Finn: Conner Brothers Construction, Book 1 (CBC)

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Finn: Conner Brothers Construction, Book 1 (CBC) Page 8

by Cee Bowerman

  “Okay, so go on. What happened after your Dad passed?”

  “Anyway, I found out about Julian’s bullshit about five minutes after I found out my Dad was dying. I packed my stuff and came home. I lived in my old bedroom and took care of Dad. Nellie didn’t do shit for him. It was uncomfortable at first, since I was his daughter, but I helped him bathe and take care of himself as he got too sick to do it alone. Nellie was always off somewhere with a church function or hanging with the harpies she calls friends. After he died, I paid for his funeral, had him cremated just like he wanted, and I still have his ashes along with my Mom’s. Nellie didn’t seem to care.”

  I pulled on Lena’s toes as I rubbed, and her eyes rolled back in bliss. She moaned again and I had to close my eyes and talk my dick down for a second.

  “Keep talking.” I ordered her. I started up her foot and massaged her ankle and she wiggled her body down so I could keep rubbing farther up her leg.

  “I never asked Nellie about life insurance or anything, assuming Dad had taken care of all that and she knew what was going on. About six weeks ago, I ran into my Dad’s old friend at the grocery store. We met up a few days later for coffee, and he found out that Nellie had kicked me out of the house. He was stunned. Apparently, he thought Nellie and I both knew this, but Dad had quite a few life insurance policies, and he had already planned for my future before he ever even married Nellie. The house I grew up in, the one my Mom and Dad lived in for their whole married lives, was in my name. He had one life insurance policy that went to Nellie, but he had three others that came to me along with the house and a trust fund he had been putting back for my future children.”

  “Oh, shit. So, the woman that kicked you out of the house, is actually the one that isn’t supposed to be there.”

  “Yep. And I had that bitch evicted.” Lena giggled like a kid. “Had her fucking served while she was at church group so all the nice people could see her true colors when she reacted. And react she did. She started screaming and cussing, ripped the paper to shreds and then stood up and stomped on it. The whole time she was yelling about ‘that ungrateful little bitch, Lena’ every one of her friends sat there in shock.”


  “Yep. She got a lawyer and had him draw up papers to sign the deed over to her. When she called to tell me that, I laughed so hard I gave myself a headache. Haven’t spoken to her since. I’m just letting the lawyer handle it.”

  “She’s finally getting payback for treating you like shit for all these years.”

  “Yes, she is. And I don’t feel the least bit guilty about kicking her fat ass out of the house, either.”

  “Will you live there after she moves out?”

  “I thought about it, but no. I don’t want to live there without my Dad. Nellie changed everything that made me remember my Mom’s influence in the house, and it was where I watched my Dad wither away and then take his last breaths. I don’t want it, but I damn sure don’t want Nellie to have it either.”

  “That sounds reasonable to me. I wouldn’t let her live there either, and I damn sure wouldn’t give the house to her free and clear.”

  “Do you have any horrible relatives?”

  “No, not really. My grandparents died when we were young, my uncles both died when I was in my early twenties, and neither of them had ever married or had kids. They were wild and crazy; both of my uncles loved their whiskey too much and it killed them in the end. One had kidney failure and the other had liver cancer. They both drank until the day they died.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “Yeah. Broke Dad’s heart, but he had Mom there to support him. By then, all of us were either in college or working at the company with him. We had started the process of buying him and Mom out before they died. They’d both worked there for over thirty years, and it was time for them to relax and have some fun.” I took a deep breath, remembering my parent’s plans for their retirement. “They wanted us to have a lot of babies for them to spoil rotten. They were so excited when my sister got pregnant.”

  “What happened?” Lena whispered.

  I kept rubbing her foot but leaned my head back on the couch and closed my eyes.

  “A car coming off the interstate didn’t stop for the red light. Not sure why, because he was killed in the accident. The vehicle my family was in was stopped in traffic at the intersection, waiting to get into the turn lane under the bridge. The man T-boned them doing at least fifty miles an hour.”

