Stephanie's Trial

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Stephanie's Trial Page 21

by Susanna Hughes

  She thought she had heard the speedboat return some minutes before but couldn't be sure with the terrace door closed. The boat must have returned in any event because it was too dark to navigate the lake by now. She sat and waited nervously while Andrew began to struggle against his bindings again, disconcerted by the silence. For all his efforts he only managed to rock his body slightly from side to side.

  It was probably only ten minutes later that Stephanie heard footsteps but it seemed like hours. They came up the corridor to the bedroom. Some instinct, some unconscious recognition, told her it was not Venetia. This time she listened to her instincts. Jumping onto the bed she rolled Andrew on to his back and buried his cock in her mouth, swinging her body over his so her buttocks were over his hooded face.

  The bedroom door opened and Amanda strode in. It was the last person Stephanie expected to see. What on earth had happened? Had she turned the tables on Venetia, discovered her plot, had her taken down to the cellars?

  With no urgency, Amanda walked over to the bed. She was wearing a yellow silk dress - one Stephanie did not recognise - belted at the waist but with a very full pleated skirt and matching yellow leather gloves.

  'You're having a good time, then?' she said. 'Don't mind if I watch.' She sat in an armchair opposite the foot of the bed.

  Stephanie tried to concentrate on what she was doing while her mind struggled with the new situation. What on earth was she going to do now? Despite his position, or perhaps because of it, Andrew's cock hardened again in her mouth. She lowered her buttocks onto his face, the silky lace rubbing against the leather hood. While she sucked and tongued his cock she tried to think. Where was Venetia? What had gone wrong? Clearly Amanda wouldn't have been so relaxed if she'd discovered Venetia's treachery.

  Andrew was coming. If he came Stephanie would have to pull away and she couldn't justify keeping him tied up. She tried to put less pressure on his cock, but at the same time appear to be doing a good job. She felt the shaft tense, and squeezed his balls in her hand in an effort to delay him. Unfortunately this had the opposite effect. His cock spasmed and spat spunk out into her mouth. Equally unfortunately there was too much spunk for her to contain. She tried desperately to swallow it all but there was just too much and it dribbled out of the corner of her mouth and down into his pubic hair.

  'Well, look at that,' Amanda said, getting up and coming over to the bed. She pulled on Stephanie's shoulder to make her sit up, then stooped to kiss her full on the mouth, savouring the taste of spunk. 'Tastes good,' she said finally.

  Reluctantly Stephanie climbed off Andrew's trussed-up body. Amanda reached for the laces that held the hood in place.

  That was it, Stephanie thought, the whole plan wrecked. She was so desperate, so depressed at having her freedom snatched from her when it was so nearly in her grasp she acted without thinking. Amanda was picking away at the tight bow which held the lacing in place. She had managed to loosen it a little. The top sheet of the bed had fallen on the floor with all the activity and Stephanie picked it up. Behind Amanda's back she held it with both her arms extended and looped it over Amanda's head, bringing it down to her waist so she was enclosed in a tent of material. Her arms had been drawn into the sheet too and Stephanie held it tightly around her middle.

  Amanda started to struggle. Stephanie felt the strength in her arms pulling the sheet out of her grip. She felt Amanda's powerful legs kick out and a searing pain erupted from her calf. She would never be able to hold on, let alone wrestle Amanda to the floor and overpower her.

  Suddenly Stephanie felt rather than saw another presence. Arms linked around the sheet, holding it down against Amanda's efforts to pull it up. It was Venetia.

  'Get a strap,' she shouted.

  Stephanie let go of the struggling package while Venetia clung on. The tangle of straps she had not used on Andrew were still on the floor by the bed. The first one she pulled free was big enough. She looped it between Venetia and Amanda and cinched it as tight as she could, binding Amanda's arms inside the sheet. As soon as they released her she fell to the floor.

  It took them nearly twenty minutes to get Amanda secured. Just as she had done to Andrew, they swathed her body in straps then cut the sheet away with scissors from Stephanie's dressing table.

  'You bitch...' she screamed at Venetia when the sheet was pulled from her eyes. 'I told Andrew not to trust you... you wait, I'll...' But the rest was lost as they forced a ball-gag into her mouth.

  'We've got to be quick,' Venetia said.

  'What happened?'

  'Paul insisted on coming on the boat with me. Quick...' Venetia began to lift Amanda's feet, '...take her shoulders.'

  Together they manoeuvred Amanda onto the bed. 'Put her on top of him so it looks like they're doing it. It won't look so suspicious if someone looks in.'

  'Good idea.'

  They rolled Amanda on top of Andrew. With two more straps around both their bodies they were held firmly in place. Even if they rolled over it would look as if they were still engaged in some form of sexual bondage. In the castle, that shouldn't seem unusual.

  'Come on,' Venetia urged.

  'What are we going to do?' Stephanie calmly undid the Patek Phillipe watch from Amanda's wrist and clipped it back onto her own.

  'The boat's still at the jetty. We've got to get to it before Paul decides to put it away. I don't know where they keep the keys.'

