Motor City Vampires

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Motor City Vampires Page 9

by Angela Myrick

  “Please don’t do this I don’t care if you never feel anything for me. I know I screwed up, I should have told you. I just thought you were better off with me.”

  “And that’s your problem: you think you know what’s best for me. Well…you don’t!”

  Mary had packed three suitcases; she decided she could come back for the rest later. Sally had invited her to move into her home and she accepted. She needed to try and be more independent away from Enri.

  “Right now I’m just angry and need time away, please give me that.”

  “Will you at least continue to work at Bloodlust? You’ll need money for your new life.”

  Mary thought about the idea; her job was boring but she was good at it and needed money. She couldn’t depend on Sally to support her.

  “I will under one condition: I want to work on the floor twice a week for a few hours. I’m tired of being alone all the time, I want to be out with people.” Mary walked over to her vanity, carefully packing an old painted portrait of her and her mother.

  “Are you sure? It can get a little rowdy out there.” Enri said with worry on his face.

  “I’m positive, I’ve always been a social person. I miss it.” Before being turned Mary had always enjoyed going out for social gatherings. Since being turned Enri had isolated her from most social situations, she knew things were different but she needed to get out there and try to adjust.

  “I need to go. Sally is waiting downstairs.”

  “Can I have a hug good bye?”

  “Yes, of course, I’ll see you at work, it’s not like you won’t ever see me.” Enri gave Mary a crushing hug; he then gently gave her a sensual kiss on the cheek. He was pressed up against her, she could sense him become aroused and felt his erection. Abby blushed as she pulled away and walked downstairs where Sally was waiting.

  Sally was sitting in the living room. The room was decorated in neutral beige colors with accents of red, and there was a vase of red roses on the table that complimented the room.

  “Don’t worry, Enri, I will take care of her, and you can always visit. Mary isn’t a young Vampire. It’s time for her to find her way in the world.”

  “Please call me, if you ever need anything.” Enri said to Mary.

  “Goodbye, Enri.” Sally and Mary left the house leaving Enri to think about how he just lost the one person in his life he loved.


  The next evening, Brian woke up still feeling pain, but much better than the night before. He was no longer in the abandoned factory. He was in the house he shared with Maurice.

  “How are you feeling?” Maurice asked.

  “You moved me.” Brian replied, feeling drained and tired.

  “I thought you would feel more comfortable in familiar surroundings, I sent Andrea home. If you feel up to it we can go hunting.” Maurice said as he sat next to Brian. “Andrea will be at home resting for a few days; she said you could feed from her again.”

  “Why are you being so nice to me?” Brian asked Maurice as he slowly sat up.

  “Let’s just say a ghost from my past helped me see what I had become, and I didn’t like it.” Mary, I wish you could still love me.

  “Get dressed and let’s go out, you need blood to stay strong.”

  “I need to call Lizzy.” Brain said only half aware of what he was saying.

  “Who is Lizzy?”

  “The girl you fed from the other night. We’ve been talking.”

  “You can call her later. I’ll be waiting, hurry.”


  Lizzy and Prena were out at Bloodlust just having a good time dancing. Prena knew Lizzy really liked Brian; she was helping her to forget all about him. Prena knew going to a Vampire bar considering everything that had happened may not be the best idea but everyone they hung out with went to that bar.

  “Let’s go get a drink and sit for a while, I’m wiped.” Lizzy said to Prena. They had spent the last hour dancing with friends and having a good time.

  “Good idea.” Lizzy and Prena waited in line at the bar, it was a busy night. As they waited Lizzy, [delete comma] couldn’t believe who she spotted entering the bar, Maurice and Brian. Brian looked a lot different, a paler perfect version of himself.

  “Prena, look. It’s Brian and Maurice.”

  “We should call Sally and let her know.” Prena pulled out her phone and dialed Sally.

  “Sally, it’s Prena. We’re at Bloodlust”

  “Oh, Prena my dear, how are you?” Sally responded.

  “We just saw Brian and Maurice walk in, and Brian is a Vampire now. He looks all pale and scary.”

