Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3

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Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3 Page 8

by D. R. Rosier

  Chances were good I’d get a mix of sexes out of the four coming anyway.

  I kissed Sienna’s belly and to avoid her ire kissed her as well before getting up out of bed. She had finally relented and was going to skip the more physically intense part of our morning training. Of course this had nothing to do with my opinion, it was her own judgment she was following. As Ari, Alethea and I prepared for our morning ritual training and sword dance she pouted a bit, I was briefly tempted to get back into bed and love her until she smiled. Serina was still out like a light.

  I started to get used to the new style at this point, very rarely falling back on the old one when we sparred after the sword dance. Ari and Alethea were both graceful and beautiful, it was a testament to my ability to focus that I was victorious in nearly half our bouts.

  When we finished up the morning workout we headed back to the rooms via fast travel and took a bath. Afterward I started to do my daily scrying. The first three targets I tried I couldn’t connect with. The fourth I caught, but as I zoomed out through the stone and up into the sky, I got a good look where they were now. They were at the northernmost part of the Eastern Mountains, which was the north west part of the Rhimera Empire.

  Before I cut the spell, it was blocked and I lost the image.

  I tried again on the rest of targets I’d been using, but none of them came in. I was able to scry the mountains themselves however, using the land itself as a target, but I didn’t see a sign of any goblins, ogres, wolves, or trolls. Yet I knew they had reached their destination. I believed it wouldn’t be long now before they poured out of the mountain.

  I sighed and tracked down Sienna and Serina before letting them know.

  A short time later that same day I received a message from the Empire’s mage. Serina had me hold off until everyone was gathered. It was Carl, Maggie, Steven, Sally, plus my four mates and myself. In addition the new spell instructor was there as well. When I’d first met Lydia I’d mistaken her for that snotty brat Penny, but it was her older sister. I was relieved to find Lydia was nothing like her younger sister outside of the good looks.

  She had seemed a little young to me at twenty four for such a post, but as of yet she’d never failed to answer one of my questions relating to spell craft.

  When everyone was settled down with refreshments Serina nodded at me to begin.

  I said, “Well, two things happened today. One which some of you already know, the goblins we were tracking have reached their destination. Unfortunately the only proof of that is I can’t scry them anymore, but I believe it to be true. It even makes sense that the place the demon is imprisoned would be shielded from detection. We can only hope the fact they haven’t come out in force yet means the goblin shamans are still working out how to free him.

  “The second thing is the mage I sent the warning to almost two months ago has finally replied. It seems the Emperor has invited us to send an envoy to speak of this issue. The invitation is couched in diplomatic language, but the bottom line of it seems to be he wants our help. He suggests that this is a problem that encompasses all of humanity and elven kind, a fight for survival rather than simply over who rules what piece of land.

  “In short, I believe he is panicking. They must have been tracking the goblins too, and no doubt sent this shortly after losing the ability to see what they were up to. Given that the mountain they are under is in his empire, and that there are three large cities in the northwest corner of their empire, I can see why he’s alarmed. Of course, I’m being liberal with the interpretation. Like I said, he couched it all in generalities and political speech, most likely to save face.”

  I frowned knowing how well the next part would go over, “Oh, one more thing. Not just any envoy. He specifically invited me as the prince consort of Cirenthia. He encouraged a small honor guard of no more than thirty, and a staff of no more than five.”

  Most of my mates scowled, not that it was my fault. It wasn’t like I wanted to go. Then again, if I was supposedly the one to stop all this, unless I wanted everyone in Rhimera dead I’d have to make some effort to meet the demon sooner. That thought had bounced around in my mind for a while now.

  Ari asked, “Trap?”

  I slowly shrugged, “He gave his word, on his honor that none of us would be harmed, and we would be free to return to our kingdom at any time.”

  Sienna asked archly, “And do you believe that?”

  I frowned, “Mostly, I’m hardly an expert on their society. But they have kept their word in the past.”

