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Against the Gods - Volume 05 - Primordial Profound Ark

Page 29

by Mars Gravity

  “I previously had no grievances nor enmity with Divine Phoenix Sect, yet you guys wished to take my life just based on the comical word “bloodline”. Is this your Divine Phoenix Sect’s way of doing things?! If you guys still want to save some face, shouldn’t you be giving me an explanation in front of everyone present?!”

  Yun Che’s righteous words were shocking to the core. He was but one person in Divine Phoenix City, in Divine Phoenix Sect’s main headquarters, in front of Divine Phoenix Sect’s core members and three million Profound Sky people, yet held no fear as he severely questioned this incomparably enormous number one sect of the Profound Sky Continent.

  Aside from shock, everyone’s reaction toward this was still shock. They never would’ve imagined that there would be someone… who was even just a young practitioner from Blue Wind Nation that had not reached twenty, would publicly question the entire Divine Phoenix Set without fear. How bold was this? How courageous, how brave?

  And Yun Che’s words had also more or less given the entire audience a basic summary of the grievances between Yun Che and Divine Phoenix Sect. Clearly, when Divine Phoenix Sect knew that Yun Che possessed the Phoenix bloodline, they sent Feng Xichen to deliver the ranking tournament invitation letter, and to handle Yun Che on the side… Because half a year ago, was exactly the time of when the six nations received their invitation letters.

  Everyone knew that their bloodline was Divine Phoenix Sect’s biggest taboo, and that was understandable. For any sect, they absolutely wouldn’t allow their core techniques to be leaked out, let alone the Phoenix bloodline, soul of the entire Divine Phoenix Sect.

  But it seemed like this Thirteenth Prince Feng Xichen couldn’t show off his prowess in front of this hard headed Yun Che, and had instead suffered a huge loss.

  Feng Xichen’s entire face became thoroughly red as everyone’s gaze made him feel as though he was sitting on pins and needles. In front of the entire audience, Yun Che had actually just spoken out the events of that day. As a Divine Phoenix Prince, not only had he lost his dignity, his face had been completely obliterated. The lie he told Feng Ximing and Feng Hengkong had also no doubt been exposed… He firmly tightened his fists as he suddenly grew dizzy, so depressed that he nearly fainted right away. The expressions on the other princes’ faces that gazed upon him were mostly all of gleeful delight for his misfortune.

  Feng Ximing immediately stood up from his seat as he roared in a stern voice: “Insolence! Our Divine Phoenix Sect has always guarded our bloodline for five thousand years, and has never allowed even a bit of our bloodline to go out, everyone knows this! Yet you, are a bastard and mixed breed that our sect accidently left wandering outside! According my Divine Phoenix Sect’s sectoral rules, you either return to my Divine Phoenix Sect and won’t allowed to leave for eternity, or you’ll receive my sect’s sanctions—— Death! How dignified was my Thirteenth brother; for him to personally deal with your matter was already giving you a face and chance as great as the sky. If you do not return to Divine Phoenix Sect, killing you would more so be right and proper. What face do you have to make a big fuss here!”

  “HAHAHAHA!” Yun Che uttered a hearty laugh, and asked in reply: “Right and proper? Bullshit! I, Yun Che, was born in Blue Wind Nation, grown up in Blue Wind Nation. Never have I used any resource of your Divine Phoenix Sect, nor have I ever received the slightest bit of grace from your Divine Phoenix Sect; I’ve never even drank a single mouthful of water from your Divine Phoenix Sect! Yet you start talking about whether I return and submit, or die… You actually still have the face to say right and proper? On what basis!!”

  “On the basis that you have our Divine Phoenix Sect’s bloodline! On the basis that you are a bastard who seeped out from my Divine Phoenix Sect!” Feng Ximing said in a stern voice.

  “What a joke!” Yun Che coldly laughed with disdain: “Then, just on what basis do you think that the Phoenix bloodline in me, comes from your Divine Phoenix Sect!”

  “Does that even need to be proven?” Feng Ximing also returned with a cold laugh: “My sect’s Phoenix bloodline, comes from the grace of the Phoenix God, and was thereby able to proliferate, forming into the Divine Phoenix Sect today. In the entire Profound Sky Continent, only our Divine Phoenix Empire possesses the Phoenix bloodline!”

