Married To The Cowboy (Love In Collin's Ranch 3)

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Married To The Cowboy (Love In Collin's Ranch 3) Page 69

by Veronica Wilson

  “I didn’t take ye for a fearful man, Dougal. Perhaps I might have made a mistake when I’ve made ye part of my council, then? Maybe Bruce would’ve have been a better choice, eh?” His expression was dead serious as he spoke, but his words took on a more joyous tone, so it wasn’t apparent whether he was joking or not. From the men’s somewhat confused expressions, he could tell that it had worked. However, the look on Dougal’s face didn’t change at all.

  “Aye, ye could have done that, my Laird. Ye could also have leapt from a cliff, choked on yer food, or fallen on yer knife at some point in yer past. Ye could’ve done all these things, and I wouldn’t have been there tae stop ye. That would’ve been tragic indeed, and no way for a Laird to end up, if ye ask me.” Dougal spoke with a straight face, as if he was not surprised at all by what Angus had told him before.

  “Are ye threatening me, Dougal? I took ye for a smart man. Have I made a mistake about that as well?” Angus retorted, this time without a joking tone.

  “So, instead of listening tae me, ye are going to keep flinging insult after insult my way? Is that th’way this is going to go down?” Dougal now showed hints of actual annoyance.

  “I have listened tae ye. I still am. Ye have come tae voice your concerns, and I’ve considered, thought about them, and proclaimed them unimportant. That is it. Is there anymore, or are we done?”

  “Nae, my Laird. That’ll be all, I’m afraid,” was all that Dougal said while he turned around. With thinly disguised scowls, his men followed him move by move.

  That has gone about as well it could have, Angus thought as he watched their backs. A few hundred feet further, he could see their camp. Elizabeth was still there, waiting for him. Noticing her was easy. No one had dared approach her while he was away. Not after what he’d done with Connor. But if I don’t show them my teeth, they’ll rip the flesh off my ribs when I’m not looking.

  He sighed, took another look at Dougal’s band, and pulled his claymore out of the ground. He observed his handsome reflection in the blade as he placed it on his back. He couldn’t shake the felling that he might have need of it soon. Someone else might have been worried about it, but not him. He was the son of Gavin MacDonnell, and he had been born to that way of life. To show discontent, or feel it at all, was out of the question. With confidence, he took a step down, the first of many he would have to take on his way back to her.

  Back at the camp

  Elizabeth had tried to make herself somewhat comfortable in the glorified blanket the Laird had given her to replace her torn dress. Trying is not the same as succeeding, she grimly reminded herself. In the center of the encampment, and surrounded by wild Scotsmen, she almost felt naked. Even though they had yet to actually do anything hostile, she still felt ill at ease in their company. She had been told that the Laird would return from his contemplation soon, but he still did not. Worse off, her throat was getting dry, and she was too afraid to ask for a drink of water. Better not provoke them. Or manipulate someone into getting beheaded. She shuddered involuntarily at the thought, and the image of the blood gushing from the man’s headless torso immediately sprang back into her mind. She could practically taste the blood. Then, something else happened, and she instantly felt guilty: she remembered the kiss and the way it made her feel, and the tender area between her legs responded appropriately. God forgive me for being such a twisted person! she thought as she unsuccessfully tried to banish the sensation. As if to make her feel even less comfortable, the feeling kept getting stronger.

  “Lassie! Glad tae see that yer getting comfortable!” The familiar voice of the Laird pulled her out of her introspection. As she turned to face him, she could notice that he had not been in the best of mood, but that changed completely when he took one look at her eyes.

  “Is there any particular reason that yer cheeks are all red, bonnie one?” He spoke again, smiling.

  In surprise, she touched the sides of her face with her palms. They were burning up. I do not have a fever, do I? She checked her forehead next. It was quite normal. “I did not notice up until now,” was all she could say, now ashamed to let him see her whole face.

