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Available [Marked 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 13

by Jana Downs

  “Good. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to come find me downstairs or shoot a text to my phone. You have the number?” He nodded. It was on the back of the card that Ryan gave him. “Awesome. I don’t expect you to attend the classes for availables anymore, so any pack questions, feel free to ask, too.” The wolf stretched, popping something as he did. “You going somewhere tomorrow?”

  “Yeah I have a studio class I have to go to and work the next day.” He wasn’t sure what the point of the question was though.

  Regan nodded. “Tell Ryan to take the car tomorrow. It’s supposed to rain. I put your bike in the shed out behind the tattoo shop whenever you go by there.” He slapped his hands on his knees. “I think I’m going to grab some shut-eye myself. We’re booked tomorrow, so I better get some rest. You should probably do the same. You wired?”

  “A little bit,” Bradley admitted. Regan handed the remote to him.

  “There are literally a thousand channels to choose from. Usually sub boys want to crash after a session, but you are just going to be different huh?” He smiled when he said it, telling Bradley that it was a compliment. Bradley smiled sheepishly and nodded. “Figures. My brother has all the luck. Speaking of sessions, you enjoy yours?”

  Bradley grinned and gave him the highlights, proud that he had done so much in his first official session.

  When he finished, Regan was grinning, too. “That is a hell of an ending to the night. Damn. He mates you at the end of it. That’s some real BDSM romantic shit right there.”

  Bradley laughed at his phrasing. “I suppose so.”

  “Right on. Well, I’m off to bed. If you need anything, don’t forget to yell.”

  “Will do. G’night,” Bradley said, waving as Regan pushed himself to his feet and crossed the floor to the door in the kitchen.

  The wolf paused as he opened the door. “You know, most people aren’t okay with me and Ry’s weird-ass connection thing. It doesn’t bother you that I’m here, does it?”

  Bradley shook his head. “Nope. You’re as much a part of Ryan as I am. You feel right.” He couldn’t explain it adequately. Ryan needed Regan to be there just as Regan needed Ryan to be close. It would make Bradley one hell of a prick to try and break that up.

  Regan smiled. “Cool, man. See you.” With that he disappeared down the dark staircase, shutting the door behind him. Bradley sighed and turned his attention back to the TV before giving up the fight to find something to watch and slinking back down the hall to Ryan’s room. He had hopes for tomorrow. As he slid into bed with his mate and was immediately enveloped in Ryan’s strong arms, he knew that his hopes were definitely within reach.

  Chapter Ten

  Two weeks passed, and Bradley could honestly say they were the best in his life. Ryan still wouldn’t say “I love you,” but he at least acknowledged that Bradley was his mate and had agreed to drop the whole “trainer” façade and register Bradley as his official mate despite the fact that he hadn’t turned him yet. That was fine with Bradley because their relationship was progressing nicely. He’d been able to move back into his apartment a few days previously, but he and Ryan still managed to see one another every day. The space only seemed to encourage Ryan to move things faster, and that was awesome in Bradley’s eyes.

  Hey, Sir, just got out of class and am heading to work, he texted as his professor called an end to their lecture and he started gathering up his things. His phone buzzed with a reply almost immediately.

  Good. What time do you get off?

  His fingers flew over the keys. My shift ends at 11. You want to come over?

  Pack meeting tonight. Probably won’t be done in time to do much but sleep.

  Bradley frowned. That sucked. Oh… That’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Breakfast at your place right? He could take his bike over as soon as he got out of his early class at nine.

  Yes. I’ll make chocolate waffles to make up for it. ;)

  Bradley grinned. He loved Ryan’s waffles. He wasn’t sure what he did to them, but they were some of the best he’d ever eaten. Session after? He bargained. They hadn’t done a scene in three days, and he was jonesing for one.

  LOL, minx. Fine. Session after. Serious note, be careful walking home tonight. Someone broke into the shop last night and went through my desk. He might still feel threatened by you. Also, Mustang gave me some info I need to share with you, but it can wait until tomorrow. Text me when you get home.

