Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3

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Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3 Page 1

by D. R. Rosier

  Born of Darkness

  Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2015. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy title:

  Book Description

  Chapter 1

  The last month of my life has been complicated to say the least. We were all sure we’d be seeing the Rhimera Empire again, but for now there have been no further excursions. My days have been spent trying to get businesses off the ground, study the magic language for spells, find time to work with Maggie on some of the Elven affinity magic, learn the laws and history of Cirenthia, the daily workouts for both magic and the sword dance, and last but most importantly I needed to make time for each of the four women that were the center of my life every day.

  To say I was busy was an understatement. I needed a nice little war so things would slow down a bit. Well, not really, but it felt that way sometimes as I was pulled in many different directions. It wasn’t as bad as all that though, only the latter two were really required every day.

  The rest of it was split up on different days, I usually worked with Maggie once a week, studied history and law a couple of days a week, and the other four studied the magic language.

  There were still some sore issues with the Elves, Levi had not yet signed any of the treaties sent home by Alethea and we were considering a trip out there to knock some sense into him, or at least, Alethea was. We still hadn’t been mated yet either, which should be interesting considering her father and brother hated me. It was just one more thing for us to take care of when we eventually made our way back there.

  It would probably happen sooner rather than later. Serina wasn’t thrilled with the idea of us leaving her alone; we’d spent every night for the last month sharing her bed. Still, as Queen she wouldn’t really have a choice but to send us soon. It was paramount we got things worked out before we were attacked again from the East.

  I looked to the back of the chapel again, but still no Serina. I had asked her to join us, join our family as another wife and mate two weeks ago. She’d been speechless at the time but had managed to nod her head. The last two weeks had seen Serina, Alethea, Ari, and Sienna constantly together making plans. I had one job only; show up at the chapel on time which I’d managed quite nicely.

  Serina though wasn’t here yet and I was starting to worry.

  Despite still having a lot to learn with the magic language spells, I’d taken my oaths as a mage and was wearing the robes. An exception was made since I would be technically the prince consort, I would be living in the castle and probably studying magic at the school long past the normal amount. I believe it mostly had to do with some of the mayors being nervous about the Queen marrying someone that wasn’t oath bound to protect kingdom, queen, and the population.

  Maggie had judged me more than proficient enough on the affinity side. So here I was on our wedding day, standing at the altar in robes of black with both blue and green accents to indicate I was an air and water mage. But my wife to be was absent.

  I looked back again and my wife, mate, and intended mate all looked a little amused. Maggie and Carl looked impatient at the wait. Steven looked a little pole axed as Sally held his hand. Sally just had a smile on her face and winked at me when our eyes met. She was no longer a man eater, our friendship had grown and we’d talked a lot over the last month. She had seemed to settle down, and set her sights on Steven who was one of the nicest and most down to earth mages I’d met that was still so young. The rest of them still seemed a little vapid or arrogant to me.

  I wondered if I ever wore the same expression as Steven who still seemed amazed the young beauty had picked him. I couldn’t quite believe my luck either with the four women who had chosen me for some reason that escaped me. I wasn’t complaining though, and I’d do my best to keep them all happy. That is, if Serina ever managed to make it to our wedding.

  I checked again and froze as she walked through the door. She was a vision of beauty; her red hair was up in a fancy bun. Her green eyes practically glowed and twinkled in reflection of her happy smile. All thoughts of annoyance at her lateness flew my mind. She was wearing a white gown that both hid and hinted at all the luscious curves concealed beneath it.

  As she neared the altar where I was standing I felt peace and affection suffuse my soul and knew the goddess was present. Apparently the goddess was the only one who knew the real schedule.

  She whispered, “Sorry love, I’ll explain later.”

  I smiled back and shrugged slightly to let her know I wasn’t angry about it or anything. I was a little curious as to why, but I had my priorities straight. The priestess welcomed us and gave a short speech about why were gathered. The time for any objections came and went and we got down to it. I barely heard any of it, I was lost in our mutual gaze.

  The priestess tied our hands together and bade us to say our vows.

  I said with certainty, “I swear my life to yours, we will live as one together enduring all good and bad as long as we both shall live.”

  Serina’s voice seemed to hold a sense of victory in it when she said, “I swear my life to yours, we will live as one together enduring all good and bad as long as we both shall live.”

  I could feel the bond form between us, a strong unbreakable oath that bound our souls. I also felt the joy of it as we shared that with the presence of the goddess.

  The priestess informed me I could kiss my bride, I was more than happy to do so. Her lips were soft and pliant against mine as we came together. We managed to break apart before we made too much of a spectacle of ourselves, and it was almost with disappointment when we retired to the wedding celebration instead of the bedroom.

