The Broken Destiny

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The Broken Destiny Page 15

by Carlyle Labuschagne

  “You didn’t actually think you could make it out of the grounds without us noticing, did you?” Dave asked in a very serious tone, his face wiped clean of emotion.

  “Actually, I did.” I confessed bravely. “I’m not a child. I’m only going for a walk.”

  “Well, then you won’t mind if we come with you.” Robert moved in front of me, obstructing my view of the path completely.

  I stood looking down at my hands and pressed them against my sides to steady them.

  “I’m sure you have something better to do with your time than to babysit me.”

  A crooked smile appeared on Dave’s face. “Nice try, princess, but you’re not going anywhere.”

  With Robert’s help, he picked me up and carried me back toward the café, where they carefully placed me on the steps. Arms crossed, they dared me to make a move.

  “Fine,” I snapped, turned on my heels and rolled my eyes.

  Making my way back toward Sam, I was already plotting my escape. Sam sat across from François, engrossed in a game of arm wrestling. Sam smiled triumphantly as she almost pushed his hand right into the table. I looked over at the other girls grouping around us. I had a plan. I took my iPod out of my pocket. 15:45 flashed across the screen. I had to execute my plan soon. Pulling two brunettes aside, I used my last coins to pay them off. I looked down at the coins resting in my palm. The last time I held them, I had almost died falling off the bridge. I would gladly have died, if I had had to choose between death or being taken by the Zulus. I waited a few minutes for my plan to start working. The girls were very good actresses. I watched with a huge grin as they led my bodyguards away. I was completely out of sight when I made my move. I slunk out of the café and down the stairs. The gate stood inches away from me – cold metal bars beckoning me to the other side. I glanced around. I was alone. I pushed my petite body through the bars of the gate and made a run for it, smiling mischievously at having escaped so easily. My boots hit the parched forest floor with such speed and force that dust rose up behind me. The sun wasn’t going to set for a while, but it was overcast, making the narrow path seem darker than usual. The cold air stung my cheeks as I ran. Once again, I was reminded of the presence of the thin scar on my cheek when I felt it tingle. A forceful gush of wind rushed between the branches overhead, and the speed of my heart matched the pounding of my feet on the ground below. The forest grew darker and my fear rose – somehow I felt exposed. What the hell am I doing? I asked myself. The idea alone propelled my speed and doubled my excitement. I could feel a presence bearing down on me. Or is it my guilt? I wondered. The forest seemed to close in around me. Don’t panic, I told myself. You’re almost there. I could hear the gush of the stream echoing off the stone boulders, the very same stream that ran past Maya’s backyard. I slowed down when the boulders came into view, drew in a deep breath upon seeing the outline of a tall figure standing on the bridge, his lean body resting against one of the posts, clutching a bow between his legs. I felt nervous. My heart was giving my chest a beating and it definitely wasn’t from being unfit. He looked up as he heard the crush of dry twigs beneath my boots. He stood up straight, suddenly looking unsure of himself. I almost caught a glint in his eyes that said “go back.” I fixed my eyes on him. A gust of wind gently swirled over the clearing picking up some forest debris, then throwing it into the air as it climbed over the bridge and rushed past Enoch. There was definitely something shifty about him; that was the thing that drew me toward him. Intrigued, I kept staring, my breath coming out in short wisps of fog before me. Even though Enoch was wearing a few layers of clothing, I could still see his body tense up as I neared. Then, he smiled. As he came closer, the bushes around me rustled restlessly. It wasn’t the wind. I could almost feel the pressure of an alluring presence squeezing down on me. A loud howl sounded throughout the clearing. My body jolted and my breath left me for a second. At least five figures leaped out of the trees overhead, landing between Enoch and myself. It was Robert, Dave and the rest of the gang, who I had not yet met. I swore under my breath.

  “Ava.” A smooth voice spoke from behind me.

  I was struck cold. I knew that voice. I spun around, surprised that there was someone behind me at all. It was Troy. I recognized his black gloves from the bike ride the other night, and I could smell his familiar scent. My eyes fell on his khaki army pants sitting a little too snug around his hips. I trailed my eyes over chiseled abs bulging through his gray vest, coming to rest on his very rock-hard chest. My stomach churned and my cheeks flushed. I wondered if he could smell both my fear and desire. Every time this boy stood in front of me, I felt like I was going to hurl. The intensity that radiated between us was unbearable. I desperately wanted to know him. My eyes fell to the ripple of muscles cascading down his torso as he took a step closer. When he folded his arms over his chest, I couldn’t help but gasp a little at his big biceps. I thought I saw him smile. I stood staring at his full lips, my eyes then followed the shape of his strong jaw-line, eventually coming to rest on his sparkling hazel eyes – the green sparks fading as I kept staring in awe. It was the first time I had seen his face. Those hazel eyes darkened as he looked over my shoulder, and then grimaced when he looked back at me. It might have been judgment, but I wasn’t sure.

  “What do you think you’re doing here…” Troy said. There was a glimpse of challenge in his eyes. “…with him?” He gestured to Enoch with a slight movement of his head. His eyes fell on Enoch, sending fierce daggers of poison his way. He seemed furious.

