The Coming Of Shadows (The Shadow Tide Book 1)

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The Coming Of Shadows (The Shadow Tide Book 1) Page 13

by Steven Moorer

  “Then the Guiden found in an ancient text a way to combine their powers. This power would be enough to hold the Shadow Beings in an eternal prison, but the cost would be high. Learning of this the Shadow Beings began to hunt and eradicate the Guiden until only ten remained, but those ten would be enough.

  “They ended the war. The Guiden sacrificed their power to help create a prison outside of the world we know, but part of this land. You see the Watchers and Shadows have the ability to produce a magical ward around any object they wish to hide from each other, and by creating a large enough ward the Watchers could surround them.

  The forces of light fought one last bloody battle, a battle to push the Shadow Beings and their followers to the castle of Estanguard, there the trap would be laid. Once they had filled the trap the Watchers cast the ward and the ten remaining Guiden combined their power and reversed the ward, and it became a prison.

  There the Shadows would spend eternity trapped by something they could never break. The land around the castle suffered from the darkness, rotting away and becoming today what is known only as The Ghost Swamp. The once great castle of Estanguard lost in the darkness that now lives there.

  “In return for helping create the prison, the Guiden suffered. In order to fuel the eternal prison eight Guiden died to ensure that the world would be forever safe, their sacrifice saved the world. But the two Guiden who survived lost all of their magical powers and any trace of magic in the the world went to that prison. To ensure the prison held, the Guiden were granted immortality, impervious to old age, sickness; but the blade of Shadow Races could take that immortal life away. As long as those two men lived, the wards would hold, but if any of those men should die, the prison would weaken.”

  Dominic had heard the legends before but never in this detail. He was enthralled in the story and wanted to hear more. “Please continue.”

  “The Shadow Beings were defeated, and the war was over. After that, Berasaid suffered. The Shadows who escaped the prison continued to attack the lands. Order of Righteous Blood along with the Watcher hunted them for many years, killing as many as they could, but still some escaped, and to this day there may still be some out there.

  “The Watchers eventually went back into seclusion, leaving only the Order to fight the darkness, and the Guiden began to leap through time, each working with Kings and Lords throughout the land as Stewards.”

  “Stewards?” Dominic could feel his heart in his throat.

  “Yes, Stewards. They had seen more than any man in this world and knew of the secrets hidden in the past. They slightly changed history over time to hide the truth but most importantly hide the fact that some Shadow Beings never got caught.

  “Dominic, the reason I’m telling you this now is that one of those two is dead, killed possibly by the Shadow Beings, the ward is failing and now I know that last Guiden is in danger. His life is the only thing holding the prison now, and already some of the Shadow Beings are free nad possibly joining those who were never caught.

  Jayden must be made to understand the true threat is not the Lords of this land and taxes but the fact that the Shadow Beings are slowly but surely regaining their strength and should they find it, I fear that without the power of the Guiden, this world will be destroyed.”

  Dominic couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His father had always believed the stories of old and believed that one day the darkness would return to this world. “Where is the last Guiden?” he asked quietly, almost a whisper.


  “How do we find him; how do you find someone who has lived for... almost a thousand years? How?” Dominic asked

  Idris was silent as he finished his wine. His eyes had become glossy and distant. “Dominic, it may be too late. Someone has already begun to search him out and...” He paused.

  “Dominic, there is a contract on my life. I know the man who has the contract, and for now I am safe. He will not kill me, but that won’t stop anyone else from trying… and… Dominic, if I’m killed they will be free, the Shadows will come.”

  His jaw felt as if it was going to drop. “What...who? How old are you, Idris?” he asked.

  “Eight hundred and seventy-six years old, and My Lord, I am the last of the Guiden.”


  Ash watched from Easterway. He had left the estate long enough to go back to his now compromised safe house and grab his things and move them along to a new location just outside of the estate.

  He had watched every face extremely hard for the last few days, looking for the man who came to him with the contract for Idris. All he knew was the man was from Elm' Ladin, dark hair and gray eyes. Other than those small details, Ash could be looking for anyone.

  He moved along through the Commons walking slowly, browsing goods and watching each person around him. Even though the stranger had a connection to Idris it could be anyone, anyone of the thousands of people who lived in the city. Moving along, he watched and listened. It wouldn't be easy to find this man but he had to before this man came back looking for him.

  He had talked to Idris about the man in detail, after he learned that Idris' life was deserving enough to remain alive. Idris had not known anything about a man from Elm' Ladin, nor could he tell him anything about the stranger’s description. “Anything will help?” Ash had asked but got nothing.

  Now he found himself looking for this stranger day and night, only to run in to more and more dead ends. Idris had not asked him to search for the stranger, but Ash knew if he didn't, the threats on Idris would never end until he was dead, and he knew all too well Idris was too important to die.

  Within the hour Ash had found himself back through the port district and close to the Palace District where the number of Crimson Guard was unusually high. More guard now patrolled not only the Palace walls but on the ground too. If only I could get in, He thought as he sat and looked at the high walls.