  They decided it would look better if Stephanie remained as she was. A dress would look suspicious after she had been kept naked for so long. If they were stopped, Venetia would say she was taking Stephanie down to the cellars. To complete the picture they found a collar and leash amongst all the equipment stored in Stephanie's bedroom. Quickly buckling it around Stephanie's neck, Venetia took the leash in her hand and led the way out of the bedroom.

  As they walked through into the corridor and down to the stairs Stephanie, who had only seen her own bedroom since the trial, always having been brought up the back stairs, saw the house had been wrecked. The slaves had used every guest room.

  Though Andrew had kept Stephanie's room tidy none of the others appeared to have bothered. Open doors revealed unmade beds, uneaten food and half-empty bottles everywhere. Clothes and lingerie littered the floors. Paintings had been torn and ornaments smashed.

  They got to the marble staircase and began to walk down it. As they did, Mick appeared from the main reception rooms with one of the females, a rather dumpy redhead dressed curiously in a black one-piece swimsuit.

  'What's she doing here?' Mick said abruptly.

  'Andrew's just been...' Venetia couldn't think of the word.

  'Why didn't you use the back stairs?'

  'Oh, I forgot. Andrew and Amanda are at it like rabbits. Slipped my mind...'

  'At it again. They never get enough.'

  'Neither do you,' the female slave said, running her hand over Mick's penis covered by his striped white and blue shorts. 'She looks good enough to eat. If Andrew's finished with her let's take her with us, Mickey.' The redhead was looking straight at Stephanie.

  'Yeah, good idea.' Mick grabbed the leash from Venetia's hand.

  'Paul wants her,' she said quickly.

  'Paul can bloody well wait.'

  'You can tell him then. He's waiting down in the cellars. I'm not going to take the blame,' Venetia said calmly, though she felt anything but calm.

  Stephanie's heart was in her mouth. She saw Mick's eyes looking at her body in the black lingerie, sizing up whether it was worth the trouble of going down to explain to Paul.

  'Oh, we'll have her tomorrow. I'm too randy.' He dropped the leash.

  'Please... I really fancy it,' the redhead whined.

  'You'll get it tomorrow,' Mick said with annoyance, grabbing her hand and pulling her up the staircase.

  'I'm going to get you, bitch,' the redhead snarled in disappointment. She resisted Mick's pressure and ran her hand over Stephanie's navel to the strapless bra. Pulling it in the midd
le between the two cups, she tore it down off her breasts.

  'Tomorrow,' Mick insisted, pulling her harder this time. They set off upstairs.

  Venetia picked up the leash and led Stephanie to the cellar doors as they listened for the footsteps to disappear above them.

  'Listen, go to the boat. I'll get Devlin.'

  'What if someone sees me? Where's Paul?' Stephanie pulled the bra up over her breasts again.

  'I don't know. Just hope... he's probably otherwise engaged by now...'

  Venetia opened the cellar door tucked under the corner of the huge tapestry that hung from the main wall.

  'Good luck,' she said.

  'You too.'

  They were so close and yet so far. The next few minutes would tell.

  Stephanie ran over to the main door as Venetia disappeared down the steps into the cellar. Gingerly she picked her way across the courtyard and through the tunnel of foliage that led to the stone steps down to the jetty. There was no one around. She kicked her shoes off so they wouldn't clack on the stone and started down the steps as stealthily as she could.

  The boat, no longer gleaming and highly polished, bobbed up and down in the slight swell in the single light that hung from the castle wall. For the umpteenth time that night Stephanie's heart sank. Sitting on the long bench seat in the transom, a bottle of brandy in his hand, was Paul. His other hand trailed in the water.

  He had seen her before she had seen him.

  'Come aboard,' he said, apparently not at all phased by her presence. His voice was fogged with drink.

  'I can't, sir,' Stephanie straightened up. 'Andrew sent me to find you,' she lied, hoping he would believe she was on a genuine errand.

  'Come aboard,' he repeated.

  'Please sir, don't make it hard on me. He'll beat me again if you don't come.'

  'Oh, I'll make it hard on you if you come aboard,' Paul laughed. He unzipped the shorts he was wearing and pulled them down his legs. They were all he was wearing.

  Seeing no alternative, Stephanie stepped aboard. His cock was flaccid.

  'Come on, make it hard.'

  'Andrew wants you. It's important...' she one last time.

  'I'm not at his fucking beck and call.' He lunged out and caught the waistband of her panties using it to pull her towards him. 'I want to fuck you.'

  There was no point trying to get him off the boat now. It was too late. He would run into Venetia and Devlin on the way down and even in his condition would realise something was wrong.

  'You've got such a big cock. I loved it last time you fucked me.'

  'Did you?'

  'Well, you didn't actually fuck me did you...?'

  'No... I didn't, did I?' She saw his cock stir slightly at this.

  'Shall I take my panties off?'

  'Yes... yes get them off.'

  She rolled the tiny panties down her thighs until she could step out of them. Bunching them in her hand, she rubbed them against his cock. She felt it pulse.


  'Yes. More...'

  She spread the silk out over his hardening shaft, rubbing it against his glans. What she was going to do she had no idea. But at least this was better than him raising the alarm. With her hand she reached up to pinch his nipple. She felt him react, his cock swelling and stiffening.