  “Is that so?” Yun Che slowly spoke: “Then how do you know, that my Phoenix bloodline doesn’t come from another legacy of the Phoenix God? The Phoenix Divine Beast had long ago disappeared in the ancient eras. The ‘Phoenix God’ spoken by you lot, is a tiny soul entity dispersed by the Phoenix Divine Beast for the purpose of leaving behind its bloodline. Scattered in various corners of the world, even in the same continent, there is a chance for multiple to appear, not simply one alone. You lot can obtain the heritage, on what basis do you think others can’t!”

  The moment these words of Yun Che’s were uttered, the expressions of Divine Phoenix Sect’s people all simultaneously changed. Feng Feiyan’s face abruptly darkened, as he roared lowly: “Insolent youngster! To actually dare defile my sect’s Phoenix God… You think I won’t kill you here and now?!”

  “Ha, fighting a battle of tongues with you lot really is wasting my energy.” Yun Che uttered a sneer. With the howling sound of wind before him, Dragon Fault was swung up, pointing at Fen Xiluo, as phoenix flames explosively burned on the sword’s body: “Didn’t you say that I, Yun Che, am a bastard leaked out of your Divine Phoenix Sect? Alright… then I’d like to see whether or not there is anyone of a similar age as me that can fell me here! If the young generation of your Divine Phoenix Sect who possess the orthodox bloodline doesn’t even have anyone who can defeat me, then wouldn’t that prove… that you guys, are the true bastards?!”

  “How truly preposterous!” If not under the gazes of everyone, with the Sacred Grounds on the side as it was also the Seven Nation Ranking Tournament’s arena, Feng Feiyan really wished he could just disregard his status as Great Elder, and personally go up and take Yun Che’s life with a slap. With Divine Phoenix Sect’s power and influence that imposed their might over the world, before them, just who did not tremble with fear and act respectfully? No one had ever dared to challenge Divine Phoenix Sect’s dignity like so.

  He pointed at Yun Che, and said with an overcast expression: “Well, very well… As a bastard whose body flows with the blood of our phoenix, you actually still dares to be so unbridled and arrogant… Very well! Fourteenth Prince, no need to hold back! Let this bastard understand what the pure and genuine Phoenix bloodline is!”

  “Great Elder, be at ease.”Feng Xiluo insipidly replied. His eyes narrowed and looked straight at Yun Che as he said with a low voice: “Haha, I originally only wanted you to immediately roll off the Phoenix Stage. But now, I’ve changed my mind. If I accidentally slipped and crippled your limbs and bloodline later, don’t blame me, okay.”

  “I’m just afraid that the one crippled, will be you.” Yun Che said in a cold voice.

  “Still being insolent when death is upon your neck, truly laughable yet pitiful!” Feng Xiluo raised his arms as the palms of his hands simultaneously burned up with phoenix flames. Just as he was about to step forward, a profound energy sound transmission from Feng Hengkong suddenly traveled to his ears:

  “Do not underestimate the enemy! Attack with all your strength… kill him right away!”

  Feng Xiluo froze for a bit, then his hand posture suddenly changed, as a scarlet colored lightning hissed through between his hands, then transforming into a approximately eight feet long lance that was entirely scarlet red like hot iron.

  “It’s the Emperor Profound Weapon… Divine Phoenix Lance!! Fourteenth Prince actually utilized Divine Phoenix Lance from the start!”

  “Seems like His Highness is completely enraged. I reckon it’s to make Yun Che lose miserably with the quickest speed, making him unable to speak up again.”

  “Once Divine Phoenix Lance is out of the bag… Guess, how many moves does His Highness need to defeat him
?” A Divine Phoenix disciple said leisurely.

  “Seven moves.” Another Phoenix disciple casually answered.

  “Seven moves? You really are thinking too highly of that Blue Wind brat.” The Phoenix disciple in front of him curled his lips to a great extent, then sneered: “At most five moves, that brat would be burnt to the point that his biological father wouldn’t recognize him!”

  Chapter 438: Dragon Fault, Divine Phoenix

  An Emperor Profound sword, an Emperor Profound lance; just the mere aura of the two Emperor Profound weapons distorted the air above the Phoenix Stage. Feng Xiluo shifted his eyes, glancing at Yun Che’s Dragon Fault as his brows slightly raised… The Divine Phoenix Lance in his hands had more than three thousand years of history, experienced numerous battles and refining, and had long ago developed a consciousness. Only the strongest practitioner of Divine Phoenix Sect’s young generation was worthy of possessing it. Once the Divine Phoenix Lance came out, numerous other lances would tremble.

