Spy for Hire (For Hire)

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Spy for Hire (For Hire) Page 12

by Cat Johnson

Chelsea’s eyes met mine and I thought I saw understanding in them before she nodded.

  She never ceased to amaze me. She might not have the training to be a field operator but she was street smart and had a determination I’d rarely seen in a civilian.

  When we got out of here, I’d tell her how proud I was of her. And I was more than ready to do just that—get the bloody hell out of this perverse pleasure palace.


  “No surveillance in this room,” I said for Zane’s benefit.

  “Roger that,” he answered. “I’ve got eyes on the estate. I see two guards posted out front. No one on the perimeter.”

  That was good news, though I had to wonder how Zane was seeing this. “Please tell me you didn’t hack into a military satellite.”

  He laughed. “No. I try not to call in those kinds of favors unless absolutely necessary. All this required was a regular old drone like you can buy anywhere.”

  I doubted Zane had regular equipment of any kind, but I accepted the answer at face value.

  “What about security cameras?” I asked.

  “It looks like one at the front gate. Nothing else. Apparently these people aren’t at all concerned about protecting their back door.”

  In a moment of immaturity, the image of the abundance of butt plugs at this party flew into my brain, giving Zane’s comment about protecting the back door an entirely different meaning.

  I really was losing my mind. I turned my attention back to Chelsea and Morgan and how we were going to get out of here.

  I went to the French doors and looked out. This room opened onto a narrow stone patio that was bordered by the lawn in the back of the house.

  “You have any other clothes with you?” I asked Morgan. Or any clothes at all, since she was mostly nude.

  “I do.” She nodded and trotted over to the corner of the room. While I staunchly did not watch her unicorn tail, she bent and retrieved a duffle bag off the floor. “I picked this room because my clothes are here.”

  “Good thinking.”

  Morgan was sharper than I gave her credit for, though I still wasn’t convinced I could one-hundred percent trust her.

  “There’s a power room. I’ll just go get changed in there.”

  Another excellent idea, because I didn’t want to be witness to the removal of the tail. I’d seen far too much of Chelsea’s bestie for my liking already.

  I turned and found Chelsea cringing. She caught me looking at her and bit her lip. “Do you think that thing hurts?”

  I let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t know. I suppose it depends on the size.”

  She cringed again, which only widened my smile.

  “Does this mean you won’t want to give one a go?” I moved closer and pulled her toward me.

  “Me?” Her voice squeaked on the question.

  “Just a tiny one?” I teased.

  “You liked the sex show. Admit it.” She slapped at my chest but didn’t move away.

  I tightened my arms around her. “I’d like a private show with just the two of us far better.”

  Her smile was coy. “Maybe that could be arranged.”

  And now I was completely hard again, just when I needed to have my head in the game. I groaned, resisted the urge to kiss her and released my hold.

  Morgan appeared from behind the bathroom door. She was in a revealing dress and heels, not quite the best attire for making a getaway, but it was better than the unicorn costume.

  Chelsea was in heels as well, so we wouldn’t have been moving incredibly quickly or stealthily no matter what Morgan changed into.

  Perhaps Morgan being in a dress to match Chelsea’s was good. I could stroll out the back door with one beauty under each arm and if anyone stopped us, I could say we’d left the party hoping for an al fresco experience.

  Plan in place, I moved to the door again.

  Running my fingers along the frame, I checked to make sure it wasn’t wired to a security system. The last thing I needed was to set off alarms. But there was nothing.

  Just as Zane suspected, the homeowners left their back completely vulnerable.

  Zane’s company could make a fortune consulting with rich people on how to secure their houses. Judging by this one, it was a service that was sorely needed.

  For my purposes, I was grateful for the lax security. It would help with our escape.

  “Zane, we’re exiting the building through a south side door now.”

  When I turned to the women, prepared to usher them out, I saw Morgan’s frown. “Where’s his phone or Bluetooth? I don’t see it.”

  “He’s talking on an earbud-thingy.”

  “Oh, cool. Who does he keep talking to?” Morgan asked.”

  “My boss.”

  “Ooo, the cute one?” Morgan’s eyes lit up.

  I rolled my eyes at the entire conversation—especially the Zane portion—even as it scared me to my core thinking how a woman who called my comm an earbud thingy had initially put herself in the middle of this hornet’s nest of intrigue without any backup.

  I loved Chelsea, but an operator she was not.


  I chose to ignore the word I’d just thought. I’d fallen in love with lots of things while living here—American pizza included. And I’d miss them all when I left—Chelsea included.

  Shoving those thoughts aside I flipped the lock on the French door, pressed on the lever handle and said, “Time to go, ladies.”

  Apparently they were both ready to be out of this pleasure palace too. Morgan and Chelsea ran faster than should be possible in high heels, past me and out the door.

  Thankfully, they stopped once outside and looked around, unsure where to head next. That gave me time to close the door behind me.

  It wouldn’t do to have anyone notice an open door and come to investigate. Even though the guards were only stationed out front, Zane hadn’t observed them for long enough to know if they made scheduled rounds to check on the rest of the property.

