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Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D. I Was There: The Personal Story of the Chief of Staff to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman Based on his Notes and Diaries Made at the Time. London: Victor Gollancz, 1950.
Léautaud, Paul. Journal littéraire, Paris: Mercure de France, vol. XIII, Feb. 1940–June 1941, 1962 and vol. XV, Nov. 1942–June 1944, 1963.
Liebling, A. J. The Road Back to Paris. London: Michael Joseph, 1944.
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Lottman, Herbert. Pétain: Hero or Traitor: The Untold Story. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1985.
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Manville, Roger and Fraenkel, Heinrich. The July Plot: The Attempt on Hitler’s Life in July 1944. London: The Bodley Head, 1964.
Marrus, Michael R. and Paxton, Robert O. Vichy France and the Jews. New York: Basic Books, 1981.
Martelli George with Hollard, Michel. The Man Who Saved London: The Story of Michel Hollard, D.S.O., Croix de Guerre. London: Companion Book Club, 1960.
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Moats, Alice-Leone. No Passport for Paris. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1945.
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Vaughan, Hal. Doctor to the Resistance: The Heroic Story of an American Surgeon and His Family in Occupied France. Washington: Brassey’s, 2004.
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Abadan refinery
Abetz, Heinrich Otto
Abetz, Suzanne
p; Aboulker, Dr Henri
Abtey, Jacques
Abwehr (German military intelligence)
Académie Française
Achenbach, Ernst
Action Française
African-Americans; American Consulate attitudes towards ; Battle of France, participation in ; French intelligence service, work for ; de Gaulle’s army, role in ; jazz musicians; leave Paris ; Nazi attitude towards ; as prisoners of war ; relations with other Parisians ; as soldiers ; US invasion of Paris, exclusion from
Agir Resistance network
al-Gailani, Rashid Ali
Alliance Israelite
Alsatian Brasserie Lipp
ambulance drivers, American volunteer
American Air Forces see also USAAF
American Ambulance Corps
American Ambulance Field Service (AAFS)
American Cathedral, Paris
American Chamber of Commerce, Paris
American Church, Paris
American Club, Paris
American Consulate, Algiers
American Consulate, Biarritz
American Consulate, Brussels
American Consulate, Lisbon
American Consulate, Marseilles
American Embassy in Paris
American Embassy in Vichy
American Expeditionary Force,
American Express
American Federation of Labor
American Hospital of Paris ; Aldebert de Chambrun, role in see Chambrun, General Aldebert de; Allied soldiers escape from ; ambulances ; awarded Order of Merit and Croix de Guerre ; Battle of France, role in ; birth of ; board of governors ; Centre d’Hospitalisation pour Blessés de Guerre Libérés ; charter ; destitute, helps the ; Dr Alexis Carrel, role in ; Dr Edmund Gros, role in ; Dr Sumner Jackson and see Jackson, Dr Sumner; Dr Thierry de Martel and ; entertainment in ; field stations ; finances/funding ; First World War ; food and fuel shortages within ; French Red Cross, turned over to ; German attitudes towards ; Jews, treatment of ; literary patients ; Memorial Building ; nurses ; railway cheminots, treatment of ; Spanish Civil War and
American Legation, Switzerland
American Legion, Paris
American Library in Paris; board ; censorship of authors, German imposed ; Clara de Chambrun, role within ; collection ; Dorothy Reeder and see Reeder, Dorothy; funding ; German attitude towards ; Dr Gros and ; Heinzen article on ; Jewish policy ; prisoners of war, lends books to ; re-opens ; salaries ; staff ; supply of publications ; Sylvia Beach joins board of ; trustees
American Mercury
American Radiator Company
American Red Cross
American Relief Service
American Society for French Medical and Civilian Aid
American Volunteer Ambulance Corps (AVAC)
Americans in France: A Directory
American-Scandinavian Field Hospital
Andermo, Hemming
Anderson, Charles
Anderson, Margaret
Anderson, Sherwood
Anglo-Iranian Oil
Antheil, George
Apollinaire, Guillaume
Appell, Paul
Aragon, Louis
Arc de Triomphe
Asselin, Gilbert
Assemblée Nationale
Associated Press
Auden, W. H.