  But at this moment on the Phoenix Stage, Dragon Fault’s aura was actually mutually contending against it, with both sharing the limelight! The Divine Phoenix Lance that he was immensely proud of, was actually unable to suppress a Blue Wind practitioner’s Emperor Profound heavy sword!

  But very quickly, his attention shifted away from Dragon Fault. Forget about the Emperor Profound sword in his hands, even if it was a Tyrant Profound sword, he would not still not care. He used one hand to casually support the lance as his other hand stretched out toward Yun Che. With an entire body full of openings while not concealing the contempt he had for Yun Che, he said: “Make your move, it is beneath my dignity to make the first move against a bastard who overestimated his abilities.”

  “Really? I just happen to feel the opposite.”

  Yun Che laughed coldly as he stepped forward. Phoenix flames violently ignited on his entire body, rapidly spreading toward Dragon Fault. A shocking aura suddenly burst forth like a volcanic eruption as he directly struck forward toward Feng Xiluo. Relying on the Sky Profound Universal Pellet to forcefully promote his strength, Yun Che’s currently overall strength had long surpassed the level he was at before, back when he was fighting Feng Chihuo. And with every increase in profound strength, his overall strength was amplified by several folds if compared to an ordinary profound practitioner. Hence, even though he was faced with such a contrast in level, the Feng Xiluo who surpassed Feng Chihuo, he was still not afraid.

  “Imposing aura, is not bad. However… that’s not of any use.”

  Facing Yun Che’s blazing heavy sword attack filled with an astonishing imposing aura, Feng Xiluo still wore an indifferent smile. With a leisurely posture, his right hand that grasped onto the Divine Phoenix Lance was still horizontal, without any indication of him attacking with his lance. Only his left hand slowly extended, casually releasing out a Phoenix fire beam that was as sharp as lightning.


  The Phoenix flame above Dragon Fault collided with Feng Xiluo’s fire beam in the sky, creating an ephemeral ear-piercing tearing sound. The two flame radiances immediately conjured wisps of smoke, the Phoenix flame on top of Dragon Fault was torn apart as though it were paper, instantlly becoming two halves.

  The faces of Divine Phoenix Empire’s profound practitioners and Phoenix disciples all revealed sneers as they jeered at how much Yun Che had overestimated himself. Ling Jie and Hua Minghai’s heart immediately rose to their throats… The imposing aura of Yun Che’s strike was incomparably large, but Feng Xiluo was a terrifying level eight Throne!!! In front of Feng Xiluo’s absolutely overwhelming strength, his unreasonable strength could be said to not be threatening at all. Saying that it was unable to withstand a single blow was not too excessive.

  “Heh, trash is trash…” Feng Xiluo’s face was filled with contempt, but just as he revealed his sneer, it immediately froze on his face. He had indeed easily torn apart the Phoenix flame, but after the flame, a force as great as a mountain suddenly came battering over. This force was unreasonably tyrannical, and had even caused him to stop breathing for a short while.

  The Phoenix flame Yun Che had released was just ordinary phoenix fire that did not use the World Ode of the Phoenix. Possessing both the Phoenix bloodline and World Ode of the Phoenix, if Feng Xiluo wished to control ordinary phoenix fire, it was naturally as easy as pie. However, he was absolutely unable to tear apart the peerless berserking strength of the heavy sword!

  Feng Xiluo startled, and the Phoenix flame in his hands immediately burst out with full power. However, the oppressiveness of Yun Che’s heavy sword far exceeded his expectations; his arm sunk down as his entire body was pushed back. His gaze sharpened. As he swung his right arm, the originally motionless Divine Phoenix Lance released an angry aura that soared to the skies. Like a huge ferocious flame beast, it heavily smashed toward Dragon Fault.


  Divine Phoenix Lance and Dragon Fault fiercely collided as countless Phoenix fire beam diverged outwards, scattering to become scarlet colored flame serpents that filled the sky. An enormous current of energy exploded between the two people, exactly like that of a small scale volcanic eruption. Feng Xiluo’s gaze darkened, then, with an explosive force, the Phoenix flame on top of the Divine Phoenix Lance immediately rose by several fold, directly knocking Yun Che up in the air.


