Seduced by His Song

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Seduced by His Song Page 11

by Abby Gordon

  Dropping a kiss on Jessica’s head, he headed to the side door and the breezeway that connected his studio to the bungalow. Music and lyrics were flowing around in his head and he needed to get it down in that first sweet rush. Turning on the lights, Sean caught his breath. Sweet rush. That was it.

  After Sarah left, Jessica tidied the bedroom, retrieved the rest of the bags from the cart, and put everything away. Finished, she closed the last drawer in the bathroom and went into the bedroom. Going to the wardrobe, she paused, hands on each door and stared at the sight of her clothes hanging next to Sean’s, with her sandals and a pair of flats next to his sneakers and boat shoes. Closing her eyes and refusing to dream or hope, she brought her hands closer and shut the doors.

  Returning to the main room, the lure of the beach was too much to resist. Pulling on one of the straw hats hanging on pegs to the right of the doors, she headed out. Giggling at the idea of so much freedom, Jessica stepped off the porch and wriggled her toes in the sand. Walking faster, she went to the edge of the water and let the waves lap around her feet. Taking deep breaths, she felt her body relax from not just the stress of the past week, but the past five years.

  Turning to the left, she walked, staying just along the edge of the water. She had checked her phone after her shower, sending Steve, Hank, and Pippa texts that she was safe and asking they not speak to anyone. Pippa had promptly replied—not bloody likely! She smiled, tilting her face to the sun. Pippa was so full of life, yet not naïve. Not the way I had been, she thought ruefully.

  And sighed as she turned around to head back to the bungalow.

  They would contact her eventually. She knew that, expected it. The hotel might resist giving out her information, but given proof of relationship, someone would give it to them. Probably the same person who had leaked her address to the tabloids and paparazzi. Jessica had some ideas on that score. Only one person would be that vile—Andy.

  Back at Sean’s beach, she sat on the steps a while and enjoyed the breeze that eased the heat.

  “Miss Jessica?”

  Startled awake, she jumped and turned to the right. From the corner of the porch, Samuel gave her a shy, apologetic smile.

  “Goodness, has it been that long already?” she wondered, getting up as he came closer, arms laden with bags. Sarah was right behind him. “Are there any left?”

  “Just a few,” Sarah told her. “Samuel can get those while we put these away.” Her son mounted the steps and entered the bungalow. Sarah reached Jessica. “How long have you been outside?”

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted, going inside with her. “I put everything away that Charlotte gave Sean for me. Then took a walk.”

  “Be careful in the Caribbean,” warned the older woman. “Especially in the middle of the day. The heat and sun are deceptive.”

  “I’ll remember that,” promised Jessica.

  They went to work putting everything in the cabinets and fridge, while Samuel retrieved the last four bags.

  “Oh, sorbet,” Jessica enthused. “Thank you. I didn’t think of that.” She put the two small containers in the freezer.

  “Just in case,” Sarah answered with a pleased smile. “I got the fresh herbs and thought you might like this.” She pulled a small plant out of the last bag. “An aloe plant.” Jessica laughed. “Just snip the end of a leaf and put it on sunburn.” Sarah grinned. “Or if Mr. Sean tries to help you in the kitchen.”

  “He burns himself?” Jessica asked.

  “Burns, cuts, nicks, broken toe…”

  “Broken toe?”

  “Dropped a pan on his foot,” Samuel answered.

  All she could do was laugh. “I’ll try to keep him out of the kitchen,” she decided.

  “She’s very smart,” Sarah told her son.

  “Very,” he agreed. “He tell you about the golf cart race?”

  “He did,” Jessica replied as they headed for the doors. “Somehow I’m not surprised.”

  “It’s a New Year’s tradition,” Sarah warned, going down the stairs.

  “Traditions are good,” Jessica said noncommittally.

  Mother and son left and Jessica wandered back inside. Sarah had thoughtfully bought a few books and magazines, as if knowing that Sean would spend a lot of time in his studio. A few fashion tomes, one of yoga, and the books were from different genres. There was also a cooking magazine and Jessica opened that one first.