  He hadn’t thought about the other person who had been following around Ryan since the first night they’d been together two weeks ago. It hadn’t been really threatening since whoever it was ransacked his apartment. For the most part, the only signs that someone was even still following him around were when one of the twins claimed to have smelled or heard someone around their place. It was all very strange. He replied. I’ll text you when I get in. <3 U.

  He tucked the phone into his jeans pocket and gathered up his laptop and backpack. There were a couple of projects he needed to finish up for his design class, and he still had to take his exams, but for the most part he was done with the semester’s responsibilities. All he needed to work on was finishing up the pieces for his senior art exhibit. He couldn’t wait for Ryan to see the full extent of the collection. It had everything from when they first met to the piece he’d finished last night to complete the three-piece set that he’d started after their first round of lovemaking. Professor McDaniels said that the whole collection was admirable and had been encouraging him to apply to art schools that had been after him. Bradley had tucked that want away, however. He wanted to stay here. His heart was here.

  Besides, Christian Svengard, a big-name designer, club owner, and art collector had taken an interest in his work since he’d started working the “Adamson” pieces and was snapping up his work and commissioning him to begin work on a new collection over the summer. It was a big break and one that could possibly mean that he would be able to work on his art full-time once he graduated. He’d been saving that news as a surprise for Ryan. His Dom was already spoiling him rotten. He’d taken his studio at his house and converted it to one better suited to Bradley and his work. When he wasn’t in the playroom or in Ryan’s bedroom, that was where he spent his time.

  He waved to his friends and classmates as he cut out of the classroom and took the side hall out to the entrance that would spill him out onto the sidewalk that ran parallel to the school and down the street to Denny’s. He couldn’t wait for his shift to be over. He hugged his jacket close and snuggled into his scarf. A few more hours until he could touch Ryan again. It wasn’t such a long time to wait.

  * * * *

  One of Bradley’s customers waved him over from his station as he refilled the glass of Sprite for table four. “Can I get some more coffee please?” he asked, raising his cup.

  Bradley nodded and smiled. “Be right there.” He delivered the Sprite to four and rounded to grab the coffeepot for six. “Sorry about that. It gets a little busy this time of night.” The two hours after the last classes let out at the university and the morning shift were the busiest out of the day. Bradley preferred to work this shift out of any of the others. He wasn’t much of a morning person.

  The brown-haired man smiled. “Not a problem. You’re the beta Ryan’s new toy aren’t you?”

  Bradley froze, trying to think of what the hell to say to that. “Um, we’re seeing one another.”

  “But you’re an available right?” he asked, looking a little too interested at the place where his available tattoo sat as if by sheer force of will he could see through Bradley’s clothes. It was creepy.

  “Yeah, technically. Only for Ryan though.” He took a step back from the table. He couldn’t be rude, but at the same time, he really didn’t want the other guy to touch him.

  The guy sighed wistfully. It was creepy as hell. “There was a time when being an available meant you catered to any Dominant who had the inclination.”

  Bradley chose
to ignore it. “Well, good thing we live in a different time. Can I get you anything else?”

  “Just the check when you get a chance.” The man reached out and grabbed Bradley’s wrist, pulling him closer. A shot of adrenaline went through him along with a healthy dose of fear. “You know, the current administration might not be in power much longer. You might want to consider finding another Dominant to take shelter with when he’s gone. Not me, I’m straight. But I know some guys in another pack that would be more than happy to take on a pretty sub like you.”

  Bradley yanked his hand back, rubbing his wrist against his jeans and resisting the urge to crack the wolf over the head with the coffeepot. “I’ll take my chances. What do you mean there might be a change in the pack? Like someone is going to challenge Mustang?”

  The customer shrugged and smiled like he had a secret. “Who knows? Anything could happen.”

  The tone made Ryan shudder. “I’ll be right back with your bill.” He turned and took off toward the front to print out his bill for the table. He had a bad feeling about all this.