  In the last few days the King had locked the Palace down and no one, without prior approval or staff of the place would be allowed in. Instead of only two guards covering the main entrance into the courtyard, two more sentries on horseback were added, plus the addition of more sharpshooters on the wall high above.

  He took an inconspicuous seat several yards away and watched the guard at the main gate. Even if I could get through, the sharpshooters on the wall would have me dead before I could make it across the yard.

  He had his reasons for getting in the Palace. After investigating every possibility on Idris' assassin, he felt the only possibility was that he was someone inside the Palace. Even though his suspicions had merit, the chances were slim that he would find any answers here. But he had to try.

  He watched. The guards never stopped patrolling in front of the gate and the sharpshooters watched each person that walked or rode by on the streets below. Very well trained, he thought, watching each guard, memorizing his face, body language and tactics as each did his duty.

  He knew these guards had just taken their shift and in eleven hours there would be a change. The main gate will never work, he thought. He would have to find some other way to make his way into the Palace and trying to make it onto the approval list would be next to impossible.

  “Make way for Lord Candrin.” He heard a guard shout as the sound of horse hooves echoed through the streets. He watched as two soldiers, not Crimson Guard but House Candrin soldiers made their way with the Lord of the Military Ward between them.

  Lord Candrin, I know you. He thought to himself as he caught a glimpse of the man who was announced guiding his horse toward the gate. Darien Candrin it is you, where have you been hiding all these years?

  Lord Candrin rode his horse up to the gate and waited for the guards to open it. Strange, Lord Carlye hasn't the authority to enter at will but Lord Candrin does, he though. Maybe the Lord being the head of the Crimson Guard was the reason but the King's orders had been firm and somehow Lord Candrin had made that list.

  The gate raised and
the two soldiers with Lord Candrin made their way through the open gates. “When Master Oberon arrives he is to come straight to the King's chambers.” He told the guard on the west side of the gate.

  Oberon. The name was not one he had ever heard before and Master? Oberon?

  He watched them leave through the gate and disappear back behind the gate. He knew that this Oberon must be the King's new Steward or close to the King in some way. Most people who carried the title Master served closely with Dukes, Lords, and yes, Kings.

  He decided to pack it in and wait. He moved, not to raise an alarm to himself. The sun had set and darkness now fell over the city which made his ability to blend even better. He watched from across the street, from a small inn where he had rented a room. He made sure the porter had given him a room that faced the Palace and the gates so he could watch most of the night.

  Time seemed to move slowly for the first few hours. People came and went, some even forcefully removed from the area around the main gates. He could feel his eyes start to betray him and he knew that the normal cycle of sleep would win any moment. Please hurry.

  He fought sleep more and more and finally after what seemed an eternity, he heard the sound of horses come up the street. Before he could regain all of his awareness he heard the gates open, but it wasn't too late.

  He looked down on the street and saw four Crimson Guards surrounding a man. The man was middle aged, tall but most importantly of all his hair was black as night and the profile of his face was that of man who had visited him only days ago.

  “Master Oberon, Lord Candrin and the King requests your presence.” The guard stated as they made their way through the gate. “Yes, I know.” Oberon replied.

  So Oberon is in league with the King. My friend, never buy a contract that is not reasoned. He reached to his belt and felt his flintlock, loaded and ready to fire.


  Idris' story went through his head every day. He had reluctantly made Idris his Steward, mainly to keep the seemingly ageless man close. If what he had told Dominic was true, his death would result in a far darker evil than Jayden's current path.

  Over the past few days Idris had informed him of the assassin Ash and his meeting with Idris at his wedding. He was shocked that such a man could have made his way into the halls of the estate without notice but the stories he had heard of the Righteous Blood stated that they were the best assassins in the world.

  He had never met this Ash before and wasn't sure if he should, or could even trust a man like that. All assassins, regardless of their intentions were still killers and to have such a person as an ally could spell disaster not only for him but for his entire family. Aiden, he thought as he sat at his desk and looked out of the window into the Commons below. He wished he could make peace with his brother. He wished he could make his brother understand that he felt the same way now.

  Even though in his present state Jayden was playing with fire, fire that could spread out of control with any slight movement, the real threat was somewhere else, and he knew that. Somehow Jayden had to be convinced that war wasn't the answer and that he must listen to those who knew the truth and become a King who could stand against any opposing force, natural or supernatural.

  But it seemed to be a long shot. Allan would be here any moment and at that time the normal business of the day would start. He had not informed Allan of Idris' story yet and it would be some time before he did. Allan was his friend and he trusted him with his life but some things needed to stay closed for now.

  Allan joined him for their daily meetings and, as always, he was several minutes early. They began the morning with the reports from the overnight watch. There was nothing out of the ordinary other than two robberies just outside of the Easterway gates but the offenders had been captured and were currently being held in the Estates prison.

  Allan had informed him also that gangs had all but taken over the Northern Gates district since the evacuation of Lord Wakefield and his men. Allan had said that the Easterway guard was blocking all access into the Commons from Northern Gates and forcing people to undergo thorough searches.