  “Nonsense! If anything, ye should show yer cheeks proudly! I like ‘em that way!” He said, now barely a foot away from her. Strongly yet gently, he grabbed her delicate hands with his own pair of rough ones, and pulled them away from her visage. “Gets me going for what follows, if ye know what I mean!” He said then, his face graced by a roguish grin.

  Of course he would think like that. He is a man, after all! Elizabeth reminded herself of how a man was just about the last thing she wanted at the moment, despite what her body so desperately wanted to tell her. But I am in a foreign land, surrounded by wild men. What am I to do? The answer did not come easily.

  “Lassie, are ye with me?” He pulled her out of her contemplation once again.

  “Yes… yes! I apologize for that! This is just so disorienting for me, being here, with all of you. Please do not think that I do not appreciate you saving me from that man last night. And from that coachman before, may his soul burn in hell!” She had absolutely no idea of what she wanted to say, and it showed.

  “Perhaps being in this camp clouds yer thoughts? Would ye feel better if I took ye elsewhere, at least for a little while?” He asked her, still smiling a little bit, but in a genuinely serious tone.

  Should I accept? She contemplated for but a moment. Refusing him was not smart. Besides, sitting there was starting to get less than pleasant for her. But what if he turns out to be like the other Scotsman, the one from last night? She took another look at him. The way he looked at her, it was full of raw, physical desire, that could not be denied. Yet there was something more in there. Something she could feel as well. And I know that he knows it.

  She extended her hand to him, and he took it instantly. “Indeed, I would feel much better. Take me elsewhere, my Laird,” she said to him with a sincere smile.

  Back on the hilltop

  Simply breathtaking! Although the hill wasn’t that much higher than the place where they’ve made their camp, it had allowed Elizabeth to see things much more clearly than before. Unaware that her mouth was agape in quite an unladylike fashion, she could not help but observe the scenery. Her eyes moved involuntarily, absorbing every little detail with complete attention. It was rough and untamed, but despite that fact the highland simply radiated beauty. Or perhaps it is so beautiful because of that fact. Not unlike the Laird. She turned back toward him, expecting him to be displeased by her lack of attention toward him. Instead, he appeared proud.

  “Is she nae beautiful? Her lush fields and rocky mountains, deep lochs and crystal skies are quite a sight to behold, nae?” He took several steps forward, once again standing barely a foot away from her. Then, he extended his right hand and fondled her chin. “But as beautiful as Scotland might be, she cannae hold a candle tae ye, lassie,” he said, causing her to blush yet again.

  “My Laird…” was all she could say.

  “Angus MacDonnell the Third to everyone else. Ye, however, can call me ‘Angus,’” he said as he kept getting closer, one inch at a time.

  “It is an honor to be graced by the knowledge of your name, Angus. I am Elizabeth, the heiress—well, renounced heiress of the house of Cornwall,” she said in a hurried tone. She kept finding it more and more difficult to form sentences the closer he got to her.

  “And what makes such a lovely English lass wonder this deep into the wild? Was the noble life not tae yer liking?” Angus asked, not even taking a chance to blink.

  “I was… I have escaped an arranged marriage to a man I did not like. A man no one could ever like,” she said, still unsure of why she was opening up to him like that.

  “Oh? So a man ye don’t like is enough tae make ye leave yer whole life behind?” His straight, strong nose now practically touched her small one.

  “I… did not think myself a girl like that. Not until I’ve met him. But he was beyond obnoxious, and w
ith no redeeming qualities whatsoever! Dying was preferable to spending the rest of my life with him!” She could feel hints of rage in her voice, and no doubt he did as well.

  “And what about a man ye dae like? What if he stood right next tae ye? What if he offered ye a piece of his world?” He still did not as much as blink.

  I do not need a man right now! She insisted on telling herself. Nevertheless, the aching, burning feeling in her loins kept intensifying, and she knew that it was only a matter of moments before she lost all control and let this man have his way with her.