  “I will call the Vampire Council. Please be careful. New Vampires have a hard time controlling themselves, don’t tell anyone you talked to me.” The line went dead. Prena put her phone away. Lizzy looked very nervous.

  “Well, what should we do?” asked Lizzy.

  “Act normal. She’s calling the Vampire Council to take care of them.”

  “Okay, just act normal.” Okay I can do this just stay away from them and act normal, how hard can it be.”

  “Hello beautiful.” Brian said to Lizzy, as he appeared next to her using his Vampire speed.

  “I’m not interested in whatever you want. You should be in Jail, just like your maker.”

  “Come on Lizzy don’t be like that.”

  “Nice to see you again, Lizzy.” Said Maurice, as he walked up. “You look quite different horizontal.” [delete space before period]

  Lizzy hissed at Maurice “We were just leaving.”

  “Please Lizzy, can we talk a minute?” Brian pleaded. Why did he have to look so freaking cute as a vampire? Lizzy thought to herself.

  “It’s okay, go ahead. I’ll wait here with Maurice.”

  Maurice gave Prena a smile that gave her the creeps.

  “Fine, but make it quick.” Lizzy took Brian by the hand and they walked over to a table in a corner. Lizzy look around and noticed that Maurice was buying Prena a drink and she was laughing at something he said. Oh great, he’s putting the moves on Prena. “Okay talk.” Lizzy said to Brian.

  “Listen, Lizzy I know you’re mad at what I did, but I want another chance, I care about you, please?”

  “I don’t think so. You’re an evil Vampire.”

  “I just want a chance. I’m a good Vampire, honest. I need Maurice to show me how to be a Vampire, that’s it.”

  “I can’t just forget what you did to Abby. She was innocent in all this, all you care about is being an immortal.”

  “I’m sorry, Lizzy. Please don’t give up on me.”

  “You gave up on yourself a long time ago, I need to go.” She said as she stood up. “I’m suddenly not in the mood to dance. Goodbye, Brian.” As she looked back at him, she realized she really wanted to kiss those lovely lips, but she just couldn’t go there.

  “I’ll call you.” Brian shouted as Lizzy grabbed Prena and left the club.

  Brian watched Lizzy leave and felt defeated. Maurice walked over and sat down at the table with Brian.

  “So, you fell in love with my meal.” Maurice laughed.

  “Don’t call her that!” Brian shouted.

  “Easy there big fella, I was just kidding around. It’s great you already know she doesn’t mind being bitten.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this. I’m hungry.”

  “Okay, let’s go get you a blood whore.” Maurice and Brain walked into the back room of the club where the blood whores serviced the Vampires. There were men and women lounging around sofas waiting to be picked.

  “See anyone you like?”

  “Her,” Brian pointed to a redhead with long straight hair.

  “Go sit down, I’ll pay and bring her.” Maurice walked over to the redhead, paid her and brought her back to Brian.

  “Brian, this is Kim. She agreed to feed you.” Kim sat down with Brian, she took his hand and he pulled away immediately.

  “Hi, Brian. Maurice told me you’re
new. This will be a feed only,” Kim moved her hair aside to give him access to her neck, she smelled like alcohol and cheap perfume but he was starving so he didn’t care. He could hear the blood pumping through her veins; he struck quickly sinking his fangs into her neck he drank until he no longer felt the hunger. He extracted his fangs and licked the puncture marks, sealing the wound.

  “Thank you.” Brian said to Kim as he rushed out of the club with Maurice following behind.

  “Are you okay?” asked Maurice.

  “That felt really wrong to pay to drink from someone.” Brian looked to the ground as he spoke. He couldn’t help but think about Lizzy and how delicious she would taste.

  “You will get used to it.”

  “Let’s go home.”


  “I want you to turn me.” Abby said to Javon as he got out of the shower. He was so shocked he dropped his towel. Abby smiled as she took the opportunity to check out his body, fully nude. As soon as he saw her, his cock hardened up. Abby couldn’t help but laugh at Javon’s shocked expression.

