Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3

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Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3 Page 12

by D. R. Rosier

I wanted to shrug, or punch him in the face, I chose to answer diplomatically, “I don’t know what your emperor has in mind, but I can’t imagine it would be a bad thing to get started discussing it four days sooner. I don’t know what the north west of your empire looks like, but four days, four towns burned to the ground with everyone dead. Is that enough of a difference?”

  Shit, so much for diplomatic. Still, at least I didn’t hit him. I could tell by his face he wouldn’t really care, they were just the lower caste citizens after all. I left off the thought that it would be four days sooner than they’d reach Cirenthia, no matter how long that part actually took.

  He nodded slowly, “If it is that important to you I suppose we can go without the comforts. We will need to stop in the next town however and pick up more foodstuffs.”

  I replied, “Very well,” and dropped back in the formation beside Ari.

  The next ten days we picked up the pace and stayed on the road longer. I kept track of the horde of goblins now spreading out into Rhimera as best as I could. I am not proud to say I actually felt a little relieved. It seemed logical they would start with Rhimera since that’s where they were, but there was nothing that prevented them from simply travelling under the mountains and attacking Cirenthia first.

  If I had to guess, they seemed to move from one target to the next closest town. I didn’t think there was any strategy beyond that. The demon was simply exterminating us. It wasn’t only the humans either, it was the land itself. Wildlife and trees seemed to die in its wake.

  I didn’t know if Arno was receiving reports or not, if he was he hid any emotional responses well, just as I did in his presence.

  As far as Tina went she was now sharing a large tent with me, Ari, and Alethea. We’d eventually gotten around to talking about expectations. Which of course was that she was mine, I wouldn’t be using her as some mistresses were in Cirenthia. Lucky for both of us she was in complete agreement.

  Sienna and Serina seemed to be doing well as far as I could tell. I not only sent, but usually got a daily message back from Serina on how things were going there. I also scryed both of them a couple of times a day for a few minutes just to reassure myself, it kept me sane.

  The night before we expected to arrive in the capitol we stopped at a town so we could all bathe and put on fresh clothes. The soldiers also had more time to take care of their armor and weapons, we may have rushed towards the capitol, but we wouldn’t appear that way when we arrived.

  It was still mid morning the next day when the capitol came in sight. It was quite a bit bigger than Ciren at first glance although remarkably similar. I couldn’t see all the details of course, even from a high vantage point, but there was a twenty foot high wall around the city, then another wall at the inner city. We rode around to the East side, at first I wasn’t sure why until we entered the gate and I saw the street we took toward the inner wall was empty of people.

  Arno explained, “This gate and city road is used exclusively by mages and other men of high rank. It is much less… disruptive, than trying to ride through the crowds of the city.”

  I was in for a surprise when we went through the gate, there were a large number of soldiers there but one look at Arno secured our passage. Beyond it was large stone buildings, houses, for people of high rank. Once past the inner wall, I could see the third wall that surrounded the palace complex. It took us another ten minutes to reach it.

  The palace wall wasn’t so easily passed.

  “Halt and identify yourselves,” a guard at the gate demanded.

  He was staring at Arno with his hand on his sword, and didn’t look impressed at all at Arno’s station or rank.

  Arno replied, “Colonel Arno. This is the prince consort and ambassador from Cirenthia. We should be expected.”

  The soldier warily took the papers and handed them to another soldier without looking away from our party. He was alert to the point of paranoia. I wondered what that meant about the emperor. We waited patiently for a few minutes until the soldier returned with another mage dressed like Arno, but with more decorations on his uniform.

  Arno saluted.

  The man saluted back and handed Arno the papers.

  The man looked up at us and said, “I am General Stelna, welcome to Rhimera. Please follow these soldiers; they will take you to your accommodations during your stay. The emperor will summon you when he is ready to discuss the treaty. Please don’t take offense, he is currently working on a plan to blunt and slow the goblin attacks.”

  I nodded slowly, “That is more than acceptable, thank you general.”

  We followed the soldiers through the walls leaving Arno behind; apparently he wasn’t able to pass. There were large mansions, a few barracks, a large assembly or training yard, and various other buildings surrounding a palace that dwarfed the one back in Cirenthia. The guards took us down the lane and then turned into an alleyway between the mansions. He led us to a large stable directly behind one of the mansions and turned.

  He said crisply, “This stable and mansion are here for your use during your visit. There is a stable master along with several servants available to you. Please make yourselves at home, the emperor will send someone when he is ready for you.”

  I nodded in reply and the soldier left us returning to his post. I wondered how many spies were watching us right now as we appeared to be left completely alone. I dismounted and grabbed my saddlebags. The stable master took my horse. I waited for Ari, Alethea, Tina, Steven, and Sally to do the same and we headed into the mansion.

  The mansion was built for visiting dignitaries and their people. I could see now what the number limits had been about for my advisors and honor guard. The bottom floor was huge, with two wings to the side, where the top floor did not have wings but was still very large. The ground floor had the kitchen, common bath, dining room, meeting rooms, and a large barracks with twenty beds in it along with two separate rooms on the side for two officers. It also contained the servants quarters.

