Heidi, Corrupted (An Ex-Wife Sharing Romance)

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Heidi, Corrupted (An Ex-Wife Sharing Romance) Page 12

by Max Sebastian

  She smiled. "He already suggested that we go somewhere," she said. "I said I'd think about it."

  I nodded. "Okay, so when he comes back from his cigarette break, you tell him he can take you home if he wants."

  There were flames in Heidi's eyes. She knew this was another step for us. This was her sleeping with another guy, not merely making out on the dance floor with him. Not merely going down on him.


  "Be careful," I told her.

  "I will."

  "If it doesn't turn out the way you hoped, you don't have to sleep with him."

  "I know."

  "If you get in any trouble, call me. If you can't call, text."


  "And if you're in an emergency situation and you don't have time to write a whole word to text me, just send me a single character."

  Suddenly, after all this, I was nervous at the risks Heidi was taking in sleeping with a stranger.

  "I'll be okay," she said, but I could tell she was pleased with my hint of concern.


  She glanced toward the entrance of the club, and we both saw Patrick coming back in, heading toward her last position.

  "And afterwards?" she asked me. "After it's happened?"

  I felt my stomach squeezed by the nerves, the excitement of the prospect of Heidi — my Heidi — going through with this, actually fucking this man, Patrick.

  I said, "You can come tell me how it went if you like."

  She smiled, nodded, but then had to distance herself from me, make it look as though we didn't know each other, as if we hadn't been talking to each other while Patrick had been away. She was just waiting for him, and she'd gotten herself another drink to keep company while he'd been away.

  "Hi," he said, stepping up to her right in front of me. Jesus, I could smell his cologne.

  "Hey," she smiled, completely blanking me now, Patrick none the wiser that she knew me. She stepped up and slung an arm around his neck before kissing him right there a few feet from me, conspicuously sliding her tongue into his mouth as she did so.

  "Are we stopping for another drink?" Patrick asked her, glancing at her half-drunk cocktail.

  Heidi flashed him a coquettish smile, and said, "I've had enough to drink, don't you think? I was rather hoping you'd take me home."

  "Whatever the lady desires," Patrick returned her smile and took her arm in his. Then they were walking away, fetching their coats at the cloakroom, leaving the club — and I was stunned by it, though the sight of her so clearly thrilled by snagging him left me rock hard between the thighs.

  I took a sip of my own drink and tried to breathe deeply, to calm down my racing heart.

  "So that's it, huh?"

  A familiar voice next to me again. Bella.

  "You just watch them walk off into the sunset, right?"

  "Uh-huh," I nodded.

  "And she's going to sleep with him?"

  "I would say so."

  "And what happens after that?" There was a twinkle in her eyes — she was stirred by the idea of me actively allowing Heidi, my Heidi, to go off and fuck Patrick. By the reality of it actually happening.

  "You never slept with anybody before?" I asked, joked.

  "But the way she looks at you," Bella said. "She's hoping to sleep with you, afterwards, right?"

  "Is it any of your business?"

  She took another sip of that lethal absinthe cocktail of hers and slumped down on the barstool next to me. I wondered how many she'd had tonight. There had to be an easy risk of overdose. "Probably not," she said, "but it's pretty interesting if it's true."

  I laughed. "Don't tell me you write for the Daily Mail?"

  "No, I'm just a student."

  I was surprised by that. She was precocious for a student. Perhaps she was a postgrad.

  "So if you're poly," she said, turning to me and crossing her legs to offer me a wonderful view up her dress, "do you get to see other girls?"

  "I have no need," I said. Okay, she was attractive — very much so. But just then I really didn't need the complication of a date coming along for the ride. I wanted Heidi, or at least Heidi after she'd had her fun with Patrick.

  "Doesn't seem fair," Bella said, jostling her foot a little, as though subtly trying to get me to notice her shapely legs.

  "I just don't need anyone else right now," I shrugged.

  "She's lucky. But I think if it was me... I probably wouldn't want you to see other girls."

  "But you want to sleep with me, knowing I'm sleeping with her?" I said, the alcohol making me so bold to jump to that conclusion.

  Bella actually blushed. It was a good look on her, but I was willing to bet not something that happened very often.

  "Maybe I'm just interested in trying something... a little more open-minded," she said, trying to regain her composure. I was thinking about how Heidi had actually suggested that I ask Bella out, that I date her. How would she react if she turned up at my apartment to find me with her?

  I couldn't guarantee how Heidi would really react. And right now, I didn't want to spoil a good thing. Bella was too much of a distraction.

  "I'm sorry I can't really help you," I said to her.

  She gave a single nod. "Too bad."

  I glanced at my phone. It was getting on for midnight — not an embarrassing time to leave a nightclub alone.

  Bella said, "Your brunette..."


  "What if she really likes him? If she wants to see him again?"

  I shrugged.

  "Aren't you worried you'll lose her to him?"

  "Not really."

  "Because you think she could never run off with someone else? Because you let her see other guys, and he wouldn't."

  "I want her to find someone else."

  "You want to lose her?"

  I smiled. "We're not right for each other. I told you, didn't I? Someone else will be better for her."

