COVER UP (The Cover Series - Book 2)

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COVER UP (The Cover Series - Book 2) Page 10

by Kim Black

  “He was there? At the hospital?” I asked, turning to face him. I hadn’t seen him there, not once. I assumed something went wrong with us before the accident. It never accord to me that he was with me in the hospital.

  Shane laughed and sat back on the couch, his right arm stretched across its back. “Was he there? He never left, ever! Even after my father threatened to fire him should he miss any more work, still he wouldn’t leave your side.”

  I couldn’t believe he had done that for me, sacrificing his career for me. All for a nut case that couldn’t even remember what the hell he did for a living. He must have left after I woke up. But, why? If he loved me so much, why not be there at my side?

  Shane cleared his throat, “He didn’t want to leave, you know. But … you called out for someone else and it damn near killed him,” he muttered softly.

  I called someone else’s name? Who? It was then that I remembered asking for Adam when I had come to, worried that he had been hurt. My heart sank.

  “Oh no, he must of heard me ask for Adam. I thought … I thought Adam was hurt. I … didn’t know,” I stuttered, realizing how hurt he must have been to hear me call for another man after all he had done for me.

  “It’s ok. My brother is a strong man. Or rather he used to be,” Shane joked as he rose to his feet. “I know you have a lot of things to think about, but one thing is certain - Julien loves you and needs you.”

  I stared at Shane, my throat squeezing shut. I didn’t know what to say or how to feel. To know that Julien had cared for me while I was comatose was beyond the sweetest thing I had ever heard. It pained me that I had caused him pain, even though I knew it wasn’t my fault.

  I got to my feet and walked over to the sexy Frenchman’s brother, throwing my arms around his waist, “Thank you for telling me.”


  I had to speak to Emily. At first I’d I thought it was best to give her time to come to terms with her amnesia. But after realizing how strong her connection was to that Julien dude, it was obvious that I needed to move fast if I was ever to get her back. I still couldn’t believe that she remembered him enough to visit him. I didn’t have all the details, but something had obviously happened to cause Emily to break down and drink herself into a blubbering mess. I didn’t have time to wait around until Emily fully recovered her memory. In fact, I really didn’t have to wait at all because the she remembered the best parts of our relationship and that gave me the upper hand against the all-mighty Frenchman.

  I pulled up in front of Emily’s house, still unsure what I would say to her; but knew that I had to get her back. My stomach was doing flips as I parked the car and turned off the engine. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so nervous. Emily had been my entire world for so long, she was special and I wanted to for us to have another chance. We deserved another chance after everything that had happened. Time had been stolen from us, but I was determined to get it back.

  Exhaling slowly, I opened the car door ready to plead my case to Emily. I was still unsure what I would say to her, but one thing was certain, I would not leave her home until she’d agree to give me a chance – give us a chance.

  “Adam, what are you doing here?” Emily asked, surprised, as she opened the door and gestured for me to come in.

  “I probably should have called. Can we talk?” I asked as I walked in.

  She rubbed her eyes and nodded her head. It was obvious that she had been asleep. People tend to do that when it’s after midnight, I scolded myself.

  “I’m sorry to wake you, but I just really needed to talk to you about something,” I murmured as I shifted from foot to foot nervously.

  “Sure, you want any coffee or something else to drink?” she offered as she made her way to the kitchen.

  I followed her to the kitchen, and enjoyed the beautiful view of her body as I strolled close behind her. “Yeah, coffee sounds great,” I responded when she reached the stove.

  I quickly grabbed a seat at the kitchen island and watched while she started the coffee maker. I took in her perfect form as she reached high above into the cabinets for mugs. She was beautiful, even without makeup and wearing pink bunny pajamas. They hung a little loose on her, but I could still make out the curves of her ass. What I wouldn’t give to take a bite out of her delicious ass! I thought to myself as she bent down into the fridge to grab the cream.

  “So what’s up?” she asked as she placed the cream and mugs on the island.