  “What to do for dinner?” she mused, reviewing the contents page. Her eyes flickered to the clock. “Since it’s four already and he’s only had frozen bricks today.”

  Despite her disapproval, Sean had heated up two of the breakfasts while she was taking her shower. He’d saved half of one for her and her own hunger had made her relent and reach for a fork.

  Finding an apron, she went to work, humming to herself.

  Chapter Ten

  Putting the chopped ingredients in the fridge, Jessica went to the doors to feel the breeze and gasped. Running through the bungalow and breezeway, she burst into the studio. Sean whirled around from the control panel.

  “What is it?” he demanded. “Are you okay?”

  “The sunset,” she managed. “I wanted you to be with me…”

  He smiled and nodded. “Let me save this.”

  His hands moved over the knobs and levers. Turning, he joined her at the door and wrapped his arms around her waist as they headed through the screened connection.

  “Sarah came back with your food?”

  “Yes,” she replied, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’ve prepped everything and put it in the fridge until we’re ready to eat.”

  “Perfect,” Sean murmured. “What are we eating?”

  “It’s a chicken dish and will take about twenty minutes to cook.”

  He opened the wine fridge and pulled out a bottle of white.

  “Would it go with this?”

  Her eyes widening at the label, Jessica nodded. “I’m not sure I’m a good enough cook for that.”

  “Better than frozen bricks,” Sean told her with a wink.

  Watching him move about cutting the foil and removing the cork, she shook her head.

  “Well, if the bar is that low,” she murmured.

  “It’s what I can handle,” he replied, shrugging as he poured their glasses.

  Studying him, she shook her head. Turning he caught her expression.


  “There is much more to you than I realized,” she told him, taking the glass he offered.

  “Is that good or bad?”

  Pausing to choose her words, Jessica sipped the wine and let the flavors burst over her tongue. Her taste buds rejoiced.

  “Nearly as good as this wine.”

  “I like the sounds of that,” Sean decided. “Now, let’s introduce you to your first real sunset.”

  “I’ve seen sunsets before,” she protested as he guided her toward the doors.

  “Not like this,” he promised.

  Pausing, he took another sip before intertwining their fingers and leading the way to the beach.

  “What did you do today?” wondered Sean. “Sorry I left you to your own devices your first day.”

  “I stayed busy,” she assured him, glancing at their clasped hands. It felt so right. Their hands. Going to the water to watch a sunset. Talking over their day. “I put away all the things Charlotte sent. Made the bed and cleaned the bathroom. Then took a walk.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “I just wandered a bit that way,” she replied, gesturing to her left. “Then sat on the porch to enjoy the day. I must have dozed off, because I never heard Sarah and Samuel arriving. They helped me put things away and I prepped dinner. Along with the food, Sarah got me a few magazines and books. It was very thoughtful of her.”

  “You’re not used to that, are you?” he asked, a bit surprised.

  “No, not really,” she admitted. “A few people that I know well, yes, but not from complete stran
gers like Charlotte and Sarah. Even Sasha on the plane was worried about me.”

  Just above the high tide mark sat two Adirondack chairs flanking a small table. Sean settled her in the thick cushion of one before going to the other. She smiled at him.

  “Is this going to be as spectacular as last night’s teaser hinted?”

  “Even better,” he promised, turning in his seat so he could watch her. His eyes darted to the horizon and he grinned, gesturing. “Here we go.”

  Relaxing on the beach, an excellent glass of chardonnay, a gorgeous man—things couldn’t get better. The sun dipped in the sky until it just touched the horizon. Her mouth fell open as yellow-orange streaked across the water. The colors darkened to orange-red. The sky echoed the sea until she wondered if everything was on fire. Unable to resist, she got to her feet and walked to the water.

  Her emotions showed in everything she did. Sean wondered how he hadn’t seen it before. He’d thought she was so restrained, controlled—the stereotypical English woman. Or maybe it was she relaxed her guard with him now.

