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HighonYou Page 8

by Sky Robinson

  Blake stayed close to the building, pressing Crystal to the wall whenever he stopped to scan the area. They were to the stairs and his car was at the bottom. Almost had it made.

  He took the steps quickly. It was the riskiest area. No protection from the building and open on all sides to the enemy. As they sprinted down the steps there was no shooting, no sign of any more assailants.

  “Get into the passenger side. Quick.” He didn’t need to add the last part. She scurried around the car and jumped in, slammed the door behind her faster than he was able to climb in and get his own door shut.

  Blake cranked up the engine and tore out of the parking lot. He opened his phone and dialed Mason’s number.

  Crap. He didn’t answer. A couple rings and then it went to voicemail.

  “Hey. This is Blake. They found us at the motel so I’m going off the grid, ditching the phones and the tracking device. I’ll contact you in a couple days.” Blake gave Mason all the vital information and then chucked his phone out the window.

  “Give me your phone.”

  She let out a long breath, probably knowing her phone was going to meet the same fate his just had.

  “Okay.” She dug into her purse and handed him the phone.

  It was obvious that money was tight for her and he hated having to toss something so valuable of hers but there was no other option. Her safety depended on getting rid of it.

  Blake tossed her phone into the median of the interstate and then focused on driving, getting her the hell away from the danger.

  * * * * *

  Mason’s phone vibrated but he had to ignore it. If it was something important to this mission Jeff’s voice would come through his earpiece. They were moving into position, guns drawn, ready for action.

  Whoever it was could leave a message or call him back in a couple minutes. He couldn’t let this opportunity pass, everything was set up, ready to go, and the longer time passed and more people knew about the operation, the greater chance one or all of these guys had to get away. They didn’t deserve freedom. He had to take them down.

  Mason drew his gun and walked up the driveway of the detective’s house while his partner Dan went around the back to catch him if he tried to run.

  The detective was going to prison.

  The front door of his house was unlocked so Mason pushed it open silently. Noises were coming from upstairs. Sex noises. The detective’s wife was supposed to be at work. This could complicate things. Men willing to throw their careers under the bus were usually willing to throw their wives under the bus as well.

  Mason went up the stairs, moved silently toward the sounds and found the big, hairy bastard balls-deep in some blonde chick who had to be twenty years younger than him. More than likely not his wife. The blonde’s eyes got as big as saucers when she saw Mason aiming his gun at the detective.

  “Freeze.” Mason yelled and the man stopped in his tracks.

  “What the hell’s going on here? I’m a detective. There’s nothing illegal happening here.” He was breathing hard from the short run, almost wheezing.

  “Get your pants on, Detective. You’re going to jail.”

  “What? What for?” He acted surprised but his eyes told Mason he knew exactly what was going on. He’d been caught and the fact he was screwing some blonde bimbo who was not his wife at the time was going to be the least of his worries.

  Phase one was done. He just hoped the other groups’ takedowns went as smoothly as this one.

  Chapter Nine

  Blake drove out of the city of Miami as if his ass were on fire and Crystal was pretty damn happy to be leaving. This was where the trouble began and ended. Not that she had any illusions that the men trying to kill her wouldn’t follow them anywhere they went. But hopefully getting rid of the phones and tracking device on the drugs would keep that from happening. Blake drove north along the coast for a few hours, stopped and got gas once and paid with cash. The sun was starting to go down when Crystal read signs that let her know they were near the Palm Coast area.

  She didn’t say much, just watched out the window and waited nervously to see what would happen next. She had no use for conversation, not right now. Darkness of night and the twinkling of house lights and the little towns they passed along the way brought a little bit of comfort, seemed safe and normal in this completely crazy situation.

  Blake pulled his car into the parking area of a hotel. The lot was dark with only one streetlight on each end and it was filled with cars but only a few people wandered around. She didn’t know whether to feel relief or nervousness at the fact that he stopped the car. Driving had felt safe, secure. Every time they stayed in one place for long, trouble found them.

  Neither of them had cell phones that could be tracked and Blake threw the tracking device out of the backpack but it didn’t stop the tension she felt, didn’t stop the fear that gripped at her heart.

  Blake climbed out of the car and threw the backpack with the drugs into his trunk, grabbed the black duffel bag out and then walked around to open her door.

  “Let’s go for a little walk.” Blake grabbed her hand.

  “And leave the drugs here?” All the drama around the stupid stuff and now he wanted to leave it in the trunk?

  “Yeah. That bag seems to be bringing a lot of bad luck. This is a safe area, it’s locked in the hidden compartment and no one would suspect anything of real value in this car. The people you got it from might have their own tracking device embedded in with the drugs somewhere. No one has been following us but I’m not taking any chances.”

  Crystal nodded. It all made sense.

  Blake took her hand and they walked a little way down the road, onto the beach and down the sand until they came to another hotel with significantly fewer cars in its lot. It was bigger, fancier and very quiet. All the rooms had doors that opened up to a view of the ocean.

