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Against the Gods - Volume 05 - Primordial Profound Ark

Page 32

by Mars Gravity

  If they were already like this at this age, then their future achievements would simply be unimaginable!

  Those from Divine Phoenix Sect could no longer sit still anymore; from Feng Hengkong to the Elders and Palace Masters, all had already stood up. In the entire arena, no one was more calm than Spiritual Master Gu Cang; he only watched in silence without a trace of disturbance on his face. At this moment, his eyebrows suddenly twitched, because he had felt his disciple’s aura.

  Spiritual Master Gu Cang concentrated his mind, sending a profound sound transmitted message with his incomparably thick profound energy: “You’re finally here, show your Sacred Grounds identification to the Phoenix City guards, they will naturally bring you here. You are just in time, if not, you would’ve missed out on a genius gifted by the heavens, whose future achievements may not be inferior to yours.”

  Very quickly, he received a sound transmission from the other party: “Really? Divine Phoenix Sect is Profound Sky Continent’s number one sect, every generation will probably have this kind of genius.”

  Spiritual Master Gu Cang shut his eyes, sound transmitting again: “No, the person your master is referring to, is not from Divine Phoenix Sect, but the same as you, from Blue Wind Nation. With his abilities, he ought to have been famous in Blue Wind Nation for a long time, you may have heard of his name… This young person’s name is Yun Che.”

  For a long time, Spiritual Master Gu Cang did not receive his disciple’s reply. His attention returned to the ball of Phoenix flames blazing across the skies.

  The Phoenix Stage continued to deteriorate at an amazing speed, beneath Yun Che and Feng Xiluo was astonishingly red lava. Within the center of the two waves of Phoenix energy, the two of them continued the sustained release of their Phoenix profound energy, but both their expressions were entirely different.

  Yun Che was completely tranquil, from his expression to the looks in his eyes, they were all without ripples. However, Feng Xiluo’s eyes were scarlet, his entire face was completely twisted and his throat unceasingly produced muffled growls. When compared to before, if he still had reserves, then now, he was completely releasing his full power, practically squeezing out power from his bone marrows. If not for his sweat evaporating immediately, his entire body would have already been completely soaked.

  Yet despite that, his Phoenix flames were actually totally blocked by Yun Che. No matter how much he tried, he was unable to suppress it.

  At the same time, although he was of the Phoenix bloodline, and had an extremely high resistance and control over the Phoenix flames, it was still impossible for him to be as invulnerable to fire as Yun Che. As time passed, the flames from Yun Che roasted his entire body, causing unbearable pain. Most of his hair was burnt, and every part of his body began emitting a burnt stench and strands of black smoke.

  Half of his low roar was from frantically releasing profound energy, the other half was him howling in pain.

  But his physical pain could not be compared to the fear in his heart.

  Phoenix flames were the strongest profound flames in the Profound Sky Continent. The Phoenix bloodline was the only bloodline of a god in the Profound Sky Continent! If the Divine Phoenix Sect’s history was as long as the Sacred Grounds’, over ten thousand years, just relying on this bloodline of god would allow them to surpass the Sacred Grounds! Furthermore, he was a prince of the Divine Phoenix Sect, his inheritance was that of a prince, the strongest of the strongest Phoenix bloodline, and he was the strongest genius in the current young generation of the Divine Phoenix bloodline…

  However, someone whom he originally did not even take seriously, someone he called a “bastard”, could actually block his full powered Phoenix flames!!

  Moreover, his bearing was incomparably relaxed, looking like he still had energy to spare.

  The growl from Feng Xiluo’s throat got even hoarser, his teeth were almost bitten into pieces, but even after a whole ten breaths, he still had no way of suppressing Yun Che.

  “I don’t believe… I don’t believe… I am a prince of Divine Phoenix… the imperial blood flows through my veins… How could I lose to a bastard like you… how could I lose to a bastard like you!!”

  Feng Xiluo’s voice was incomparably withered and hoarse; the moment he opened his mouth, a strand of black smoke floated out, one could only imagine to what degree was he forced to.

  The moment he spoke, his aura wavered, Yun Che scrunched his eyebrows, the pressure of his Phoenix flames abruptly increasing.