  It was all the same thing. The Commons had become less violent in the weeks Easterway had been occupied, and the economy of the district was rising; therefore the higher tax level would be easier to reach now.

  The door to his chambers burst open as one of his guards came running into the room.

  “What the hell is this?” Allan said standing and looking at the guard.

  “Sir...My Lord...Please forgive....” he said panting

  “What is it?” Dominic asked looking at the man.

  “My Lord.... Green and Black....” he was utterly out of breath.

  “What?” Dominic asked sternly

  “My Lord, Green and Black flags, Fir Tree. Carlye Flags at the docks, twenty-five men at arms and the Duke Himself.”


  “Dominic, you know as well as I, if the King finds out he is here, he will send enough Crimson Guard to take him.” Allan said

  He was right; Jayden would stop at nothing to get his hands on Aiden and it would be only moments before he learned he was in the city. “If he does, Aiden will resist and then he will retaliate, and I don't want to see that.” Dominic said as he started walking out of the room. “Allan, you have to get him and get him here as fast as possible,” he ordered him.

  “I'll have to find him first and hope he doesn't turn east and head for the Palace. If he does, we can expect a fight to break out,” he said double checking his sword and pistol on his side.

  “I'll take an envoy out of the front gates of the Estate and try to draw attention somewhere else for the time being, Allan.” He grabbed his friend’s arm. “Get my brother into the Estate as fast as you can.”

  “I will, my Lord. Orders if the Crimson Guard stops us?”

  “The crimes are not valid until investigation, if they use force unauthorized by the law... well, defend yourself at any cost.” He knew he could be sending his friend into battle, but he had to get Aiden there safe somehow.

  “Yes, My Lord,” Allan said bowing and turning to walk away. And so it begins, he thought as he headed to cause the biggest distraction he could think of.


  This Oberon was impossible to get to. The security around the Palace was too much. But it wouldn't stop him. He was determined to make his way inside and now he had found his way.

  Something was going on that he had no knowledge of. The guards had started mounting horses, running on foot, shouting something about Lord Carlye at the docks, but it was all noise to him; he just had to find a way in.

  He watched the guard at the gate and then saw it, the moment that he’d wanted for some time. The gate was open and a supply coach was on the way. He waited for the perfect time when he knew he could slip on the coach and then it happened.

  Within seconds he had tumbled over into the back and quickly found himself hiding behind a large crate in the back of the covered coach.

  The coach came to a stop and he knew they were at the gate. He heard the driver talk to the guard and to his surprise the coach began to move again. They hadn't searched it.

  He rode and thought about how he would make his exit. He had no idea where the coach was going or what waited for him when they stopped, but he had to move fast. He would have only a few minutes to make his move and get off and when the coach stopped he knew it was time to go.

  He lifted the canvas slightly over the coach and saw he was in small courtyard. There weren’t any guards, just one man, Lord Candrin. Why do you always appear when I least expect it? He wondered as he moved to the other side of the coach and peered out. It was empty and it was now or never.

  He knew Lord Candrin from years before, from his former master and his time training. Even though time had changed Ash, he still hadn't forgotten the things this Lord Candrin had done then, nor would he ever forget them. He wasn't there for that now, but in time it would come.
  He quickly and quietly loosened the canvas and slipped out his cloth bottom shoes hitting the stone pavement without a sound. Daylight was not the best time but he had to do this quickly before any more damage could be done.

  Somehow he had to get to Oberon and getting inside the Palace was the only way. He ducked into a dark corner and waited for the courtyard to empty before he attempted to move anywhere else.

  Lord Candrin and the coach driver made their way to the coach and uncovered it. Now that the sunlight lit it up, Ash could tell that coach was loaded with huge wooden crates. He watched Lord Candrin use a long steel bar to pry the top off one of the crates.

  “Very good,” He told the driver as he reached in. He pulled out one of the finest muskets Ash had seen in years. It was a Trodianian long rifle, superior accuracy, excellent balance, the best musket money could buy. “The King will be pleased, how many?” he asked the driver.

  “Fifty, along with thirty folded steel rapiers, one hundred long pikes, nine cases of grenades and the finest powder from Elm' Ladin.” The driver said smiling.

  “Very good. Tell your people that we would like enough to arm the Palace guard. How long?” Lord Candrin asked.

  “Two months. My supplier must have the time to acquire the rifles.”

  “Very well. Guards, move this into the armory,” Lord Candrin said as he stepped down from the coach.

  No wonder the crown needs money. But why keep these secret? Ash thought as he watched.

  It took the guards some time to unload the coach, but it was worth it. The amount of munitions in the coach was not a lot but it showed Ash that there was more to this new King than met the eye.

  When they were done Ash made his move. Out of the courtyard to the north he made his way through the tight twisted alleyways of the old castle. He was within the Palace walls but not inside the Palace itself. His whole plan counted on making a silent and unnoticed entry into the palace.


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