  'Like stockings...' he said, running his hand up the back of her thigh and over the lace welts. 'Very sexy... super sexy...'

  'I like them too, they make me feel very sexy...'

  'Do they?'

  'And available. Shall I suck you?'

  'Yes. Give me head, baby...'

  She dropped to her knees, opened his legs and moved her mouth down to his cock, still covered with the silky black lace panties. She sucked it all into her mouth, then used her tongue to work the fabric against his tender flesh. He moaned and closed his eyes. It was just as well he did.

  Stephanie saw Venetia and Devlin step onto the jetty. She sucked harder and Paul moaned again, his head right back on the aft rail of the boat. Stephanie saw her chance, her only chance. She sucked again, using her tongue to probe the escarpment of the glans under the now-soaking wet silk, then ran her arms up under his thighs and gathered all her strength. With one huge effort she raised herself up from her haunches, lifting his thighs until they were above the level of his waist, and he was somersaulted backwards over the stern and into the water.

  Venetia saw what had happened and came running with Devlin behind her. They ran to the lines holding the boat to the jetty, Venetia to the forward line and Devlin to the aft. So anxious were they to cast off that the boat almost drifted away before they could jump aboard, but they made it. Venetia flicked the ignition switch and the engine hummed into life just as Paul grabbed one of the loose lines and began to pull himself out of the water, the cold water having a sobering effect.

  The boat swung round and headed out into the lake. Venetia dared not gun the engines too strongly for fear of hitting one of the many rocks dotted nearby that couldn't be seen at night. Paul pulled himself hand over hand along the rope.

  'The cleat...' Devlin shouted, running towards the brass cleat where the rope was secured. But Stephanie got there first. As Paul pulled himself even closer Stephanie unwound the other end of the rope. As Paul's hand was within inches of the stern rail the rope came free, scorching Stephanie's hand as Paul's weight pulled it out of her grasp. Paul was tossed into the water again, and into the huge white wake of the boat.

  Stephanie and Devlin hugged each other tightly. Venetia slowed the boat as soon as they were sure they were clear of Paul. It was not going to be a quick trip back to the mainland. There were rocks and shallows in the lake that it was difficult to navigate at night. Taking two torches from the locker, Devlin and Stephanie watched from either side, shouting directions to Venetia at the helm. Eventually they spotted the wooden jetty on the mainland and the Mercedes parked in the lean-to alongside.

  The rest was simple. Venetia had taken the Mercedes keys and with the use of its earphone the Learjet was ordered to return to the landing-strip the following morning with six of Devlin's security guards. Meanwhile a hotel was booked and Venetia drove them through the night to the hilltop town of Perugia. Clothes were a problem. Devlin was naked and Stephanie had only her bra and stockings, her panties having gone overboard with Paul. But when they got to the hotel Venetia explained that there had been some sort of accident and clothes were found, a maid's outfit for Stephanie, a porter's for Devlin, and they walked through the foyer and up to their rooms so dressed.

  They did not return to the castle for a week. The Learjet arrived and the security men were ferried out to the island. But they were unnecessary. When Venetia had got down to the cellars she had found them deserted. Freeing Devlin, she had also freed the garden overseers and Bruno.

  The four men, armed with the element of surprise, had gone through the castle room by room, quickly overcoming the slaves and returning them to their cells. Andrew and Amanda were the easiest of all. They were still bound and gagged on the bed in Stephanie's bedroom, having made no impression on the tightly buckled leather straps. Only Paul and Mick escaped the net, though no one was quite sure how.

  After a week's rest Stephanie and Devlin returned to the castle. The servants had been brought back in and had already made an impression on the chaos the slaves had wrought. Paintings and furniture were sent away for repair.

  Of course there were other arrangements to be made. The news that their files had not been destroyed came as very unpleasant news to the slaves and, of course, most of all to Andrew and Amanda. Copies had been sent from London to allay any doubts.

  Stephanie ordered an area to be prepared just as it had been by Andrew. There would be a court again in the castle and a trial. This time it would be Andrew and Amanda in the dock and Stephanie conducting the prosecution. Again there would be no defence, but this time there would be no jury either and Devlin would be the judge. Only the sentence was yet to be decided
in this trial, Stephanie's trial.


  Enjoy Stephanie's continuing BDSM adventures, all exclusively published as eBooks by us and ready to download now from your favourite online bookstore, with the last in the series...

  Stephanie's Pleasure

  'Faster,' cried Stephanie. She felt her body pulse with pleasure, sheer and unadulterated: the pleasure of being in control, of knowing all this was for her.

  Baron von Himmstrafer's Bavarian castle is a temple devoted to sensuality. There are four steamy settings to choose from: Roman orgy, Spanish dungeon, women's prison and French brothel. Those fortunate enough to be invited can decide whether they want to be master or slave. Others have no choice.

  Among the guests in this carnal paradise are Stephanie and Devlin, seeking respite after some arduous adventures at their own castle. But rest and relaxation, they soon find out, can be surprisingly demanding.


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