  “What brought this on?” Javon asked as he covered himself with a towel.

  “I want us to really be together forever. So I want to be a Vampire, like you.” Abby knew it wouldn’t be easy but she had thought it through and hoped he wouldn’t deny her.

  “Are you sure? This is forever, no going back. You would have to leave your family behind eventually.”

  “The only real family I have is my brother Ray, it will be hard but you’re worth it, I love you.”

  “It’s a painful process lasting days, are you sure?”

  “I’m not a fan of pain, but I can endure if it means being with you. I love you and I don’t want to have to leave you as I age and die.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Do what’s right for you. I will love you if it’s for twenty years or two hundred, I don’t want you to feel obligated to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I really want this. “Abby said as she hugged Javon, who was still in nothing but a towel.

  “When would you like to do it?”

  “Would now work?”

  “How about a nice dinner then the turning? I will call Sally to get everything ready.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Abby jumped on Javon, kissing him.

  “I want you,” whispered Abby. Javon quickly carried her to the bed.


  Maurice and Brian arrived back home after feeding at Bloodlust. Maurice had decided to leave town. He had hoped Brian might go with him, but after seeing him with Lizzy he knew there wasn’t a good chance of that happening.

  “Brian, we need to talk.”

  “If you were a chick, I would think you were breaking up with me.” Brain laughed.

  “I need to leave town. I’m wanted by the Vampire Council for the kidnapping as well as a suspect in other crimes. It’s not safe for me here anymore, I would like you to come with me.” Maurice was used to moving around a lot; it was all part of being a Vampire but this time it was much more difficult. He had become attached to Detroit and he had Mary and Brian he didn’t want to leave behind.

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m not ready to do this on my own, but I don’t want to leave.”

  “I understand you don’t want to leave. After I was turned I had to move when I wasn’t ready. I have a few friends in town; I’m going to leave some numbers for you. I want you to meet with one of them and finish learning.” Maurice choked. “You were a good slave, I will miss you.” Maurice blurred out of the house and was gone. Brian knew with Mary in town he wouldn’t stay away for too long.


  Connor had just entered Bloodlust after getting a call from Sally that Maurice had been seen here. He walked around and met up with Enri.

  “So did you see him?” asked Connor.

  “No, I was in the back, I talked to one of the girls he fed from, Kim. She said he paid her to feed a newbie, which would be Brian, said he fed and ran out like a bat outta hell.”

  “Can I talk to her?

  “Sure, this way.”

  They walked into a back office where a redheaded woman sat nervously in a chair. Enri placed his hand on her shoulder, reassuring her it was okay.

  “Master, I didn’t know he was a criminal, I promise.”

  “It’s okay, Kim. This is Connor. He’s going to ask you some questions, please answer him fully.”

  “Yes, master.”

  “Kim, thank you for talking with me. Did anything unusual happen during the feeding?”

  “Only it was a newbie, not too many of those around. He was really nervous, and ran out really quick when it was over.”

  “Did the other guy say anything about where they were headed after they left?”

  “No, he wasn’t real chatty. Paid a little extra, said the newbie was real hungry.”

  “Okay, I think that’s it. Thank you, Kim.”

  “You can take the rest of the night off, Kim.” Enri said as she scurried out of the office.

  “Well, that was less than helpful,” said Connor as he sat down.

  “He needs to feed and when he does, we’ll catch him.”

  Chapter 14

  Abby looked at herself in the mirror, checking out her new fangs. It had been two weeks since her change, she still couldn’t get used to seeing fangs on herself. It was her big day— her Bonding ceremony. She was very nervous, she didn’t like being the center of attention but for Javon, she would do anything. The gown she wore was a deep violet made of silk; it was Vampire tradition to wear your favorite color and a black veil. The door opened and Sally entered the room.

  “Are you ready, dear?”

  “I’m scared, Sally.” Abby said with a frightened look on her face.

  “I know, it’s scary it’s forever. Have you changed your mind about how you feel about Javon?”

