Spring Feve

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Spring Feve Page 96

by Emerald Wright

  “Oh yeah?” a grin spread across Jake’s face, deepening the dimple in his left cheek. “We can probably do something about that.”

  He pushed himself closer to me, and pulled me closer to him simultaneously. I felt his hardness press against my button, through my jeans, and immediately felt a twirl of excitement that started in my belly and crept all the way up my chest. It escaped my lips in a surprised little gasp, followed by a moan.

  “From here on out,” he said, “no secrets. Anything you want, you tell me. Anything bothering you, you—”

  “Don’t worry,” I tangled my fingers in his hair and sucked his earlobe as I whispered. “I’m not shy about a whole lot.”

  I felt him squirm. “God you get me going,” he growled. And then in one swift movement, he tore at my jeans, yanking the button open and sliding them down my legs. I gasped in surprise, giggled a little. “I love the way you laugh.”

  Breathing a little harder, I said, “I love the way you look at me.”

  Jake narrowed his eyes. “Let’s make it simple. I just love you.”

  My heart just about hit the floor. I couldn’t help it, not just then. All the safety and security and sense of home I felt when I with him? His saying out loud that he loved me made it all real somehow. For a second I couldn’t breathe very well, much less respond.

  “I love you too,” I whispered, as soon as I was able to harness my stupor.

  My hands slid down the front of Jake’s muscled stomach, and underneath the waist of his boxers. Hungrily, I grasped for him, and trilled with pleasure when his thickness filled both of my hands. Heat from his softest skin radiated through my palms and up my arms. He let out a low, rumbling growl. “I didn’t know it was possible to ache for someone, to yearn for them and need them like I do you. When we were apart, it felt like there was a hole in the pit of my stomach. And then I saw you again, and... I felt whole.”

  “There it is,” I whispered, sucking on his chin, then his bottom lip. I smiled up at him, biting my lip softly as I did.

  “There what is?”

  “That growly voice. The first time I heard you talk, it felt like there were ten pounds of rocks in my stomach. I could hardly think about anything else except that growly voice and those eyes of yours,” I breathed so softly I could hardly hear myself. “And now here we are.”

  “Here we are,” he said, tilting my head back and putting the tip of his nose against mine. The scent of his skin filled my nose. “Life’s funny sometimes, ain’t it?”

  Before I could give a pithy retort, Jake pulled my hips even closer to him. That big, thick rod inside his unbuttoned, unbuckled jeans pressed hard against my most sensitive place. The rough edges of the denim hanging down rubbed against my inner thighs. “You’re soaking wet,” he said in that growly, delicious voice that made my insides turn to black cherry Jell-O. And not the sugar free kind either. “Is it something I did?”

  Each time he pulled back and left the slightest bit of space between our bodies, the air from the overhead fan cooled the sex on my panties, giving me a little chill. “I’ve never had anyone do that to me,” I admitted. “I didn’t even know it was possible.”

  Jake kissed my neck, raising goosebumps down my shoulder and across my chest. My nipples perked up, rasping gently against the inside of my bra. “I’m learning that a lot of things I didn’t know were possible,” he kissed again, sucking at the hollow of my neck and then tugging the neck of my shirt down enough to kiss lower, “are.”

  The warm finality of his voice, the wonderful gravity of his talking, had me so worked up that I could have thrown him backwards onto the floor and broken him in half. Well okay, maybe not broken him in half, but I could’ve really given it a shot.

  The kisses trailing down my neck and between my breasts were enough to push me right up to the edge, but when Jake yanked my shirt over my head and ran his lips down the slope of my breast? Let’s just say that I felt like the coyote who just ran six feet past the edge before realizing there wasn’t any ground under my feet anymore.

  His tongue pirouetted slowly around my breast, sliding over the fabric of my bra. I felt his wetness, his heat, his hunger, but in a muffled, subdued sort of way as he trailed the tip of his tongue all the way to my nipple.