  Yet he did not let her lose control. Instead, he took it from her. Perhaps it was her lack of verbal response that spurred him onward, or maybe he could not control his own desire, but Angus MacDonnell’s tongue was quick to penetrate the fortress of her mouth. No! she wanted to exclaim, but all she could do was revel in the taste instead. As their tongues wrestled, Angus wrapped his powerful arms around her, grabbed the shroud, and tossed it off of her in a single motion. At any other time this would have caused her to recoil in panic, but she was so lost in the moment that such a thought didn’t as much as pass through the back of her head.

  “I am yours! Take me!” Elizabeth exclaimed the very second their faces separated.

  More than willing to indulge her, Angus grabbed her by the waist, lifted her off the ground, and practically tossed her back down. She was so aroused that she did not even feel the force of the impact, and by the time he had removed the piece of fabric that covered her shame, she had already begun soaking the ground beneath her.

  “I see that someone cannae resist her desire!” He said as he lunged over her, his skirt-thing already elevated over what was underneath. Not that she needed to see it to know how much he wanted her. His desire was evident in every part of him: his face, the way he held his body. They needed to be one, and it had to happen as soon as possible.

  “Please…” she moaned out, spreading her legs as far as they would go.

  Not saying a word, Angus moved his garment up, exposing his bare manhood for her to see. It was beyond huge, and pointed right between her legs. Having taken a deep breath, he grabbed her by the thighs, and penetrated into her insides.

  “Yesss…..” she let out a hushed gasp, practically involuntarily. There was a little bit of pain there, but her arousal had drowned almost all of it out. Breathing in through her nose, she bit into her lower lip as she contorted her body around his pulsating member.

  Interpreting this as an invitation for more, Angus pulled out just a little bit, before burying his fingers deep into the malleable flesh of her thighs and jamming himself into her all the way in again. Suddenly unable to breathe, Elizabeth widened her gaze for a moment, then rolled her eyes backward and let out another pleasurable moan. If ye liked that, you will most certainly enjoy this! he thought, lunging forward and grabbing her breasts. Like a savage animal, he kept thrusting in and out, not showing a shred of mercy toward her insides. And she loved every single moment of it.

  “Yes! Oh, yes, my Laird!” She screamed, not caring even a little bit about who might be able to hear her. It was so liberating just to let go; so thoroughly satisfying just to be one with her beloved and enjoy it. This was the way it was supposed to be, and as was the case with so many things before, and both of them knew it all too well.

  Angus did not say anything. Instead, he allowed his deeds to speak for him. Powerfully, he buried his fingers further into her breasts, while the tempo of his thrusts kept increasing with every passing moment. Both of them panted faster and faster, following the rhythm of their undulating bodies. Then, all of a sudden, they screamed in unison. The Scottish highland that had brought them together ceased to exist, and nothing was real anymore. Nothing but the two of them existed anymore, along with the unending bliss that surrounded them.

  A small eternity later

  More satisfied than she ever was in her life, Elizabeth laid on the hilltop. She had no idea as to how much time she had spent like that, but she did not care. Nor did she want to be roused out of it, despite the persistent tugging sensation at the top of her head. And is that… is that a voice? Someone was speaking to her, and it was most definitely not Angus! She practically leapt from her prone position, and the entirety of her body ached. Yet it was a good pain, a reminder of how satisfying her morning had been. Annoyed at having to rise so abruptly, she directed a disapproving stare toward whoever it was that had disturbed her. It was one of the man from Angus’s band, but she could not for the life of her remember his name.

  “What is going on? Where is Ang… where is the Laird?” She asked, suddenly not feeling even a little bit comfortable. The shroud that had been placed over her had almost slipped off when she leapt, and she had to hold her with her hands.

  “Th’Laird is down there by th’camp! He has sent for ye. I advise that ye hurry up if y’want to see him again!” The man said in a grim tone.

  If I want to see him again? She could feel something constrict around her heart. Did something happen to him while I was out? The thought horrified her more than anything else she had ever experienced before. “Take me to him, then! Please!” She added the last word as a precaution, so as not to provoke any ire the man may have had against her.

