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
nuclear program of
Norway, Israeli nuclear program and
nuclear, word usage
nuclear crimes
Nuclear Exchange Corp (Nuexco)
nuclear fission
Nuclear Fuel Services Corporation
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT)
nuclear reactors:
accidents in
and Atoms for Peace
construction of
and environmentalists
public relations efforts of
nuclear renaissance
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Numbei, Bedoin
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Clinton Engineer works
diffusion plant
isotopic separation plant
X-10 reactor
Office of Scientific Research and Development, U.S.
Office of Strategic Services, U.S.
Oklo, Gabon
O’Laurie, Dan
Oliphant, Mark
Olympic Games
Opavsky, Viktor
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Oppenheimer, Harry
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
on cold war
at St. Joachimsthal
and testing
and Truman
Ore Mountains, Germany
Ota, Yoko
Ottoman Empire
Our Friend the Atom (Disney)
Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia
Paiute Indians
founding of
and India
and Iran
national pride of
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
nuclear program of
sharing technology with
Paris, Matthew
Paul I, Tsar
Pax Romana
Pebble Bed Modular Reactor
Pechblende (Beleites)
Pelosi, Nancy
penny stocks
Petit, André
Pfaff, Karl
Phillips Petroleum
Pick, Vernon
Pickert, Heinz
Pihera, Jiri
for Curies’ experiments
mining of
as pechblende
at St. Joachimsthal
Plame, Valerie
Pliny the Elder
Plowshare program
compression of
critical mass of
disappearance of
diversion of
fission of
inhalation of
name of
synthesis of
and uranium
plutonium bomb
Poe, Edgar Allan
Popeye cartoon
Powell, Colin
Powell, John Wesley
Project Gnome
Public Health Service, U.S.
Quinn, Anthony
and dying animals
and Nobel Prize
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (1990)
radiation sickness
radioactive waste
and the atom
and atomic tests
and breccia pipes
mutations from
of plutonium
and uranium mining
radium chloride
“radon daughter” elements
Rafsanjani, Akbar Hashemi
Ranger Mine, Australia
Raper, Thomas
Reagan, Ronald
Red Hill Energy
resource curse
Rhodes, Richard
Rice, Condoleezza
Ringholz, Raye
Rio Tinto Zinc
Ritch, John
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Einstein’s letter to
Rothschild family
Royce, Knut
atomic research in
and Iran
Mafia in
and Mongolia
Soviet, see Soviet Union
and uranium smuggling
uranium source
s in
uranium stockpiled in
Rutherford, Ernest
Ryan, Jack R.
St. Joachimsthal, Bohemia
author’s visit to
medicinal radium in
as National Enterprise Jachymov
Nazi control of
Soviet control of
spa in
uranium for Curies’ experiments from
uranium stored in
U.S. proposal to purchase
wartime surveillance of
Saleh, Ali Abdullah
sarin gas
Scheersberg A
Schlema, Germany
Schlick, Count Stephan
Schlicke, Heinz
Schmidt (mining director)
Schmitzer, Christian
Seaborg, Glenn
Sedivy, Frantisek
Sengier, Edgar
September 11 attacks
Serber, Robert
Serge (translator)
Sesiashvili, Irakli
Shamir, Yitzhak
Sharp, Robert Rich (Mlundavalu)
Sheets, Lawrence Scott
Shevardnadze, Eduard
Shieffelin, Ed
author’s visit to
and Brinkley Mining
closing of
and nuclear reactor
public curiosity about
reopening of
security in
and Union Munière
uranium discovered in
uranium for Manhattan Project from
uranium smuggled out of
U.S. proposal to purchase
wartime control of
waste disposal from
yellowcake from
Shoji, Genzo
Shoueb, Ali Nessar
Sierra Club
Simons, Sanford
Simpson, Homer (fictional)
Sismi (Italian intelligence agency)
Smith, Roger
Société Général, Congo
Soddy, Frederick (The Interpretation of Radium)
Solnit, Rebecca
Somwe, Alphonse Ngoy
Souley, Moussa
South Africa:
nuclear program of
and Uranium Club conference
Soviet Union:
and arms race
in club of five
collapse of
control of Eastern Europe by
decommissioned weapons from
inadequate security in
and Joe-1
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
nuclear program of
and St. Joachimsthal
today, see Russia
uranium sources in
and Wismut mines
Stakhanov, Aleksei
Stalin, Joseph
death of
and St. Joachimsthal
and Wismut
Stanley, Henry Morton
Staten Island, New York, author’s visit to
Steen, Charlie
and anticline formation
bankruptcy declared by
death of
family of
and Mi Vida/Utex
political campaign of
wealth and fame of
Strathmore Minerals
Suharto (Indonesian dictator)
Sunseekers (film)
Sweden, uranium in
Sweeney, David
Swickheimer, Dick
Switzer, Carl “Alfalfa,”
Szilard, Leo
Tahir, Buyary Syed Ali
Tandja, Mamadou
Tchirozerine, Niger
Teck Cominco
Temple Mountain, Utah
Three Mile Island
Tibbets, Paul
Titus, Dina
Tizard, Sir Henry
Tomonaga, Hideo
Trans-Mongolian Railway
Truman, Harry S.
