Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3

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Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3 Page 14

by D. R. Rosier

  Alethea said, “Let’s just move off the road about a half mile. I’m getting pretty good at the illusion spell and should be able to shield our magic as well.”

  I grinned, “Alright, sounds good. I wished we’d have thought of this earlier, we could have stayed in bed.”

  When I jumped up on the horse, Alethea pouted, “No kiss for me?” Her eyes danced in amusement.

  I replied with a smile and a wink, “I’ll do better than that when we make camp.”

  We mounted up and left the road…

  Chapter 18

  That first night the ride was a little surreal. A number of things caused it to be so. For one, none of us had been tired; we’d gotten up just a few hours before making camp. We also hadn’t brought any books with us, and we didn’t train because we were keeping a low profile in enemy territory. Not that it was all bad, my mates and I managed to fill the time quite nicely once the tent was up and the spells were in place.

  The point however was we were all a little tired as we forced ourselves to stay awake and alert. The rest of the surreal feeling came from vision and sound. The vision was close although not quite as good as daylight but with an ethereal quality. It was easy to avoid the enemy camps; the ground was open enough to easily see the camp fires from a distance. It was the sound though, that made it all seem just a little unreal, we were moving at a canter and there was no sound whatsoever from the hooves hitting the ground.

  We could even talk together easily at that speed in just a whisper. It was just… weird.

  We passed seven camps that first night, and absurdly I wondered if we would be passing them again and again the next two nights, although I knew we were moving fast and it would probably only be the last two or three that would get ahead of us, they were on foot after all.

  I was exhausted and concentrating hard on my magical senses when false dawn became visible on the horizon. We started to look for a good place to set up camp for the day.

  I said softly, “I sense water a few hundred yards to the east, maybe a small stream.”

  Ari replied just as softly, wasn’t sure why we were still practically whispering, there was no one else around. It must have been the unnatural quiet of the horses, it just wouldn’t seem right to speak in a normal voice.

  “Sounds lovely, we can get cleaned up before we crash. We should probably camp on the opposite side as well.”

  I grunted in agreement, if the stream was well known soldiers might come to fill water flasks, or even bath during the day. Or worse, they might decide it was a good place to set up camp while we were still waiting for night. An illusion wouldn’t do crap if they walked right into our tent.

  The stream wasn’t moving very fast, we rode across and then took care of the horses before we set up camp. We managed to find a stagnant pool close by which Alethea kindly heated. The bath felt wonderful and relaxing, all we did though is wash each other’s backs, we were all too tired for anything else.

  I put up a ward to wake us if anyone got close to Alethea’s illusion and fell into a deep sleep with a mate snuggled up on each side of me.

  I woke up to Ari’s hand over my mouth. I gave myself a few seconds to reach awareness then released my senses. I couldn’t believe what I was feeling. There were close to three hundred soldiers across the stream, it was a good thing we’d crossed this morning. The really bad part is I felt two mages as well and it was still light out.

  The mage would make it hard to sneak out later, simply because our magic would no longer be hidden once we left the illusion, there was no way to make that effect follow us. Or at least, I didn’t know how it could be done. As soon as we left the camp the mage would detect us.

  Ari whispered, “What should we do?”

  I frowned, “We’ll have to wait until they get settled, then make a break for it. I don’t think they’ll be able to follow us in the dark. The bad part is when it’s reported, everyone in the area will be looking for us, and based on the body count we left yesterday morning they’ll know where we are headed.”

  Alethea asked, “What if we just wait until the mages are asleep? Then we can slip out quietly.”

  I shrugged, “We can try, but what if the two split watches? We can’t sit here too long. We’ll wait an hour after dark and then make a break for it. For now, let’s get sound muffling up and we can pack up camp and eat dinner without whispering. We’ll just have to hope no scouts stumble over our camp.”

  They both nodded and I muffled sound in a circle around our camp. I got out of the tent, even though they couldn’t see us, it was disconcerting seeing hundreds of soldiers a few dozen yards away across a stream. We wound up eating a cold dinner worried the smell of something cooking might tip one of the smarter ones off before we packed up the tent and got the horses ready.

  The sun was sinking behind the horizon; it was going to be a long hour. As soon as it was fully dark we made sure us and the six horses had night vision, and we cast the magic to muffle their hooves. It was only about fifteen minutes later when one of the mages went inside a tent. I couldn’t be sure of course, but based on his heartbeat it seemed likely he was dead asleep ten minutes later.

  We weren’t worried about being seen when we left, we were outside the ring of firelight and we wouldn’t be heard. Of course, all that was moot when the second mage gave no indication of going to bed anytime soon. We were about to make a break for it when I had an idea.

  “Okay, this is going to sound crazy, but see that slight incline maybe a mile away? I bet that’s outside of his detection zone, I know it’s outside of ours. What if we fast travel to it? We can see it; we should be able to do it.”

  Alethea replied, “Good idea, I can get us there, you’re already holding a bunch of magics I’m not.”

  That was true, since she was fire Ari and I were the ones doing all the muffling and vision magics. She’d recover faster.

  I muttered the spell for the horses under my breath and then I smiled, “Whenever you’re ready love.”