  Feng Xiluo’s hair was quickly burnt, the originally almost two foot long black hair was quickly reduced into charcoal.

  Feng Xiluo had long used up all his energy. He didn’t have the least bit of reserves, as his phoenix flames were suddenly suppressed by Yun Che. He simply did not have an iota of extra strength to retaliate. He started to feel his body and flames get suppressed more and more, all of his flames were being swallowed by Yun Che’s flames.

  Fear appeared in his eyes, followed by a flash of despair. Then, all of it turned into malevolence and insanity…

  “How could I… lose to… a bastard like you!!!!”

  Feng Xiluo roared hoarsely, his eyes as red as blood. Raising his head, he fiercely spat out a large mouthful of blood. The fresh blood landed on Feng Xiluo’s body and began to combust quickly.

  The look in Yun Che’s eyes changed slightly… because the blood that Feng Xiluo had just spat out was not any ordinary blood, it was his blood essence!!

  Ordinary blood could be regenerated, but there was practically no possibility of regenerating blood essence. What it consumed was neither physical nor profound energy, but innate ability, life, and their power source!! Unless a profound practitioner was pushed to death’s door, he would never choose to burn his blood essence.

  Feng Xiluo had gone completely mad!!

  If the opponent was someone the same age as Yun Che, with the same profound strength, if he lost, even though he would be disappointed, unsatisfied, and maybe lose some rationality, he would never go as far as to lose all sense of reason and burn his blood essence.

  However, Yun Che had been hiding his true strength all along, exhibiting his extremely weak profound strength. Thus, as a Phoenix prince, as well as the young generation’s number one, Feng Xiluo, would consider himself to be high and mighty in front of Yun Che. In front of all the heroes of the world and in front the Profound Sky’s seven nations and sacred grounds, he would act as if he were a judge, show contempt, ridicule, disdain and even call him a “bastard” in every sentence.

  If he lost just like that, while using his most powerful Phoenix flames, then all the contempt, ridicule, disdain and insults which he used on Yun Che would be returned to himself countlessly. All the attitude he had earlier would simply become the arrogance and conceit of a clown. Previously, when people mentioned him, they would think about his glory and fame, but after today, the first thing they would think of would be an utterly ridiculous clown! He couldn’t even defeat somebody he called a “bastard”; he would no doubt become some trash not even comparable to a “bastard”, irrevocably becoming this generation’s laughingstock and disgrace.

  As a result, no matter what, he could not lose… Even if it meant igniting his blood essence, he definitely couldn’t lose!!

  As his blood essence ignited, Feng Xiluo’s suppressed Phoenix flames instantly soared, pressing tyrannically against Yun Che. His pupils were full sorrow, as he then laughed derangedly: “Bastard… you can die now!!!!”

  While facing Feng Xiluo, Yun Che had the superior physique, profound arts, profound skills and purity of the Phoenix bloodline. Only comparing the strength and density of profound energy, would Yun Che be vastly weaker than Feng Xiluo. After the crazed move of igniting his blood essence, in a few breaths, Yun Che was suppressed to the point he was forced to retreat step by step, in the blink of an eye. The Phoenix flames on Yun Che’s body were swallowed whole.

  Yet even so, not to
mention a frantic look, there was not even a sign of astonishment on Yun Che’s face, only a deep look of pity… He narrowed his eyes and raised the World Ode of the Phoenix to the fifth stage —— “Star Felling Flames”!


  The Phoenix flames on Yun Che’s body suddenly surged. The initial blaze, which had an incomparable temperature abruptly clambered up again; the initially incomparably frantic flames became even more frantic… at this instant, all the Divine Phoenix Sect members present, from the highest Sect Master Feng Hengkong, to the lowest ordinary Phoenix disciple, all clearly felt the Phoenix blood in their own bodies throb for a moment…

  That kind of bizarre feeling, was neither the suppressing of strength, nor the suppressing of aura, it was clearly a kind of… suppressing of realm!!