  * * * *

  Mustang jostled the papers on the podium as he checked off the last on their discussion list for the evening, and Ryan checked his phone for the hundredth time. It was close to midnight, and Bradley still hadn’t texted him.

  Regan elbowed him in the ribs. “Yo, pay attention. Mustang is going to put your balls on a spit if you keep being so twitchy.”

  “I can’t help it. Bradley should be home by now.” He checked his phone again. Fuck. Why was he so on edge? His sub should get a proper vehicle and drive around like a normal person. Walking everywhere was ridiculous, and his motorcycle was dangerous. Not that Ryan would give his up, but still.

  Regan’s laughter filled his mind as his brother struggled to keep it from manifesting in Mustang’s crowded meeting house. The converted, whitewashed barn was not the place to start rolling on the floor over Ryan’s newfound mother-hen attitude. “Oh boy, you got it bad.”

  “Shut up. I can’t wait for you to find your mate, bro. It’s going to be a trip watching you get all gooey over a male.” He would take particular pride in his torture. Caring about another person was hell after all this time avoiding it. And he did care about Bradley. The submissive was more than he’d ever hoped for, and the way he let Ryan take their relationship slow was much appreciated. It didn’t matter that his instincts demanded that he move the sub into his space ASAP, Bradley let Ryan take his own sweet time about it. It would happen soon though. Very soon. He didn’t know how many more nights he could take without Bradley in his bed. It was lonely without him. However, until he explained to him what he’d learned from Mustang about Bradley’s heritage, he wasn’t going to move on it.

  Regan grinned. “Never gonna happen. I’m a free spirit and all that.”

  “Oh it’ll happen, Re. When you least expect it, a mouthy sub is going to walk up to you and be like ‘here I am, take me home’ and I want to see how you deny him.”

  Mustang interrupted Regan before he could reply. “If that is all from my betas as well”—Mustang glared—“then we can call an end to the meeting.”

  Ryan shifted uncomfortably. Fuck. They were going to get a lecture about paying attention again.

  A lone voice rang out from the back of the room. “We still want to discuss the situation with the human admissions into the pack.”

  Ryan tilted his head to see who was speaking. Alder had gotten to the meeting late as per usual and then waited to the end to kick up a fuss. Irritation flickered through him as a few of his buddies seconded the petition. It was the same group of six men that it had been for weeks now. They were really getting on his nerves.

  Mustang’s eyes narrowed. “For the millionth time, Alder, we are not discussing this again. The pack put it to a vote. The vote was in the affirmative and I approved. We’re done discussing it.”

  Alder huffed. “Well we should discuss it. Alpha Daines is threatening to challenge us for territory if we don’t deal with the issues at hand.”

  Mustang growled. “And I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I will not be instructed on how to run my pack by a man who has kidnapped one of its members and nearly killed me in the process. Now, if you think Alpha Daines has it so right, Alder, you are welcome to go join his pack and leave mine. The meeting is adjourned.” A grumble went up from the interjectors but they eventually moved toward the exit.

  The rest of the pack started dispersing, leaving Mustang, Ryan, Regan, and Mustang’s mate, Grayson, at the front of the room. Ryan made a mental note to check into Alder and his cronies later. He didn’t like how uppity he was getting. The man’s disagreement was fine but he was getting less accepting of Alpha’s decisions not more. They’d have to watch him.

  “So when are you bringing your mate to the house for supper and the official meet and greet, Ryan?” Grayson asked. Ryan always found it a little disconcerting to have to look up to Mustang’s mate. The man may have been a submissive, but he towered over most of them.

  Ryan shrugged. “After I tell him he’s actually one of us, I imagine. I’m supposed to talk to him about it over breakfast tomorrow. He’ll probably have a million questions he’ll need answered, and I’ll need your help to do it.”

  “So plan on bringing him by on Sunday,” Mustang said, wrapping his arms around Grayson’s muscled waist. “We’ll make a nice grilled supper and show him around the grounds. I’ve already contacted the Circle, and they’re going to send out a specialist to see why he’s not shifting. The suppression had to have been painful as hell to make his wolf completely unnoticeable.”

