Befriend and Betray

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Befriend and Betray Page 34

by Alex Caine

  RCMP and, 41–42

  Hodge, Ronnie, 84, 124

  Hollywood (Jason Bedborough), 201–202, 210, 214–215

  Howden, Joey, 57–58, 58–59

  Hunter. See Davis, Hunter

  Independent biker clubs, 145–146

  The Indian, 222–223, 236, 282

  Interpol, 191

  Irène, Aunt, 8, 9

  Iron Horsemen, 145, 271, 272

  Jacobson, Brooks

  ATF handler, 226, 240, 242–243, 245, 246, 270, 278

  and the ATF undercovers, 252, 253

  and Bobby Perez’s gun, 274

  I-95 ambush, 268–269, 270

  and Robert, 245

  James (brother), 9, 12

  Jasmine, 117–121

  Jaybird (Jay Dobyns), 259, 260–262, 270, 272

  Jersey Jerry

  on Bandidos justice, 109, 133, 134–135

  and drugs, 93, 101

  Firebird, 93

  Harley FXRT, 103–4, 176

  and the takedown, 164

  regarding Sturgis, 137–138

  role in Bandidos, 81, 82, 88, 104, 113, 131

  Jim, 10

  Jivco, 230–231, 232–234

  JoAnn, 245–246, 282

  Joe (handler), 227–229, 230–231, 232

  Johnny, 280

  Johnson, Bobby, 57, 59

  Jones, Terry

  Bandido bust, 163, 164

  and drugs, 87–88

  lends handgun, 96

  and the new Bandido, 91

  and Rex Endicott, 125

  at Sturgis, 143

  trip to Lubbock, 112–123, 124–125, 135

  Karate Bob, 79, 98, 132

  Kelly, Killer, 122–123,

  Kent, Brandon

  and drugs, 218, 254

  and Hells Angels barbecues, 219, 223, 237

  and the photographer, 220–221, 247

  KGB, 230

  Kid (Bandido), 117–118

  Kilgore, Gary

  initial contact with RCMP, 41–42, 43

  off the case, 44

  transfer to Bangkok, 69–70

  Kreiger, Randy, 206

  Ku Klux Klan, 5, 6, 166–168

  Langelier, André, 19

  Larry. See Brant, Larry

  Last Chance, 193, 211, 215

  Laurent, Uncle, 9

  Laurette, Aunt, 8, 9

  Lejeune, David, 111

  Lejeune, Henry (Coon-Ass), 111

  les Hells, 186, 189, 201

  Lévesque, Sergeant Jean-Pierre

  and Bobby Perez’s gun, 274–275

  Danny’s friend Paul, 281

  Operation Five Star, 282

  RCMP handler, 187, 187, 191, 192, 217–218, 279

  retirement, 283

  and the Russians, 224–227, 232

  Lim, Al, 49–52, 52–53, 55, 63


  and April, 177

  and daughter Charlotte, 67, 68, 74, 183, 190, 217, 284

  moving, 65, 67, 73–74, 162, 169–170

  and the RCMP, 41

  relationship with Alex, 38, 41, 43, 63–64, 65–67, 85, 98–99, 115, 125, 128–129, 153, 160, 166, 179

  and son Brian, 87, 182

  studies and ministry, 170–171, 174–175, 177–179, 180, 284

  Loderus, 233

  Loners, 193, 211, 215

  Lorraine, 14–16

  Louise (Liz’s mother), 38, 53, 74, 162, 169

  Louise (sister), 10–11, 183, 280, 281

  Lucy, 49

  Lund, Bobby, 86, 87, 90, 135, 138

  Mad Hatters, 145

  Mafia, 59

  Mah, Davey, 45–47, 47–48, 55–60, 60–62, 63

  Mah, Joseph Jack. See Hobo

  Mahmoud, 170, 177, 182

  Mann, Vinny

  and the Alamo, 80, 130

  and the babysitter, 102, 103

  and Bandido Alex, 78–79, 88, 91, 99–100, 111, 134

  Bandido status, 83, 88

  business dealings with, 101

  as chapter president, 78–79, 88, 131

  and Gunk, 133

  and the Resurrection club, 95–98

  and the Seattle setup, 151, 154, 157–159

  Sturgis meeting, 137

  and the takedown, 163–164

  and Vickie, 129–130

  Marines, United States, 24–31

  Marshall, Willie, 166–168

  McGuigan, Bob

  and Bobby Perez’s gun, 275

  and the French Canadian, 217–220

  and the Hells Angels, 219, 235–236, 248

  and Robert, 245

  and the Russians, 225, 225–227, 231

  and the undercovers, 275

  Milo, 109, 138

  Mirek, 230–231

  Moby, 208–209, 213

  Moe, 68

  Mongo (Pete Price)