and atomic bombs
and Oppenheimer
Szilard letter to
and uranium supply
Twain, Mark
in atomic bomb
and cascade effect
in chain reaction
critical mass of
dilution of
discovery of
extracting from raw uranium
magazine articles about
in natural nuclear reactors
research on
storage of
Udall, Stewart
Unger, Craig
Union Carbide
Union Minière du Haut Katanga
and Belgium
and “Congo caviar,”
and Israel
and Manhattan Project
and Shinkolobwe
United Arab Emirates
United Nations:
Atomic Energy Commission of
and Australia
and Niger
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
Security Council of
United States:
and arms race
atomic secrecy in
in club of five
electricity in
inadequate security in
National Security Council of
national security of
new reactors in
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
penny stocks in
sharing atomic technology
as sole nuclear nation
uranium obtained by
and uranium oversupply
uranium sources in
uranium stockpiled in
war in Iraq
western mining
and World War
United States Enrichment Company
United Uranium No Liability (UUNL)
University of Chicago
University of Léopoldville, nuclear reactor in
in atomic bomb
Atomic Energy Commission bounties for
black market in
as commodity
control of
disappearance of
discovery of
disintegration of
as energy source
enrichment of
forms of
and geopolitical risk
half-life of
hazardous waste from
highly enriched (HEU)
hit with neutrons
and human imagination
isotopic signature of
loose, dangers of
and morality
name of
nucleus of
oversupply of
paradox of
peaceful uses of
and plutonium
price of
public curiosity about
radioactivity of
and resource curse
and salami technique
sharing technology of
sources of
U.S. control of
as world savior
uranium bomb:
“Little Boy,”
vs. uranium power plant
see also atomic bomb
Uranium Club
Uranium Committee, U.S.
uranium hexafluoride
Uranium Resources
Urenco (uranium enrichment facility)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USS Cole
USSR, see Soviet Union
mining in
tourism in
Utex Exploration Company
Utiashvili, Shoto
Vancouver, Canada
Vanunu, Mord
Veerman, Frits
Volpe, Joe
Walters, Jay
Warrick, Joby
Waste Control Specialists
Wayne, John
Welch, John K.
Wells, H. G.
death of
The World Set Free
West, Nathanael
Western Prospector Group
What Went Wrong? (Lewis)
White, E. B.
White, John Michael “Jack,”
Whitlam, Gough
Wigner, Eugene
Wilkerson, Lawrence
Wilson, Edwin “Pa,”
Wilson, H. A.
Wilson, Harold
Wilson, Joseph
Wilson, Robert R.
Wismut mines
Wolf, Konrad
Wolf, Markus
World Nuclear Association
World Set Free, The (Wells)
World War I, Gallipoli in
World War II:
atomic weapons developed in
Australia in
in Belgium
Germany in
information blackouts in
Japanese surrender in
preparation for
public knowledge in
in Sudetenland
uranium transported in
U.S. victory in
Wrong, Michela
X-10 reactor, Tennessee
Yeltsin, Boris
Yemen, nuclear program of
Yogananda (philosopher)
Young, Brigham
Zambia, smuggling route through
Zeman, Zbynek
Zeno’s arrow
Zimmerman, Peter
Zufelt, Oren
Zuni Indians
1 At least twenty-six elements with nuclei that exceed ninety-two protons, known as the transuranics, have since been created in laboratory settings, but—other than trace amounts of plutonium and neptunium—none of them appear in nature, and they must be made artificially.
2 An element with a differing number of neutrons is known as an isotope, a Greek word meaning “in the same place.”
3 Winston Churchill, briefed on the theory, thought this term sounded “eerie, sinister.”
4 A postwar U.S. government assessment noted: “The expected military advantages of uranium bombs were far more spectacular than those of a uranium power plant.”
5 Named for the pilot’s mother.
6 One of the earliest and best novels about Hollywood. Its protagonist is the author of a screenplay called The Burning of Los Angeles.
7 These nations also happen to be permanent members of the UN Security Council. Nukes have their privileges.
8 Jachymov is the Czech name for the town.
9 This was the only realistic element of the movie.
10 Uranium mining is forbidden today in the Navajo Nation, despite the reservation’s abundant reserves: the “Saudi Arabia of uranium,” one frustrated company official described it to a reporter.
11 Star employees were former prime minister Anthony Eden and Lord Peter Carrington, who would go on to serve as defense secretary and secretary of state for energy.
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