Spring Feve

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Spring Feve Page 27

by Emerald Wright

  “I’ll fix us some dinner. Put on a movie, which we won’t end up watching.” Blondie winked suggestively then threw her arms around Garrett’s neck. He didn’t encourage her in any way, but he didn’t set her straight either. In fact he stood perfectly still. Alarm bells started ringing in her head.

  “Evelyn, I told you, I’m still on the job. I’ll come by later.”

  “Promise.” She scrunched up her cute little button nose.

  “Yeah, I promise.”

  Blondie leaned up and kissed Garrett, who grabbed her elbows but not before she got her lips wrapped around his. “I’m on the clock. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “You’re such a spoil sport. What man isn’t up for a quickie? I can make you come in under three minutes and you know it. What type of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t help ease a bit of the on the job stress.”

  Brice had to shut her eyes and concentrate on regulating her breathing. Her teeth had grown sharp. The thing might be more under control, but it was definitely still there. Right now, it wanted to rip Evelyn’s head off. Scratch that, she wanted to rip Blondie’s head off.

  “Please, Evelyn. Not now. Later.”

  When she opened her eyes, he had ushered Blondie to the entrance. After barely saying goodbye, he closed the door and breathed what looked like a sigh of relief. Was he happy she was gone or happy because he thought he hadn’t been caught? She’d bet on the latter. How had she been so stupid?

  Brice pulled the door open. “You did try and warn me.”

  His face drained of color. “How much did you hear?”

  “Enough. Your girlfriend is very pretty,” Brice ground out the word girlfriend. “Oh my God. I just realized, you made it sound like you would end up cheating on me with another woman meanwhile I am the other woman. This is so much worse.”

  “It’s not what you think.”

  Brice laughed. “Isn’t that what they always say? I’m sure I just heard you agree to go to her house later for some stress relief. I guess I should be grateful you didn’t take her up on her quickie offer. How fucking embarrassing would that have been?” Damn it, she needed to try and keep her cool. He’d never made any promises to her, the opposite was true. Garrett had never wanted things to progress between them and had tried to warn her. It was difficult to keep any type of decorum. She wasn’t feeling logical right now, not when it felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest and repeatedly hit with a jack hammer.

  “I did agree to go to her place later, but to tell her it was over not to fuck her. I had planned the break-up before even meeting you. We only dated a few times.”

  “How convenient. I guess that makes it okay. What was she to you then? Someone to warm your bed?”

  “Yes, okay, that’s exactly what she was and I never told her differently.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend, because that’s what she seems to think she is to you?” Her voice sounded shrill and she knew she should back down but couldn’t.

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I wanted to tell you Brice. It just never seemed like the right time. I told you we needed to talk. I had planned on telling you about her after fixing us something to eat.” He paced, his hands fisted at his sides, he was wearing a pair of low slung jeans, chest bare.

  “Again, how frigging convenient. You know what? It doesn’t matter.” She shook her head and he stopped in mid pace turning to face her. “You said yourself that you’re no good for me, that we couldn’t be together. You planned on taking me home anyway except don’t bother, I’ll find my own way.”

  “I was wrong.”

  His words made her want to pause but it wasn’t going to happen, he had lied to her. She made for his bedroom, her sneakers were around somewhere. “I was wrong about us Garrett. Go to your girlfriend. I’ll be fine.” Her lip quivered and her eyes filled but she would be damned if she was going to let herself cry in front of him.

  “Please stop calling her that.”

  Brice spotted her shoes in the corner and pulled one on. “Fine, we’ll call her your lover then.”

  Garrett cursed. “Evelyn and I were in a mutually beneficial short term relationship. I fucked her a few times end of story, I never once implied by action or otherwise that we were or would be anything more. I should have told you about her. I’m sorry.”

  He was making complete sense and essentially had done nothing wrong, but she couldn’t help but still feel hurt. Brice had been convinced that she was something special, that they were meant to be. She wasn’t so sure anymore. The thought of him in bed with that woman had her gums itching all over again. Once both laces were tied, she stood up making for the door. “Forget it, okay. I’m out of your hair.” She glanced at him and said, “Thanks again.”

  He gently caught her arm and spun her back around to face him. “Not until we finish talking. Hear me out please. You owe me that much.” Garrett cupped her chin, tilting her face to his.

  For a few seconds she was sorely tempted to hear him out, but she was just too angry right now. She needed some time to think this through. “Let go of me. You don’t get to touch me right now. I owe you jack shit.”

  “We need to talk about this.”

  “We do need to talk, but not now.” She bit on her bottom lip, “I need some time.”

  Garrett nodded and then released her. “Can I drop you off somewhere? Do you want me to leave for a while?”

  She shook her head, which felt so full it could burst. “I need some fresh air.”

  “It’s not safe for you to walk around outside Bee. What if you’re seen?”

  “I’ll be fine. I am in control and I spent a lot of time avoiding being caught before I met you.”

  Bee opened the door and made quick work of the stairs taking in big gulps of air once she was outside. The park was just a block or two from here, it would be nice to walk with the sun on her back and to try and think things through. Her heart wanted her to believe that Garrett was an asshole. Her head on the other hand was telling her what a complete idiot she was being. Garrett should have told her about Blondie, but otherwise he had done nothing wrong.