  Lydia chimed in, “According to what we know personal honor is very important to them. They are very violent and the government is extremely heavy handed, but keeping their word is something sacrosanct to them. I don’t believe it’s a trick. Or at least, as far as having safe passage there and back.”

  Steven asked, “Is there a point to going, are we willing to offer them any help?”

  Serina nodded reluctantly, “I wouldn’t send troops to assist them, but we could provide haven for displaced people, perhaps send help for recovery when the danger is passed, if it passes.”

  Sally asked, “Why would we be willing to do that?”

  I cleared my throat, “Normally we wouldn’t, but if he is asking for help… Well we can probably wrangle a treaty out of them. Say if we help them rebuild they promise to respect our borders for a hundred years of possibly more. I think they are convinced that one day they will rule the world, but they don’t seem to be in a hurry about it. I think they would pay the price of waiting a century or two before attacking us again.”

  Serina smiled, “Exactly what I had in mind, but start with a millennia and let them haggle you down from there.”

  I asked, “And if they demand aide in battle for such a boon?”

  Serina shook her head, “I don’t know, if we have their word they won’t invade when this is done, it might be better if we fight on their soil.”

  Maggie asked, “Wouldn’t it be better to fight them when they come to us? It would be easier to hold them at Valley Pass wouldn’t it?”

  I knew that was a horrible idea, but Carl beat me to the punch.

  Carl shook his head, “You’re thinking about defending against the Empire. The mountains are a deterrent for them as much as us, but for the goblins they have tunnel systems. They could ignore the pass and just come through and down the Eastern Mountains. They could pour out at any time, right here at Ciren even. Our troops could be badly out of position at that point.

  “I’m guessing they probably have over a hundred thousand goblins, thousands of them mages, along with ten thousand or more wolves, trolls, and ogres. Are best bet is to help when they are on open ground in the Empire, before they get here. Either help defend a city or even meet them on open ground. The largest obstacle is we fight with magic, where they take their enemies magic away.

  “It’s something that must be worked out somehow. Also what Marcus hasn’t said, probably in an attempt to keep peace with his mates, is he needs to be out there doing it. If he’s right about being the only one to stop the demon, then fighting the just the horde is just a waste of time. Even if we win and kill them all, the demon could summon more monsters from other worlds, or who knows, simply raise them all from the dead. If we don’t take out the demon it won’t matter what we do.”

  He looked over at me apologetically but I just nodded at him with respect. It was almost a relief to me that I wouldn’t have to broach the subject myself. I hadn’t been looking forward to it.

  Serina looked like she’d just swallowed something extremely sour. I could see the conflict in her eyes, as my mate she wanted to order me to our rooms and forbid me to do anything more dangerous than clip my nails. I wanted to comfort her, I knew the queen in her would win out.

  Serina cleared her throat, “Very well. We’ll be sending Marcus along with a team to negotiate the treaty. Despite our intent to help so we don’t have to fight on our own soil, make the emperor fight for it if you can.
He’ll also stay and lead our troops in battle, whatever we commit.”

  She shook her head, “Everyone but my family, clear the room please.”

  When it was just the five of us she said softly, “I hate myself for letting you go, but you have to go Marcus. I also think it would be a mistake to take Sienna. You have a good four weeks in the saddle after fast traveling to Valley Pass to make the capitol. All that hard riding wouldn’t be good for her pregnancy. Ari, how about you?”

  Ari frowned, “Elves are a little hardier, we don’t slow down at all until the last couple of months. I should be fine for another six months, Alethea for another eight.”

  Sienna’s eyes filled with tears and I understood how she felt. I hadn’t been without her since my second night on this world. She was my first wife, the one always at my side and ready to give me whatever I needed, whether it was to fill an enemy with arrows, cook my dinner, or drop to her knees and help me relax.

  Her scent, presence, and smile were soothing, and she always knew what I needed. It would be distinctly odd to be without it. I knew this wasn’t a quick mission, just the travel part would be a month, and I wouldn’t have a chance to even come back and visit until the treaty was signed.