  Luckily, he appeared perfectly disinterested, and he helped her down as best as he could. By the time they’ve arrived to the encampment, there was a significant ruckus, and every single man was gathered around something she could not quite make out.

  “Ye insult me again and again, and then ye have th’gall tae lay with th’English whore before our very eyes! Without making any effort tae hide th’sounds ye made! Is there nae shame tae ye, lad?” A man’s voice could be heard from the center of the ruckus.

  “What can I say, Dougal? When I lay with a woman, I dae it earnest! When’s th’last time ye’ve laid with a lass, huh?” Angus talked back to the older man, obviously doing his best to anger him as much as possible.

  “Is this the man ye all want for yer laird? This poor excuse for a leader who cannae command his own crotch, let alone his men! I know what my answer’d be!” Dougal spoke more to the people than to Angus. From the men’s expressions, it appeared that he was getting to most of them. They were displeased by their Laird’s actions, and weren’t afraid to show it.

  “Talk to me when ye speak, Dougal, not tae them! This is between th’two of us, not everyone else’s matter!”

  “I disagree! Th’actions of the Laird concern everyone below th’Laird, and yers have been deplorable!” He turned back toward Angus before speaking again. “Ye kill one of yer own over an English whore, insult yer most trusted advisor when he comes to advise, and then ye carry yerself in a completely shameless manner! I call ye out, Angus MacDonnel! I call ye out as th’disappointment that ye are!” Dougal spouted again.

  Once Elizabeth had gotten close enough to see what was going on, Angus gave her a knowing stare, before turning back toward the older man and speaking again. “Ye call me out, Dougal? Nae, I call ye out! Face me in combat right here and now, and prove tae me and everyone else that ye are th’better man!” Everyone present roared like a wild beast in response.

  “So it shall be, my Laird.” The way he said the word seethed with contempt, but the crowd roared even louder regardless.

  Are they… are they going to kill each other? Elizabeth tried to step inside the circle, but the man who had led her there stopped her by grabbing her shoulder.

  “This isnae your place tae interfere, lass,” he said, and she knew that she had no way of helping her man. This was their country, their way, and whatever she did then could only lead to more trouble. All she could do was observe. And pray.

  In the following moments, everything got deathly quiet as the circle expanded. Staring into each other’s eyes, the two men grasped their claymores, took on a fighting stance, and proceeded to circle one another like a pair of wild beasts. The resentment could be felt even from Elizabeth’s position, and she couldn’t imagine t
he way it felt for the two of them. Then, the older man attacked.

  It all happened in an eye-blink. With the speed of someone half his age, Dougal pounced directly toward Angus. Then, just as he was about to strike him head-on, he abruptly changed direction, leapt to his side, and used the force of his charge to direct an even more powerful swing toward Angus’s body. Much to his detriment, Angus had seemingly expected the maneuver, and his own claymore was imposed right in the middle of Dougal’s belly when he made his attack. With a scream, the older man impaled himself on the blade, gritted his teeth, and let go of his own sword.

  “I’ve watched ye fight a hundred times, Dougal. Ever since I was a wee lad,” Angus said, a moment before he turned his blade around while it was still in his opponent’s insides.

  Blood running out of his mouth, Dougal appeared as if he was about to say something, but instead he merely coughed. Like a rag doll, his body collapsed a moment later. Angus let it fall down along with his weapon.

  “Is there anyone else who shares this man’s opinion?” He shouted toward the crown. No one answered. “Then the matter is settled,” he concluded as he crouched, and pulled the claymore out of Dougal’s lifeless body. Confidently, he strode out of the circle, and the men let him pass.

  “Now, prepare yerselves for a right long march! We’ve wasted enough time already! I have a wedding tae plan out!” He gazed into Elizabeth’s eyes again as he finished his sentence.

  At a loss for words, all she could do was blush.



  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Panty-melting hot Maximillian is the fourth partner at Rogue Enterprises. Unlike his risk-loving friends Max prefers to weigh out the consequences of each investment.


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