  “Oh, Finn.” Lena sobbed.

  “Angus saw the wreck. He happened to be going the opposite direction on that street and had just come out from under the bridge when the guy ran the red. Angus slammed on his breaks and the guy behind him rear-ended him. His airbag went off and knocked him out. He was unconscious for a little bit, and when he came to, he saw that the vehicle they were trying to cut someone out of was my sister’s new SUV. He saw them trying to help my family, but the impact was too bad. They were pancaked between the truck that hit them and the truck on their other side.”

  “I remember reading about that accident. Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. I see why you don’t want to talk about it. I understand.”

  “I want to talk to you about it. I need to, Lena. Just not right now. Give us this weekend together, let me make love to you so much that you can’t imagine ever leaving me, and then we’ll talk about the hard shit, okay?” I rolled my head to the side so I could look at her. She was crying and tears wet the front of her shirt. “Every minute I’m with you, I realize what’s been missing from my life for all these years.”

  Lena smiled slowly and reached up and wiped the tears from her face.

  “Pretty sure I’m already hooked on you, big guy.”

  “Can I keep working at it just to make sure?”

  “Oh, by all means. Please do.”


  “You guys are a bunch of cock-blocking assholes.” I told my brothers as I looked around the table.

  The four brothers who were sitting with me laughed, and I just shook my head as I looked past them into the kitchen. Lena was in there with Mace and Angus. They were scrolling through the music on my iPod and occasionally laughing.

  I heard the first familiar notes of an old song come on and I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Chess jumped up from the table and joined the group in the kitchen. I hit record and watched all four of them jump around the kitchen singing along with House of Pain. Lena could move, I was happy to see. She was doing a damn good lip sync using a wooden spoon, all the while bouncing up and down to the beat. Chess was dancing and Angus was working an imaginary turntable. Mace took over the wooden spoon and Lena grabbed Angus’s hands and started dancing with him, the two of them bouncing all around the kitchen, laughing together. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tavin and Royal both moving with the beat. Ronan was holding his phone up to video the scene like I was still doing.

  When that song was over, all of them laughed together, Lena hanging on Angus’ arm as they high fived Chess and Mace. The next song was an oldie too, Young MC’s ‘Bust a Move’, and I watched three of my brothers and the love of my life dance around the kitchen.

  Lena was dancing like one of the sexy dancers in a music video while Angus hit every word of the rap song. Mace and Chess were both dancing, occasionally moving close to Lena and getting into the groove with her. Tavin couldn’t control himself any longer, and he was up and dancing with the family before the song was halfway over.

  Royal, Ronin and I laughed as the music changed over to Eminem, and every single one of them sang it loud, word for word. I felt a tap on my elbow and looked down to see Royal had slid a shot glass full of tequila over in front of me. He and Ronan both held their shot glasses up and then Royal said, “To the new ray of sunshine in our lives. Somehow, it’s damn near impossible to be sad with that woman around. She’s even got Angus smiling, and he’s only done that three or four times in his whole fucking life.”

  The three of us lau
ghed together for a second as we clinked our shot glasses together. We all three took our shots and then slammed the glasses down on the table before we turned to watch the drunks in the kitchen dance around some more.

  That’s what Lena was, my own ray of sunshine. And, luckily enough, her light was so bright it was helping my brothers too.


  “And then, they had room service!”



  “Good morning, sunshine.” I smiled up at Lena when I saw her walk into the kitchen. Once again, she was wearing my t-shirt, but this time I noticed that the underwear beneath it had Wonder Woman written across her ass. “How do you feel?”

  “I’m good.” Lena smiled over her shoulder as she filled her coffee mug. She moved over to the refrigerator and splashed some of her flavored creamer into her cup before she put it to her mouth and took a cautious sip. “You’re up early.”

