forced drinking as, 57
fraternity national organizations and, 53
hell week, 52, 53, 55
history, 51–55
kidnappings, mock, 52
legal challenges, 59
masculinity and, 52, 53
overview, 51–60
pledging as, 51
tubbing, 52
University of Maine survey on, 56
See also drinking, fraternity
hazing, SAE
brutal history of, 57–59
college disciplinary hearings on, 107, 124, 125
deaths from, 11, 30, 38–45, 58, 59, 222, 225
disciplining, 59, 60, 64–66, 68
family night, 62
mock kidnappings, 34–37, 39, 45
paddling, 54–57, 61–62, 70
personal servitude, 61–62
reverse-hazing, 40–42
SAE bans of, 55, 222
SAE national organization and, 59, 222
Salisbury University, 47–51, 60–71
whistleblowing on, 59–60, 63–66, 70
See also drinking, SAE; initiations, SAE; pledges, SAE
hell week, 52, 53, 55
Hernandez, Corina, 141, 163
Hillcrest house, 16, 37, 45
Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 111
Horras, Judson, 244, 245
Hudson, Richard, 120, 121
Hughes, Benton, 210
Hughey, Matthew, 143–144
The Hunting Ground (documentary), 10, 85
“If You’re Happy and You Know it, Clap Your Hands” (SAE racist song), 2, 140
Indiana University, 83–84, 197–199
initiations, fraternity. See hazing, fraternity; pledging
initiations, SAE, 18, 48–50, 109
See also hazing, SAE; pledges, SAE
insurance, fraternity, 11, 32–33
SAE, 44, 97, 222, 225
for sexual assault, 78
undergraduates, fraternity national organizations and, 31
college bans of SAE over, 185
colleges and, 183
fraternities and, 181–184
sororities and, 202, 204–207
Truman and desegregation, 181
of University of Alabama’s Greek organizations, 200–211
See also segregation
Iowa State University, SAE chapter, 87
James, William Bruce, III, 164–167
Jamison, Greg, 113
Ivy League schools’ anti-Semitism, 179–180
Jewish fraternities, 178
SAE anti-Semitism, 170, 180, 181, 217
as SAE members, 187, 216
Johns Hopkins University
Pi Kappa Alpha, 96
SAE chapter, 73–77, 92–106, 219
John O. Moseley Leadership School, 176
Johns Hopkins News-Letter, 96
Johnson, Ben, 167
Johnson, Gary, 89
Johnson, Rusty, 159, 160
Jones, Fred, Jr., 138
Jones, James, 117
Jordan, David Starr, 24–25
Kappa Alpha Order (KA), 9, 79, 105–106, 120, 123, 127
University of Alabama, 208–210
Kappa Alpha Psi, 56–57
Kappa Alpha Society, 21, 52
Kaubin, Sam, 49
kidnappings, mock, 52
SAE, 34–37, 39, 45
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 131, 145, 183
Krumheuer, Evan, 92, 93, 95, 98, 100–101
Lake, Peter, 31–32
Lambda Chi Alpha, 32, 114, 120, 152
Lambda Phi Epsilon, 69
Latino fraternities, 178
fraternity discrimination and, 195
University of Alabama SAE chapter and, 190–191, 195
legal issues, fraternity
anti-hazing law, 122
challenges to hazing offenses, 59
contracts, 33
lawsuits, 30–32, 40–44, 58, 117
Minerva’s Shield safety rules and, 19, 33, 50
race and class in trial outcomes, 105–106
right-to-counsel laws, 126–129, 131, 132
risk-management policies, 32
sexual assault prosecutions, 78, 79
See also insurance, fraternity
legal issues, SAE, 11, 40–44, 58
lawsuits, 91, 97
race and class in trial outcomes, 105–106
SAE governing laws, 170–175, 185–187, 217, 223
SAE national organization and, 218
sexual assault prosecutions and trials, 86, 87, 97–106
Leggett, Mortimer, 52
Lehigh University, 84, 147
Levere, William C., 24–25, 175, 177, 179