  She didn’t look nearly as freaked out as she was earlier, which made me nervous. Had she spoken to the Frenchie and made up?

  “Umm, have you spoken to Diana at all? About … what we spoke about at the hospital?” I asked cautiously, trying to get a read on her. She seemed almost too calm given everything she had been going through and, truth be told, it freaked me out a little.

  “Haven’t had the chance, but you could save me the trouble and just tell me what happened,” she quipped with an adorable grin.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle at her. She was so damned adorable that it was hard not to give in to her. I weighed my options. I thought for sure that Diana would have made good on her promise and told Emily everything; but then again, this was Diana and she wasn’t one to be counted on to do what was right. I smiled up at Emily and nodded my head. I didn’t have the luxury of waiting for Diana to do the right thing. Time was running out and the Frenchman was moving in. It was now or never.

  “Ok, I’ll tell you, but you’re not going to like it,” I said just above a whisper. It was the truth. Emily would be shattered when I told her what Diana had done to her, to us. She had always admired Diana, loved how caring she was. I had loved the same things about Diana, but she was also human and she had made a mistake ― a huge one, but a mistake nonetheless. This was going to crush Emily, but in order for us to regain what we lost, she had to know the truth.

  “Dude, it can’t be worse than finding out you have lost a whole year out of your life” she jested, dismissing my warning with a wave of her hand. She poured our coffees, handed me my cup, and made her way to the living room. I followed close behind her, taking a seat next to her on the plush, comfortable, grey couch. I placed my mug on the coffee table, reached for hers, and placed it on the table as well.

  She looked at me confused as I grabbed ahold of her hands, and looked deep in her eyes. I swallowed hard before speaking, “Emily. You know that I love you. I have always loved you. Telling you what happened between us is not easy, mainly because it hurt me so much…” I trailed off, looking away from her and trying my hardest to be strong. I couldn’t allow my mind to take me to the heartache I had felt when Emily left me. It was the hardest thing I had ever experienced. And, at the time, I hadn’t fought for her because I was too hurt that she believed I would ever cheat on her. I was hurt that I had been willing and eager to marry her, and she thought so little of me that she believed Diana over me.


  Adam was seriously freaking me out. It was well after midnight and he came over to talk. I had a good idea what he wanted to talk about, given Suzie’s confession earlier; and although I wasn’t ready or prepared to hear him tell me that he wanted to be together, I desperately wanted to know what the hell happened to my happily-ever-after. Our relationship had been perfect, all the signs had pointed towards marriage, and I just couldn’t wrap my mind around our break up. It just didn’t make sense.

  I wasn’t an idiot. I knew that whatever he was about to tell me wouldn’t be good and it somehow involved Diana, but I couldn’t for the life of me think of a scenario that would involve my best friend. Nonetheless, I mentally and emotionally prepared myself, nodding when Adam began talking. He still held my hands in his strong ones, looking me deep into my eyes, and held my gaze.

  “Last year we were so happy, so much in love. We worked side by side at the restaurant, enjoying each other’s company. While we never discussed us taking the next step, I knew that I wanted you in my life forever. You were it for
me, all that I had ever dreamed of, and all that I ever wanted and more,” he confessed with pleading eyes.

  I nodded again, encouraging him to continue as I thought back to how simple our relationship had been. Easy. Easy was how I would best describe it. We weren’t complicated at all and it was what I needed most in my life. I needed to feel loved, secure, and at peace. Adam gave that to me.

  “I had asked Diana to help me with something. I wanted to take that next step with you. I wanted to make you mine. And so, I asked your best friend to help me find that perfect ring,” he whispered and lower his head.

  I gasped when I realized just what he meant. He was going to propose. I couldn’t help the warmth I felt in my heart at his words. This was what I had wanted for us―what I dreamt of. Did he in fact propose to me? If he did, what made him call it off? I wondered.

  “What happened?” I encouraged him, needing to hear the rest of the story. I felt suddenly sad that I couldn’t recall the events myself, that I needed someone else to tell me what happened in my own life. I sighed.