  “I went for a run this morning but came back before too long because the rain started again.”

  “I’m actually sore from dancing so much last night.”

  “I’m surprised you don’t have a hangover. You disappeared on us and when I went to check on you, I found you snoring in the bed.”

  “I don’t snore.” Lena stared at me for a minute and then looked horrified. “Do I? How bad is it?”

  I couldn’t hold it in anymore and I had to laugh at the look on her face.

  “It’s not bad at all. Kind of cute actually.”

  “Lucky for me I don’t get hangovers. I haven’t been drunk very many times in my life, but either way, I’ve never had a hangover either.”

  “I only had a few shots. You and the guys drank almost two bottles between you. Ronan, Royal and I enjoyed the show.”

  Lena came over and stood beside me until I moved my chair back. She sat down on my leg and sipped her coffee. I reached up to fiddle with her hair as I watched her close her eyes and enjoy her first cup.

  “What are we doing today?”

  “I’d like to go to the shelter and find a pet for me. Angus mentioned that your Mom used to take her dog to work and said it shouldn’t be a problem for me to do the same thing.” Lena put her coffee mug down and then slipped her arms around my neck. “I want a dog.”

  “What kind?”

  “A sweet one.”

  “Well, that doesn’t narrow it down. Dogs are awesome. I meant big or small?”

  “I’ll know it when I see it.”

  “All right. Let’s do it.” I slapped her on the side of her thigh as I reached for another sip of my drink. “You’ll have to use my address to adopt though, I don’t think they’ll let you if you’re in an apartment.”

  “Oh. Well, I hate to lie to them.”

  “The dog will be spending forty hours a week on this property, so technically that’s not a total lie.”

  “Okay. We can do that. Can you call Angus for me? I don’t have his number programmed into my phone yet.”

  “Sure.” I picked my phone up off the table and pushed a few buttons until I got to Angus’s number. “What do you need him for?”

  “He wants to come with us and look at the animals. I think he wants a dog too. I’ll go get showered while you talk to him.” Lena leaned her head down and kissed my lips before she whispered, “I love you, Finn.”

  “I love you too, baby.”

  “Aww, calling me baby now?” I heard Angus ask through the speaker phone. “How sweet.”

  Lena took off for the bedroom, laughing, and I watched her ass as she left.

  “Lena wants to go get a dog, she said you want one too. Want to come?”

  “Yes, I do. Mind if I ride with you?”

  “No problem. Give us thirty minutes.”

  Angus hung up, and I got off my chair and refilled my coffee mug before I went into the bedroom. I heard the shower turn on and decided that I had not gotten clean enough in my shower earlier and might need another scrub.

  I had installed a walk-in shower last year and was glad I had it now. There was plenty of room for two people, and a built-in ledge to sit on under the spray. I stripped my clothes off and joined Lena under the water. She yelped when my arms went around her, but soon relaxed from the scare and nuzzled back into my chest.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” I murmured in her ear. “Need any help washing the good parts?”

  “Can I sit on your lap first?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” I moved back to the end of the little room and sat down on the cold tile. I thought that Lena would straddle me, but she shocked me when she got down on her knees and took my cock straight to the back of her throat. I let out a shout and fisted my fingers in her long, wet hair.

  “Fuck. That so good.” I grunted as she pulled almost all the way back and did it again. I swallowed hard, feeling my balls draw up getting ready to blow. “You can’t do much of that or I’ll come.”

  She backed off and licked my shaft from the root to the tip and then swirled her tongue around the head a few times as she smiled up at me. I watched her lick me back down to the base and then I let out a groan when she drew one of my balls into her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue. She did the same to the other one and then licked back up to the top of my cock again. And then she opened her throat and took me all the way to the root again. When she swallowed around my cock, I almost lost it, and I yanked her head back to get her mouth off me.

  “It’s too good. God damn, baby.”