  Blake pulled her against him but she could tell it was an act. He didn’t kiss her, kept all his focus on the hotel as he rubbed his hand up and down her back seductively. He was watching the hotel, watching the rooms and doing it in a way that wouldn’t make anyone suspicious. Anyone who happened to glance in their direction would see a couple out on a romantic walk by the beach, not a couple of people hiding from criminals, fighting for their lives.

  Even knowing that this was neither the time nor the place for anything romantic, her core started to warm at his touch. Blake made her feel safe, made her feel wanted.

  It might just be for right now but right now was all that really mattered. Being wanted was such a foreign feeling to her and it forced her heart to warm a little, to rejoice in the feeling.

  Her parents had made it obvious from the start that she was a burden to them, that they never loved her, never wanted her but she got through that just fine. A person didn’t need love, didn’t need any of the silly emotions to survive in this world. But now that she knew how good it could feel, the possibility of going back to not having him would make life hard.

  She should have never given Blake her body and she sure as hell shouldn’t be opening her heart to the man. He could hurt her. Even if it wasn’t intentional, she had opened herself up to it.

  Blake wasn’t the kind of guy who would try to hurt a woman. Even in the short time she knew him he’d already proven that. He did the right things for the right reasons. She just hoped like hell she wasn’t a mistake, something he’d have to correct as soon as this ordeal was over. But that was likely going to be the case.

  “This looks like a safe place to spend the night.” His words jolted her away from her negative thoughts.

  The future of their relationship wasn’t something she needed to worry about right now.

  Blake led her to the fancy hotel, to a room on the bottom floor at the end of the building and in the darkest area. “Keep your head down just in case they have cameras.”

  She did as he said, let her hair flop along both sides of her face and kept her focus on the ground. Blak
e pulled a little machine out of the bag, hooked a couple wires to the keypad on the door and pushed some buttons. In a few seconds the red light on the door turned green.

  “We’re breaking in?” Crystal followed Blake into the room and he shut the door solidly behind them. She didn’t expect him to break into the room, didn’t expect to see him do anything illegal.

  “I prefer to think of it as borrowing the space but yeah. I don’t know if either of our faces has been broadcasted after the shootings. We can’t risk the front desk clerk recognizing us, can’t risk anyone knowing where we are. If someone finds my car they’ll assume we are at that motel, they’ll be watching that place. We should be safe here.”

  It made sense and she sure as hell didn’t want to take any risks.

  “You know breaking and entering is illegal.” Crystal relaxed enough to tease Blake.

  He flopped down onto the bed and grunted a little upon impact.

  The room was dark but she could see the outline of his body splayed out across the middle of the bed, a big flat screen TV sat on top of one of the dressers and the room smelled clean. Much better than the last motel.

  “Sometimes you have to do things on the other side of the law to survive.” The way he said the words gave them more meaning than simply talking about breaking into the room.

  “Do you mean me too?” She had to ask the question, had to know if he understood she was only doing what she had to do in transporting the drugs.

  “Yeah. I mean you too. Everyone deserves a second chance. You were doing what you thought you had to do.”

  His words were a huge relief but just because he understood her reasons didn’t mean he had any interest in continuing a relationship with her. Her heart ached for him to feel the same way, to want the same things but she knew there were no guarantees in life.

  “What about when this is all over. Will I see you again?” She didn’t know why she was being so needy, so forward but Crystal had to know if once they found the bad guys and put them away, once Blake wasn’t stuck protecting her, if he would want anything to do with her again. She couldn’t give him any more of her body, any more of her heart without knowing his true intentions. She was falling too hard too fast for the man. She had to stop it now before it was too late.

  “We’re going to find a way to be together. I’m falling for you and I won’t just let that slip away. Life’s too short.” Blake climbed off the bed and stood beside her, grabbing her hands in his and squeezing tightly.

  “Good.” Her heart filled with warmth. It was what she needed to hear, what she wanted him to say so damn badly. She needed to keep Blake for as long as possible.

  Crystal slid her body against his, molding herself to his solid length, tilting her lips up for a kiss.

  He grinned but then hesitated, letting her know he was the one in charge. And hell, she didn’t care, because when he was in control it felt damn good.

  “What do you think about being tied up again?” he asked.

  “I’d like that,” she purred, knowing exactly how good it was going to feel.

  Blake dug the rope out of his bag and slowly unraveled it. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness of the room and while she couldn’t see much in the way of colors, she could see everything he was doing.

  “This rope is turning out to be one of the best investments I’ve ever made.” Blake grinned but then his eyes narrowed, focused on her. “Take your clothes off for me. Nice and slow.”

  She didn’t say anything but did as he said, first kicking off her sandals then slipping her shorts down to the floor.

  “Um-hmm.” The word was a low growl and sent heat straight to her pussy.

  Crystal continued with her shirt and then unclasped her bra, setting her breasts free in the cool of the air-conditioned room. Blake’s eyes remained on her the whole time. Watching. Wanting.

  She pushed her panties to the floor and stood, letting him take in every inch of her, loving the way his eyes narrowed with lust and loving the way his breath hitched and being the cause of it.

  Crystal didn’t move but her entire body tingled as she waited for Blake’s next command.