Levere Memorial Temple, 25, 54–55
Little Ivies colleges, 240
Lohse, Andrew, 59–60
Lopez, Gabriela, 73–77, 92–106
Lopez, Maria, 73–76, 92–95, 98, 99, 102
Loschiavo, Chris, 128
Loyola Marymount University, SAE chapter, 91
Lucy, Autherine, 205
Lukianoff, Greg, 241
Machine. See Theta Nu Epsilon
Majesty of the Seas, SAE leadership cruises, 1–4, 11
Mann, Benjamin, 40
Marshall, Dwight, 66–67
fraternity, 234, 245
hazing and, 52, 53
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
fraternities, 9
SAE chapter, 187–188
McAllister, Charles E., 174
McCardell, John, 243
McCaskill, Claire, 123
McCrory, Pat, 108, 128
McEneaney, Eamon, 16–17
McKinley, William, 45, 120, 232
McLaurin, George, 150
Meanwell, Walter “Doc,” 171, 176
Miller, Gary, 126, 128, 129–130
Minerva’s Shield (SAE safety rules), 19, 33, 50
in white fraternities, 144, 147, 152–153, 157, 160–161, 163–167
See also race; specific discrimination topics
misogyny, 4
of fraternity members, 79–80
of SAE members, 80
See also specific sexual assault topics
MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mixon, Joe, 153
Montgomery Academy, 191, 193
Moore, Emmett B., 170
Moore, Mike, 235, 236, 246–247
Morton, Kyle, 15
Moseley, John O., 174, 175, 176
Moses, Dylan, 219
Murphy, Paddy, 24
Mynhardt, Lee John, 32
Myrick, Svante, 40
Naff, Holden, 191–192
National Panhellenic Conference, 123
Ness, Eliot, 24
New Row fraternities, 189
Nippert, Alfred, 170–171
North Carolina State University, Pi Kappa Phi, 80
North-American Interfraternity Conference, 8, 80, 123, 176, 244, 252
college disciplining fraternities confronted by, 114–116
mandatory fraternity acceptance of women confronted by, 116–118
Northwestern University, SAE headquarters, 24
Levere Memorial Temple, 25, 54–55
Nuwer, Hank, 57
Obama, Barack, 203, 216
Office of Greek Life, 5
Ohio State University, fraternities, 232
Ohio State University, SAE chapter
Hallam and improvement of, 231–236, 245–248
lion statues mascots of, 231–233, 236, 245–247
proud history of, 232
recruitment, 234
Zeal award, 235
Oklahoma City, 163
Old Row fraternities, 189–193, 202, 207, 208
Omega Psi Phi, 70
O’Neill, Kevin, 119–120, 122, 123
paddling, 54�
�57, 61–62, 70
Paddock, William W., 171
Park, Julie, 144
Parkhurst, Garrett, 141, 154, 163
parties, fraternity
date-rape drugging at, 77, 87
Old South, 209
rules and dangers for young women at, 77–78
See also sexual assault, at fraternity parties
parties, SAE
college bans on, 110, 125
ghetto party, 166
grab-a-date, 110, 125
invite-only, 74
racist theme parties, 145–146, 166, 220–221
See also drinking, at SAE parties; sexual assault, at SAE parties
Pattie, Lucie, 81
Patton, Darin, 226
Pearce, Linda, 130
Pearlman, Steven, 92–93, 95, 104, 105
Perkins, Robert M., III, 100–102
Pettit, Levi, 141, 142, 154, 156
Pennsylvania State University, 251
Phi Beta Kappa, 20–21, 22, 237–238
Phi Delta Theta, 22, 28, 120, 218, 219, 244
Phi Kappa Tau, 79
Phi Mu, 110
Phillips, Chip, 125, 126
Phinn, Melissa, 104
Phoenix (SAE manual), 55, 176
Pi Delta Psi, 57
Pi Kappa Phi, 80, 96
Pickens, T. Boone, 215–216
Picket, Matthew, 18, 34, 44
pledges, SAE
Cornell University, 18–20, 34–37, 39–43, 45, 63
drinking and, 18–20, 34, 36–37, 39–43, 50, 57–58, 62–63, 109–110, 113, 116–117, 124–125
mock kidnappings and, 34–37, 39, 45
nicknames, 20, 50
