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Seduced by His Song

Page 5

by Abby Gordon

  What the hell was he doing here? After leaving her the way he had, being silent for a week…

  “Ooo, the man’s got some bloody gall coming in here,” she muttered.

  She glanced back outside. Nearly every pap was on his or her cell phone. Calling in for reinforcements, she realized. Just when she didn’t think the circus could get worse. Much as she hated bothering the woman, she knew she’d have to ask Mrs. Dawson to do some marketing for her. That mob would never leave now.

  The knock on her door came faster than she expected. Well, the man was in shape. And she certainly knew about his strength and stamina, didn’t she?

  “Jessica, please. Let me in,” he called out. “Jessica? Are you all right?” The knob jiggled. “Jessica?”

  Fury lent her energy and she streaked to the door, flipping the bolt and freeing the chain. Tugging the door open as his hand was still on the knob, she glared up at him.

  “Am I all right? You’ve bloody nerve asking that after what you’ve done to me.”

  He was moving her inside and closing the door behind them before she could react.

  “Jessica, I’m sorry,” he told her, his hands catching her shoulders. “I had no idea they’d do that to you or—”

  “You went on the bloody radio program and told everyone I’d spent the night with you,” she raged, twisting out of his grip. “What the hell did you think would happen?”

  “I never said your name,” he insisted, following her as she went across the room. “I just…” She turned and looked at him at his pause. “I couldn’t remember feeling that good. I was… I was just flying and…” He pressed his lips together and looked at her. “Jessica, it was the most incredible night.”

  “I hope the bragging was worth it,” she whispered. “Because you’ve destroyed my life.”

  “No,” he protested, moving quickly to her. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I just felt so good and wanted everyone to know about it.”

  “Well, you told them,” Jessica replied sarcastically, evading his hands. “You left me in your bed and then went and told the world I was there. Sir Lincoln walked in with Andy, Stanley, and Tom and found me in your bed. They fired me. They cut the lock on my locker to get my things and security escorted me out. I barely got home before the paps got here. Tom made sure they gave me cash, and I was able to get to the market but,” she sighed and shook her head. She went to the couch and sank into it. She buried her head in her hands. “I don’t know what to do. My life is in tatters again and I don’t know what to do.”

  “Come with me,” he urged, moving to sit on the trunk before her. “I can take you to a place they can’t follow. You can stay with me until it dies down. Until they find some other scandal to chase after.”

  “You mean until they have another poor sap to torture?” she muttered.

  His fingertips stroked her cheek.

  “God, you’ve lost weight,” whispered Sean. “You look like you haven’t slept or…”

  “It’s been a rough week,” she murmured. “Mrs. Dawson bought a few things for me a few days ago, but I haven’t been able to do proper grocery marketing and,” she broke down. “Why, Sean? Why didn’t you wake me up when you left? Why did you just leave me there?”

  His strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her onto his lap.

  “I thought I was being gallant,” he told her, stroking her back. “You were exhausted and I just loved the idea of you sleeping in my bed.”

  “But you weren’t coming back, so why not wake me up?” Jessica needed more than his male ego for an answer. She couldn’t understand why he’d left her asleep.

  “I’m sorry, Jessica. I didn’t think and you paid the price. You’ve been fired, hounded, and trapped. Because of me.”

  “Why did you come now? It’s been a week.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  Her head jerked up and rapped his chin.

  “Ow,” he muttered.

  “What do you mean you didn’t know? How could you not have known?”

  “I’ve been in my studio nearly nonstop,” Sean told her. “All I’ve been doing is writing and recording. It’s been some of my best work.” She could see the growing excitement in his eyes. She’d seen it during interviews when he talked about music. His hand cupped her jaw and he kissed her gently. “I think I was inspired.”

  “Inspired?” Rage overtook her exhaustion and brief lowering of defenses. “I’ve been dealing with the aftermath of all this and all you can say is you were inspired?”

  “Damn straight, I was, woman,” he murmured, lips coming down on hers.

  Jessica didn’t want to respond. Didn’t want to feel. But it was impossible not to. All week, she’d been hoping that by some miracle he would show up like a knight on a white steed. Dreaming that he’d make it all go away because she knew there was nothing she could do.

  With a sound that was half-moan, half-sob, she opened her mouth to him and let him drink her in. His embrace tightened, turned her toward his chest, and for the first time in a week, Jessica felt alive, safe, and secure.

  Until she felt his erection hard under her thighs.

  “Sean,” she whimpered, turning her head away. “Don’t.”

  “Yes,” he replied. “I told the landlord I was covering your rent until we sorted this out. Now, come with me, Jessica. Let me do what I should have done from the beginning.”

  Hurt and confusion filled her as she gazed up at him.

  “Which is?”

  “Be a man,” answered Sean simply. “Let me be a man and take care of you.” Before she could become indignant, his thumb brushed her lips. “You’ve been hurt because of me. Let me protect you and take care of you now.”

  Jess struggled to think. She desperately wanted to throw it back in his face, yet she wanted nothing more than to go with him. Wherever he intended to take her.

  “What happens?” she whispered. “What do I do?”