  As though my body was stretching for him, trying to do whatever it could to reach him, my nipples went rigid. They were so sensitive that when he cupped my other breast with his hand, I almost throbbed with anticipation as he rasped his palm over my bra. He circled gently with his thumb, so lightly that it was hard for me to believe someone as powerful as my Jake could be so careful.

  A soft groan escaped my lips. Jake looked up at me, nibbled just a little on my peak, and smiled in a way that warmed me to the core. I found myself clutching at his head, holding him to my chest and refusing to let go. It was like I was afraid that if I stopped, he’d get away... as though he’d want to escape from what we were doing, which he most certainly didn’t, judging from the noises he was making.

  “This,” he groaned, “is all I’ve ever dreamed.”

  I tried to respond to his sweetness, but just when I did, Jake pulled my bra down and his rotating tongue found the hard pinkness underneath. I was lost. The entire world swirled around my head, and I felt like I was swimming in jelly. Warm, sensual, jelly.

  Or maybe that was just the way my knees felt. Hard to say, honestly.

  I grappled Jake around the waist with my ankles, pulling him roughly against me. The way his shirt slid on my bare skin reminded me that he was wearing one, which just wasn’t going to fly.

  “That thing comes off,” I said, somehow, as I swallowed a gasp. “I need skin, come on, big boy.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle at myself, and he smiled too. His eyes locked on mine, and for a second I thought he was going to somehow melt my brain with that gaze. Without taking his eyes off mine, he slid the soft flannel over his head. His hair tumbled down the sides of his face in a dark brown cascade, catching the light from the chandelier just perfectly.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said with a little twist in my voice.

  “You’re perfect,” he said back.

  “But how? I’ve got more than I should in some places, and not enough in others.”

  The grin he shot me could have killed a lion. “That’s what makes you perfect. You’re you.”

  “I swear to god if you don’t lay me across this table and make me scream y our name right now... then, well... I’m not sure what I’ll do, but you’ll regret it.”

  He let out a boom of laughter. “Trust me,” he said. “I might look dumb, but I’m so not stupid enough to miss this.”

  For a second, his eyes flashed like fire in the night. He opened his mouth again, and I noticed that his teeth had grown ever so slightly.

  “Your teeth...”

  “Like I told Jeannie, when we’re really having a good time, there isn’t a whole lot we can do about the wolf coming out.”

  I shrugged, with a smile on my lips. “We’re all animals, aren’t we?”

  “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  A growl slipped from Jake’s lips. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long, long time,” he growled. Slowly, he pushed me backward until my head rested against the table. His lips touched the inside of my knee. He circled with his tongue, then sucked a kiss. Seconds later, he was just a little nearer the place I wanted him.

  “Don’t make me wait,” I whispered. My voice was already thick with desire and just then I noticed that my pulse was matching the urgency I felt.

  That tongue, running up and down the line where my legs came together, was one of the sweetest, most enchanting sensations I’ve ever felt. It reminded me of naked sunbathing in the middle of the Florida Keys the way warmth spread first across my skin, and then all the way to my bones.

  “How do you do that?” I asked, half-breathless and a little concerned that I might pass out if the
sensations got any stronger. “It’s just so…”

  Before coming up for air, Jake let the tip of his tongue trickle along my folds, exploring me, so gently, so carefully. He gave me a little playful nibble on the deepest part of my left thigh, that made me first giggle and then moan ever so slightly.

  “Everything’s better when you’re in love, didn’t anyone tell you that?”

  I closed my eyes and rolled my head back and forth for a moment, almost not believing that any of this was real. But here it was – here he and I were, and I could hardly believe this was reality. “Lots of people did,” I whispered. “I just never really felt it.” After a moment’s pause, I remembered to finish. “Not like this, anyway.”

  “Shh,” he breathed, letting his breath warm my naked belly before his tongue did the same thing. When his mouth finally went back between my legs, it was a revelation. The pulse in my chest was pounding, my breath was shorter, harder and hotter. All I could do was let it wash over me in waves that enveloped every sense I had. “You’re… incredible…” I managed to squeak, in the instant before one of his fingers parted my folds and entered me.

