Ravinn (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ravinn (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 15

by Maia Starr

  “I am so happy for you Amelia,” Michelle said.

  “I am happy to. I did not think that it was going to happen. I started to lose faith that Ravinn still wanted me. I am so happy that it finally happened,” I said to her with a smile.

  “So am I. Now you can be happy instead of crying, and we can have a good time here in paradise,” she said teasing me.

  We were celebrating the fact that Ravinn finally made love to me. After waiting so long, he finally gave in to his desire and let the past be the past. It was the best sex that I had ever had in my life. It was full of hunger. It was full of satisfying our urges that we had denied for so long. Ever since then, we continue to make love as much as we could. We did it in the morning, and when there was time, we did it in the afternoon. And of course, we did it all night, causing many sleepless nights. I slept in during the day a lot in order to catch up on my sleep. We were like animals. We could not keep our hands off of each other. All it took was one raging argument for him to wake up and remember, see me for who I was. After that, we were golden.

  This was the beginning of a peaceful and calm future. From that point on, it did seem like we were living in paradise. All was working out for everyone. Stephanie and Brenda were soon married to their warriors and then were pregnant right away. Michelle indulged in having a year to figure out what she wanted, and who she wanted, according to the King’s command. We lived in complete bliss, us women that were brought to this alien planet of Kelon together. It was completely surreal that it was happening to us and that we enjoyed it.

  Many, many months later, we were blessed with another triumph.

  “I think it is happening, Ravinn,” I said as I stood in his massive hut in the trees. He was cutting fruit to eat and did not look at me.

  “What is happening?” he asked.

  “I think it is coming,” I said as I put my hands on my full belly.

  “Oh shit! Okay, come over here and lay on the bed,” he said guiding me over. “I will fetch the midwife. Hold on!” he said as he shifted and jumped out the window. In thirty seconds, he was back and carrying the midwife in his arms. She looked very surprised, as though he did not warn her but simply scooped her from the ground.

  “It is my time,” I said to her as I had my hands on my belly.

  “Yes, it is,” she smiled. Then she went to work. Then out of nowhere, Callisto, Ravinn’s father, arrived.

  “I got your message, Ravinn. It is time!” he smiled.

  “Yes, father!” he hugged him. It was good that they were excited. I was excited too, but also scared. But it was fast and easy. I gave birth to a son, a hybrid.

  “We named him Daken Keed,” I said to Michelle as I carried my bundle of joy in my arms. She was standing with Stephanie and Brenda in my hut. Everyone close to Ravinn and I were around and celebrating.

  “He is beautiful. Congratulations,” Michelle said.

  “He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” I said. I was truly happy now that I had him and had Ravinn. I looked at Ravinn across the room. I was beaming with joy, and he had the same happy look on his face. I could not believe that the alien warrior that drove me to frustration when I first met him was now the father of my child. So much had changed.

  I could not believe that I had left my life as a secretary in New York and started a life on an alien planet. I had been bored with my life, and I was treated badly at work. All of that seemed like it was many years ago. Time flew by very fast. I did not recognize the Amelia that I was back in New York.

  Being taken by the Draqua was the best thing that could ever have happened to me. If I had to live that moment all over again, I would. I had found adventure and happiness in the most unusual place. It was very magical, and I would not trade it in for anything else.

  A few weeks later, we were set in our routine with the new baby.

  “Are you happy?” Ravinn asked me as we sat in the sand on the shoreline of the beach. He carried our son in his arms.

  “I am so happy that I feel like I am going to burst with happiness,” I told him. He gave me a very deep kiss on my lips.

  “I feel the same way. I never thought I could be this happy. I never thought I could learn to leave the past in the past. I changed everything that I am for you, Amelia, and I would do it again and again. You are everything to me, my beautiful wife. I love you,” he said.

