The Scandalous Saga of the White Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Novel

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The Scandalous Saga of the White Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 26

by Hanna Hamilton

  She turned to him and cast a sour look. “What? Have you come to announce your engagement to Anna?” She stood, fiercely looking at him with arms akimbo.

  He took a step backward and smiled gently. “No, Maria my dear, I am not marrying Anna. In point of fact, I have come to tell you I have just come from a visit with her.”

  “And she refused you?”

  “No, I told her I was not going to propose to her but, instead, I wanted to propose to you.”

  With a twitch of the head, Maria sat down on a nearby stump. She shook her head again and again.

  Percy knelt down before her, took her hand, and kissed it. “Maria, you know it has always been you that I loved.”

  “But I do not have the dowry you need to help your family. You made that quite clear to me.”

  Percy nodded. “Yes, that is true, but I cannot deny my feelings for you, Maria. It would be a terrible mistake if I married Anna only for her inheritance. I care for her, but I do not love her. My marriage to her would be a sham and we would have soured on one another before long. It would be a disaster.”

  “But what will your father say?”

  “Hum, yes there is the problem. I have not told him yet. He thinks at this very moment I am proposing to Anna and I know he is already planning how to spend her dowry. But I can no longer live my life by my father’s dictates. I told him as much this morning.”

  “Then he knows you want to propose to me?” Maria asked, trembling slightly and her heart racing.

  “He does not know that I never asked Anna to marry me. Maria… my dearest, dearest Maria, will you marry me? Please?”

  These were the words that Maria had so longed to hear, but she did not accept him. Instead she stood up, offered her hand to help Percy stand from his kneeling position, and asked, “But Percy how can I accept your proposal when you have no direction in your life? My dowry is too small for us to base a life together on that alone. How are we to live? How are you to make a living to support us?”

  Percy lowered his eyes to avoid her gaze, obviously disappointed she did not immediately accept his offer of marriage. “You are absolutely right. But I have given it much thought. We still have a little land at Crauford and I was thinking I might be able to put it to use somehow. I could find a profitable crop, or raise cattle like Harry does, or build something that could bring income…”

  “But Percy that would require startup capital which you do not have. You have to be realistic. As much as I am certain you would hate it, you need to find employment. You only spent a few years at university and you have no degree or profession. It is not going to be easy.”

  “I have made a mess of my life, have I not?”

  “Yes, Percy you have.”

  “Then help me. Help me find my way. I will do anything I can so that we can marry. That is, if you will have me. Will you?”

  Maria looked at her dear Percy. And she had to admit he did seem changed. But was his new-found responsibility sincere, and what exactly could she do to help him—to help the two of them if they were to be married? She sighed. “Let me speak to Harry. Perhaps he may be able to advise us.”

  Percy cried out and took her hands. “Then you will consider marrying me?”

  “Yes, Percy, I will—consider,” she whispered to herself.

  With Dorothy and Christopher reconciled, they were meeting with Anna in Dorothy’s chambers to discuss the details of the wedding. The time and place had already been agreed upon but there were still many details to be worked out.

  “Dorothy and I will begin working on the wedding plans. There is no need for you to involve yourself with those, Christopher, unless you wish to,” Anna said.

  “No, I shall leave the planning to you two. And just be happy my mother is not involved, for she would drive you crazy with her indecision or mind changes.” Christopher laughed.

  Dorothy was unable to sit still in her excitement. She picked up a ribbon from her dresser and twirled around the room in a circle, singing to herself.

  “When must you return home?” Anna asked Christopher.

  He looked at the dancing Dorothy and said, “There are no plans. I would love to stay here until the wedding, but I know I must return to help father with the estate work.”

  “Yes, you must,” Anna said very sensibly. “You would do nothing but distract Dorothy if you stayed, and the wedding planning would fall entirely on me.”

  Dorothy ran over and threw her arms around Christopher. “Darling, darling, darling… Christopher, I shall miss you so much when you leave.”

  “But I must also prepare our new home, Dorothy. I want it to be perfect for you when you arrive.”

  Dorothy turned to Anna. “Is he not the dearest, sweetest man?”

  Anna hesitated, then addressed Christopher. “And how do you intend to prepare your wing of the house? It was my understanding your family did not have the money to do that.”

  “Ah… yes… You have a point,” he said a little nervously.

  “Very well,” Anna started. “I am certain Dorothy does not remember, as she was so bored at our meeting with the solicitor, but her dowry has been established and is available to her when she wishes.”

  “It is?” Dorothy asked in surprise.

  “Yes. And I have taken the liberty of having a marriage agreement drawn up for the two of you. If you are prepared to sign it, Mr. Stewart, then Dorothy could release a reasonable sum for the work on her new home. Would that be agreeable to the two of you?”