  The sunset dazzled her and reflected in her eyes. When she got up, he almost reached for her. When she moved toward the waves, Sean grinned and sipped his wine. Already, the music and words were forming in his mind. Knowing what was going to happen, he got up, pulled the cushions from the chairs, and spread them on the hard sand. Pulling his shirt off, he dropped it on the table near the glasses and went down to hold her.

  Coming up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her, relishing how her body relaxed into his, fitting perfectly. Putting his head near hers, he brushed his lips to her temple.

  “What do you think?”

  “Breathtaking,” she murmured. “Is it like this every evening?”

  “Mostly,” he replied, content for the moment to simply hold her. “Atmospheric conditions change the colors. If a storm is coming, there’s more purple from the beginning. Like there is…now.”

  He could feel her breath catch as the purples took over. Her attention focused on the day’s end, his hands roamed her curves. His fingers caught the hem of the dress and pulled it up. His right hand possessively cupped her pussy, rubbing slightly before slipping under the thong. Her body trembled as his fingers fondled her. His left hand moved over her flat stomach and ribcage until it felt the band of her bra. The fit of the shift was loose enough for him to push the bra over her breast. His fingers eagerly caressed the soft mound.

  Jessica’s head lolled against his shoulder as he aroused her body.

  “Sean,” she purred, her hips shifting against his hard cock. “God, you do know how to play my body, don’t you?”

  “I love how you respond to me,” he whispered in her ear. “Watch the sunset, baby.”

  Her groan made him chuckle. “It’s been hours since my last orgasm.”

  “If you’re not a good girl, it will be dawn before your next.”

  Her head shifted and she gave him a petulant look that Maisie would’ve been proud of.

  “That’s not nice.”

  “Then be a good girl,” he told her.

  “It’s hard,” she whined, then her breath hitched as his middle finger swirled around her pussy opening. “You push me right over the edge and I can’t help it. It’s like…like being thrown into the water when it’s all on fire. The flames consume me and there’s nothing I can do.”

  Her words echoed in his mind and he filed them away. And then pushed his middle finger fully into her pussy. Her moan vibrated through her body and the muscles clamped around the single digit.

  “Please, Master.”

  “None of that,” Sean said firmly. He was too damn close to the edge himself.

  Her body trembled then was unmoving, her head bowed. He could almost feel her trying to shut down. And realized he didn’t want that. Ever. He didn’t want Jessica to ever close herself to him.

  “Screw it,” he muttered. His teeth nipped her ear. “Baby, I want every orgasm possible from you tonight. Discipline and control be damned.”

  Her head turned toward his, her expression quizzical and a bit shocked.


  Sean nodded, remembering all the toys he had.

  “I’m going to completely exhaust you with orgasms,” he promised, adding two fingers to the one in her pussy.

  “Dinner,” she managed, even as her body undulated against his.

  “If you’re very good for me now, I’ll give you a break. But that will be it from now until dawn.”

  “I’ll be good,” she breathed.

  Smiling down at her, Sean knew he had her.

  Exhaustion from orgasms? Jessica had never heard of such of thing. Then again, her knowledge of sex was limited. But, she moaned as Sean expertly caressed her body, she was learning something new about it every day.

  “Keep your eyes on the sun,” he whispered in her ear. “When it’s half gone, I want you to have come at least once for me.”

  His thumb and finger pinched her nipple and her pussy clenched around his fingers.

  “Just once?” Jessica gave a little laugh.

  “Watch it, baby. Don’t take your eyes off it. Let me see the colors in your eyes.”

  Obediently, she returned her gaze to the lowering orb. Her legs were already wobbling in anticipation of the night to come. Her juices dripped down her leg as his fingers stroked in and out of her pussy in a steady pace. His thumb circled and rubbed against her clit, pressing down as his fingers curved in to pinch her G-spot. His left hand pushed the other side of her bra out of its way and played with her left breast.