  “I want you to touch yourself, get your own cream on your finger.”

  A rush of wetness dampened her pussy at the words.

  Crystal moved her hand down her stomach, pressed against the front of her sex and then she dipped one finger into the heat and wetness of her pussy. Her walls clenched around it, needing more, needing Blake’s cock in there.

  “Now take your finger out and circle your nipple, get it wet so I can taste your sex when I suck on it.”

  She did as he asked, rubbed the warm wetness around one nipple and then dipped her finger in for more before she circled the other nipple. The cool air of the room mingled with the heat from inside her and caused both her nipples to tighten into stiff peaks.

  Playing his games was a fun, sweet torment.

  “Put your arms in front of you.”

  She did as he said, put her hands together in front of her belly, the action causing her breasts to squeeze together and push up.

  “Very nice.”

  Blake grinned and grasped both her wrists in one hand as he moved his head down to suck on a nipple, licking lightly at first, circling it and then sucking it hard into his mouth. The mixture of pleasure and pain had her pussy throbbing for more.

  He gave her other breast the same torment, lightly circling and licking and sucking this one even harder, letting his teeth scrape against it and the intense sensations were taking her right to the edge of orgasm.

  “Blake…I need you,” Crystal moaned.

  He chuckled, letting her know he wasn’t done with her yet, letting her know he was in full control. “Patience.”

  Blake grabbed the rope again and wrapped it around her wrists, circling one and then the other until he had an intricate pattern. Then he wrapped it around her back and to the front again and then finally tied the rope.

  “Is it too tight?”

  She shook her head. It was snug but not painful.

  “I don’t want it to hurt you, never want to hurt you. If I ever do something you don’t like, you have to let me know. If you ever want me to stop, we’ll have a code phrase.”

  “You mean like red light?” she asked.

  “Maybe something more creative.”

  “Peanut butter,” she blurted out stupidly. Why the hell would she say that? All her blood flow was obviously concentrated in the crotch area.

  “Peanut butter it is.” Blake grinned down at her, not judging. “Anytime I do something you don’t like or something that is really hurting you, say peanut butter and I’ll stop.”

  His words made her a little nervous but more excited than frightened. He wanted to dominate her but he also wanted to take care of her.

  Blake stopped for a moment, making sure she understood what he was saying. She got the communication but what she really needed was for him to keep touching her, to fuck her hard and fast.

  “I got it,” she assured him. “And I really need your cock. Now.”

  Her words were breathy, wanton but she couldn’t help herself.

  Blake put one hand behind her back and guided her down onto the bed, laying her gently on the edge. Her legs draped over the side, feet rested on the carpet and her arms were secured helplessly in front of her.

  His jean-covered cock rubbed against her clit as he bent forward to kiss her on the neck. Shocks of pleasure shot straight to her core.

  He could leave her like this, walk away and cause even more trouble for the woman caught smuggling cocaine into the country. They could add breaking and entering and a few murders to her list of crimes and he could make up some story to cover his ass. She was completely vulnerable but along with that vulnerability came an intense satisfaction, a fulfillment that made it worth the risk. She believed in Blake, trusted him and it felt good to have that trust in another person.

  He stood up and undressed. This t
ime she let herself stare at the rippling muscles of his arms and chest and stomach, lit only by the dim streak of light coming in through a crack in the curtain. His cock was long and hard and pointed at the ceiling as he rolled the condom slowly down the length of it. The muscles in his thighs tensed and she couldn’t wait to feel the power of them thrusting his dick into her.

  Blake grabbed both her ankles in his hands, spread her legs up and out and then placed them on his shoulders. The tip of his cock pulsed at her opening.

  “Oh God, Blake.” She arched her back, needing all of him inside her but he resisted.

  “If you don’t stop trying to take charge, I’m going to have to spank you again.”

  He said the words as a threat but they weren’t much of one really.

  He ran one hand down her leg, grabbed her hands and moved them so they were covering her mound. “I want you to touch yourself while I fuck you. Rub your clit.”

  She looked up at him to see if he was serious and his eyes told her he was.

  Crystal circled her clit with one finger and her pussy tensed, needing more, needing him.

  And almost as if he could read her thoughts Blake thrust inside her in one long stroke.

  “Ahhh.” She couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her lips and her pussy clenched around him. The room started to disappear and all she could focus on was the pleasure, flooding her, about to overtake everything.

  “Not yet.” He said and she worked to hold back the orgasm that was so close.

  Blake pounded into her, his groans mingling with her whimpers. His cock filled her over and over and over until she couldn’t wait any longer. The pleasure was so intense, so overwhelming.

  “Now come.”

  Her entire body tensed and released and tensed and released again and again. So. Damn. Hard.

  Never had she felt such intense pleasure. Blake held his cock deep inside her as her pussy gripped it, milked it until he tossed his head back and groaned with his release, thrusting even deeper inside her. His big body shuddered above her but his eyes stayed focused on hers as he came, giving her this sense of connectedness she had never felt before. It made her want to cry, want to scream and want to jump for jump for joy all at the same time but she couldn’t stop the tears that formed at the corners of her eyes.


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