  Even worse she had no magic, so I couldn’t send her any personal messages to let her know I missed her. About the only thing I’d be able to do is keep an eye on her with scrying, not nearly enough. I kept my mouth shut however so I didn’t hurt Serina’s feelings. After all, I’d missed Serina but never balked at leaving her behind. It wasn’t that I loved Sienna more, it was just all of our relationships were a little different, as it should be.

  And Sienna’s place had always been at my side every step of the way, while I’d always known there would be times I’d need to be away from Serina. Regardless, I knew it would feel like an ill omen without her presence.

  Serina said, “Fine, along with Ari and Alethea I’m going to send Steven, Sally, and Tina. That should round out your staff of five. I’ll have Cindy find you a good captain and our best twenty troops for an honor guard. I also want you to take a handful of beacons with you, that will enable our mages to take a large amount of troops where they are needed most.

  “I’ll have Maggie hurry up and get the spell ready and spread out as soon as possible. Any questions?”

  I asked in a confused voice, “You want to send Tina?”

  She nodded, “For many reasons. The first is she is family to me and I trust her implicitly to take care of you, Alethea, and Ari. It will also be expected that you have at least one servant with you when you arrive at the capitol. There will no doubt be attempts by other servants or spies to pump her for information in casual conversation, again, I trust her.”

  I nearly winced at that and Sienna seemed to be holding it together. Sienna had always been the one to hold all the little details together in the past, apparently Tina got that honor for this trip.

  I sighed, “Very well, when should we go?”

  I was hoping she would say tomorrow, but the truth was it was only just after breakfast and I wasn’t surprised by her answer.

  She replied, “You should be packed and ready to go by noon. We’re working on a timeframe we can’t see, who knows when the demon will be freed. It could be in a few hours, days, or possibly even weeks. Unfortunately there’s no time for extended goodbyes this time.”

  She smiled a little, “Now as your wife, when the treaty is signed make sure you come personally for my signature as I’m sure both Sienna and I will be desperate to see you by then. Try to send us messages every day will you?”

  Serina’s eyes were getting as moist as Sienna’s, I just nodded wordlessly not trusting my voice to be steady. When we got up I gave them both a hug and a kiss. The rest of the morning flew by as we ran around packing and tried to get everything done. Maggie gave us five of the beacons, Steven and Sally seemed excited to be going, at least someone would enjoy it.

  I also took a moment to send a return message indicating we had accepted the invitation and would enter their territory in two days.

  I thought about all those times I’d been happy to be back on the road, I wondered if I would feel it at all without Sienna being there. Oh, I’d still enjoy it I was sure, Ari and Alethea would both be with me. I just doubted I’d feel that same sense of powerful freedom.

  But then, we weren’t on the run from the government anymore. In a big way, I was the government now, or a good part of it.

  The captain, Mike, and his sergeant whose name was Julie was waiting outside with twenty troops fully armored. They looked impressive actually.

  I could feel her behind me. I took in her scent and closed my eyes a moment before turning around and taking her in my arms.

  Sienna said softly, “I hate this, but I can’t risk our baby. At least I’ll have Serina to keep me company while you’re gone, the thought is a comfort. I wonder how she stands it when she’s the only one left behind. I’d think I’d go mad. Tina’s a good woman; let her take care of you. I love you more than life Marcus; I’ll be here when you get back. Just… be careful for me.”

  I murmured in her hair, “I’ll miss you too love, more than you know. No doubt I’ll be scrying and stalking you before we get in the mountain pass. Keep yourself and Serina safe.”

  We kissed then broke our embrace. It looked like everyone was ready to go. Serina came out and I gave her a proper hug and goodbye kiss as well before I mounted up. I muttered the spell under my breath, when I finished the horses fell into a trancelike sleep. I set off the fast travel magic and fed it an eighth of my magic. My elemental surrounded us in elemental air and pulled us into its realm.