  Serina said softly as we walked back to the dining hall of the castle, “Sorry for being late, I was disturbed right when I was about to go to the chapel. Strange things are happening around Hunter’s Ridge.”

  It was just Serina and I right now, and would be for the rest of our day. I knew my other two mates and intended mate would make themselves scarce. Wedding and mating days definitely called for alone time.

  “Strange?” I asked.

  She squeezed my hand softly and said, “Yes, there haven’t been any raids or noise from the goblins in a couple of weeks. The mages in the city have scryed the nearby mountains and there is no sign of them. Even stranger, there is no sign of the wolf packs, trolls, and ogres either.”

  I frowned in thought, “That can’t be good. We need to know what they’re doing.”

  She leaned over and kissed me, graciously ignoring my more than o
bvious statement.

  I added, “We can think about it tomorrow.”

  She nodded in agreement and we sat down at the head table for our wedding feast. The food was always good at the palace but they’d outdone themselves for the wedding celebration. It was in the style of a multi-course meal and as the afternoon wore on I started to wonder just how many courses there would be. I was smart enough however not to ask. I got the idea I should have known already.

  Followed by the meal there was an indeterminate amount of speeches from the visiting mayors. A number of them had shown up to vow themselves to the new queen, or in Earth parlance, they came to kiss her ass in the hopes Serina wouldn’t be holding a grudge. It was my wedding day as well, and as prince consort I was central to many of the comments I could hear around the room.

  Many wondered if they could manipulate and use me as an in with the queen, assuming of course that I was just twenty five and knew nothing of politics and rule. The truth was I knew enough to stay out of it all, they would learn. I had no designs on my queen’s power and we had spoken of it many times. I was content to be in the supporting role in that arena and take the lead only in personal family matters, my ambitions were focused on other things.

  Such as keeping all the women in my life safe, and building a business that would not only make me wealthy, but also help the people of Cirenthia advance. They had been stagnant for too long. I did have some political power of course; I would be a fool to deny that. But it would be spent in support of the queen and Cirenthia.

  When the meal wound down the music picked up.

  “Would you like to dance?” I asked.

  My new wife still looked radiant when she replied, “I’d love to.”

  I stood and took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The first dance belonged to the married couple alone. I knew there were many eyes on us, but I barely took note of them as I spun and twirled her around the dance floor. I only had eyes for her at that moment.

  Call me paranoid, but I also had a ward up. It hadn’t escaped me that with all these new faces we might be in danger, but I was content to depend on my elementals to keep us safe. Not to mention I was sure Ari, Alethea, and Sienna would have our backs. I supposed the royal mage guards were helpful there as well; I had gotten to know Reed and Avery’s replacement, Cindy, well enough to trust them over the last month.

  All that said though, it was my responsibility in the end to keep her safe.

  Serina was graceful and stunning in my arms, it was all I could do to not put her over my shoulder and run off to start our wedding night a little early. Fortunately, or perhaps not so, I had more control over my libido than that. Not that I wasn’t having fun, it was just it was also an exercise in patience.

  We danced a couple of more songs after as we were joined by the rest of the people there. Then we spent some time at the table, allowing people to greet us. All in all it was a good wedding, after all, no one was so much as rude, and I hadn’t needed to threaten or kill anyone, not even in the privacy of my own thoughts.

  Chapter 2

  Unlike Earth, the bonds of marriage were tangible here in Cirenthia, on whatever world I had ended up on which seemed to fall under the influence of the goddess. Every touch and glance between us was a shade more intimate as we retired from the reception party and made our way to our rooms. Serina and I have had sex before of course, but tonight and every other night after it would be different.

  It would be more powerful and deeper of an experience as we consummated our union and joined our bodies with now bonded souls.

  Every nerve in my body was humming in anticipation as I closed and locked the door behind us. I caressed her face softly with my fingertips and kissed her. Her lips were soft and pliant against mine. I wanted to make this last, wring the enjoyment out of every touch of our first joining as man and wife, I just wondered if I had the will to do so.

  I wanted nothing more than to ravage her right now.

  Our kiss deepened and she mewled in my mouth as her lips parted and granted entrance for my questing tongue.

  She broke our kiss and smiled seductively as she turned, “Get my dress?”

  I cleared my throat, my mouth a little dry as I replied, “With pleasure wife.”

  I felt her tremble slightly as I caressed the sides and back of her neck before moving them down to slowly unbutton the back of her dress. I leaned forward as it parted, kissing lightly down her back as her silken skin was uncovered. I was blown away once more by the idea she had given herself to me, forget the idea she was a queen, she was a beautiful amazing woman that held my heart in her small soft hands.