  The hard twist of her nipple came unexpectedly. Jessica cried out, writhing as he held her to his chest. His fingers gripped and repeated it as the right fingers plunged into her pussy. The orgasm overwhelmed her like a tsunami and she bucked against him, caught as much in its grip as his. Her screams were lost in the crash of the waves. Not satisfied with that, his fingers went to her right breast.

  She panted in air, guessing his intent. His mouth trailed down her neck and she whimpered in need.

  “Please, Master,” she begged. “Fuck me.”

  “Soon, baby, soon,” he promised. “Come for me.”

  Her nipple was tweaked and tugged as his mouth latched onto the sensitive spot just at her collarbone. His hand plunged into her pussy. The stretch and pressure had her screaming as she came. Her body stiffened, arching as fire consumed her. Sean pulled his hand from her core, but his fingers returned, his palm rough against her clit as he held her pussy possessively.

  “Again,” he commanded, nibbling on her earlobe, clenching his hands.

  Immediately, her pussy muscles clenched and she thrashed in his embrace until utterly spent. Her body sagged in his arms, head dropping against his chest.

  “Such a good girl,” came his approval. “You took my fist, baby. You came for me on command.”

  His tongue swirled in her ear and she sighed. Her master was pleased with her.

  “Look at the sunset, baby. This is when we got in last night, remember?”

  Jessica managed to open her eyes and smiled, nodding.

  “You were right, Master,” she whispered. “It’s not like anywhere else.”

  “Ready for me to fuck you?”

  Just the thought of his cock inside her had her pussy clenching around the fingertips still inside her. His warm chuckle made her smile again. He pulled his hands from her, but before she could protest, he tossed her over his shoulder and strode up the beach. Dropping her to her feet, he tugged the shift off, tossing it toward the table, and quickly removed the lace bra and thong. As she stood on unsteady legs, he shoved his shorts and boxers down his legs and stepped free of them. His erection jutted out, hard and long. Her juices gathered, ready for him.

  Sean lifted her onto the cushions, putting her on all fours so she faced the sunset. Closing her eyes, Jessica waited. This was one of his favorite positions for her to be in. She was completely submissive, nearly helpless to stop him from
doing whatever he wanted to her.

  “Ready, baby?”

  “Yes, Master,” she replied, nodding and dropping her head.

  His hand tangled in her hair, forcing her to look up.

  “Eyes on the sunset,” he told her.

  “Yes, Master.”

  His other hand guided the tipoff his cock to her pussy and she tilted her hips slightly.

  “Good girl,” Sean murmured, just inside her. “Stay still.”

  “I’ll try, Master.”

  They both knew that, once he got going, she’d get so caught up in what he was doing that staying still would be the last thing on her mind. His hands stroked up her back and down her sides to grip her hips.

  “That reminds me, you still have some punishments coming.”

  Worried, she glanced quickly over her shoulder. “Time off for good behavior?” she suggested hopefully.

  He laughed and slapped her hip. “Sunset, slave.”

  With a moan, she obeyed. That night he’d called her “slave” just once—when she’d been in this position, her wrists bound by one of his ties, and secured to the headboard. And the orgasms had briefly pushed her into unconsciousness.

  “Yes, Master,” came her whisper.

  Hearing the submission, the anticipation, Sean smiled. Her pussy gushed around his dick. She was so damned perfect for him. An eager submissive who trusted him, relished being ravished. A woman who was strong in her own right and a bit mysterious, for now, to boot. He’d figure out her secrets, confident that whatever they were, they didn’t matter. Jessica was his.

  And now, in the perfect setting, he fucked her. Drilling his cock into her pussy, gripping her hips to hold her as still as possible. Their grunts and moans blended with the waves and the sounds of the nocturnal animals waking up.

  “Master,” she pleaded.

  “No permission needed for tonight,” he told her. “Come for me, slave.”

  Instead of thanking him, she obeyed. Her sweet walls tightened like a vise around his cock. Her back arched as she threw her head back, adding her cry to the birds celebrating the twilight. His balls clenched as he increased his strokes. Only one thought filled him—fuck Jessica hard. Make her come again and again. Until all she could think about was him inside her.


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