  We were in a hurry, so rather than spend three hours for the trip, Ari pumped an eighth of her magic in for more speed attracting other elementals to join in. Fifteen minutes later we appeared in front of the town of Valley Pass. I felt a little guilty not visiting, I was sure Sally missed her parents, mayor Brent and his wife Stacey, but we didn’t really have the time.

  I promised myself I’d take her there soon, if Maggie didn’t have a marker there that is, then the girl could get there by herself no doubt. I looked around, the five of us were flanked by the honor guard, it was strange to me letting them guard the strongest. But it was a political thing and I supposed I’d get used to it.

  Everyone looked to be ready so I said, “Move us out Captain.”

  We moved off toward the pass, and just because I said I would, I opened up a mini scrying in front of my eye. Sienna had her bow and sword on, and was following Serina through the halls. I reluctantly cut it off. I knew I’d probably check them a few times a day to make sure they were safe, but I knew keeping a constant eye on them would just drag me down.

  Ari and Alethea gave me a discreet knowing smile, they must have felt my familiar magic. They both had cloaks with hoods for when we met up with strangers. Tina looked excited like Steven and Sally. I imagined this must seem like an adventure to her. I focused my thoughts on my magic scans and what was ahead of us. Who knew what lay ahead?

  Chapter 12

  “Name, and purpose for entering Rhimera.”

  It had taken a couple days to get through the pass. We’d taken the path nestled between two mountains. Going uphill we’d needed to conserve the horses and it had taken us over a day. On the other side the downhill slope had taken us only a few hours. Despite the calm delivery of the words, the Rhimera border guards looked alert; most of them had hands on their swords.

  I wondered if we had gotten there too quickly for word of our arrival to reach.

  I rode forward slowly, overriding the Captain’s objections with a look.

  “I’m mage Marcus, head of a diplomatic envoy your emperor has invited. My purpose is for talks in how to deal with the goblin issue I am sure you are aware of.”

  The man frowned, “We haven’t received notice of this. It is late, perhaps you could camp alongside the road here while I get instructions.”

  He cle
arly didn’t believe a word I said, but was smart enough to check before making any unfortunate mistakes.

  I didn’t see an alternative, all of this had been arranged via magical messages, I didn’t have any proof…

  “Very well, but time is of the essence in this matter.”

  He nodded shortly, “I should know by midmorning tomorrow.”

  As I turned my horse I heard him issuing orders, sending a group to the closest town with a mage. We headed back into the pass a hundred yards or so before setting up camp. I didn’t want any misunderstandings to occur.

  The Captain, Mike ordered his troops, “Set up camp, get a picket set up and keep a close eye on our friends down there.”

  He turned to me and said, “I’m surprised they weren’t prepared.”

  Ari said lightly, “Bureaucracy, they probably didn’t consider we would arrive so quickly.”

  I nodded slowly, my voice amused, “Most likely.”

  It was a little strange for me. Tina set up the tent then helped a couple of soldiers cook our meals. We’d had a system for setting up the camp, but every time Ari, Alethea, and I looked around for things we would normally do, they were getting done by the soldiers.

  I couldn’t help but notice how comfortable Sally and Steven were with it all. But then they’d grown up here and were comfortable with their place and having everything done by servants. I’d been in similar situations in my life before, I knew leadership, but back then I was very different.

  With nothing else to do, the three of us decided to spar. We took turns fighting against the other two. We slowly drew a crowd and a part of me was annoyed by that fact, as if they were intruding somehow, but I knew that was foolish and shook it off. They were here as an honor guard, but they would also die to the man, or woman, to protect the five of us.

  “Sergeant Julie, would you or your men like to spar?” I asked.

  She nodded and with a harsh look on her face asked for volunteers.

  The men were some of the best that Cirenthia had to offer. We held back on our speed advantage but needed to hold on to all of our skills to win. I’d sparred with four of them before we’d all had enough for one afternoon and we settled in to relax at the camp.


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