Ausweis (travel pass)
Awakening from History (Taylor)
Bader, Major Roger
Bagnall, Alfred
Baker, Josephine
banks, American
Baratte, Yvonne
Barnacle, Nora
Barnes, Maynard
Baudoin, Paul
Beach, Cyprian,
Beach, Eleanor Orbison
Beach, ‘Holly’ (Mary Hollingsworth Morris)
Beach, Reverend Sylvester
Beach, Sylvia; Adrienne Monnier, relationship with see Monnier, Adrienne; American pilots, visits shot down ; appearance ; armistice and ; arrives in Paris ; ‘bunnies’ , ; childhood ; collaborators literary circle and , ; death ; Edward Gordon Craig, lobbies for release of ; family ; fight for liberation of Paris, observes ; finances ; First World War ; food shortages ; German army entering Paris, watches ; German soldiers in Paris, experience of ; health ; Hemingway and ; imprisonment ; Jewish friends ; Joyce and ; Knight of the Legion of Honour ; 1930s, life in ; outbreak of war and ; Paul Valéry, friendship with; post-war life ; reasons for staying in Paris ; release from prison camp ; Shakespeare and Company see Shakespeare and Company; US, visits 1936 ; writers, relationships with see also under individual writer name
Beaverbrook, Lord
Becat, Paul-Emile
Becat, Rinette
Bechet, Sidney
Beck, Colonel-General Ludwig
Bedaux, Blanche de Kressier Allen
Bedaux, Charles; Abadan refinery, attempts to save ; arrest and imprisonment ; ‘B’ unit ; burial ; businesses ; character ; Château de Candé and ; citizenship, American , ; death ; ‘equivalism’ ; family ; French Foreign Legion ; French intelligence services and ; French military defeat, depressed by ; Friedrich von Ledebur and; German peace camp and ; health ; house arrest ; Jewish friends, aides ; Joseph von Ledebur and ; Kenadsa coal mines and ; Laval and ; marriages see also Bedaux, Fern; mistresses ; Murphy and ; Nazis, relations with ; nervous breakdown ; New York, first arrives in ; North African pipeline ; Pétain and ; phony war and 4; politics, interest in ; release from prison ; reputation after death ; son, relationship with see also Bedaux, Charles Emile; Trans-Sahara Railway project ; treason, charged with ; US interest in activities ; US, return to ; wealth ; Windsor’s, relationship with ; Weygand, relays offer of premiership to ; youth
Bedaux, Charles Emile
Bedaux, Fern
Bedaux, Gaston
Bedell-Smith, General Walter
Beekman, Dean Frederick Warren
Benét, Stephen Vincent
Benjamin, Walter
Bennett, James Gordon
Benoist-Méchin, Jacques
Berg, Mary
Berge, General Wendell
Bergson, Henri
Bernard, Jacques
‘Bernhard List’
Bernheim, Françoise
Bernhuber, Colonel,
Bibliothèque Nationale
Biddle, General Francis
Biddle, Jr, Anthony Drexel
Bidou, Henri
Billin, Maude Evelyn
Bishop, Ogden
Blanchard, Elsa
Blanchard, Simone
Blum, Léon
Bock, Clemence
Bois de Boulogne
Bonhoeffer, Pastor Dietrich
Bonnard, Abel
Bonnet, Georges
Bonsergent, Jacques
Boothe, Clare
Boucher, Victor
Bouffet, René
Boulanger, Nadia
Bouloumié, Louis
Bove, Dr Charles
Brasillach, Robert
Breton, André
Briggs, Arthur
Briggs, Carlotta Welles
Briggs, Frank
Briggs, Jim
Brinon, Comte Fernand de
Brinon, Lisette de
Britain: Battle of France, role in; declares war on Germany ; in North Africa and Middle East ; prisoners of war ; RAF see RAF; René de Chambrun, attitudes towards ; Saint-Nazaire, raid on ; US military aid to ; V-1 threat to ; Vichy and
British Expeditionary Force (BEF)
Brockere, Suzanne de
Brosse, Maurice de
Bruller, Jean
Bruno, Dr Alexander
Bullard, Eugene
Bullard, Jacqueline
Bullard, Lolita
Bullard, Marcelle
Bullard, William
Bullard’s Athletic Club
Bullitt, (neé Bryant), Louise
Bullitt, Anne
Bullitt, Orville
Bullitt, William; advises Americans to leave Paris ; Ambassador to Soviet Union ; character ; Château de Candé, rents part of ; death ; family ; First World War ; France’s senior politicians, closeness to ; French army, joins; Jacques Simon, aides the release of ; Jewish friends, attempts to aide ; leaves France ; leaves Paris ; mayor of Paris, unofficial ; Nazis, relationship with ; persuades Germans not to destroy Paris ; phony war and 4; refusal to leave Paris ; René de Chambrun and ; returns to liberated American Embassy in Paris ; Roosevelt, relationship with ; Thierry de Martel and ; Vichy government and
Burling, John L.
Burton, G. O.
Bussière, Amédéé
Butcher, Commander Harry C.
Cadman, Lord
Café de la Paix
Caillette, André
Cain, Julien
Cameron, Isabella see Waite, Isabella Cameron
Camp, Ruth
Camperfeld, Erich Posch-Pastor von
Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm
Cannel, Kathleen
Carnegie Endowment
Carnegie Institute
Carrel, Alexis
Carter, Benny
Carter, Bernard S.
Cassidy, Thomas G.
Cassou, Jean
Catholic Church
Catry, Abbé Joseph de
CBS Radio
Chalvron, M. de
Chambres des Députés
Chambrun, Adolphe de
Chambrun, General Aldebert de; abolition of Third Republic, watches ; American Hospital board of trustees, member of ; American Hospital, role in uring occupation ; arrest ; capitulation of German forces, aides ; eased out of hospital job ; family ; First World War ; Lafayette, descendant of ; Laval and ; Le Puy, leaves Paris for ; National City Bank of New York, work for ; occupied Paris, enters for first time ; post-war life ; soldier ; Sumner Jackson, lobbies for release of ; US press rumours of collaboration ; Vichy and
Chambrun, Count Charles de
Chambrun, Countess Clara Longworth de, abandons Paris for Puy ; Allies, attitudes towards ; American democracy, low opinion of; American Library of Paris, work for ; armistice, favours early ; arrest ; battle for liberation of Paris, observes ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour ; de Gaulle, low opinion of ; family see also under individual family member name; First World War ; Franco, attitude towards ; German preparation for Allied invasion of Paris, observes ; Jews, attitude towards ; Laval and Pétain, sympathy with ; Nazis and ; plays, stages ; post-war life ; pre-war life ; Resistance, attitudes towards ; return to occupied Paris ; scholar ; Sylvia Beach and ; The Life and Death of King John, translation of ; US press claim collaboration of ; Vichy and
Americans in Paris: Life & Death Under Nazi Occupation Page 55