  Yun Che spun in midair, and steadily landed over sixty meters away. Beneath the recoil, Feng Xiluo was also heavily forced back a step… Although it was merely a step back, to him, it was already the highest humiliation.

  Ling Jie and Hua Minghai now let out a long breath of relief… Even though one was knocked in the air and one, who hurriedly attacked with a lance, had taken a step back, the difference between Yun Che and Feng Xiluo was still far too distant. However, neither of them had suffered a grave defeat, and making Divine Phoenix Sect’s number one genius take a step back was still considered to be consoling.

  “Not bad, not bad at all.” Feng Xiluo levered the lance and slowly nodded, his face with the expression of a strong practitioner praising a weaker one: “I never expected this, you’re actually a tiny bit stronger than what I had imagined. Even though it’s mainly because I only used thirty percent of my strength, you still were able to force me to swing my Divine Phoenix Lance once, worthy of praise.”

  Yun Che only kept a calm face, not even bothering to smile.

  “Very well, since I’ve already used the Divine Phoenix Lance, then I’ll let you properly have a taste of the Divine Phoenix Lance’s power. Though both are Emperor Profound Weapons, weapons are still dead. How large of a power they could display still depends on its owner. Hold onto your Emperor sword tight, let me play for a while longer, don’t drop it after only two or three moves.” Feng Xiluo held the Divine Phoenix Lance horizontal to his chest with the faint smile of an inquisitor, as the invisible imposing aura that came from the Divine Phoenix Lance slightly distorted the surrounding atmosphere.

  The corners of Yun Che’s mouth twitched, forming a faint smile. Feng Xiluo was a genius, there was no need for any doubt, and he was also the top genius of Divine Phoenix Sect, the number one sect. However, the word “genius” often coexisted together with the word “arrogance”, this was true in no matter which plane. Especially when they were met with praise and other people’s admiration throughout one’s life. As for those who never had a rival within their peers, even if they appeared humble on the surface, they had long since made it a habit to never put anyone in their eyes.

  This also included Yun Che.

  However, what was different about Yun Che was that although he was arrogant, he would never deliberately underestimate an opponent.

  “Then, let the games begin… you’d better receive them well!”

  Feng Xiluo swung the Divine Phoenix Lance and the Phoenix flames on its entire body immediately combusted as a scorching heatwave surged in every direction. Wrapped in Phoenix flame, the Divine Phoenix Lance trembled un
ceasingly while uttering a phoenix cry at the same time, as though it was alive.


  The Phoenix Stage below Feng Xiluo’s feet suddenly ruptured.

  This time, Feng Xiluo moved first. With a raise of his long lance, a tsunami-like flaming tornado charged toward Yun Che. The shattered stones below were lifted up by the tornado, turned into fine powder midair.

  “Ayah, His Highness seems to be a little bit serious now. Looks like he’s not really in a good mood because he was forced to use the Divine Phoenix Lance earlier.” A Phoenix disciple commented.

  “Tch! His Highness was just too careless, that’s all. If he added a little more force back then, how could that Yun Che brat possibly make His Highness use the Divine Phoenix Lance? But it looks like His Highness being in a somewhat bad mood is right. This Yun Che brat… hehe, he’s finished. I can’t even imagine how tragic he’ll be.”

  The entire atmosphere above the Phoenix Stage was completely thrown in disorder as a terrifying aura that clearly expanded the air itself became visible to the naked eye. In front of this remarkably strong attack, Yun Che’s expression turned grim. Opening “Burning Heart”, he ignited a surging Phoenix flame, then fearlessly met it head-on. The berserk profound energy poured into Dragon Fault as a “Falling Moon Sinking Star” ruthlessly smashed onto the flaming tornado.

  “He’s courting death!!” Seeing that Yun Che did not block or retreat, and was instead actively confronting the attack, three words simultaneously appeared in every Divine Phoenix profound practitioner’s heart.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  As a chain of profound energy explosions crazily echoed, the splattering Phoenix flame was like a shower brought along by a storm as it madly danced about. The Phoenix Stage below the two suddenly split apart, as fine cracks quickly spread out, resembling spiderwebs; the longest crack spread directly to the edge of the Phoenix Stage.


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