  When I just stared at him, he seemed a little hurt. I stepped back and he stepped forward. It took all I had to steady the quiver rippling though my core. Loud footsteps closed in on us. I hadn’t even heard them approach and turned to see Enoch stalking toward us.

  “It’s none of your business,” he shouted. “Now push off, before I pound you into the ground.”

  With one sweep of his hand, Troy managed to pull me in behind him. I didn’t resist. I was unsure of myself.

  Troy sniffed. “I smell a rat,” he snarled.

  Laughter erupted throughout the gang. With one hand resting on my hip, Troy squared his shoulders. I was now totally hidden behind them. Troy prepared himself for Enoch’s approach. Refusing to let me go, his hand lingered a while longer. I couldn’t bear the intensity for one more second. I kept my gaze on the sexy curve of his back.

  He tugged softly at my jeans, pulling me out of my reverie.

  “It has everything to do with me,” he said. I could hear the smug smile on his face as I stayed put behind him. “And…” he added, “I’d like to see you try.” He shrugged. “Even if you weren’t outnumbered, you know as well as I do that I was always the better fighter.”

  “Maybe at one time you were, but it’s been a while since…” Enoch began.

  Troy turned and gently pushed me toward Dave and Robert. Once I was safely between them, Troy openly mocked Enoch.

  “Come on then, Enoch. Let’s see what you’ve got.” His voice matched the challenge in his glare.

  “Let go of the girl, and I will forget this ever happened,” Enoch replied.

  He tried to collect himself, gripping harder on to his bow. The gang closed in around them. Nervously, I watched the members of Troy’s gang place bets on the fight that was about to take place – a fight I started. They were all in favor of Troy, of course. Troy turned to face me. I felt apprehensive as the anger flared up the green specks in his eyes as he stared into mine – into my soul.

  Placing his hands firmly on my shoulders and grasping them, he searched my face. “Did you not, for one second, stop to think that this might be a trap?” He kept his tone cool.

  And, as if those words sobered my insanity, I realized he might have been right.

  “She’s not yours for the taking,” Troy said with his back still turned to Enoch. He gave me one last soul staring glare. I was sure I was going to hurl. I couldn’t believe what was happening. It was too intense for me to handle. Two guys we
re fighting over me and I couldn’t figure out why; I hardly knew either of them. In fact, technically, I had just met them.

  “She’s not yours either,” Enoch snarled.

  I have to admit that it flared up my already boosted ego.

  “We’ll see about that,” Troy said and turned swiftly.

  He moved like a cat, precise and graceful – just as silent and just as deadly. Enoch crouched, pulling his bow to his chest.

  “Get her out of here!” Troy shouted to Dave, but Dave had anticipated his order and was already pulling me away from the two boys who had begun circling each other.

  Relief washed over me. I hadn’t wanted to see them fight. I hadn’t wanted to see blood, to see someone getting struck in the face. Sure, I thought it was fun in a movie, but not in real life. I didn’t like violence one bit. I hated it. I heard Troy laughing in the distance. Well, at least I know what the outcome would be, I thought. I turned to have a look, but a tall, lean and broad-shouldered boy with the lightest blue eyes moved to block my view.

  “Shane,” he said, extending his hand to greet me.

  I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you,” he said.

  He bowed slightly before returning his gaze to the road ahead.

  “Kill him!” Robert howled at Troy as the group retreated.

  My eye caught a dark-haired boy staring at me, a glimmer of satisfaction in his glare. I looked away right after a smirk appeared on his face. When I looked back, he turned to me and winked. I quickly looked forward again, my eyes meeting Dave’s.

  “Come here,” Dave said, pulling me toward him.

  He placed an arm around my shoulders as he stuck his dagger back into his pocket.

  “As long as we are around, everything will be just fine.” He smiled.

  I kept my gaze on the shape of the dagger glinting in the dull light.

  “He likes you,” he said softly, tucking me in under his arm. Heat rushed to every part of my body. I looked back at Dave, shocked. He nodded his head before returning his gaze back to the crooked path ahead. Around us, a soft murmur broke out.

  “Oh, boy,” Robert said from somewhere behind me. “Now you have gone and done it, Ava,” he said loudly. “Now you’re in trouble and we’ll have no choice but to kill you. You know way too much,” he chuckled. The group of boys chuckled with him.

  I laughed quietly to myself as Dave turned and playfully threw his dagger at Robert. His hand so fast, I hadn’t seen him draw it. I laughed out loud. I actually laughed. It had been a while since I had laughed. Perhaps it was a sign that I was breaking out from the invisible restraints that had been holding me back my entire life.



  Think of me when you’re out there.

