The Taking of Clara 2: Taken by the Boss

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The Taking of Clara 2: Taken by the Boss Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  The contract on the desk made him think of a lead weight wrapped around his neck. Growling in anger, he gripped her waist then slammed deeper inside her. Her cries echoed around his office.

  He saw the flash of pain in her eyes only to be replaced by pleasure seconds later. She was totally submissive and yet she ignored the needs inside her constantly.

  “Would you have come for me if my father hadn’t been about to lose?” she asked.

  The fact she could still think with his cock inside her annoyed the hell out of Matthew. He didn’t want her to think.

  Pressing a thumb to her swollen clit, he stroked her slowly drawing out her pleasure. “Stop fucking talking.”

  He gazed down to watch his cock disappear inside her tight cunt. His length glistened with her juices. He hadn’t used a rubber. Not caring Matthew returned his gaze to hers. The color of her eyes startled him. The green looked darker with her arousal. The striking color contrasted with her raven hair that spread out on the counter of his desk.

  Everything about her called to him, her sweet scent along with her submissive nature. Not one part of her repulsed him. The only thing about her that he hated was her father. Clara didn’t pick her father. She’d been saddled with him. Without that man Matthew wouldn’t have Clara in his life.

  Moving his hands to her waist, Matthew picked her up in his arms. He walked to the nearest sofa. Sitting down he held her in his arms. Her head rested in the crook of his neck.

  Her legs wrapped around his back. Sinking his fingers into the length of her hair, he pulled on the strands to gain her attention.

  “I may have won you in a card game, Clara, but from the moment I first saw you, you were my woman. There is no denying it. Who do you think made sure you worked on my floor?”

  He saw his words penetrated her lust-filled mind. The same penetration as he fucked her tight pussy.

  “I thought I’d been moved because of company policy or because you were short a typist.”

  Matthew chuckled. Her innocence was magical to witness.

  “Baby, you were on that floor because I demanded your presence there. I wanted to see you every day.” He pulled her down to inhale her fragrance. Closing his eyes, he allowed the arousal to build inside him. His cock thickened. Her eyes widened as the angle took him deeper inside her.

  He felt the tip of his cock hitting her cervix. Being so deep would create the slight bite of pain that Clara needed to get off. He looked forward to exploring what other pains she needed to make her come.

  “I’ve been planning on taking you for some time.”

  “How did you know who my father was?” she asked.

  Rubbing his thumb over her clit, he watched her come apart under his touch. Clara exploded with a few strokes of this touch. He cursed at how tight her pussy got with each pulse of her orgasm.

  He’d never grow bored of her tight heat.

  “What about you?” she asked, coming down from her release.

  “What about me?” He stared at her, happy to have her seated on his cock for the remainder of the day.

  “You haven’t come.”

  “I don’t need to. I love feeling you first. I want to talk.”

  She made to get off his lap. Matthew grabbed her hips, holding her in place on his cock. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “You want to talk. How can you talk with me on your…erm…” She didn’t finish her words.

  “Cock, Clara. Say the words.”

  Underneath her red flush of orgasm, he detected the heat of a blush. Matthew chuckled, charmed by her easy blushes. “I want to hear you say the words. Say them for me, baby.”

  Biting her lip she stared past his shoulder. “How can we talk with me on your cock?” The words came out in a whisper.

  “Good. Now say them louder and look at me when you speak them.”

  Her gaze flickered over his face. “Why do you tease me?”

  “This is not a tease. I need you to be able to speak to me about all matters. This is just a small thing.”

  “How can you talk with me on your cock?” Her words were louder this time and her gaze stayed on him.

  His cock jolted inside her. She sounded so damn sexy to him.

  “Good girl,” he said, then slapped her ass.

  She yelped.

  “Why did you slap me?” she asked.

  “For trying to move and then questioning me. I like you on my cock, Clara. I’d gladly have you ride me every day.”

  “I don’t understand you. You want me to say those words but you punish me for them. I’m still angry about that contract.”

  He wanted to slap her ass again. The sound of flesh hitting flesh turned him on. He wondered how it would sound with his wooden paddle hitting the flesh of her ass. Her tits hung in front of his face. Ignoring her words, he licked her nipple, biting on the tight little bud.

  She moaned thrusting her chest against his face.

  Running his hands down her back he cupped her ass cheeks. He lifted her up then slammed her down. She cried out.

  Matthew was torn between fucking her and talking to her.

  “I’d been meaning to talk to you for some time. Moving you closer to me at work had merely been the first step. Your father meant I moved faster in approaching you.”

  “Why did you put the advert in the newspaper? How did you know I’d answer? I don’t understand any of it.”

  Matthew cupped her cheek and shushed her by pressing his thumb to her lips. “Don’t talk. Listen to me. I’ll tell you everything you need to know. Trust me.”

  Chapter Two

  How could she trust him? He’d been lying to her for some time. The contract, her father, the advert was all part of his plan. His main plan had been to get her, but why? None of it made any sense. He said he loved her but Matthew could have any woman he desired. What made her so special to him?