  The second floor contained a huge master bedroom, and five other extremely large rooms for staff. Each room had its own attached smaller bathing chamber. Of course we’d only be using the master and one other bedroom. There were also a couple of other rooms that looked like a lounge, or meeting room, but with couches and a stocked bar.

  I checked for magic, or people, and it looked like they were respecting of privacy toward their visitors, though I am sure we would be watched closely when we stepped out of the mansion.

  It was the six of us up on the second floor, once everyone was settled we met in one of the lounge rooms.

  “First impressions?” I asked.

  Ari said, “This place is meant to both impress and intimidate visitors. Outside of that, I am holding judgment until we meet the emperor.”

  Steven added, “I’d agree with that. Although it’s surprising, for an empire that usually takes the military takeover route, what is the point of this mansion?”

  Sally shrugged, “Perhaps it’s when district governors come to visit, or it could just be a left over from when this was Omajen before the Rhimera Empire invaded, and they are simply maintaining the buildings for some reason.”

  Alethea nodded, “That second one makes more sense to me. I think we were invited here out of desperation, something new for Rhimera. The building is impressive but…”

  I smiled, “I know, maybe we can sneak out for some nature if we are here longer than a few days.”

  Ari winked, “If you want us sane that’s a good idea.”

  Tina said plainly, “Keep an eye out for servants, there are too many. No doubt half of them are spies, and don’t underestimate the normal servants either.”

  There wasn’t much to add or discuss, after all we hadn’t met anyone we’d be dealing with. We broke up the impromptu meeting, got cleaned up from the morning ride, and went downstairs in search of lunch. A part of me was happy with the time to relax after a long ten days, but the rest of me was still wantin
g to get this started and over with.

  I took a moment to compose a quick message that we’d finally arrived and sent it to Serina before we sat at the table. The servants started to bring out plates of fruits, meats, and cheeses along with bread that looked to just come out of the oven. The table was quiet for a while as we enjoyed our lunch. The food was fresh and well prepared.

  We were relaxing after lunch and I considered what to do this afternoon, maybe some studying. There really hadn’t been time to do any the last ten days or so, but we were interrupted.

  A servant came in and bowed, “Sir, you have a visitor.”

  I replied, “Show them in please.”

  The servant left for a moment and then came back in with a young woman. She was wearing something similar to a kimono and had a veil that wasn’t quite opaque. Her dark hair was up in an elaborate bun, she was very petite, maybe five foot one. The only other woman I’d seen dressed similarly from Rhimera was the princess that jackass Jonathan was going to marry. It was not the same woman however; she’d been a healer where this woman had an affinity for earth and fire. I stood and inclined my head.

  “Welcome, how can we help you?” I asked, trailing off.

  I could barely make out the smile as she looked my way and said in a light airy voice, “I’m princess Halli, eldest daughter of Emperor Eljin the sixth. I bring you greetings from my father. Also, he would like to arrange to meet with you and your councilors after breakfast tomorrow morning. I realize this next part is highly irregular, but with the goblin horde destroying more of Rhimera daily my father and his council have taken the liberty of drafting an… initial treaty document.

  “If it isn’t too much trouble, could you read and discuss it among yourselves today? My father did his best to anticipate what Cirenthia would want as much as he anticipated what he needs. Of course, tomorrow he’d be happy to explain any questions, objections, or proposed additions you may have.”

  I felt like I should have taken offense. He’d even sent a daughter to deliver it, probably in the hopes that would manipulate my reaction to it. The problem of course was, I agreed with the emperor. I was afraid the talks would be dragged out and go on forever; it didn’t look likely from where I was standing.

  I replied in a somewhat formal voice, “It is a pleasure to meet you Halli, if you would pass on my thanks for your father’s welcome and the excellent reception we’ve been given I’d be grateful. You can also let him know that we would be glad to go over an initial document to get us all moving in the right direction.”

  She came forward and handed me the document and took a step back. I could swear she looked me up and down then, but it was hard to tell with the veil.

  “I look forward to seeing you all again on the morrow,” she said softly.

  I nodded and replied, “Until then princess.”

  She turned and walked out of the room.

  “Shall we get a look at that?” Sally asked.

  I answered, “Yes, but let’s retire upstairs and verify our privacy before we get started.”

  I got up and headed toward the stairs with my mates and friends following behind…

  Chapter 16

  The treaty wasn’t quite as long as a contract from Earth, and it wasn’t quite as full of legalese either. But it was close. I read the twenty page document slowly and carefully, before I passed each page to the next person around the table. It took about two hours and I thought I had a good handle on it, yet my mind was searching the words over and over for any tricks or loopholes.

  To keep myself occupied I went over to the bar and poured everyone a drink as they finished up the document. The treaty seemed… remarkably generous. Terms like buyer beware, and the saying, if it looks too good to be true, it probably isn’t, were popping up in my head. When they finished up they all looked up at me.

  “Anyone else figure out what they’re up to?” I asked.