  Dorothy and Christopher looked at each other, smiled, and nodded in agreement.

  “Very well, let me get the agreement for the both of you to review and, if it is agreeable, then sign it and I can arrange to have the funds released.”

  “Miss Anna, thank you so very much. And I assure you it will be put to good use. My intention is to make a comfortable and happy home for Dorothy.”

  “And for you,” Dorothy added. And he responded with a nod.

  Anna stood up and headed to the chamber door. “I shall return shortly.”

  As she was leaving, she saw Warrick heading toward her.

  “Yes, Warrick? Were you coming to see me?”

  “Yes, Miss Anna. His Lordship is here to see you.”


  “The very same,” Warrick said with the faintest grin and a twinkle in his eye.

  Anna’s heart leapt. She had not seen Harry since her return, and with her newly discovered feelings for him, she was thrilled and frightened at the thought of seeing him.

  “He is in your study.”

  “Thank you.”

  Forgetting all about the marriage agreement, Anna rushed down the stairway to the library and threw open the door and stepped inside. Harry was examining one of Anna’s architectural design books.

  “Harry, what a nice surprise,” she said, breathlessly and flushed from her run down the stairs.

  “Anna,” he said, turning toward her and smiling.

  “What brings you here?” she asked.

  “I wanted to welcome you back home, find out how your trip was, and perhaps talk about the well house.”

  “Oh…” She was a little disappointed he was not suggesting something more.

  He seemed to catch the disappointment in her voice and added, “And perhaps to give you a welcome home hug.”

  That made her smile. “I should like that.” She went over to him and they embraced.

  Feeling his arms around her both comforted and excited Anna. She lifted her face to him and they looked deeply into each other’s eyes. He leaned his head ever so slightly toward her. She responded and for one brief moment she felt they were about to kiss. But Harry pulled away and stood back.

  “I am sorry,” he said, “I, ah… Sorry.” And he turned from her.

  “Why, Harry? There is no need to be sorry. What for?”

  “I ah…” He shook his head. “I felt I was about to overstep.”

  This was the moment. Anna knew she must
act now. She went to him and took both of his hands and said, “Harry. Harry. What would you say if I told you I knew exactly what you were thinking and what you felt? And what if I told you I felt the same way?”

  He looked at her with his mouth slightly agape. “Anna… what are you saying?”

  “Harry, I no longer have feelings for Percy. I was foolish and blind, and it was Dorothy who finally made me realize that he was not the man for me. You are.”

  “Anna…” he stammered as he approached her. “You…

  “Yes, Harry, it is you I care for,” she said softly, almost to herself.

  “Oh, dearest Anna, I cannot believe my own ears. Is it possible? I have loved you forever, never believing you could love me.”

  “But Harry, I do.”

  “No,” he said, and turned away. “This is too much to believe. Why are you teasing me?”

  She went over to him and laid her cheek against his back and placed her hands on the sides of his arms. “My dear Harry, believe me. It is true. I love you.”

  Harry swung around, grabbed her by the shoulders and said, “Then Anna, dear Anna, will you be my wife? I have wanted to ask you that a thousand times before but never believed you would accept me.”

  “Yes, Harry, I will be your wife.” Then she started laughing.

  “What? What?” he asked with a panic stricken look on his face. “Why are you laughing?”

  Then Anna did what she had only ever seen Dorothy do—she danced in a circle, her arms out to her sides as she twirled—coming to rest in front of Harry.

  She said, “It seems that marriage is in the air. Christopher has come to claim Dorothy. Percy has recently left to claim Maria and now you and I have claimed each other.

  “Yes, the very best has been saved for last. Anna, I have loved you for so long, I cannot even remember when my friendship for you became love. But I have had this deep burning and longing in my heart for you since—forever.”

  “Harry, what I feel for you astonishes me. I have been such a fool, longing for Percy, when right in front of me was the man of my true heart. Can you forgive my blindness?” She was trembling now, and her heart was jumping, her throat was dry, and she felt she might faint.

  “Forgive you? Why ever would I need to do that? I have loved you so fully that there has never been any other feeling but love.

  Harry grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to him. “Anna…” he said, kissing her fully, deeply and tenderly. Then they just melted into each other’s arms and stood together in the bliss of being one.

  Chapter 37

  Harry was beside himself with joy as he raced back to Creassey. He had to tell Maria of his good news. Then he suddenly remembered that Anna had said something about Maria and Percy.

  He pulled up in front of the house, dismounted, and handed his horse over to the groom before dashing up the steps to the house.