  “Absolutely, not.” Abby said as she shook her head. “My feelings for Javon will never change.”

  “Then it’s just nerves, when you get out there just look at Javon and no one else.” Sally gave Abby a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Let me walk you out.” Abby and Sally walked down the hallway to the top of the stairs. “I’ll be at the bottom.” As everyone waited the music started. Abby didn’t care what the ceremony was like so she let Sally plan the whole thing. There were violet tulips along the banister, Abby’s favorite, and simple harp music playing. Everything was perfect. Abby slowly descended the stairs where Javon waited for her wearing all black.

  It was a small gathering with a few close friends consisting of Jenny, Jeff (Jenny’s boyfriend), Sally, Lizzy, Prena, Mary and Enri. Connor the Werewolf was conducting the ceremony as the Vampire Council representative. The music stopped as Abby reached Javon and they joined hands. Connor began the ceremony.

  “Welcome to the bonding ceremony for all eternity of Javon and Abby. Vampire tradition dictates we start with the exchange of blood; this will connect you and allow the bond to form. Abby are you prepared to accept the bond?”

  “Yes I am.” Abby answered.

  “Javon, are you prepared to accept the bond?”

  “Yes I am.” Javon replied.

  Connor pulled out a dagger with an intricate design of Egyptian symbols; it was a gift from Sally, made of steel with a gold handle. Javon took the dagger and cut his wrist, holding it to Abby’s lips to drink from. Then Abby took the dagger and cut her wrist for Javon to drink from. They both smiled as they sealed each other’s wounds.

  “Now for the bonding symbol.” Sally stepped forward and took Javon off to the side and he sat at a chair. She brought out a bottle of deep blue ink and she dipped a needle into the ink. As she injected a small amount into the back of his hand a pattern started taking shape. Two intricate stars intertwined. He smiled as he saw the design, a symbol of a Vampire marriage. Javon walked over to Abby.

  “Your turn.” Abby walked over to Sally and sat down for her tattoo. When it was finished she gave Sally a hug and wal
ked back over to Javon.

  “Javon and Abby you are now Bonded, you are Eternal Mates. Nothing but death can separate the bond you share, you may kiss each other.” Javon kissed Abby sweetly, not wanting to get too hot and heavy in front of everyone.

  “I love you, my wife.”

  “And I love you, husband.”

  Everyone in attendance cheered. Sally was the first to run up and hug the happy couple.

  “I’m so happy for the both of you. I finally have a real family.” Abby looked at Javon with longing, wanting to be alone with him. Jenny walked up with her boyfriend Jeff, who looked very nervous. He wasn’t thrilled about the whole Vampire thing, he thought everyone was nuts.

  “Oh, Jenny thanks so much for coming.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for anything, it’s not every day my Vampire best friend gets married or bonded or whatever you call it.” Abby gave Jenny a big hug and smiled from ear to ear.

  “Well, I think it’s time for me to take my wife upstairs, if you will excuse us.” Javon picked Abby up and blurred upstairs. He shut the door and kissed her as he placed her on the bed. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she was and that she was now all his. Javon began quickly taking off all his clothes. Abby took off her dress, leaving on just her bra and panties, which were see through lace. Javon got an immediate hard on.

  “Oh my god, you’re beautiful.”

  “And you are my hot husband.” Abby grabbed his shoulder pulling him on top of her. She kissed him stroking his fangs with her tongue. A small moan escaped his lips. She could smell his arousal mixed with his natural dark spicy scent. He began kissing her neck increasing her arousal; her panties were getting wet as he kissed his way to her breast, teasing her nipple through her bra before finally removing it. Abby ran her fingers through his hair as he teased her nipples with his teeth and fangs.

  “Bite me Javon.” She moaned as he bit her breast, drinking down her essence and sending her into an immediate orgasm, soaking her panties further. She moaned as the pleasure overtook her.

  “I need you, Javon.” Abby whimpered in a husky voice.

  Javon took off her panties and explored her with his fingers feeling how wet and ready she was.


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