  Anger and jealousy coursed through her veins, so much so that she struggled to enjoy her new found freedom compliments of Garrett. Her mate. Her hands squeezed into fists and she ground her teeth in frustration. Why did things have to be so complicated? She loved Garrett, yet wanted to kill him. Her plan had been to try and convince him that they were meant to be together, maybe it would be best if she went back home. Alone. Best if she stayed away from him. If in time he realised that they were meant to be together, then he could go to her and try and win her. The thought of leaving him left her feeling worse though.

  Bee picked up the pace. She’d always loved nature, the feel of grass between her toes, the sound of leaves rustling in a gentle breeze.

  Something collided with her from behind, it took her off her feet and she face planted into the sidewalk. It felt as if half her chin was being grated off. A heavy weight settled onto her back as they came to a stop. Bee tried to lift herself.

  “Stay still.” It was a man and his voice quivered with...nerves.

  She felt her hands being pulled behind her back. The tingles started both in her gums and nail beds as she felt her teeth and claws extend. Bee hissed as she fought against the heavy bulk that held her down. Against the strong hands that clutched at her wrists. He let go of one of her arms and brought his elbow down on her back. By the time he let go of the other arm she had already dug her talons into his meaty thigh.

  The man shrieked. There was a clinking sound and a sharp pain around her wrist. The pain increased when he yanked her arm up high on her back. Any higher and the bone would break. The bastard had cuffed her. His weight lifted slightly before he came back down on her. The air in her lungs was forced out and she felt a rib crack as what could only be his knee slammed into her.

bsp; Bee screamed. There was a sharp pain on her other wrist as he cuffed her hands behind her. The weight eased to a bearable level. Her scream ended in a loud high pitched hiss that hurt even her own ears.

  “You are under arrest for assault.” A cold hard object was shoved into the back of her neck. “If you move so much as a muscle, I’ll blow a hole in your head the size of a grapefruit.” He went on to read her rights to her.

  There was a sound of buttons being pressed. “Yeah it’s Marks,” he paused. “Sure, the code is romeo, four, twenty, golf, nine, nine, zero.” Another pause this time longer, “I need to confirm that I have apprehended Brice Darkstead. Requesting back-up. The suspect is a hybrid, I repeat she is a hybrid.”

  The person on the other end must have been saying something because there was silence for a few beats. “I am aware. I will hold position until back-up arrives.” There was another sound of a button being pushed as he ended the call.

  “I’m in control. Please, I won’t...”

  “Shut it.” The knee on her back increased in pressure and she had to bite back a moan.

  “I swear...”

  One of his hands came down on the back of her head and pushed her face into the unforgiving ground. This forced more weight onto the knee pushing into her back.

  This time she did cry out, “Please.” She understood on some level that the man doing this was only acting on orders.

  “Don’t say a word and don’t move a muscle.”

  If she wasn’t allowed to reason with him, then she’d have to show him she was in control. Brice took deep breaths and forced the demon inside her to obey. The tingling subsided as her teeth and nails receded. Next, she forced herself to submit, or at the very least, not to fight back against the big man that held her down. Bee could make out footsteps on the asphalt, they hesitated as they approached stopping alongside them.

  “Keep on walking, there’s nothing to see here.” Her captor’s voice was gruff. “I said move on.” More forceful this time. “Mother f...,” he mumbled the curse under his breath. “We’re going to stand, one wrong move and you are finished. Do you understand?” Before she could answer, he went on. “Of course you don’t you’re a fucking hybrid. Try anything and you die. You’re going to die anyway so doesn’t matter if it’s right now.” His voice vibrated, this time she was sure she picked up a nervous tension. Not good. He jerked her up.

  The gun muzzle was pushed so securely into her neck that she moved forward just to try and get away from the bruising ache, his other hand crushed her at her waist. The man pushed her in the direction of the park. He walked so quickly that she found herself tripping over her own feet. Passer-by’s stared, but no one made a move to help her. One thing was clear, the guy was more than likely a Chaser. He knew who she was, knew what she was, and was treating her like the deadly killer she had been up until less than an hour ago. He wasn’t prepared to listen to reason and wouldn’t hesitate to kill her. He was scared shitless of her. Bee believed him when he said he would kill her. Every instinct screamed at her to fight and run, but how could she with a gun buried in her neck. Even worse, there were more Chasers on their way to capture her. Garrett had said that hybrids were put to death. Her demon clawed at her.

  It wanted out.

  It wanted to save them.

  The Chaser headed away from the growing crowd and made for a wooded area in the park. Did he plan on killing her right now? Surely not. Before she could think on it further, they reached the shelter of the trees. The man pulled them in and behind the confines of some bushes and pushed her against an oak. The rough bark dug into her face. Bee grit her teeth and tried hard to keep from crying out. If she survived this, she was sure she would need reconstructive surgery because her face felt like someone had taken a grater to it.

  The gun pushed even deeper into the soft base of her neck, and a cry was torn from her.


  “You’re hurting me.”