  Lena smiled and wiped her lips off with her hand as she stood up. Rather than straddling me, she turned around and lowered herself down on my hard shaft. She went slowly, letting herself adjust to my size, and then finally when I was balls deep in her heat, she rotated her hips over and over again until I was seeing stars.

  “Fuck me.” I growled as I watched the spot where our bodies joined together. “So fucking hot.”

  She moved up and down slowly, her hands on my knees for leverage. She got all the way to the top, and just as I was afraid I was going to lose her heat, she slammed back down to the root. She started to swivel her hips again, and I leaned my head back and hit the tile wall. I reached around and put two fingers on her clit and strummed it exactly as I had seen her do yesterday. She yelled and threw her head back as she bounced on my lap.

  “Oh, yes! Finn. Fuck, yeah!” She screamed as she lost herself to her orgasm. I started to pump my hips up into her to find my own release, when she hopped off my lap and dropped back down to her knees, again taking all of me down to the root. She swallowed around my cock just as she began to fondle my balls, and I came. Hard spurts hitting the back of her throat as she swallowed my length over and over again.

  My shouts echoed around the tiled bathroom, as she milked my cock of every drop. Once I was finished, I watched her pull back and then begin to lick my softening member clean.

  “Jesus, that was so fucking good. Give me a minute and let’s do that again.”

  Lena let my cock go with a loud pop and smiled up at me.

  “I’ll do it again tonight if you want me to, but right now I want to go find me a puppy.”

  Lena pushed up off the floor and moved back under the spray as I sat there on the bench seat, my energy drained, my mind blown at what she had just done to my body.

  “Fuck me, you’re so hot.” I said as I stood up behind her. I watched as she rinsed the conditioner from her hair in sections, first working her hands through the roots, then working them through the next part of her hair closer to her head, then finally going through the ends of her air until the conditioner was gone. “Your hair is so beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone with hair as long as yours.”

  “It’s my vanity. My Daddy always told me that my hair was beautiful. I haven’t cut it since I moved home to be with him. I’ve had the ends trimmed, of course, but kept it long for him.”

  “You really loved your Dad.”

  “More than anything.” Lena smiled sadly. “And what’s odd to me is I feel that love for you now. It�
��s all encompassing like my insides are filled with love for you.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart.” I leaned down and kissed her softly. “I’m going to get out and get dressed, you finished?”

  “I’ll be out in just a minute.”

  I grabbed a towel and dried off as I walked into my bedroom. Lena wasn’t far behind and before I even had my pants on, she was standing in front of my dresser, a towel wrapped around her luscious body and another wrapped like a turban on the top of her head.

  I sat down on the end of my bed and watched her get dressed. She put on a pair of Hello Kitty underwear and a dusky pink bra, then covered herself with a faded pair of jeans with holes in the knees and a long-sleeved thermal shirt that fit her body like a glove. She slipped into a pair of tennis shoes and then started to work on her hair as she walked out into the kitchen.

  I sat there thinking for a few minutes, listening to her and Angus discuss our plans for the day. Angus was more animated talking to her than I had heard him in months. He had never been the social one in our family, usually a little surly and quiet, but after the accident he was almost mute. His face always held a scowl, and it was rare for him to do more than grunt when he was asked a question.

  Lena really was a ray of sunshine for my entire family, and I was lucky to have her. Our relationship was still fresh and new, we hadn’t gone through any rough times together, but I felt like I could trust her. I felt like I wanted to spend every waking minute with her, discovering her funny little quirks, and listening to her sexy voice for the rest of my life.

  I needed to talk to her, and soon. My time was running out. Soon my life would be changing drastically. Probably in just a few weeks. I needed to make sure she understood what being with me entailed and let her know that if she was going to get out, she needed to do it now, while it only affected the two of us.

  I shook my head and ran my hands over my face. Not today. I’d talk to her about it this week sometime. Show her the room I had been working on and see if she had any ideas for some more personal touches on it. Let her in.


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