  Involuntarily, I arched my back against the pressure, trying to drive him deeper, but the slow rotations of his fingertip resisted. With a soft laugh, Jake pulled away. “Not yet,” he said. “We’ve got the rest of our lives. We can go slow.”

  “I… I’m not sure I can,” I said in between moans.

  “You can if I say you can,” I could feel his lips curl into a smile as his tongue danced a slow circle around my clit. He matched the speed with his finger, slowly turning and finding a place that made me squeal out loud.

  He played there for a moment but as soon as the clenching between my legs grew stronger, he retreated. “Not just yet,” he whispered.

  My entire body was one giant goosebump. Tingling, prickly waves went through me, and before I knew what was happening, a familiar crescendo began to thrum deep in my core. “No,” I said, laughing. “No, I really can’t!”

  I threw my legs up around Jake’s shoulders, and pulled as hard as I could. “Don’t stop,” I begged. “Don’t…”

  And then any semblance of speech turned into helpless, ecstatic grumbling. I tensed up all over, and like a light switch flicking from halfway on to all the way off, relief washed through me, leaving a trembling mass behind.

  “What’s that smug grin for?” I asked when I came back to myself and propped up on my elbows to see my big, bad wolf staring at me with the dumbest, most enamored look plastered all over his face that I’ve ever seen.

  “I didn’t know it was even possible to fall in love as hard as I have,” was his answer. I should have expected him to say something that would knock me from flat on my back to somehow flatter on my back, but somehow I didn’t.

  “I feel like a different person,” was the only thing I could think to say. “Like my entire life changed in a month. Like if you told me all this was going to happen a month ago, I never would have believed you. I mean, even aside from the werewolf thing.”

  I sat up, grabbing Jake’s trim, muscled waist, and pulling him between my legs. His thickness lay against my belly, hot as a coal against my skin.

  “Yeah, the werewolf business is probably a little jarring,” he said, hungrily kissing my neck, then my jaw, then sucking my bottom lip between his teeth and growling.

  “Funny thing is,” I whispered, clutching his head and urging his mouth down to my breast. “The werewolf thing isn’t even the part that’s hardest to believe.”

  Jake dragged this teeth along the curve of my breast until they reached my pebbled ring. A moment later, his nibbling brought me almost to another climax without any effort at all.

  “I’m not a quick girl,” I said with a bashful smile. “You just do something to me.”

  “You’re not the only one,” Jake said, lifting his forearm. It was more hairy than before. His nails were a bit longer, and his eyes burned more intensely. “I hope this doesn’t upset you.”

  “How could it? You just show all the things I’m feeling. Yours are just outside.”

  “I feel like I should take you to the bedroom, but I don’t think I’d make it. I kinda,” he was getting growly again. God almighty did he get growly. And when he did, I felt myself go all wiggly and squirmy.

  I laughed, “you won’t make it?”

  I pushed off the table and grabbed his hands, dragging Jake down to the floor on top of me. He nestled between my legs, fitting almost too perfectly to believe. Wrapping my calves around his sides, I got him to push himself against me, up and down my folds. The thick roundness of his tip taunted me, teased me, and I angled my hips to try and get him inside.

  “Just… I need you so bad,” I groaned, trickling my fingernails along his sides and down his arms.

  He tested my entrance, pushing his tip just inside. “Slowly,” he said. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Could you be any more perfect?” my words turned back into pleasured mumbling at the end, but from the way he stared at me, I knew he understood what I’d said before the wonderful stretching between my legs took my voice.

  “Well,” he grinned one of his flashing, burning hot grins. “I can’t ever poach eggs right.”

  I laughed the loudest, biggest, most honest laugh I remember. The purity of emotion, the complete vulnerability that I felt like I was allowed to show him without any fear of a cruel joke or a nasty remark took me to another plateau. “More,” I whispered, when his head dropped and I could suck at his ear lobe. I nibbled just a little bit. “Give me more.”