  “You can relax. Sleep, eat, enjoy the beach,” he told her, his thumb stroking in and out of her mouth, rubbing her lower lip. “My bungalow has a small studio and I spend a lot of time in there but,” heat flared in his eyes, “I’ll need more inspiration.” His hand moved down her neck and cupped a breast. “Lots of inspiration.”

  His thumb and forefinger kneaded the soft mound, then caught her nipple through the thin cotton. Hot need rushed through her in a shiver. Eyes closing, she turned her face against his chest. His mouth teased her ear as his fingers fondled her.

  “Jessica, come with me. Let me prove myself to you.”

  “I trusted you,” she whispered.

  He buried his face in the curve of her shoulder.

  “I know. And I let you down. Let me make it up to. Let me protect you now.”

  Her fingers clutched at his cashmere coat. His played with her breast. She knew that if he moved his hand, touched her pussy, then she would be lost. He had to have known that as well, but didn’t push his advantage. Which he had to have known he had. Instead, he planted kisses along her throat and jaw before finding her mouth again.

  She’d been wrong, Jessica realized in a haze. If he’d kissed her again, then she was lost. And she was. Lost to whatever he wanted to do with her, whatever the consequences when he was done with her.

  “Come with me, baby,” Sean murmured, nibbling on her earlobe.

  “God, I’ve lost my bloody mind,” she sighed. “All right.”

  “I deserve that lack of enthusiasm,” he observed.

  “Yes, you do,” she agreed with alacrity.

  “All right, then.”

  Sean stood, set her on feet, and with long strong fingers wrapped around her wrist moved for the door. Jessica dug in her heels.

  “Wait a damn minute.”

  “What?” Puzzled, clearly focused only on getting her to agree with him, he looked at her.

  “I’m in a tee and sweats,” she pointed out. “Can I at least change? Maybe take a shower?”

  “How long
would that take?”

  “I’ve been trapped in here a week and…”

  “Shoes on, coat on, and bag,” he decided. “Time is of the essence.”

  “What?” she shrieked. “Sean, you can’t just haul a woman out of her flat and not give her time—”

  “I don’t want those assholes outside to speculate on what we’re doing in here. And if we’re not out of here in a minute, I’m going to bend you right over that couch and fuck you the way we both need me to,” he told her, going nose-to-nose with her. “I want to get you on the damn plane and out of here before they realize what we’re doing.”

  “We’re leaving the country?” she asked, nodding at his points, and tried to ignore the way her pussy clenched. He wanted to as much as she did. What did it make her that she wanted him so much after the past week?

  “Yes, so get your passport and let’s get out of here now.”

  “Can I pack anything?” Jessica wondered, moving around the apartment, opening a desk drawer and taking out her passport. Reaching over, she plucked her cell phone from the charger, then unplugged the charger and wound the cord around the small block. “Where are we going anyway?”

  “Charlotte took care of whatever you’ll need.”

  Halfway to the wardrobe, she froze and looked at him.

  “Charlotte? Your ex-wife, Charlotte, knows about this?”

  “She’s the one who got through to me. The only one who could have. Maisie was being teased at school about what an idiot her father is and Charlotte was worried about her and pissed at me.”

  “Oh, dear God,” she breathed, weaving on her feet.

  He was next to her, arms wrapped around her in seconds.

  “It’s all right. They’re both pretty much on your side in all of this. Charlotte ripped me up one side and down the other.”

  “I always did like her,” Jessica murmured, her head spinning at everything.

  “When was the last time you ate?” he wondered, hands skimming her body. “You’ve lost weight.”

  “What day is it?”

  He snorted lightly and shook his head. “I had to ask Maisie that same question. It’s Tuesday. Now, you’ve got your passport. Charlotte met the plane at Teterboro on our way here with things you’d need so let’s go.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard this side of you,” she murmured as he propelled her to the door.

  Sean took her passport and phone, tucking them in her brown tote. Taking the trench off the hook, he held it for her to put her arms in the sleeves.

  “What side is that?” he wondered as she slipped into loafers.

  “This ‘I’m in charge and you’re doing what I say’ side,” she replied, belting the trench and picking up her tote. Taking the keys from the side pocket, she gave them to him. “Outside of the bedroom, of course.”

  Smiling, he put an arm around her shoulders and, once they were in the hall, locked her door.

  “And what do you think about this side of me? Outside the bedroom?”

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “Let me think about it and I’ll let you know.”

  “Fair enough,” he agreed as they went down the stairs.

  As they reached the ground floor, she heard the buzz of the people outside. Mrs. Dawson and the landlord were in the hall. Despite her earlier words, the older woman had rallied to her side and Jessica went into her embrace.

  “Easy now, luv,” the woman crooned, patting her back. “You let your man take care of you and things will be all right.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Dawson,” Jessica murmured. “You were one of the few on my side this week.”

  The woman squeezed her hands, glanced at Sean who was talking quietly with the landlord, and whispered, “You were right. I would have.”

  Remembering her words that horrible day, Jessica blushed then kissed the woman’s cheek. Turning to the landlord, she held out her hand.

  “Thank you, Mr. Jenkins.”