  Staring into the distance through my bedroom window as morning broke, a warm cup of red bush tea in my hands, my longing slowly began to subside. I ached for Troy, even though I hadn’t known him for any amount of time that would justify the feeling gutting me inside; the feeling was real. I really wanted to know everything there was to know about him. I wanted him to want me back more than anything. I wondered what he was doing at that exact moment as I smiled into my cup and reflected on the previous night’s events. A ripple of excitement moved through me. Everything about him had been so devastatingly sexy. With a pleased sigh, I rested my head against the window. I gazed into the gray blanket of clouds. Fog was climbing the rolling hills and blending into the purple haze of the early morning sky, the sun barely peaking over the horizon. Today was going to be a good day. I drew in a deep breath to soothe the ache in my chest. Having to leave Troy behind the previous night knowing that there was a slight possibility that he was into me, left me hopeful and aching to see him again. Why would David lie about it – he wouldn’t. My gray eyes flashed on the reflection of the window before me, a smile appeared and my view from the window grew even more mystic with each passing moment. I had to see him! He had to explain to me why he had been following me, and why he had that pulling effect on me. There was so much mystery surrounding Troy.

  Semi-rushing down the stairs, I made my way toward the front door. As it slid open, the dregs of my tea spilled over onto the sleeves of my thick gray sweater. A slap of cold air hit me as I stood in the doorway, shocking me, just like the absence of a guard outside the front door did. My teeth chattered. Hugging myself, I retreated back into the warmth of the apartment. The door slid closed slowly but loudly. Leaning back against the cold hard surface, I sighed in disappointment and sank to the floor. I couldn’t have expected them to have stayed out there the entire night, I supposed. I shut my eyes tight; an image of Troy’s full lips flickered and teased behind my eyelids.

  “Oh, hi,” Sam casually said through a loud yawn.

  Startled, I snapped from my trance with a gasp. Sam frowned. Hair a fiery mess, she stared at me. I stared at the dark stripes on her pants; even in those awful pants she still looked beautiful.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, as she stretched her arms over her head.

  I looked up at her and smiled. She smiled back at me, but then her face suddenly went blank.

  “Spit it out! What’s going on?” she repeated, her hands waving at her sides.

  “I’m in love,” I said.

  Sam’s face dropped into a hard scowl. “After everything I said to you, you still went?”

  I didn’t know if I should say anything further, so I bit down on my lower lip. She turned her back on me. I wanted to keep the secret of Troy in my heart so it could linger just a moment longer.

  “What did I expect? You always do exactly what you want to do.” She shrugged her shoulders. “But, that’s why I love you,” she said through another big yawn.

  I jumped up, sending what was left of my tea flying all over the floor and down the front of my sweater. “Crap!” I shouted, the pressure of wanting everything to be perfect crashing down on me. “I just washed this!” I grunted in disappointment.

  As I placed the cup down on the warm wooden floor, I spilled some more tea. Sam went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, its white glow casting her tall shadow on the wall behind her.

  “I need something to wear,” I shouted at her as I tore off my sweater.

  She stood frozen behind the refrigerator door, her body visible through the frosted glass. She peeked around the door, glaring at me quizzically.

  “For tonight, I mean.”

  “Tonight?” She pretended to be ignorant about the situation.

  I stared back. “The bonfire.” I all but growled.

  “Oh, you’re serious?” she mocked, smiling knowingly.

  Usually, I was hesitant to go; never being a social butterfly.

  “Of course I’m serious,” I said.

  “You said we weren’t going.” She grinned.

  “That was then and this is now,” I said, grabbing her hand and dragging her up the stairs. “I need something to wear.” I repeated.

  “For goodness sakes, Ava, it’s like six-thirty in the morning!” Sam whined.

  When we hit the top landing, we heard a noise coming from behind the other dormitory door. We both stopped and exchanged a look of horror. I pushed her in front of me and as quietly as we could, we opened the door and peeked inside. A grim light slunk through the window. Sam pulled me across the room with her. It was deadly quiet; clearly no one was there, just three empty beds and a whole lot of laundry, and all that was doing was stinking up the place. The room seemed deserted and void of any life. They must have taken off in quite a rush then, I contemplated. The smell of damp and stale air hit my stomach with a wave of nausea. I should have realized then what the smell was. But it was the unnerving energy in the room that kept us trembling – so dense you could have almost smashed into it. We had passed the second bed when we heard an object smash to the floor in the bathroom. Screaming, we ran for the door, slamming it behind us and sprinted for my device. As we both grabbed the circular earpiece, we started to laugh hysteric

  “Like, who were we calling?” I asked, falling back on the bed and holding my stomach as it began to cramp from laughter.

  Sam belted out loudly, “Ghostbusters!” Referring to one of our favorite Earth movies we’d watched as kids. Another round of laughter left us weak and out of breath. Sam sat up.

  “I miss you.” She shook her head. “I miss those dimples smiling at me.”

  I held a pillow over my face, covering it shyly. A second pillow hit me on my leg. I lunged at Sam, throwing my pillow at her face. She fell back onto her bed, yelling out in surprise.

  “Oh, she has moves, does she?” Sam teased as she clasped two pillows at her sides.

  I looked around quickly, searching for another one. There weren’t any. The two pillows hit me at once. I swayed a bit and dropped down onto my mattress.

  Intoxicated and delirious from the possibility of Troy being my guy, I ran with my feet in the air and yelled, “He’s so gorgeous!”

  Then noticing something odd, I turned my gaze to Sam.


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