  "Better than you letting her sleep around? Seriously?"

  "If this is what she wants... well..."

  Bella said, "What if she falls in love with somebody else?"

  I sipped my drink. "That would be the whole aim of all this."

  "And you'd still want to sleep with her?"

  "That would depend on her. On the guy she was with, I suppose."

  "But you'd really want it that way, if you had the choice?"

  "I think so."

  "Seriously. Wow. Kind of intense."

  I chuckled. "You should try it."

  She nodded. "I should."

  "Probably even more intense if she's really into the guy," I said, joking really, because when you thought about it, this whole situation was just a touch bizarre. "Instead of just having random flings."

  Bella nodded. "Where does she work? You should get her to ask out a colleague," she said. "That might give you something more than a fling."

  I thought of Heidi instantly dismissing the blond guy who had first approached us here when we'd started out, refusing to consider him because he was part of the orchestra.

  "She plays for the Philharmonic," I said.

  "So get her to ask out the fit clarinet player."


  Bella laughed. "There's always a fit clarinet player, isn't there?" Then she was stepping back from me, indicating that it was time for her to leave.

  "Well... see you around," I said.

  She smiled. "I have to find my own bed for the night... if yours'll be occupied later..."

  The pretty blonde adjusted her dress right in front of me, tugging on the neckline so more of her cleavage was on display — as though she needed to do such a thing to attract any guy. I couldn't quite believe I was passing up the opportunity to take her home with me. Yet since Heidi had set us on this strange path, even this gorgeous blonde student was unable to quite meet the appeal of my lowly ex seducing another man before returning to me to share the details.

  I watched Bella disappear back into t
he crowd on the dance floor, and found that if I thought of her as mine, as someone I should be with, and now she was going out to find someone else... well, it did make her seem more interesting, somehow. I guess I was just messed up in the head. There was just something stunningly desirable about a sexually active woman — a promiscuous woman.

  Slowly I sauntered out of the nightclub, glancing at the clock above the cloakroom as I grabbed my coat. Was Heidi home already? The journey in a taxi wouldn't take long. Perhaps she was already making out with Patrick. Taking him to her bed.

  On the way back to my place I was in a constant state of arousal. Buzzing about what was going on. Letting myself into my apartment was as easy as tapping a code into a keypad next to my front door, but I fumbled with it twice, nearly locked myself out. Waiting shouldn't have been anxious for me. Heidi wasn't mine any more, I'd given her up — and I'd been at peace with that. I had no intention of taking her back, and every intention that she should find someone better than me with whom to settle down.

  And yet I so wanted to see her defiled and enjoy witnessing her afterwards. I was nervous that tonight's encounter with Patrick would go too well and that she wouldn't come back to me once he was done.

  At a little past 1am, I found myself at my computer, scrolling through digital photos I'd taken while Heidi and I had been together — mostly from the early stages of our relationship, since toward the latter stages I'd apparently lost interest in taking pictures. She did look happy when we'd first been together. So had I, come to think of it.

  Seeing her back then, when we'd first started dating, it was remarkable how much more attractive she was, how the prettiness of her face was more apparent when she was happy, smiling, laughing. Suddenly I felt myself becoming more possessive of her and the dull throb at the bottom of my chest, which I'd hardly realized was there, abruptly intensified.

  Along with the general state of arousal, I was suddenly feeling pain at the thought of my Heidi being taken by another man. It was very odd.

  Perhaps it was only so apparent because I was under-occupied, merely waiting around, and in the meantime I hadn't heard back from her.

  It was half past one when my phone buzzed to announce a text message. I scrambled to pull it out of my pocket, and there was something from Heidi.

  >Put my training into practice. Think he enjoyed it. Maybe a little too much ;-)

  My semi-erect cock jumped into full hardness at the mental image of Heidi going down on her new lover, particularly since I'd been so involved in attempting to improve her technique. But had she merely gone down on him? Her text was too vague.

  I replied:

  >Where are you? Still with him?

  Heidi's reply came quickly:

  >He's returning the favor, you might say. I guess it means he appreciates my salon visit :-P

  I felt my hardness throbbing as I thought of her lying there, a stranger between her thighs, lapping away at her beautifully groomed pussy.

  >Does he know you're texting me right now?

  >Thinks I'm texting a girl friend to let her know I'm okay. He's a little too busy to worry anyway.

  She wasn't going to be able to text me for much longer, though, if she was only meant to be telling her girl friend she was safe and sound.

  I sent her one last text:

  >Hope you're having a great time. Come see me after, if you want.

  And she replied:

  >Definitely xx


  For a few moments I contemplated taking a cold shower, if only to attempt to calm down, and dislodge the image of Heidi lying there with another man eating her out.

  Then my phone buzzed again, and this time it wasn't just a text message. Heidi was calling me.


  I picked it up with a hint of trepidation. What if Patrick had busted her? If he'd read her texts, knew she was texting a guy friend, not a girl friend, perhaps it angered him. I pressed the green button onscreen to accept the call — but then simply put the phone to my ear to wait and see what the deal was.

  There was no "hello" on the other end. No one said anything, neither Patrick nor Heidi. I only heard what I thought to be someone breathing.