  Elemental fire surrounded us and pulled us into the realm of fire. We appeared on the road about a mile from the campsite in less than fifteen seconds. I couldn’t feel the mages anymore, and I hoped their range was similar, but I did feel a couple of soldiers nearby to the west. We got on the horses and started off at a canter.

  I didn’t hear any outcries; it looked like we were successful.

  It was also a good lesson.

  “We need to keep our distance from any camps. I guess we were lucky last night, none of the ones we passed had mages to detect us.”

  Ari nodded slowly, “Then where did they come from? We didn’t pass that group last night.”

  Alethea replied, “Probably from another town. I’d guess somewhere west of here.”

  “Why west?”

  Alethea snickered, “Because if they’d come from the east they would have camped on our side of the river, or walked over us to get to their camp. We were lucky.”

  “Oh right,” I said feeling a little stupid.

  We picked up the pace, the lack of sound was no longer so eerie now that I was used to it and we made good time. We only ran across five encampments on the second night, for each one we left the road on the opposite side and went around. I was a little concerned a tracker might pick up on it and get suspicious with tracks leaving the road, but it was less of a risk than coming into detection range of another mage.

  Early that morning I wasn’t quite as tired as I was at yesterday’s false dawn, but I knew the horses were tired. Even rotating mounts we were pushing the horses hard. We went out onto the plain about a mile from the road before setting up our second camp. We should be at the right town by this time tomorrow, and then we’d simply take a ride around the town a mile or two out for reconnaissance and bury some beacons before going back to Ciren.

  The actual place we’d come in needed to be flexible. Once the horde came in and we figured out where the demon was in it all, we’d have to finalize plans on
the spot and then go, before the town was destroyed.

  There was no one around after we set up camp and Alethea cast another illusion spell. After I put up the wards, and sent a report and message to Serina, I suggested a work out. No magic, but it wouldn’t hurt to go through the sword dance forms and perhaps even spar a bit.

  The idea that sparring with my elven mates was practically foreplay for us may have influenced my suggestion…

  Chapter 19

  The third night of travel started out a lot more smoothly. None of the camps were close and we took our time to eat dinner, send an update, and pack before once again heading down the road. We were about five miles from our destination when we ran into their first scout. No doubt searching for signs of the enemy. We were able to evade discovery but I knew it would just get worse the closer we got.

  Alethea suggested, “Let’s send the horses back, finish up on foot. We’ll have a much better chance of sneaking by without such a large and high profile.”

  I couldn’t argue with that. We’d be following them in a few hours so we just kept the basics and weapons, and left the rest of the stuff on the horses. When we were sure we had what we needed I muttered the spell to calm the horses. I’d never done it before, but it was just as simple. I imagined just the horses going back to Ciren and pushed an eighth of my magic into it.

  Elemental air surrounded them and they faded from our view. We took off again with our magic senses pushed out toward the town. It was dark and with the aid of the sound muffling magic we had no problems evading the scouts and in a relatively short time we came up to the town.

  The town itself had a large wall around it, with the help of the night vision it was easy to make out the amount of troops on the wall. I also saw a number of encampments around the city, either they would move in when the time of the attack came up, or they didn’t get here before the gates were closed for the night. They were definitely preparing to defend this place, which was a good thing.

  It would make a splendid distraction.

  We circled the city from a little over a mile out. There was absolutely no terrain to hide in or to make the town easier to defend. It was all pretty much flat. That meant the horde would come in and circle the city without any problems and then move in from all sides. The key would be to fast travel in and appear close to the demon that would hopefully be on the rear of the enemy lines. If it decided to participate in the attack things would be much harder.

  We’d have to wait a couple of days to find out.

  “Do we have what we needed from this?”

  Ari and Alethea simply nodded.

  It was with some relief I released my magic and we fast travelled home. They hadn’t caught sight of us since that first unfortunate incident, we would have surprise on our side. I just hoped that would be enough.

  I didn’t really mention it to my mates, but this mission would be… intimidating. The demon was fast, perhaps much faster than I was. It wouldn’t be easy even if my plans were effective. Still, I would do what I needed to do to keep my family safe, even if it turns out badly, it will be worth the price, worth any price really.

  It was still before sunrise when we appeared in our suite of rooms. We all stripped down and took a quick bath before slipping quietly in bed. I spooned Sienna and put my head down, and I felt Ari and Alethea get in the bed behind me; Ari pressed her body against mine. I knew tomorrow would be a long day as we got back on a normal schedule, but maybe we could catch an hour or two before waking.

  I was warm and content as I fell asleep, my nose took in the scent of my four mates and my mistress which relaxed the weight on my mind.

  I woke up on my side and moaned to extremely pleasant sensations. Tina kissed along my neck, and then sucked and bit my earlobe. I wasn’t sure what turned me on more, the sensations of that, or her hot and heavy breaths in my ear. Her large breasts were pushed into my chest, her nipples hard against me while surrounded by the feel of her soft supple and silken flesh encompassing it.

  “Good morning,” she purred in my ear.