  Bandido bust, 164

  demise of the Resurrection, 95–96

  dream, 89, 90, 94

  the joke-teller, 73, 133

  as mentor, 97–98, 102


  biker gang tensions, 113, 145, 147, 251–252, 253

  Cowboy, 263, 266–267

  Harrah’s, 271–272, 277

  I-95 ambush, 264

  in Laughlin, 270–271

  Monk, 252

  Operation Five Star, 282

  undercover agents with, 260–261

  Monk, 252

  Mounties. See Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  Mouse (Steve Rooke), 211–212


  and Bashir, 177, 180–184, 192

  child with Alex, 187–188

  in Saint John, 190, 191, 191–192, 217, 279, 281, 284

  in Vancouver, 182–183, 187–188

  National Liberation Front, 26

  Native girl, 135–137

  New Mexico Bandidos, 115

  Niagara Regional Police, 213

  Norma, 10

  O’Connor, Mary, 7, 8–9, 11, 67

  Office of Professional Responsibility (FBI), 127

  Official Secrets Act, 191

  Ontario Provincial Police, 192, 203, 208, 213

  Operation Five Star, 3, 236, 251, 282–283

  Operation Phoenix, 25–26

  OPP. See Ontario Provincial Police

  Ouellette, Guy, 188


  biker wars, 71, 113, 137–147, 207

  and the Hells Angels, 215

  Joe Toth, 205–206

  nomad chapters, 108

  undercover agents with, 260


  biker world, 113, 145–147

  DEA mission, 71

  nomad chapters, 108

  undercover agents with, 260

  Palmer brothers, 59

  Para Dice Riders

  infiltration, 193–214

  Niagara drug buys, 207

  Niagara Falls bust, 209–210

  Parent, Doyle, 10

  Paterson, Sergeant Scott

  and Joey Howden, 58–59

  keeping in touch with, 67, 184, 185

  and Larry Ricketts, 185

  RCMP handler, 67, 68–69, 70–72, 73, 81, 84, 170, 175, 176, 191

  retired, 190

  Taiwan, 54–55

  and the Thai pilots, 64–65

  and the Triad, 44, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61–62

  Paul, 281

  Pauline (sister), 10, 183, 280, 281

  PDR. See Para Dice Riders Club

  Perez, Bobby

  drug deal, 249, 254–257, 258–259, 260, 268

  in El Cajon, 237, 252

  and his gun, 1–2, 3–4, 273–274, 275–276, 277–278

  Operation Five Star, 282

  Pete (brother)

  as an adult, 67, 184, 190

  growing up, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18–19

  Peterson, Corporal Pete, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175

  Phil, 161–162, 183

  Phung Hoang, 26–27

  Pineault, Corporal Jean-Yves

  and Andy Lim, 49<
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  drug deal in HK, 47–48

  Hong Kong, 45, 46–47, 47–48, 49–52, 53, 56, 60, 61, 174

  and Phillip Yu, 50–52

  Taiwan, 53

  Pog, 109,

  Price, Pete (Mongo)

  Bandido bust, 164

  demise of the Resurrection, 95–96

  dream, 89, 90, 94

  the joke-teller, 73, 133

  as mentor, 97–98, 102

  Proulx, Claude, 14

  Pruett, William Jerry (Frio), 117–118, 121–122, 122–123

  Psycho Dave, 201, 204, 211, 215–216

  Pulfrey, Craig (Barney), 203, 206–207, 209, 213

  Purple Sue, 237, 245–246, 250

  Quebec biker war. See Carcajou

  Quebec Hells Angels, 192, 193, 201, 211, 281


  as advisor, 191, 217, 224, 274–275

  in retirement, 279, 281, 282

  See also Lévesque, J.P.

  Rachel, 188

  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO), 71, 163, 282

  Ramona Pete

  and Chris Devon, 223, 242

  at Dumont’s, 224, 237, 252, 260

  Harrah’s, 270, 271

  Operation Five Star conclusion, 282

  Ratchet, 119–121

  Ray, 38

  RCMP. See Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  Reagan, Ronald, 71

  Rebels, 145, 146

  Red Devils, 271, 272

  Red Eagles, 43, 50

  Renowns, 67

  Resurrection, 94–98, 137, 138, 165

  RHKP, 5, 46, 55, 60

  Rice, Tom, 165

  Richer, Paul, 31–32

  Ricketts, Larry, 185, 187, 190

  RICO, 71, 163, 282

  Rita, 184

  RNC, 5, 170–174

  Robert, 245

  Rock Machine, 186


  ATF undercover, 252–254, 255, 262, 274

  I-95 ambush, 263

  River Run drug deal, 257, 260

  Rooke, Staff Sergeant Steve (Mouse), 211–212

  Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  and the Bandidos, 73, 82, 162, 176