  Steven summed up the document and it matched my thoughts, “Well, it seems… they are willing to forgo any hostilities between us for the length of the current emperor’s rule, as well as his son’s who will also sign the document. We could ask for more of course, but it wouldn’t be binding until the next emperor ratified it which…” he trailed off.

  I understood what he was implying, if that emperor wanted to invade the treaty would be little more than toilet paper at that point.

  He continued with the rest of it, “They also don’t want military assistance of any kind, merely asking us to respect the border. Beyond that they are requesting healers and are willing to pay Cirenthia five hundred gold for each one we send, as well as paying those healers until their services are no longer needed at which time they’d be sent back.”

  Surprisingly that summed it up pretty well, yet it took twenty pages of crap to get there.

  Sally added, “I think they are more than requesting. The healers are sworn to follow the queen just like any other mage. I believe we will be required to send most if not all of them. I guess we are getting a lot for that but…”

  Ari asked, “Why do you think they don’t want military help?”

  I pondered that for a moment before I replied, “I’d given that a lot of thought on the ride here and how it would work. We have two completely different ways of fighting. We meet magic with magic, they cancel magic out for both sides, I’m not sure we’d be able to fight side by side effectively. Can anyone think of something else we want from this? I know keeping them from invading is the big one.”

  Alethea smirked, “Start treating their people like humans? Outside of that, I’m willing to settle for a handful of decades of peace.”

  I frowned, “Yeah, I think this will give us what we want, but something about it bothers me. I just can’t put my finger on it.”

  I closed my eyes for a minute and ran it through my head, but nothing jumped out for me. I had no doubt they would need healers, they would no doubt have many wounded in each battle, if they even managed to hold the horde back at some point.

  “There is something I’m not seeing. I want everyone to think about it the rest of the day and sleep on it. Let me know in the morning if you figure something out.”

  They all nodded soberly. We were missing something and I didn’t think I’d be able to figure it out unless I put myself in the emperor’s place. Trouble was I didn’t know the man at all…

  The next morning over breakfast no one really had any ideas. Despite Tina, Ari, and Alethea distracting me last night, a very pleasant distraction I might add, getting a fresh look at the problem and letting it simmer in my subconscious hadn’t yielded any new ideas or understanding. The closer we got to meeting the emperor though, the more I was sure this was a mistake, despite the fact we were about to get what we wanted out of it.

  I knew I was out of time when the servant came in.

  He said respectfully, “The princess has returned to escort you to the emperor.”

  We all got up and headed for the door. The princess was outside with a large contingent of soldiers and the mage officers including the general. I wasn’t all that surprised, I’d bet the emperor was nervous about having Elves in the same room he was in. Especially since he couldn’t completely cancel out their magic.

  The princess said, “I hope you had a restful night, please follow me.”

  The princess waited until I was along side of her and we walked toward the huge palace. I had thought the wealth of the mages in Cirenthia was extravagantly on display, but this place put it to shame. We didn’t get to see much of it however. The entry hall displayed paintings, tapestries, and marble statues that looked true to life. That was close to the extent of it.

  We went a short way down the hall and took a left through double doors. It was a large meeting room of sorts. The emperor was already there, as was his heir, sitting on chairs that looked more like thrones at the head of a large table. I almost quirked a smile, their chairs were elevated as well, to give them the psychological advantage, but at my age
all it did was amuse me.

  The soldiers and mage officers took up station around the room as we were led to seats.

  The emperor himself was an older man, in his late fifties at a guess. His heir was in his late twenties. Both of them wore robes that were mostly black but accented with purple. The emperor looked cold and somewhat remote and haughty all at the same time. His son looked confident to the point of cockiness, as if we were beneath him.

  I took my seat thinking these men cared nothing of others, only holding their own power and increasing it. That’s when it finally hit me. Why would these men give up their conquest for two generations to get their hands on healers, to heal soldiers that were beneath their notice, much less their caring? The obvious answer was that they wouldn’t.

  So why? Why did they want healers so bad?

  For some reason Linden’s visage popped into my head, and then I recalled the story he told me. Fuck, no fucking way. He can’t be that stupid, can he? I wish I had time to warn everyone, how the hell had I missed it? Oh right, because doing that was too stupid for words.

  The emperor said in a crisp voice, “It’s a pleasure to meet the people who sent my men packing a few months ago. I respect strength in a neighbor, did you have time to read the treaty?”

  I replied in a neutral voice, “Thank you for your gracious welcome. I have read the treaty and do have a few simple questions. It is very generous of course, but could you enlighten me about what you will have Cirenthia’s healers doing?”

  He smiled like a viper, “To use their power of course, the war will be very costly in lives.”

  I almost growled, he had told the truth but in a way to mislead. I could hear his heartbeat betray him.

  I nodded, “Of course, will you consider us sending mages along with them, as guards of course. A battle is a dangerous place for a healer.”

  He shook his head, “We will guard them and keep them safe from the goblin army.”

  I held back a sigh. I’d never get him to admit the truth, the guy was a word lawyer. I also got the idea he wasn’t very well balanced of mind. I was probably going to regret doing it, but I needed to ask a question he couldn’t weasel out of.


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