  I grabbed Chelsea’s hand and motioned for Morgan to come closer. With an arm draped over each of their shoulders, I started a leisurely but direct path toward the trees on the edge of the property. Unless there was a surprise hidden there, landscaping was our only obstacle in back.

  “If anyone sees us, let me do the talking. Understood?” I asked.

  Morgan nodded as Chelsea said, “Yes.”

  “I’ve got a vehicle standing by to pick you up,” Zane told me through the comm. “Cut through the back neighbor’s property to the street.”

  “Got it,” I replied.

  “Got what?” Morgan asked, glancing sideways at me.

  Perhaps when this thing was all over and these women were safe and this sham company shut down, I’d be able to enjoy the sheer hilarity of this situation. As it stood, I hoped the fact that it seemed I was destined to be the straight man in a comedy didn’t cost anyone their life.

  “I was talking on the earbud thingy again,” I told Morgan, using terms I was sure she’d understand.

  She shot me another glance. “I had no idea you British embassy guys were so bad ass.”

  What to say to that? “Uh, thank you.”

  “Can we save the chit chat for when we’re away from here?” Chelsea asked.

  “Excellent idea,” I said.

  I felt her body vibrating beneath my arm and hoped it was more from adrenaline and less from fear.

  Morgan must have agreed. Her stride lengthening, I had to tighten my hold on her for fear she’d take off in a sprint.

  Property values had to be insane in this area, yet these people had land as big as the White House lawn. At least it felt that way as we crossed it in broad daylight with no cover.

  We were halfway across when I heard a motor. I resisted the urge to stop and pushed forward, propelling the women with me as they heard it too and turned to look toward the sound.

  “Keep going. Not too fast. We’re not doing anything wrong. Just taking a stroll.�
�� My grip on each of them did more than my soothing words to keep them from fleeing for the trees, which grew closer with every step we took but still seemed too bloody far.

  Maintaining a steady stride, I turned my head to take a casual look at what was heading our way, relieved when it looked more like a maintenance vehicle and less like a security patrol.

  I was at once grateful that Morgan had changed, because the unicorn costume would have drawn far too much attention.

  The man driving the four-wheeler pulling the utility cart behind it grinned at me while his male passenger gave me a thumbs-up. My having two beautiful women in knockout dresses all to myself had obviously impressed them.

  Perhaps these events were commonplace on this estate. So much so that the gardeners knew what was happening inside. I wondered how often the inside action spilled outdoors and the crew got an eyeful.

  I envisioned the performers in a staged pony race around the property, horsetails and all, and quickened my step when I realized how Chelsea had willingly become a part of this world to find Morgan.

  Hargrove had already shown too much interest in Chelsea. I was getting Chelsea off this property before he got any ideas that she’d became another one of the fantasy animals in his sex stable.

  I didn’t know how far this Sanctuary Club would go to convince their performers to remain. I still wasn’t convinced there weren’t some sort of drugs involved.

  Finally we reached the tree line. I grabbed both women by the hand and pulled them through a break in the hedges. We emerged on the other side, mostly unscathed except for a few scratches.

  The neighboring yard was slightly less sprawling. Being midweek and daytime, I hoped the occupants were elsewhere as I picked up our speed.

  The women kept up with me in spite of the heels bogging them down in the grass.

  “Zane, we’re almost to the road.”

  “I see you. I’ve got you on the drone cam. My man’s pulling up in front now. He’s in the black SUV.”

  “I see him.” I’d never been more grateful to see a car in my life.

  I boosted the women into the back seat and jumped into the passenger seat, tearing off my blasted mask as soon as I’d buckled in.

  The driver hit the accelerator and we took off.

  “Long time no see.” The man behind the wheel shot me a grin.

  I frowned as recognition hit. “Jon Rudnick.”

  He nodded. “I was in town for a meeting with Zane when he told me what was up. I wasn’t going to miss the chance to work with James Bond, so here I am.” He glanced in the rear view mirror. “I see you brought the Bond girls this time.”

  “I did.” I let out a laugh, relief overwhelming me, except for one thing. “I left my Bond car with the valet at the party, however.” After getting out without incident, I wasn’t too keen to go back in.

  “No worries. Zane already thought of that.” Jon grinned as he navigated the residential street.

  I frowned. “He did?”

  Jon nodded. “He saw where the valets were parking the cars. I dropped off one of our guys on my way to get you. Your car will be waiting at the GAPS office when we get there.”

  My eyes widened.

  “Don’t look so surprised.” Jon laughed. “Any thug can steal a car. It isn’t exactly a tier one operator skill.”

  Perhaps not, but it was a useful one and I was more than glad my prized possession was safe.

  I didn’t accumulate many material things in my life, but the car I’d acquired when I’d arrived in the States was one of my favorites . . . and I had no idea what I was going to do with it if I ended up getting reassigned abroad.

  I glanced behind me at the other situation I had no idea what to do about when—if—my time here was over. Chelsea.

  She and Morgan both still looked a little shell-shocked.

  I’d never seen Chelsea quiet for so long, which only reinforced my theory that she was shaken up by today’s sex event. I didn’t blame her. It was a lot to absorb.