  Chapter 442: Defeating Divine Phoenix


  As he relied on burning blood essence to forcefully control Yun Che , Feng Xiluo laughed hysterically with a face of distortion. In the midst of his hysterical laughter, he suddenly felt a frightening and unusual heat erupt, causing his entire body to feel as though it had burst into flames. The powerful Phoenix flame that he had obtained in exchange for burning his blood essence, had at this time, instantly disappeared like a small canoe being swallowed by a huge wave…


  An utmost pathetic scream rang throughout the arena. The flame waves that had been maintained continuously had suddenly collapsed like towering mountains in Feng Xiluo’s direction. A figure that was completely ignited in flames flew out from the sea of flames, like dried leaves that had been suddenly blown by a gust, as he hit heavily onto the defense barrier that was maintained by several overlords.


  “Fourteenth Prince!!!”

  The gold from Feng Xiluo’s Phoenix robe was made using an exceptionally special and rare material that was incredibly hard to destroy. From the remains of gold on the burning figure, the members of Divine Phoenix Sect could easily recognize that this person was most definitely Feng Xiluo, as they revealed expressions of shock.

  Feng Feiyan, who was the closest, immediately rushed towards him like lightning and instantly used his profound energy to completely extinguish the flames on the previously burning Feng Xiluo.

  Feng Xiluo was completely limp, his breathing was slight and he was completely unconscious. All his hair had been completely burnt off. His body was filled with burns and the more serious parts were all burnt black. Other than that, it didn’t seem as though he suffered internal injuries. Although the burns were serious, they were still an external injuries. With the resources that Divine Phoenix Sect could gather, it was possible to completely recover other than leaving a few scars… With Feng Feiyan’s abilities, he could easily tell that Yun Che had intentionally kicked him out from the sea of flames. Otherwise, Feng Xiluo would have burnt to death in a few more moments.

  However, he face immediately revealed complete outrage. This was because Feng Xiluo’s condition… Was obviously a result of burning essence blood!!!

  He was the number one prodigy of Divine Phoenix Clan’s from this era. How could he give up his talent and life and just burn his blood essence like this!!!

  When the two Phoenix flames collided, everything was engulfed within the flames, and he couldn’t tell what was happening. If he knew that Feng Xiluo would self ignite his blood essence, he would’ve even interfered with the match just to stop him from doing so.

  Feng Feiyan was fuming on the spot. He wanted to slap Feng Xiluo at least a few hundred times and also eliminate Yun Che with his bare hands. However, at this time, Feng Hengkong arrived with a group of elders. With knitted brows, he asked: “Big Brother, how’s Xiluo?”

  Feng Feiyan looked up and gritted his teeth as he spoke: “He’s pretty much fine, however he… Actually burned his blood essence!”

  “What!” The faces of Feng Hengkong and all the elders changed immediately.

  “Bastard!” Feng Hengkong clenched his fists tightly as his face turned green. The one he resented the most was not Yun Che, but instead Feng Xiluo. Since young, Feng Xiluo possessed unrivalled talent and growing up, no one of the same age was able to match him. This caused him to be rather arrogant. He didn’t even really respect his thirteen brothers who were older than him. However, having such talents as he did, arrogance was natural. Feng Hengkong was always the most satisfied with him and never once scolded him before.

  Today however, he encountered an opponent who was younger than him, who was able to exceed him completely! How could he be able to take losing? Furthermore, just before the match, he humiliated and insulted Yun Che in front of everyone. No matter what he said and did, he acted as though Yun Che’s life was completely in his hands. When he was defeated by him, his willpower snapped immediately!

  It snapped to the extent that he was willing to do a crazy act such as burning his blood essence!

  Losing, would no doubt would be shameful, but with his talent, he would definitely become a Monarch that would overlook the world! However, since he burnt his blood essence, the consequence was killing off his own talent. His future would not be limitless like before. For Divine Phoenix Sect, this would become a huge loss.

  In his rage, Feng Hengkong felt like strangling his disappointing son.

  What made him even more shocked was that even though Feng Xiluo burnt his blood essence, he was still completely beaten by Yun Che.

  Yun Che’s instantaneous burst of Phoenix flame earlier had such a high suppression that it felt like… It was clearly a higher level than that of the World Ode of the Phoenix!!!