  It took me a moment or two to figure out what I was hearing.

  Two people were breathing heavily, sighing, quietly moaning. After a while I could recognize Heidi. There were the wet sounds of kissing, the silky sweep of skin moving against skin.

  Heidi was letting me listen to him as he took her.

  I was rock hard to realize it.

  Difficult to picture exactly how they were, but I heard Heidi catch her breath, and then the tone of her moans, the slight hitch in her sighs, told me that he was inside her. He was fucking her.

  The sound of him thrusting into her, and of Heidi and Patrick moaning at the sensations sweeping over them, quickly grew to the point that there could be no doubt he was fucking her. A stranger was fucking my Heidi. Her moans were more like cries — and though it was a trifle cutting for me to hear her with another man, it was such a turn-on and I received a warm feeling inside that seemed to stem from knowing I was allowing her this wonderful experience.

  It was so hot to hear her. Heidi, who had always been a good girl, fucking some other guy. I felt a strong urge to go to her, to steal her away, to take her for myself.

  How incredible to hear her. After a while, the sounds changed, in rhythm and pitch, she was moaning more leisurely as he fucked her more slowly, presumably in some other position. They were kissing again, breathlessly — and that seemed to hurt me more than the knowledge they were fucking. There was something more intimate in the kissing, somehow. Fucking was just fucking, detached from affection. I had to stop myself feeling that way, consciously. It was good for her to be affectionate with him. Perhaps she wanted to date him, perhaps he was a keeper.

  She was panting and moaning now, her moans more like gasps. Then it stopped, and I knew they were changing position. When it re-started I could hear the quiet thudding of his body hitting hers, as he pounded into her again and again.

  I don't know how long they lasted. Forever and a day, it seemed like. Patrick clearly had stamina. I stroked my own hardness through my pants as my focus latched onto a picture of Heidi on my computer screen, while listening to someone else thrusting his cock into her.

  I nearly lost it when her cries rose to an undoubted climax and Patrick was groaning and grunting, almost certainly coming powerfully before their moans subsided, tailing off into mere heavy breathing again. Heavy breathing and kisses.

  They were kissing, and they were lying together, and I felt a surge of jealousy — not unbearable, but tangible. My conscious thought overrode the feelings in my heart to know that there was nothing to it, I wasn't losing Heidi here. And even if I did lose Heidi... it was probably for the best, I told myself.

  For a long while I heard nothing through the phone. Their breathing turned to normal, and they weren't kissing any more.

  Then I heard Heidi say, "It's late. You should get going soon."

  Patrick said, "We have plenty of time."

  "Hmm... I don't know... I really have to get up early in the morning." Heidi was lying through her teeth, but I approved one hundred percent. "My parents are expecting me for Sunday lunch, prompt."

  Patrick chuckled. "Maybe next time."

  Then Heidi hung up on me.

  It wasn't long before she texted me:

  >Mission accomplished. Still okay for me to come see you right now?

  I was shaking a little as I replied:

  >Of course.

  Chapter Ten

  I opened the door, and there she was, looking as she had when I'd left her, stunning in her black-and-white dress, although perhaps her hair was a touch disheveled. Her coat seemed awfully thin considering the temperature outside.

  I said, stepping back to invite her in, "Jesus, you must be freezing."

  "The taxi was warm," she said, then smiled. "And I think I'm buzzing so m
uch, I don't notice."

  "So you enjoyed it, then?" I asked. "You... like him?"


  I led her into the living room, not quite knowing what to do now that she was here. If I possessed her, I could do anything I wanted with her. But it felt strange to me — and I didn't know how she still felt about that arrangement after bedding her new man.

  "You could have stayed with him," I said. "If you'd wanted."

  "You wanted me to sleep with him, and then come to see you," she said, sitting on the couch.

  "But if you liked him..."

  She shook her head. "I have his number. If you want me to see him again."

  "You want to see him again?"

  "If you want me to."

  I sighed as I sat in the chair opposite her. I was going to have to get used to this authority stuff. She seemed totally at ease with the idea of me running her life — or at least, her dating life. But if I possessed her, I could enjoy her, too. I was curious to see how she would react to that idea.

  "So... you had fun with him?"

  "Uh-huh." She held her knees, seeming pleased with herself for carrying out her instructions.

  "You slept with him."

  "I did."

  I felt a surge of heat inside me at that. Heidi — my Heidi — had just slept with someone else. He'd been all over her — inside her.

  "Was he good?" I asked, feeling the flicker of dark lust inside me, a deep wickedness at asking her such intimate questions. "Did he make you come?"

  "He was, and he did," she said, sitting there so primly, like this was a job interview for the position of governess to some rich children.

  I hesitated a moment or two, just taking in the fact that Heidi had been intimate with another man just minutes before. Mulling over the feelings inside me, and the strong desire I felt for her — stronger than ever before. There was something devilish in her now, and it was irresistible to me.

  I said, "Did he bring condoms?"

  She shook her head.

  "But you didn't have any, either, and you still let him fuck you?"

  She said, "He pulled out before he finished."

  "Risky," I said. "But I should have made sure you had condoms. How did he finish?"


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