  “I’m not sure really where it all went wrong. One day I was ring shopping with Diana and then the next you broke up with me and accused me of cheating on you. I would have never hurt you Emily, you have to know that,” he pleaded, as he tugged on my hand in desperation.

  Instinctively, I pulled away from him completely confused. Cheated? He cheated on me? I didn’t know what to say, how to feel. Hearing this now, knowing that a year had passed since it had happened, I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to respond. The thought of Adam, my first love, cheating on me churned my insides. How could he do this to me? To us?

  “I was heartbroken and didn’t fight for you; and for that I am so deeply sorry. Had I fought harder for you things might have been different and the truth might have found out, but I just couldn’t at the time. I … was broken Emily … so broken that I became deeply depressed. I’m so sorry I gave up on you, on us,” he continued to plead; a few tears had fallen onto his cheek.

  I stared at him in complete awe at what he had told me. I still couldn’t quite make sense of what he was saying. Had he cheated me? If he had, what would make him think that I would want anything to do with him now?

  “So you cheated on me?” I asked breathlessly, trying to fight back my own tears, which threatened to fall.

  “No, no… I didn’t Emily. I swear to you I would have never cheated on you, baby girl. You were my life, my heart, my everything. It was all a lie!” he bellowed, rising to his feet. “It was Diana, Em’ - she lied to you. Told you she had caught me cheating because… God knows why she did it, but it wasn’t true. I swear to you…” he declared and again reached for my hand, took it in his, and brought it to his heart. “This… this heart of mine has belonged to you since the first day I saw you at the restaurant. I would never betray you that way, Emily,” he confessed.

  My head was spinning. Nothing made sense. The sincerity in Adam’s voice was undeniable, but to believe him would mean that Diana had betrayed me… but why? Why would she hurt me? If she had done what Adam claimed, then she took something, someone, I loved from me. But why?

  “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say here, Adam. You tell me you love me. You tell me we broke up and that you didn’t fight for me; and then to top it all off, you tell me that my best friend betrayed me. How am I supposed to respond to this, Adam? What is it that you are looking for here? Huh? What is your end game?” I wasn’t sure where the anger came from. I didn’t know if I was upset with him, or with the fact that this whole thing was beyond confusing. I needed to think, away from him; and I needed to find Diana and get some serious answers. For her sake, Adam had better be a fucking liar or…

  I pushed the thought away. I couldn’t think about that right then. I needed time, I needed to process yet another set of mind fucking blowing information. When had my life become a fucking freak show?

  “I’m sorry to upset you, Emily, but I thought you should know. Please, just ask Diana. I need you to believe me, but the look on your face tells me that you aren’t convinced; and though it pains me that you would question my love for you, I have to understand. Please Em’, just ask her,” he pleaded through more fallen tears.

  “You need to go. I can’t do this right now. It’s just … it’s too much.” I couldn’t help the sobs in between my words. I suddenly felt like the walls were closing in on me from all sides. The air in my lungs seemed to compress and I couldn’t breathe. I needed to get out… He needed to get out.

  “Please Em … just ask her,” he begged before grabbing my face with both of his soft hands. His blue eyes were filled with sorrow and desperation. Deep down, I knew he was sincere, but I couldn’t take it all in. I need to process, to piece together everything in my mind until it all made sense. The fact that I didn’t have my memories only made me sob more. I nodded my head, agreeing to speak to Diana.

  “I love you Emily. I always have … I always will,” he confessed before taking my lips with his mouth. He gently nipped at my lower lip, he tongue grazing it, searching for access, but I felt only confusion coursing through my body. It wasn’t a bad kiss, it was actually quite sensual and sweet, but I just couldn’t move. I couldn’t kiss him back when all I wanted to do is scream. His touch was familiar, of course, but I couldn’t bring myself to deepen the kiss. I wanted nothing more than to be left alone with the thoughts that now raced through my mind. “Please Adam, I need for you to go,” I said, pulled away from him and rose to my shaky feet.