  He kept calling her sub and referring to her submissive nature. She didn’t understand what he meant when he talked like that. He wanted her trust. What else did he want?

  “Stop thinking so hard.”

  “You’re confusing me.”

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  Staring into his eyes, she nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked again.

  Clara did the only thing she could, she shrugged her shoulder. “I don’t know anymore.”

  Matthew let out a sigh. His hand pushed her hair off her shoulders. She felt him run his thumbs up either side of her neck until they rested on her rapidly beating pulse.

  “You know I’d never hurt you, right?”

  She nodded.

  “I’d hoped we’d been farther in our relationship than we are now. That contract is bull shit, Clara. The contract is a bunch of words that means fuck all to me. Your father played a game and in order to stay in play, the stake he landed on the table was you. That picture was of you, Clara. You were his gamble.”

  She pushed the tears down. Crying wouldn’t help solve her problems.

  “He’ll never quit gambling, will he?” she asked.

  “I told him to tell you about those gambling debts. I’ve paid every single cent he owned. In return I got you without any interference from him. I told him to stay away from you. He’s dangerous, Clara,” Matthew said.

  “He’s my father. I can’t ignore him.”

  His hands moved up to her face. He cupped her cheeks forcing her to look at him.

  “I need you to look at me. Look at me!”

  She stared into his eyes. The panic she saw staring back at her shocked her to the spot. His cock pulsed inside her, making her aware he still wanted her. The conversation hadn’t done anything to calm his libido down.

  “Your father is a dangerous man. I don’t trust him. All he cares about is money. He’ll use you however he can. He sold you without caring.”

  “Was there any chance he’d win?” she asked.

  “The stakes were raised before the
cards were dealt, baby. We threw in our money and he threw in his daughter. He’s a fucking bastard. You’re mine and you’ll listen to me. Keep away from your father, or I swear I’ll make sure he answers to his crimes.”

  She gasped. The anger on his face surprised her. Matthew was full of surprises today.

  “Tell me you’ll do as I ask?”

  Clara nodded. She never wished to be on his bad side. No matter what Matthew had done, she still loved him with her whole heart.

  How can you love someone like him?

  She cut off her thoughts and concentrated on him instead.


  Matthew gripped her hips in his hands, lifting her off his shaft before slamming her back down. She cried out as the pleasure of his cock fired the blood in her veins.

  “Shit, your pussy is so fucking tight. I’m going to have to fuck you harder just to get you used to me.”

  She looked forward to him taking her daily. Her addiction to him grew with every second they spent together.

  He ordered her to grip the back of the sofa. Her breasts pressed again his face as he fucked her.

  Matthew took charge, pounding her pussy and licking her nipples. She kept her grip on the back of the couch trying to hold onto her sanity as he took her hard.

  He slapped her ass in between thrusts. Her climax built inside. Matthew bit down on her nipples, slapped her ass and fucked her all at the same time. His cock hit her cervix with each deep penetrating thrust of his hips.

  “I’m going to come,” she said, gasping.

  “Come for me, baby. Let me feel your cream soaking my cock. Come on, give it to me.”

  Throwing her head back, Clara rode the pleasure letting him take control. His thrust became harder than anything she’d ever imagined.

  Clara knew her ass would be red from his taps.

  “Fuck, I love you, baby.”

  Matthew thrust inside her one final time. His cock jerked as his seed filled her up.

  His grip tightened with his arousal, making her pause in his arms.

  She collapsed on top of him. Clara needed his warmth. Wrapping her arms around his neck she held on tight, not wanting to let him go.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  Clara didn’t answer. None of her feelings for him made sense to her. They were from different worlds. Matthew was a billionaire business man while she came with a gambling father. She made nothing in comparison to him.

  “Stop thinking, Clara. I want you and that is all you need to make sense of.”

  The way he said her name gave her goose-bumps.

  “You could have any woman.”

  “Yet the only woman I want is in my arms.”

  Stop thinking. Feel him and let him calm you.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t help but feel I’m going to wake up and all my problems will still be there. None of this makes sense. In the real world this doesn’t happen to women like me.” She leaned back and looked into his eyes.

  “What is that? What doesn’t happen?” He stroked her hair. His gaze never broke from hers.

  “A wealthy man coming to her rescue never happens to women like me. In stories, sure because that’s fantasy. This can’t possibly be real.”

  His flaccid cock jerked inside her. “That’s real, baby. I’m not going anywhere. I intend to take care of you for the rest of my life.”

  “Do you mean that?”

  “I never say words I don’t mean. You’re mine, Clara. I think you should get used to me. I’m not letting you go. No matter how many times you argue and disobey me. I’m not giving up or giving in. Mine, mine, mine.”

  He rubbed her nose with his.

  His words in some strange way soothed her nerves. “You really mean that.”

  He lifted her off his lap and slapped her ass. “I mean everything I say. We need to eat.”

  Clara felt his seed spilling down her leg. He ran his fingers through the evidence. “First we need to shower and change.”