  I’d made it my goal in life that she’d never have cause to regret the decision.

  When I finished with the buttons I ran my hands back up her bare back, then along her neck and across the creamy soft skin of her shoulders. The dress loose now, it took barely any effort as I ran my hands down her arms, not sure if I was chasing the fabric or pushing it down. All at once it fell and pooled around her feet.

  I pulled off my own shirt quickly before I wrapped an arm around her, pulled her hair to the side with my other hand, and started to kiss the side of her neck from behind. I took in a breath through my nose and closed my eyes, the taste and scent of her skin caused me to harden.

  She gasped lightly as I brushed the bottom of her firm supple breasts and kissed my way down her shoulders.

  I murmured, “You are so beautiful.”

  She turned her body to face me and melted against me as our lips met, her nipples were hard and made my manhood jump against the tight confines of my breeches as she rubbed her body against mine. Her hands ran down my body with the softest touch as our kiss deepened, becoming more passionate and needy as she started to work my breeches open.

  I gasped into her hot wet mouth as she reached in and wrapped her fingers around my girth, her other hand pushed my pants down and they fell around my ankles. I kicked my legs, my pants and shoes flying in unknown directions then picked up my beautiful wife and walked toward the bed.

  She giggled, “I can walk love.”

  She playfully bit my shoulder and caressed my chest before I laid her on the mattress.

  I grinned unrepentantly and joined her on the bed. She was perfect as I gazed at her sexy curves, bright red hair and gorgeous green eyes, but it was the look of love, trust, and happiness that took my breath away. I had changed a great deal from being a vampire on Earth, but a part of me wondered at it.

  There was a lot of darkness in my past, and I didn’t think I deserved her love, much less being loved by four women. But I’d do my best to earn it every day.

  I caressed her softly and started to kiss her again, all set to seduce, tease, and gently make love to my new wife. But the bonds between us and our bodies had different ideas as our kiss slowly but surely grew more hungry and passionate by the second. My hand found its way in between her legs and cupped her mound. Her sex felt hot and ready under my hand, my middle finger grew damp from the moisture gathered on her swelling labia.

  She said breathily between kisses, “I need you in me Marcus, now… we have all night to go slow.”

  Her legs widened and I moved above her body without breaking our kiss. My knees pushed out slightly spreading her legs even further as she lifted them up and wrapped them around my waist.

  I was a little breathy myself and my rock hard manhood pulsed with need as I lined up with the radiating moist heat of her ready core and pushed forward. The moisture of her labia hugged and lubed my length as I sheathed it inside. The undulating and fluttering walls of her core was overwhelming to my senses. Sinking into her body was pure bliss as we joined together.

  Her legs tightened around me and she ground up against me as I pushed into her despite being fully buried already. The rapturous feeling of her tight sex overrode any of my ideas on making love and based on the look on her face she was on the same page I was.

  I pulled out teasingly slow, and then pu
shed in hard and fast, her body met mine with a slap and we moaned in unison as we did it again. When her core was fully adjusted to being spread open by my manhood, I picked up the speed and strength of my thrusts and I started to plunder her body.

  She whimpered in pleasure and I felt her tighten around me, I just kept going. The consummation of our marriage seemed to raise the pleasure of it. I was completely lost in the sensations of our bodies joining, and the bliss of it. I had just enough sense and control to make sure she enjoyed it as much as I did.

  She whispered breathily, “Cum in me, I want to feel it. Make me yours.”

  I started to speed up even faster rolling her into another orgasm. I wasn’t going to hold out much longer as her core grasped and milked me for my seed. She took her hands off of my chest and pinched one of her nipples, the other pushed up below her other generous breast and she leaned her head down and started to suck and nip her own nipple while keeping her eyes locked on me, which were filled with desire and wanton need.

  It completely broke my will and I felt my legs start to numb and my balls tighten. I heard her gasp as I felt my manhood expand further, stretching out her undulating walls as I released my essence deep within her heavenly body.

  When we came down she giggled and said, “You like that did you?”

  I managed to move off of her before collapsing to the bed, “I didn’t hate it,” I said with humor in my voice.

  She whispered, “I love you, I don’t want you to leave.”

  I nodded, wisely not commenting. I wasn’t looking forward to leaving her either. But the politics of it were inevitable. Unfortunately we were the ideal people to deal with the Elves and try to get the treaty renewed. I supposed Ari and Alethea could do so alone. I was actually more torn about it than I showed anyone, I didn’t want to leave her here alone, guards or not. How could I protect her? But Ari, Alethea, and Sienna would need me more.

  I ventured, “We’re never more than a few hours away if you need us. I don’t imagine we will be gone too long either.”


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