  I glanced at Morgan and wondered what lasting effects the association with Sanctuary Club would have on her. I sure as bloody hell wouldn’t be forgetting my brief experience there anytime soon.


  “Do you think Morgan is going to be okay?” Chelsea asked as she inserted the key into the lock of her flat. I was happy to see her roommate had left the bloody door locked instead of open for once.

  “I think she’ll be fine.” I pressed a palm to the back of her neck and leaned in, kissing her.

  She pulled back. “You can’t wait until we’re inside with the door shut?” She laughed.

  I yanked the door closed behind me as I answered her silly question. “No.”

  During a moment of hormone-fueled insanity today I’d seriously considered taking Chelsea in a room filled with strangers. I didn’t think the deserted hallway of her building was inappropriate for a quick kiss. But she was correct in one thing—I couldn’t wait.

  I’d waited too long already. Zane’s questioning of Morgan had taken an hour and Chelsea wasn’t willing to leave her friend during it. I might not have minded if the whole thing hadn’t seemed so fruitless.

  Morgan had been so wrapped up in the designer clothes and exotic locations she’d been taken to, she didn’t have much to add as far as details that would help us understand the company’s motives or take them down.

  As the time ticked by I began to believe Morgan had been less the victim of Angel Escorts and that it was more her covetous love of nice things that had led to her own willing captivity with the company.

  I didn’t hold that against her, except for the fact that her lack of communication had put Chelsea in jeopardy.

  Chelsea shook her head as she tossed her purse onto the table and kicked off her heels. “I still don’t think I should have let her go back to her apartment alone.”

  I pressed my lips tight as I watched the shoes come off. Those pumps had played a large role in my fantasies today as I waited to get her alone. I wasn’t happy to see them on the floor rather than digging into my back.

  Chelsea’s dedication to her friend was admirable, but I could see her worry was going to get in the way of my plans for the evening. We had too few nights left together to sacrifice even one.

  Zane might not like it, but I was going to tell Chelsea the truth. “She’s not exactly alone.”

  “What do you mean?” She spun to face me while removing her earring and I got a glimpse of what everyday life with Chelsea could be like.

  Us, coming home to our place together—except it would be a much better place, of course. There’d be conversation, food and sex—not necessarily in that order—every night. It wasn’t anything I thought I’d wanted, yet I was already feeling the loss of it.

  “Zane put a tail on her.”

  Chelsea’s lips twitched with a smile and I realized what I’d said. We’d seen a lot of tails today.

  “Not that kind of tail,” I added before I closed in on her.

  Time to take this conversation to the bedroom. After that reminder I was more than ready again.

  With one hand on each of Chelsea’s hips, I began backing her toward her room. She stopped my progress by pushing back and digging her bare feet into the threadbare carpet.

  I frowned. “Anything wrong?”

  “I just wanted to say something.”

  “All right.” I didn’t like the sound of her words or her serious expression.

  “I want to thank you.”

  “I know how you can thank me,” I teased, pressing her backward once again.

  “Tristan. Stop. I’m serious.”

  I could see that she was and stopped moving, but what I couldn’t understand was why. I drew my brows down. “All right. You talk. I’ll listen.”

  “You dropped everything and came here to look for me. And then you helped me find my friend.” She lifted one shoulder. “I mean I wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again, but you were there when I needed you
even without my asking. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it.”

  “Don’t thank me.” I knew I didn’t deserve it.

  Her gratitude was the last thing I wanted right now. All it did was remind me what an epic knob I’d been by staying away from her for so long. How I’d even avoided calling the GAPS office phone so I wouldn’t hear her voice.

  Six months that we could have been together I’d wasted, all because I didn’t want to get attached. With Chelsea, I knew that was a danger.

  I was sure bloody attached now and there were only days left until I had to leave.

  Pressing my palms to her cheeks, I stared into the eyes that I was sure were going to haunt me when I was gone and said past the lump in my throat, “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

  She reacted, her expression softening, and I swear I saw her eyes glisten with unshed tears.

  That signaled the end of the discussion. Between the emotions crippling me and my raging hard-on, I was in no mood for more words. I was, however, in the mood to take off this bloody tuxedo.

  I bent to retrieve Chelsea’s shoes—we’d be needing those—grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the bedroom.

  She must have seen the intent in my eyes. She glanced down at the shoes and up again to me. “You’re going to want me to wear those, aren’t you?”

  “Mmm, hmm.” I grinned, picturing the lingerie beneath her dress and anticipating how fantastic the shoes would look with it. “Unless you’ve got one of those tails hidden around here you’d like to wear instead.”

  Her brows rose and she reached for the shoes. “I’ll put the heels back on.”

  She leaned one hand on the bed as she slipped her feet into the shoes again. Once they were on, I moved in. The dress came off and then there was nothing between me and my fantasy come true.

  “Mmm. I’ve been picturing you exactly like this all day.”

  Stripping off my jacket while kicking off my own shoes, I made short work of my tux and soon I was standing nude next to the mattress between Chelsea’s long legs.

  “Do you think we’re weird?” she asked.

  Why she was asking when we were both nearly naked was beyond me, but I was willing to let her talk as I proceeded with my plan.


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