  Carcajou, 186–187, 188–190

  concert promoter cover, 190

  as employer, 5

  and Interpol, 191

  job in Thailand, 77, 80, 85

  Larry Ricketts, 185, 187

  and les Hells, 281

  in Newfoundland, 170–174

  and the OPP, 208

  post Hong Kong, 53–54

  and the Russians, 232–234

  in Toronto, 67–68

  training, 104, 226

  and the Triad, 41–62

  in Vancouver, 184

  See also Kilgore; Lévesque; Paterson; Peterson; Pineault

  Royal Hong Kong Police (RHKP), 5, 45, 53, 55, 60

  Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC), 5, 170–174

  Russians, 224–227, 235, 236, 245

  Ryan, Pat

  Operation Five Star, 283

  relationship with, 240–241, 250

  San Bernardino, 246, 248–249

  stalling on Dago case, 242, 244–245

  surveillance, 247, 250, 256, 259

  takedown drug deal, 254, 255

  and undercover agents, 241–242, 252

  Saddle Tramps, 271

  San Diego Hells Angels. See Dago Hells Angels

  San Diego Police Department, 3, 236

  San Diego Sheriff’s Department, 3, 224, 236

  Satan’s Choice, 193, 215

  Satan’s Slaves, 106

  Secret Service, 245

  Sherman, George. See Gunk

  Sir Spanky (Glen Alan Wilhelm), 110–111, 122, 141, 142

  Sly Willie

  Bandido bust, 164

  gun trafficking, 123

  military connection, 111, 112

  and the Native girl, 135, 136

  Smith, Andy

  and investigations into Bandidos criminal activities, 91–92, 116–117, 122, 125, 134

  Bremerton party, 112, 113–114

  care for the family, 98–99, 115, 128–129, 175

  DEA handler, 70–72, 73, 74, 76, 84, 91–92, 98, 113–114, 116, 118, 149–150, 175

  and the move to Texas, 149–152, 152–154

  and the Native girl, 135–137

  note keeping, 79, 107, 226–227, 269

  preparing for Bandido arrests, 160–161

  and Rex Endicott, 125–126

  Seattle set-up, 154–155, 156–157, 158–159

  and Steve from Texas, 150, 151–152

  at Sturgis, 88

  successful infiltration, 88–91, 131, 162–163, 169

  video surveillance, 103, 113–114, 127

  Vietnam, 77, 84

  Smith, Reg, 210

  Smokey, 244–245, 255, 282

  South Texas Nomads, 108

  Special Forces Selection and Assessment (SFSA), 24–25

  Spooner, 32

  SQ. See Sûreté du Québec

  Stadnick, Walter, 211

  Staples, Mark, 194–197, 200, 205, 209, 211, 215–216

  Steve, 148, 150, 151

  Sue (Liz’s sister), 161–162, 183

  Sunny. See Braybrook, Paul

  Sun Yee On, 40, 43, 45

  Sûreté du Québec, 186–187, 189–190

  Tate, Christian, 2, 4, 277


  and Cheetahs, 221–222, 252

  and Chris Devon, 222, 223, 236

  and nickname, 260

  Operation Five Star conclusion, 282

  Texas Nomads, 117

  Thai pilots, 64–65

  Thor, 116

  Thumper, 185, 190

  Toms, Brett, 198–199

  business dealings with, 200–201, 202–203, 204–205

  and Mark Staples, 210

  and the PDR takedown, 215

  Toth, Joe, 205–206, 213–214, 215

  Toycen, Mark

  and drugs, 245, 247, 256–257

  and the missing gun, 276

  Operation Five Star, 282


  Asian, 5, 40, 43

  numeric codes, 54

  Sun Yee On, 40, 43, 45

  Undercover agents. See Highway Mike; Joe; Pineault, Jean-Yves; Palfrey, Craig; Rocky

  United Church of Canada, 170–171, 174–175

  United States Marines, 24–31

  Vagabonds, 193, 207, 211

  Vargas, 145

  Verdon, Corporal Pierre, 187, 188, 189–190

  Vickie, 129–130, 133–135

  Vinny. See Mann, Vinny

  Wegers, George

  Alex’s cultivation of, 88–89

  and the 1% badge, 105

  and Bandidos Alex, 101

  Bandidos chapter vice-president, 88–89

  business dealings with, 92–94, 101

  friendship with, 105, 106

  and a girlfriend for Alex, 129

  in jail, 151, 164

  and the Resurrection, 96

  Sturgis meeting, 138

  violence and, 104–105, 132

  Whatcom county Sheriff’s Department, 72

  Wheeler, 136

  Widhelm, Glen Alan (Sir Spanky), 110–111, 122, 141, 142

  Wiener Girl, 252

  Wild Bill Hickok, 119

  Wolverine Squad. See Carcajou

  Yu, Philip, 50–52, 53, 63




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