  * * * *

  Matthew left her in the shower to finish. He walked down to his office, packed away the contract and then walked through to his playroom. Slapping her ass wasn’t going to be enough. Her need for pain with her pleasure meant he needed to get her into this room soon.

  His phone rang pulling him out of his troubled thoughts.

  “Hello,” he said the moment he lifted up the phone.

  “I need more money. Surely you want my daughter enough to pay highly for her,” Edward Baines growled down the line. His words sounded panicked to Matthew. The man remained in the background like a plague. Glancing at the door, Matthew eased behind his desk and sat down.

  Clara was nowhere in sight.

  “I told you, Baines. You get no more money from me. I’ve given you more than enough. Make it last.”

  “How about you give me money to be quiet? I’m sure you don’t want me interrupting your playtime with my daughter.”

  He’d expected the blackmail. Tough for Edward that he never responded to such a tactic.

  “You talk to Clara and I’ll destroy you, Baines. I don’t give a shit that you’re her father. I’m sorry for the women who graced your bed. You’re nothing but a gambling, alcoholic bastard and maybe it’s time you learn to pay for your crimes.”

  Edward yelled down the phone. “You’ll fucking regret this you sick fuck.”

  The line went dead. Matthew put the phone down as Clara walked to the door. She smiled at him. Her raven hair lay wet around her.

  “I’m going to make an omelet, do you want one?” she asked.

  He smiled even thought his thirst for her father’s blood lived inside him. The bastard was a liability. “I’d love anything you cooked, baby.”

  “I’ll be in the kitchen.” She stared at him several moments. Her hand went to her throat and then she moved away.

  The door to the playroom lay open like a taunt to him. All he needed to do was call her back. She trusted him.

  Don’t push her, Matthew. You want her too much, losing her like this would be a nightmare.

  Relax. Take it easy.

  He tried to listen to all the calming instincts inside him. Grabbing the phone he dialed Luke Arnold’s number. His friend answered on the third ring.

  “This better be important,” Luke yelled down the line. A feminine giggle erupted in the background. His anger started to leave him at the sound of his friend’s voice. “Matthew?”

  “The very person. Am I interrupting something?” he asked, knowing the truth.

  “No. I’ve always got time for you.”

  Shuffling came over the line and then silence. “I’m here, Matthew. What’s up?”

  “Why does anything have to be up?”

  Luke grew silent.

  Matthew moved to close his playroom door then his office door.

  Sitting behind his desk he looked at the picture of Clara. She looked too innocent to be in his world. What kind of man was he? All he really needed to do was pay off her father’s debts and then leave her alone.

  Leaving her never entered his head. His need for her controlled him.

  “I know about the girl, Matthew. The one you won in a card game.”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “A card game with a daughter thrown in the mix is never going to be left alone. You of all people should know that.”

  Matthew cursed. He’d talked about Clara to Luke many times. All of their conversations filled his mind in that one moment.

  “It’s the woman from work, right?” Luke asked.

  “The very one.”

  “This is bad news. Edward Baines is not the kind of man you want to associate with. I’ve heard a lot of shit about him and none of it is nice to know. Using his daughter is the lowest of the low.”

  Matthew didn’t need to hear these words from Luke. He’d met Edward and knew what he was capable of.

  He hated the connection between Clara and Edward. In his heart, Matthew knew Cl
ara would get hurt. If he didn’t solve the problem soon with her father then she’d become a target.

  “I’d like you to meet her sometime. She’s beautiful and submissive,” Matthew said, cutting the conversation away from her father.

  “You’re in love with her?”

  “She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman and more. You’ll see how amazing she is when you meet her.”

  Luke stayed silent for several minutes.

  “You can’t keep her in the dark about her father. He’ll find some way to get to her. Desperate men always have means to get what they want.”

  Matthew closed his eyes as his anger increased. The thought of Clara trying to help Edward made him angry. The anger left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  “I’ve told her about her father.”

  “Doesn’t matter what you’ve told her. You need to be clear about the danger he poses.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Matthew opened his eyes to stare at the door. The desire to shut all the fear away felt strong. All he needed to do was take Clara away.

  “What do you know about Edward? You’ve never even met him.”

  His friend let out another sigh over the line.

  “I know from the gossip he’s mixing with a lot of bad people. Worse than I’ve ever known and he owes big. I mean more than he’s ever owed anyone.”

  Edward Baines’s reputation was far reaching. He’d heard about him before he’d even met Clara. Matthew couldn’t allow himself to think about what would have happened if he’d not stepped in to save her. Her submission in the wrong man’s hand could be fatal.

  “If I were you, Matthew, I’d watch my back. He’s in deep and people like us always get hit first.”

  “What do you mean?” Matthew asked, feeling his whole body tense up at the warning.

  “We’ve got a secret. Men like Edward don’t give a shit about the secret. They find means to exploit it or get rid of us. Be careful.”

  The call ended. Matthew would organize more security for Clara. He could handle himself but Clara needed protection.

  Getting up from his seat he made his way into the kitchen to see his woman. She stood behind the counter singing as she whisked some eggs into a bowl. He walked in and her face lit up.


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