  Ryan nodded. “Yeah. If you’ll excuse me, I have to call Bradley. He should be home by now.”

  “Oh before you run off, I meant to tell you. David called today to check in,” Mustang said as Ryan turned to leave.

  Ryan frowned. “Why would he call to check in?”

  Mustang shrugged. “He apparently saw your new mated status on the Circle’s site and thought to check up on you. He didn’t have your number anymore but wanted to call. He expressed some concern over rushing into a mating but I assured him that you are doing just fine. I found it a little suspicious.”

  “Yeah, I can see why, especially given everything that has been going on lately. I’ll keep an eye out.”

  Mustang waved him on. “See that you do.”

  The group nodded, and he turned from them, walking toward the back paddock where the younger wolves were kept during a full moon. He dialed Bradley’s number from memory and listened to it ring. Pick up your phone, boy. I hate worrying.


  “Thank fuck. Why didn’t you text me when you got in?” Ryan snapped as a combination of irritation and relief filled him.

  Bradley’s laugh on the other end said he wasn’t fazed by his growling. “I’m not home yet. I stayed a little longer at work than I expected. I’m almost to my place now.” He told him in quick succession about the incident with the customer and his veiled threat. Ryan frowned as he listened to it, the fear from earlier coming back to gnaw at his gut.

  “You were probably talking to the man who tore up your apartment, sweet. Go there and stay there. I’m coming over.” Could it be David? Would he go so far as to harass his mate? It didn’t seem like something he would do but they hadn’t seen one another in years. Last he heard, David was happily mated. It didn’t make sense that he would be here in any capacity. I don’t even know if it’s him. Don’t get worked up over nothing. It could be anyone.

  There was a pause and the sound of jangling keys on the other line. “Are you sure? I understand if you’re tired.”

  “Better yet, let me come pick you up. I didn’t relish the prospect of sleeping alone anyway.” Ryan wanted to have his lover and his brother under the same roof, his lover because he worried and his brother so that he could have an extra set of senses to guard his mate.

  “Okay. I can do that. To be honest, he really creeped me out.”
The sound of a door closing was magic to Ryan’s ears. “I’ll pack what I need for school and work tomorrow and wait on you to call to come downstairs. It’s really cold tonight. You going to bring the car?” The car that Ryan and Regan shared wasn’t their preferred form of transportation, but they used it especially when it was near freezing like it was now.

  “We drove it to Mustang’s. We’ll leave from here and swing by to pick you up. It’ll be about thirty or forty minutes. You call me if you see anything suspicious, all right?”

  Bradley’s voice sounded warm when he spoke. “Yes, Sir. I’ll call you. Love you, Ry.”

  His heart tripped over itself at the simple expression. He was a coward for not saying it back, but he couldn’t yet. It was too big, and he was too afraid of what it would mean if he said it so soon. He was just beginning to come to peace with the fact that he and Bradley were in a permanent relationship and really didn’t want to jump the gun. He still felt unworthy of Bradley’s love, and that was a big problem.

  “Get a hold of him?” Grayson asked from behind him.

  He half-turned, nodded. “Yeah I did.”

  “Who is that?” Bradley asked.

  “Grayson. I was a little worried, so he was checking to see if I found you.” He pulled the phone away from his mouth. “Can you tell Regan to meet me at the car?”

  “Will do, Ryan,” Grayson said, patting him on the shoulder before turning from him and walking back over to the group of men who were quietly talking.

  “I’ll let you go, Ry,” Bradley said, the sound of rustling came over the line like he was moving about his apartment. There couldn’t be a lot he had to grab. He didn’t have much left. He was still sleeping on a blowup mattress that Ryan had bought him, and the new clothes and things were still at Ryan’s house. “Call me when you pull onto my road.”

  “Okay. See you in a bit. Bye.” They hung up, and Ryan stuck the phone in his pocket. He looked up and met the amused gaze of his brother. “Not a word.”


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