  “Send him to Jade Phoenix Hall to receive treatment immediately.” Contained within Feng Hengkong’s voice was an unbelievable amount of suppressed rage. He turned his head furiously, and looked below, his eyes flashing with bone chilling bloodlust.

  The Phoenix flames finally extinguished layer by layer, revealing Yun Che’s silhouette. Yun Che was kneeling with one knee and he breathed deeply. However, he did not look like he suffered any injuries; even his hair was perfectly intact. Within the raging Phoenix flames, he didn’t suffer any burns at all!

  The area he stepped on was still part of the Phoenix Stage. However, the stage that was nearly three meters tall was now completely missing. Below Yun Che’s feet were charcoal black debris that looked nothing like the jade stone that formed the stage.

  The barrier formed by the Overlords had vanished and a scorched smell, along with heat, spread across the whole arena. With one look, everyone had a dazed expression, and they couldn’t snap out of it. At this point, no one could figure out an acceptable term to explain their feelings.

  That indescribable thought and vision… It seemed as though it had inverted every one of their beliefs.

  The whole arena of nearly three hundred thousand profound practitioners… From the weakest to the strongest, not one of them could have predicted this.

  Not one person!

  Their minds excitedly echoed with this one phrase…

  Divine Phoenix Empire… LOST!!!

  Defeated by Blue Wind Nation!

  The strongest Divine Phoenix Empire’s young generation, was beaten by someone from Blue Wind Nation… And that profound practitioner was even younger than him!!!

  No one dared to believe such a result, and no one dared to imagine it! For more than five thousand years, no one had managed to accomplish it either.

  Today however, they witnessed a moment where this came true!!! A match that broke a historical record that stood for five thousand years! A young profound practitioner that broke a five thousand year record.

  Although Feng Hengkong was about to explode and even had felt a newfound killing for Yun Che, he didn’t act or even speak… Because no matter how bad Feng Xiluo’s injuries were, no matter what bloodline or status Yun Che had, this was the Profound Sky Seven Ranking Tournament. Yun Che beat Feng Xiluo fairly during the match with three hundred thousand people as witness, includin
g those from the Four Great Sacred Grounds…

  As Sect Master of Divine Phoenix Sect, if he dared to take action against Yun Che now, it would undoubtedly be beneath everyone’s eyes, and would ruin Divine Phoenix Empire’s respect and awe, drawing everyone’s ridicule.

  He also knew fully well that Yun Che only dared act this way because of this reason!

  However, him controlling his emotions did not mean that all the elders of Divine Phoenix Sect could do so as well. After Feng Xiluo had been carried away, Feng Feiyan’s body sank and he looked at Yun Che with a face full of rage and disdain: “Little kid from Blue Wind, you actually dare injure… our Fourteenth Prince! You’re… courting death!!”

  He didn’t mention that “Feng Xiluo had been forced to burn his own blood essence”, otherwise, it would be seen as a joke amongst jokes.

  Feng Xiluo was obviously not weak, and despite not suffering much injuries after defeating him, who burnt his blood essence, it was still taxing on Yun Che. He panted and seemed as though he did not have sufficient energy to stand up, but he still looked fierce and even retorted righteously: “So what! This a Profound Sky Seven Nation Ranking Tournament match, and I beat him Feng Xiluo fair and square! During a match, injuries are a result of inferior skills! Could it be that your Divine Phoenix Empire are sore losers who can’t afford to be injured? Are you going to kill me now that I’ve enraged you!”

  “You!” Feng Feiyan was extremely angry, and now that Yun Che retorted back, the color of his face changed. However, before he could react, another angry shout came from the seats:

  “That’s right! This is a ranking Tournament match. Whether one is injured or not is dependent on one’s abilities! If one lacks skills, how can others be blamed! Who are you to blame Yun Che!” Ling Jie strained his throat and gathered all his profound strength to shout.

  Just as Ling Jie finished, Hua Minghai also shouted loudly: “That’s right! During a match, even when one is killed, the matter is not pursued. This is an unchanged fact about the history of the Profound Sky Seven Nation Ranking Tournament, and a rule even an idiot would know! Furthermore, this was a rule set by your Divine Phoenix Empire. Does that mean that contestants from other nations are allowed to get injured, but not anyone from your Divine Phoenix Sect!”


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