  He slid deeper, my sex stretching around him, gripping him and refusing to let go. “Don’t ever go away,” he breathed against my neck. “I’m not the perfect one.”

  As he went deeper, I clawed his arms, leaving red streaks and getting a groan from his lips that left my body shaking. As hard as I could, I squeezed my deepest muscles, urging him in further and further until I felt his hair against the puff of mine. He was all the way in, and I felt like in that moment that I couldn’t tell where I stopped and he started.

  Sweat ran down the sides of his face. “Scratch… me,” he urged. “Harder… yes, yes…”

  Jake was motionless inside me for a moment, only the throbbing of his pulse was his only motion. Our hearts came together, pounding in an ever heightening rate until finally they were beating exactly together.

  I’ve only been in one fight in my life. One real, honest to goodness fist fight. But right then, I got the same surge of adrenaline, of pure, unaffected passion. I shoved him off my chest. He took the hint. With hands cradling my legs, he rocked back until he was laying on the warm, hardwood floor and I was on top of him, staring down.

  He was so deep, so achingly, wonderfully deep, that I could hardly stand it as I began to rock my hips back and forth. Jake’s hair was around his head, pooled on the floor in a swirl of brown curls. His eyes were closed, but when I lifted myself and then thrust him deeper than ever before, they shot open. He had a look on his face of bliss, and I knew from the hot flush running up and down my spine that I was right there with him.

  His hands went from my thighs to my breasts. He pinched softly at first, testing to see if I would react. “Don’t play… with… me,” I groaned as I lifted up and slammed back down. “Harder. Make it hurt.”

  He twisted his fingers just a bit. Pain streaked through me like a lightning bolt, and the crackling of pleasure followed immediately afterward. My whole world was nothing but sweet ecstasy, and when I ran my fingernails down Jake’s chest, he let his head fall back against the floor with a thud. “Yes,” he moaned, through barely parted lips. “Yes, oh my God yes…”

  I lifted again, but this time he followed me up, driving his hips into me, pushing that hot thickness as deep as it could go. Our skin slapped together, and when I drove him back to the floor, I knew there wasn’t going to be a whole lot more of this before I absolutely exploded. Suddenly,
the sweat running down my face, trickling down the hollow of my throat was all mine. I drew a deep breath through my nose to try and quell the blast I knew was coming.

  He drove upward one more time, grinding against my sweetest place. He clutched my ass with those incredible hands, and with his body fully inside mine, I felt him tighten.

  A twitch on his face and then so deep in me that I felt it shake my core came right before the his mouth fell all the way open. I threw my head back, surrendering to the white heat that I knew I couldn’t fight any more.

  “De…lilah,” he groaned, with such ferocity that I felt his voice rumble in my chest. “I can’t hold… on…”

  “Don’t,” I whispered. “I’m right there.”

  He clutched me hard, grinding me against his body, and I fell forward. My hands flattened against the floor and my lips an inch from his. In that second, I opened my eyes in a dreamy haze to find him staring back at me. “I want to watch when you… kiss me…”

  Our lips tangled into one another, our tongues swirling together. The tide inside me broke.

  I felt him erupt, I felt his entire body shake, and then every muscle in me went taut. The cords in my neck thrummed. A hum of tension carried through my entire being. He sucked my bottom lip, and then bit down, but only for a moment.

  Jake moaned my name again, and breathed into me. The tension ripping through me collapsed all at once. I tried to tell him how good it felt, to tell him I loved him, but it was just garbled mumbles of absolute pleasure, of complete release, that came out.

  We lay there, our bodies entertwined, for what seemed like eternity as we both shuddered and shook together. As my heart slowed, and I started to breathe at a pace vaguely resembling normal, I blinked a few times, clearing the spots from my vision. Jake had a dazed, almost uselessly happy look on his face when I rolled off the top of him, sighed heavily, and nestled against him. He wrapped his arm around me, and we stayed just like that, staring up at the ceiling, as the gentle air from the massive overhead fan cooled the sweat, and the sex, that covered us.


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