pledge educators, 48
SAE bans of pledging, 55, 215, 222–227, 250
Salisbury University, 47–51, 60–67, 69–71
songs and, 137–142, 155
as whistleblowers, 59–60, 63–65, 70
See also hazing, SAE; initiations, SAE; specific topics
as hazing, 51
pledge ass, 57
See also hazing
political correctness, racism and, 147
different views of freedom, 111–112
of fraternity leaders and college administrators, 111–112
Porcellian, 118–119
President’s Leadership Class, 152, 155
Princeton, 180
SAE chapter, 59
civil rights era, 183–184
in fraternity trial outcomes, 105–106
SAE racial composition survey, 148
white fraternities and, 147–148
See also blacks; integration; minorities
racism, college
historical ties to slavery, 167
Ivy League schools, 180
segregation, 150
sorority, 144–145
student organization, 144
See also discrimination, college
racism, fraternity, 4, 5, 180
Confederacy themes, 182
overview, 144–145
racist incidents, 147
violence and animosity of, 145, 179
racism, political correctness and, 147
racism, SAE, 2, 10, 40, 127, 188, 217
Confederacy themes, 182
historical ties to slavery, 167
incidents, 146–147
jokes, 174
racial hostility, 167
racist songs, 140–143, 145–146, 148–167
racist theme parties, 145–146, 166, 220–221
SAE members interviewed about, 150–159, 162–167
Southern, 177–178, 182, 184–186, 195
videos of racist songs, 142–143, 145–146, 148–167
violence of, 177
See also discrimination, SAE
Rader, Drew, 151–155
Rammstein, 47
Ramstead, George, 37–38
rape, campus
debate over, 78–79
The Hunting Ground, 10, 85
See also sexual assault, campus
rape, fraternity
gang rape, 78–79, 81–82
rape-awareness programs, 80
research on, 82
See also sexual assault, fraternity
rape, SAE
date-rape drugging, 64, 87
gang rape, 81
underage women and, 77
See also sexual assault, SAE
Ray, Rashawn, 197
Reagan, Ronald, 6, 26, 45, 120, 216, 250
Record (SAE magazine), 53, 54
Republicans, 120–123
Rice, Parker, 141, 142, 154, 156–157
Rigdon, Thomas M., 186, 187
risk-management policies, fraternity, 32
SAE, 44, 45
Rivera, Lauren, 200
Rolling Stone (magazine), 59, 78–79
Roosevelt, Theodore, 118
Rosow, Jason, 197
Roth, Lillian, 207–208
Roth, Michael, 117
Ruddy, Bryan, 89, 90
Rudulph, John Barratt, 178, 194
Russell, Richard B., Jr., 169
Ryan, Paul, 121
SAE. See Sigma Alpha Epsilon
SAE Act. See Students and Administration Equality Act
SAE bans
of hazing, 55, 222
of pledging, 55, 215, 222–227, 250
SAE chapter suspensions
by colleges, 40, 60, 65, 67, 89, 96–97, 113, 125–127, 130, 131, 134, 142–143, 161, 162, 233
by SAE national organization, 60, 65, 89, 142, 148, 151, 227
See also college bans, of SAE chapters
SAE chapters
autonomy from SAE national organization, 218
college disciplining SAE confronted by, 110, 113–114, 125–134
See also specific chapters
SAE chapters, Southern, 177–178, 182, 184–186, 195
See also University of Alabama, SAE chapter
SAE conventions
leadership, 28, 169–175, 215–216, 222–229
national conventions, 149, 167, 184–187, 215–218, 222–229
SAE leadership
conventions, 28, 169–175, 215–216, 222–229
cruises, 1–4, 11, 140, 216
SAE discrimination and, 170–177, 183–186
school, 176
singing, 137–142
SAE members
black, 140, 148–150, 152–153, 157, 161, 163–167, 182, 184, 185, 187–188, 195–197, 202–203, 210–211
drinking and early, 22–25