  “Trying to get me to sympathize with you will get you nowhere. Talk again and you will die.”

  As if to prove a point, he dug the muzzle even deeper for an agonising second, but she managed to hold back a scream. Only just. The hand clutching her side let go and she heard the tell-tale buttons as he dialled. The Chaser gave his name and the code a second time before telling the person on the other end that they had moved and where they could be found. He ended the call. There was a sound of clothes rustling and his hand moved back to clutch her side. Thankfully, not quite as hard as before. She concentrated on taking calming breaths, trying hard not to panic. If she lost it, she was dead. At the same time, if she didn’t escape she was just as dead. Maybe she should let them take her, in the hopes that Garrett would rescue her before they exterminated her. It might give her a chance to prove she was in control.

  There was a slight vibration on the gun. Either his arms were getting tired or he was scared enough to shake, she’d go with the latter which didn’t bode well for her. People did stupid things when they were scared.

  She swallowed, her mouth had become so dry, her tongue felt like lead. Bee shut her eyes praying that he didn’t shoot her. She had to do something. “Please don’t hurt me,” her voice came out sounding strangled.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  “All I’m asking is that you calm down. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “The fuck you aren’t. Just stay still and keep quiet.” To emphasize his point, he dug the gun into her again. What was it with him and that freaking gun?

  “Thank fuck,” the Chaser said the words on a sigh. His hold on her loosened.

  “Marks, buddy. Managed to snag yourself a hybrid second week on the job. You may just be up for a medal.” The calvary had arrived. The new voice was confident to the point of arrogance. Almost as bad as shit scared when it came to being trigger happy.

  “I see you’re keeping its head far away from you. Good boy, looks like the academy is doing a good job training you rookies. Don’t be fooled by its calm demeanour. That thing’ll rip you to pieces if you give it half the chance.”

  Another hand grabbed her by her upper arm. “Let’s get the mouth guard on and we’ll be good to go.” It was Mr Arrogant that spoke.

  “What about the ankle chains?” The scared one was starting to sound a little more confident.

  “Nah, we’ll do those when we get back to the vehicle. You’re going to need both your hands so holster your weapon.”

  It was a relief to have the muzzle removed from her neck.

  “Good,” Mr Arrogance continued. “We need to move quickly, I’ll pull her back and you muzzle her. Got it?”


  Almost before he finished talking, someone grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her back. A black leather muzzle that would work well in any sadistic horror movie, descended towards her face. Her demon reared and in her panic she let it. Teeth ripped from her gums and she hissed, a sound so high pitched she would’ve cringed if her mouth wasn’t so full of fangs. She managed to clamp down on the leather and tore the object from the hand that held it. In so doing, she was able to rip herself free from the guy that held her as well and grabbed a hold of the hand. Her teeth tore through flesh and cracked bone. It felt good as warm, salty blood gushed into her mouth. Her demon hummed, letting go of the hand so that it could go for the throat. A sharp pain ripped through her stomach and she fell. Bee tried to stand but fell again. There was blinding pain, it felt like someone had set fire to her insides. She was burning up.

  Chapter Ten

  White hot rage consumed him. They had Bee in custody and it was all his fault. Why hadn’t he just told her the truth when he had a chance? She wouldn’t have run out and put herself in this position. Now it might be too late. Confirmed hybrids were put to death without delay.

  No exceptions.

  Well, they would have to fucking make an exception this once or so help him God he would die trying to break her out
of there. That was, if he wasn’t too late already.

  Garrett pushed through the double doors at the entrance to the ops building and used his key card to access the lift. He pushed B3 which would take him down into the bowels of the building, to where they housed the most dangerous demons, although usually not for long. He ground his teeth and tried to will his fisted hands to open at his sides. They would not oblige. Thank God, Nick had been listening to his scanner and had picked up the request for back up or he would definitely have been too late.

  The doors slid open. The next room was small. The control room. This time he had to use his key card, fingerprint and a simultaneous retina scan in order to gain access to the holding cells. She’d better be alive or there would be hell to pay.

  The first person to approach him was O’Conner, a cock sure punk that had managed to get himself promoted to code red detail a few months ago.

  The youngest member of the team, O’Conner approached him with a wide grin on his face. “Hey, Midas.”

  Who the fuck did this rookie think he was calling him by his nickname? Garrett side stepped O’Conner and kept moving in the direction of the most controlled high security holding cells in the city. If Bee was still alive she’d be in one of those.

  “I take it you’re here to see the hybrid,” O’Conner called after him.

  Garrett paused for a second “Is she still alive?” He asked keeping his eyes trained on the door at the top of the passage.

  O’Conner chuckled, “That thing nearly took Mark’s hand off. I swear if I hadn’t shot it...”

  Bee had been shot. It felt as if all of his blood drained from his body, like it was being replaced with fire.

  Red, scorching, liquid flames.

  Garrett turned in one easy motion using the momentum to catch O’Conner with an upper cut to the jaw. The rookie went down, landing in a crash on his back. The confrontation was over because the piece of shit that had shot his woman was out cold. Thankfully there was still a semblance of reason, a small part of him that realised O’Conner was just doing his job, or the rookie would’ve been dead.


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