  I replied by pulling her by the hair and claiming her in a passionate kiss. She mewled into my mouth and returned my kiss with ardor. I ran my fingertips down her back, along her hips and over her beautiful ass.

  As if that wasn’t enough, I could feel Serina as she kissed down my back, her hands roaming my torso, neck and running through my hair. I reached back with my other hand and caressed her hips and ass.

  If that was all, it would have been more than enough for me, just one of them in my bed was. But it wasn’t. I felt lips envelope my achingly hard member and start to suck as I felt another hand between my legs, playing with my balls, taint, and ass. I could tell immediately that it was Sienna, they were all different in style and the subtle ways they kissed and caressed. But I also had the advantage of scent and my magical senses.

  I couldn’t help but arch my back and push into her soft yielding mouth. Sienna didn’t back away, if anything she pushed her head forward as if she were as eager as I was to be buried in her sweet, wet, hot mouth.

  I wondered where Ari and Alethea were, as far as I could scent they weren’t even in the room. But I could wait for later before asking. It still blew my mind at times that all these women wanted me, no, it was much more than that. I could practically feel their love, it was almost palpable in the room with us. As for me, my heart belonged to them all.

  Serina pulled back on my shoulder and arm and I fell on my back. Neither Tina’s kiss nor Sienna’s oral attentions missed a beat. Serina started kissing my shoulder and neck as both Serina and Tina started to caress my chest. I had more access now and I slipped a hand between both of their thighs and I cupped and teased both of their wet, hot sex.

  Tina broke our kiss and went for my neck, only to have my lips claimed by Serina. I heard them both gasp as I slipped a finger inside their pleasure and caressed their special spots.

  Sienna’s mouth popped off my length and I felt her position herself above me. Her hot core took me in with warm, wet friction as she impaled herself on me. I gasped into Serina’s mouth as I felt Sienna’s inner muscles tighten, flutter, and massage my sensitive length up and down. The three of them all had their attentions focused on me and I was surprised I hadn’t blow yet. Sienna could do amazing things with her tight silken bliss.

  Serina and Tina started to grind into my hands and I slipped a second finger into both, curling them, and pushing in and out of them, while brushing their g-spots. Every time I buried my fingers completely I pushed in tight circles with my palms, stimulating their clits. I had no concentration left through the intense pleasure of all three of them, so I didn’t even try to match rhythm with Sienna as she started to rock up and down my pole, tightening each time she pulled up, releasing a little each time I sunk into her slick heaven.

  Sienna didn’t seem to mind. It didn’t take long before I felt her shower my length with her silken liquid bliss. She was so tight and milked my length greedily so that I was having a hard time holding it. I bent both my wrists and used my thumb to push down on and rub Serina’s and Tina’s hardened little nubs as I continued to drive my fingers into both of them.

  Tina cried out my name in pleasure first and ground her body into my hand hard as I felt her tighten around my fingers. As if that’s all Serina had been waiting on, she fell into ecstatic bliss seconds later. Sienna was still wrapped around me tightly; I could feel her body trembling as pleasurable aftershocks wracked her body, her warmth was tightening and fluttering up and down my hard length.

  My mind took their orgasms as permission and I was overcome by a wave of pleasure. My balls tightened and body grew numb to all but the explosive ecstasy of pumping my seed deep inside Sienna’s body.

  Sienna said smugly with satisfaction, “Good morning husband.”

  I was still recovering but managed to say, “A very good morning.”

  She giggled, “And it’s just getting started,” she said as I felt her tighten ar
ound me.

  I wasn’t going to complain, I was sure Serina and Tina wanted to be filled with more than my fingers. I was positive I’d be up to the task…

  It was quite a bit later and we were still lying in bed naked, all cuddled up together with tangled limbs. I was proud to say they all looked extremely sated, the second and third rounds they had shared their pleasure around more evenly, so it wasn’t quite so overwhelming. It made me wonder if Sienna and Serina had done anything to release some stress together the month I was gone. I wouldn’t have minded at all, I was just curious. We were all family after all, it wouldn’t have been cheating, only inviting someone not part of our family to the bed would be.

  Oh, alright, I admitted to myself the idea of it really turned me on.

  But I didn’t ask, choosing to change the subject in my head.

  “So where are Ari and Alethea? We were pretty tired when we came in…”

  Serina chuckled, “They left right before you woke up. We have about thirty mages available for our task, along with sixty soldiers, two guards for each. Sienna and I thought that would be a good number to protect you, Sienna, Ari, Alethea, Sally, and Steven when you attacked. Ari disagreed, she and Alethea went to Arinith. They should be back later today with a group of elven volunteers.”

  Huh, she hadn’t mentioned it to me, I guess she thought I needed the sleep? Or maybe she didn’t want me around since I was a source of conflict in Arinith?

  Sienna must have seen the look on my face because she said, “She wanted to let you sleep, apparently she just went to our father’s house. Efrain should have all the volunteers already. There is more to it of course; the three of us wanted time with you this morning.”

  Oh, in that case I wasn’t worried. It was up to them to split my time. That actually made me feel better about her running off without me. Although I was still worried, after all Alton was still breathing as far as I knew.


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