  “You keep your head up, Miss Munroe,” he told her, then jerked his chin at the door. “That lot is scum and not worth worrying about.”

  She smiled as Sean’s arm slid around her waist and pulled her against him. As he guided her to the door, he whispered, “Hold onto me, don’t look at any of them, and don’t say a word. As soon as we open the door, Sam will have the car door open. We’ll be inside in seconds.”

  She nodded and Mr. Jenkins turned the knob.

  Two men broke through and surged forward up the steps, Sean’s security on their heels. In sheer terror, Jessica froze at the looming faces and hands thrust at her. Suddenly she was twelve again and holding the hands of the only two people she had left. Sean’s arms scooped her up, cradling her against his chest. Fingers clutching his coat, she buried her face to his shoulder. The guards surrounded them and, with the shouted questions ringing in their ears, Sean went through the gauntlet.

  Unfucking believable. After everything she’d already been through that week, and that near riot had happened. Sam had the car door open and waiting for them, but it seemed to take forever to reach the vehicle. He could feel Jessica’s slender body trembling, knew she had to be scared nearly to death. The paps smelled blood, her blood, and wanted the last ounce they could get. Ducking his head, he managed to get inside the vehicle still holding her. God knew he wasn’t about to put her down where the leeches could lunge at her.

  Even before he’d settled on the seat, the door slammed shut and then he felt the thud of the driver’s door closing. Catching his breath, he held her close, rocking her back and forth, murmuring against her hair. He’d never considered how fragile a woman could be, never thought about how the media could frighten someone. It had happened gradually, over a year at least, for him, and become something he was used to and put up with. Charlotte had been a fashion model for years before they met and she’d loved the attention, known how to deal with them.

  But Jessica had been a lamb to the wolves.

  “God, baby, I’m sorry,” he whispered, arms tightening around her as the car moved forward. “So sorry. But I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.”

  His hand stroked her side, back, whatever he could reach. Anything to calm her down. Slowly, as they made their way on the highway to the private runway, she calmed down and her breathing steadied. But her hands held onto his coat as if she were afraid he’d move her.

  “I’m here, baby. I’m right here.”

  He leaned back on the seat, and she relaxed against him.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “You really didn’t know until Charlotte called you?”

  He closed his eyes then kissed her forehead.

  “I didn’t have a clue. Charlotte called about five o’clock yesterday afternoon. By six, Pete was on his way from Miami and I had everything set up for landing in London. He reached the island, and by seven we were on our way to New York. Well, Teterboro in New Jersey. Charlotte was there with God knows how many bags of things she insisted you would need.”

  “Why would she do something like that for me after what her daughter was put through in school?”

  “Because she knows it’s not your fault but mine. And she chewed me out a few more minutes. In person.” He grimaced. “I think that was another reason. I was stupid and she wanted to make sure I understood just how stupid I’d been.”

  “What did she get?”

  Jessica’s head shifted on his shoulder enough so he could finally see her tear-streaked face.

  “I’ve no idea,” he told her, his chest squeezing. “You can explore the bags and boxes when we take off. She did say she put in a bottle of extra SPF protection. That you would need it going to the island from England.”

  “She sounds like such a sweetheart,” Jessica murmured.

  “She is. And before you ask, I didn’t do anything stupid to make her leave me. It was honestly a case of our careers keeping us apart so much that, after Maisie was born, it seemed like the only time we saw ea
ch other was to hand her over.”

  “That’s horrible,” she exclaimed staring up at him.

  “It took us a few months to realize what was happening,” he admitted.

  “How old was Maisie?” she frowned as if trying to remember.

  “Two and a half,” Sean replied, his voice quiet. It was, he was realizing, just after he’d first seen Jessica. “I don’t think she ever realized a difference. Except now that she’s in school, Charlotte lives in New York City and I base my activities out of there so I can be in her life.” He sighed, shaking his head. “I probably see more of her now because I’m trying harder. God, that makes me sound like a horrible father.”

  “No,” Jessica whispered, one hand leaving his coat to touch his jaw. “It makes you sound like a man who learns from his mistakes.”

  “I have,” he told her. “I really have, baby.”

  “How far to the airport?” she wondered, glancing about the interior.

  “It took us thirty minutes to get to your apartment.”

  “Flat,” she corrected absently, shifting slightly to get comfortable on his lap.

  He inhaled swiftly as her bottom rubbed against his dick.

  “Baby, if you don’t want me to take you in the car, you might want to be careful.”

  In the dim light, he could see her blush and nod.

  “Can I ask a personal question?” he wondered.

  “After last Monday night, you’ve earned it,” Jessica replied.

  “Wait until we’re on the plane,” Sean murmured in her ear. “Ever make love on plane?”

  “No,” she managed to squeak out. “But then there were lots of things I hadn’t done until last week.”

  “Mm, what I thought.” He tucked strands of hair behind her ear.

  “Was that your question?”

  “No, but near the subject.” His fingers caught her chin and lifted her face. “How many lovers have you had?”

  “Two,” she whispered. “And it’s been since New Year’s for the last one. I’ve been busy at work and just didn’t want the bother.”

  “The bother? Bother of what?”


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