gay, 234
interviewed about SAE racism, 150–159, 163–167
Jewish, 187, 216
loyalty amongst, 236–237
membership, 9–10, 16–17
misogyny of, 80
as veterans of Confederacy, 178
women as, 81
See also alumni, SAE; discrimination, SAE; specific topics
SAE members, expulsions
by colleges, 80, 147, 154, 156
by SAE national organization, 142, 153
for sexual assault, 235
SAE national organization
alumni confronting, 113
chapter autonomy from, 218
chapter suspensions by, 60, 65, 89, 142, 148, 151, 227
drinking ban attempts of, 218–219, 222, 226
Eminent Supreme Archons or presidents, 68, 215–217, 220–229
financial holdings, 43–44
hazing and, 59, 222
legal issues and, 218
member expulsions, 142, 153
racial composition survey, 148
rules against underage drinking, 113
SAE pledging ban and, 55, 215, 222–227, 250
SAE undergraduates and, 218, 220
Supreme Council, 130, 222–223, 225–227
SAE wrongdoing
college disciplinary hearings on, 107–110, 113, 124–130, 134
See also college disciplining SAE
Safe Campus Act, 122–123
Safe Campus Coalition, 123
Salih, W. Ahmad, 187
Salisbury University, SAE chapter, 48–51, 60–71
Sawyer, John Edward, 239–240
Scarborough, Michael, 67–69, 226
Schlather, Raymond, 41–42
Schriver, Alex, 120
Sederburg, William, 130–131
segregated fraternities. See black fraternities; discrimination, fraternity; white fraternities
segregation, 169
See also integration
Selden, Armistead I., 174, 175, 176
Sessions, Pete, 121, 123
double standard of fraternities, 81
“nonconsensual sexual contact” experienced by women students, 118
women students pressured by fraternity members for, 81
sexual assault, at fraternity parties
binge drinking and, 78
fraternity members’ sexual consent attitudes and, 78, 90
as predictable outcome, 83–84
research on, 83–85
sorority women’s chances of, 78
women students’ chances of, 78
sexual assault, at SAE parties
cherry-bust party, 87
during Halloween holiday, 91–106
sexual assault, campus
debate over, 78–79
Safe Campus Act, 122–123
See also rape, campus
sexual assault, drinking link to, 78
sexual assault, fraternity, 5, 6, 7, 117
fraternity members’ attitudes about, 79, 90
insurance for, 78
prosecutions, 78, 79
public disclosure of, 251
research on, 83–85
See also rape, fraternity
sexual assault, SAE, 3–4, 10
drinking at SAE parties and, 88–91, 97, 98, 102, 104–105
during Halloween holiday, 91–106
member expulsion over, 235
prosecutions, 86, 87
reports and investigations, 86–91, 93–97
research on, 85–86
“Sexual Assault Expected” reputation, 85–86, 102
of sorority women, 88–91
See also rape, SAE
sexual consent
fraternity members’ attitudes about, 78, 82, 90
sexual entitlement attitudes of final club members, 83
Sheehan, Daniel, 184
Shepard, Sterling, 157
Shipp, Jen Palancia, 65–66
Shollenberger, Kevin G., 96
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE)
deaths related to, 10–11, 30, 38–45, 58, 59, 222, 225
Eminent Supreme Recorder or executive director, 24
Founders Day, 140
founding, 22
Inner Circle, 68
insurance, 44, 97, 222, 225
legal judgments against, 11, 40–44, 58, 86, 102–106
mock kidnappings, 34–37, 39, 45
overview, 9–10
in popular culture, 10
risk-management policy, 44, 45
“The True Gentleman” creed of, 1–3, 11, 50–51, 80, 174–175, 248
See also specific topics
True Gentlemen Page 29