  He didn’t protest, though I could see the pain etched on his face as he stood and walked to the front door. His strides were slow, but he halted when he reached the beat up, white, wood door. “Just don’t run to him,” he whispered before opening the door and walking through, leaving me there completely confused.

  Chapter Twelve


  The last five days had not gone as I expected. Emily was virtually ignoring me and I still hadn’t a clue as to what made her run away from me. I wasn’t discouraged completely. The mere fact that she had showed up at all was enough to strengthen my pursuit, but her complete shunning was beginning to drive me mad.

  Charlette hadn’t signed the divorced papers, yet; and I hadn’t heard from the treacherous woman since her little show in my office. Most would be thrilled about her disappearance but I, being the levelheaded businessman that I was, knew better. Charlette was not one to bend over and let anyone rob her of what she felt was hers. It was only a matter of time before the woman would reveal her next move. In the meantime, I was running my own game.

  “Mr. Malory, thank you so much for seeing me today,” I greeted the old man as I shook his hand.

  Mr. Malory had been our family’s attorney since I could remember; and though he was up in years, the man was as shark in the courtroom despite him being well into his sixties.

  “Well, you said you had a pressing, delicate, matter to discuss when I spoke to you yesterday.” He responded, took his seat in front of my desk, placed his briefcase on the ground next to him, and crossed his legs.

  “Ah yes, it seems that my wife has forgotten about the divorce clause in the original prenuptial agreement you drew up for us and is refusing to sign the papers your office served her. It’s time we show Ms. Delacroix just what happens when you cross a Belmont.”

  Making deals with the likes of Charlette had never quite settled right with me in the beginning. So I had our family’s lawyer, Mr. Malory, include stipulations into our agreement. At the time, Charlette was so blindsided by my offer that she hadn’t quite taken the time to understand just what the documents she had been signing included in their entirety.

  “Sir, are you sure about this? Those stipulations were only there as a scare tactic in case she derailed you in some way; which she hasn’t in all the time you’ve been married,” he urged, obviously uncomfortable. I knew he wouldn’t like the idea, but I also knew that if I held my ground he wouldn’t contest it either.

��Mr. Malory, I know exactly why we included those stipulations, but Ms. Delacroix has left me with no choice. Begin the preparations as soon as possible. Expect to hear from her lawyers, as well,” I informed him, leaning back into my chair, feeling content at the implications.

  I heard a sigh from the old man as he stood to his feet and collected his briefcase, “Very good, sir. I’ll start on the paperwork for the Delacroix Vineyard takeover. She’s going to blow one hell of a gasket when she realizes you’re taking away her company. I hope you’re ready for the shit storm you’re about to unleash on yourself,” he offered before making his way to my door.


  I hadn’t spoken to Diana, yet. After Adam left five days ago, I was a complete mess. I cried myself to sleep for the first two days over everything. Overwhelmed at the fact that I not only lost a year of my life, a boyfriend, and a lover whom I didn’t remember even meeting, but now a best friend as well. Things weren’t just bad; they were a disastrous, cluster fuck of mess, and I needed to think things through. Adam, Diana, and Julien all called me relentlessly, all trying to plead their cases, but I just wasn’t ready to face them - yet. It was too much to handle all at once and my perceptibly delicate mind just couldn’t process it all. After two days of nonstop ringing, I finally turned the damned phone off, sighing in relief when peace and quiet finally greeted me. I need to be alone and figure this shit out on my own.

  By day three, I had decided I had had enough of my self-pity. It was time that I started to take my life back and hope to God that my mind followed suit. After meeting with the therapist Dr. Avery had set me up with, I went to work. Suzie filled me in as best she could about my new job. Apparently I was a line cook at the four star restaurant and had been snubbed by some prick name Thomas for the lead chef position.

  Walking into that restaurant was beyond weird. My boss, Mr. Gordon, talked my ear off for the first hour, insisting that I needed to go home and rest. He wasn’t thrilled with the fact that my memory hadn’t returned, but after I explained to him that my cooking skills were unaffected, he agreed to put me to the test.


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