  “Maria!” he shouted at the top of his voice. He stood in the entryway awaiting her response. But it was Daniels who came running from the dining room.

  “Your Lordship, is something wrong?”

  Harry laughed. “There is absolutely nothing wrong. But I have some wonderful news for Maria. Do you know where she is?”

  “News? Might I know?” Daniels asked.

  “Shortly, but first I must tell my dear sister.”

  “I believe she has been looking for you as well. I did not know where you were, and she told me she wanted to see you as soon as you returned.”

  “Do you know where she is?”

  “She and Mr. Percy are having tea in her sitting room.”

  “Thank you,” he said as he ran up the stairway and to her rooms.

  “Maria,” he shouted as he burst into her room.

  She stood and looked terrified that something terrible had happened. “Harry?”

  Harry rushed over to her as Percy also stood and asked, “Harry, are you all right?”

  “More than all right. I am engaged to marry Anna. What do you think about that? My Anna. My sweet, darling Anna.”

  Maria hugged Harry, then took a step backward, put her hand to her mouth. “But how is that possible?” She cast a look at Percy. “I thought she loved Percy?”

  Percy replied, “I thought she did too, but apparently not. Harry, when I told Anna I did not love her and could not marry her, she was not in the least bit upset. I do not know what happened, but it was clear she no longer had feelings for me. That was when I came right over and asked Maria to marry me. She is my love—always has been, and always will be.”

  Harry was astonished by this announcement as he had been by Anna accepting his proposal. “Then we must celebrate.”

  “Not quite yet,” Maria said, placing her hand on Harry’s arm. “Come sit. Percy and I need to talk to you. Yes, Percy has asked me to marry him but there are complications.”

  “Oh?” Harry said as he sat with them.

  Maria, very sensibly and very clearly, explained Percy’s problems with his father and with his future.

  Harry listened thoughtfully and then stood and paced as he thought through the situation. Finally, he turned back to them.

  “I am very sorry for your distress with your father, my friend. But I also congratulate you on your fortitude in facing him down. Your father is a brute, as witnessed by his foul attack on my cattle and his non-existent remorse when discovered.”

  “Thank you, Harry. But that does not solve our problem. I must find a way to support Maria and myself. Maria thought you might have some suggestions for us.”

  “Hmm. It is not easy, my friend, you have only a partial education, no work experience, virtually no land and no capital. What are your thoughts on how to solve this dilemma?”

  Percy and Maria explained what they had discussed.

  “Hmm. I have an idea for you, but first, I must talk to Anna.”

  “Harry, we must still celebrate your good news. Would a bottle of champagne be inappropriate?” Maria asked as she stood and rang the bell for Daniels.

  “How can I refuse?”

  Percy went over to his friend and clapped him on the shoulder. “I am so happy this has worked out for you, old friend. And I cannot tell you what a relief it is to be free of Father’s domination. Whatever happens for me now, I feel I am a free man.”

  “Oh, please stay out the week, darling Christopher,” Dorothy pleaded at breakfast the next morning.

  “Perhaps.” He glanced at Anna. “Would it be an imposition if I stayed that long? After all, I am Dorothy’s slave and I must obey.”

  Anna laughed. “I wonder how long that will last. Of course, you can stay as long as you like. After all, we are soon to be family.”

  Christopher turned back to his fiancé and said, “But I must go back soon. Now that all of our business is out of the way I want to get to work on renovating our wing of the house. It is going to take some time.”

  Dorothy pouted. “I know, but I am going to miss you so very much. It is going to be decades until I see you again.”

  “It will be just a few months, my dear. Do not exaggerate.”

  She suddenly brightened. “Maybe I can come to visit before the wedding. I would love to see what is being done on the wing.”

  Anna tapped the table. “Dear Sister, we have a wedding to plan, unless you forgot. And I do not want to do this all by myself.”

  Dorothy laughed. “No, there is more than one wedding to plan for now.” And she got up and danced over to Anna and gave her hug. “I cannot believe we are getting married together. How wonderful is that!”

  “It has not been decided just yet. Harry and I are to meet this morning to go over the details. We have not discussed anything about our wedding plans yet.”

  “Oh, but you must. I want us to walk down the aisle together—our two delightful husbands waiting for us at the altar.”

  “You are so fanciful, my dear. But we shall see. I will discuss it with Harry.”

  Then Dorothy danced over to Christo
pher and squeezed him from behind and layered the top of his head with kisses.

  Anna was in her study when Harry arrived. She was sorting through her drawings for the well house.

  Harry burst into the room grinning, with an armful of the last of the summer roses from the estate garden.

  “I have missed you already,” he said, as she opened her arms to welcome him.


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