  “And I love you, my alien dragon shifter. You are magical,” I said back to him. We sat in the sand watching the sun dip into the ocean in the distance. The golden orange and pink colors danced on the turquoise blue waters. I had truly found paradise, but I had to leave Earth in order to find it.

  The End(Flip page to read your bonus books!)

  HADEN: Dragons Of Udora

  (A Sci-Fi Alien Weredragon Romace)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter One


  Everything was going swimmingly. Which, for me, probably meant something was about to go wrong.

  That was life’s inevitable curse on me. I studied to become a reporter, and I ended up in diplomatic relations. I was finally making enough money to take care of my father, then he passed away. Such is life.

  The good luck I was referencing this day was the choosing ceremony. Each year, partial alien shifters called WereDragons would come to Earth to claim female mates. This used to be a more savage practice until Earth’s government decided to make a trade. They would line up the best possible breeders for the men to choose from, and in return, we could send scientists and research teams back to their planet Udora on year-long expeditions.

  It was a mutually beneficial partnership between their government, “The Koth,” and Earth. I work for Riddell, a space station and organization in charge of unifying Earth and Udora. I worked directly under their chief director, Zaphira Reneau. We operated not only the choosing ceremonies, but diplomatic visits to Udora to retain our preferred conditions of peace.

  Today, though, I was on the other side of the process. Today, I was chosen.

  “You are going to lose your mind,” came the squeaky voice of Anita Conlin. She was the chief agent for sending couples back to Udora after the choosing ceremonies. Basically, this was just a fancy title for passport control. Also, she was my best friend.

  “You’re going to be out of control for the first time ever, and it’s going to make you crazy,” she reiterated as she leaned against the check-in counter, swiping identity cards along with no interest as excited couples approached the partition.

  She looked over at me with her light brown hair and large brown eyes. She had the darkest, most enviable eyelashes I had ever seen. Her hair was crafted into an intricate bun, and her wide lips smiled with a chiding grin as she continued, “Admit it!”

  “Oh stop,” I grumbled with a half-hearted smile as I watched her work with little enthusiasm. I twirled my lanyard around my fingers and lost eye contact with her for just a moment. “It’s going to be fine.”

  “And you get to keep your job then, or is this it? Should I just say my goodbyes now and call it quits for this friendship?”

  A white dragon with long, elegant wings and deep black eyes stood at the counter with a gorgeous nurse on his muscular arm. He had spots of black and gold throughout his coloring, which was an unusual sight. He had just claimed the woman next to him an hour earlier. She had a blunt pixie cut and couldn’t seem to keep her hands off the shifter. She whispered in his ear and ran her hand down his body as he looked on with growing impatience with Anita.

  He held his official documents out in front of him, but Anita didn’t notice.

  “Good to know I’m that easy to forget!” I laughed.

  “That’s five years down the drain, I hope you know,” she chattered with mock indignity.

  “Shh,” I instructed in a whisper. “I’m keeping my job, okay? I’ll probably be back in a month or two.”

  “Whew!” She wiped her hand along her forehead.

  The white dragon hu
ffed loudly and dropped his papers on the counter before turning back to glance at the growing line of couples, all anxious to get back on the shuttle and do some… coupling.

  “Anita,” I lectured and darted my eyes toward the queue.

  The couple behind the blonde pixie and her white dragon had gone from light pecking to full on petting and groping.

  “I guess I’d better get this moving before it starts getting X-rated in here,” she said and quickly grabbed the papers off the desk. She looked the documents over before hammering a digital stamp down on the papers and sending the couple on their way, proving once again how efficient she was at her job. When she paid attention.

  Anita stamped the next couple’s papers, but they didn’t seem to notice. Embroiled in their passions, Anita slammed the stamp down again and cleared her throat. “Honey!” she called out firmly. “Either give us a peep show or move along!”

  The couple, embarrassed, shuffled off while the rest of the room filled with hushed laughter at their expense.

  “Sluts,” she whispered with a roll of her eyes. “That’s so gonna be you, by the way.”


  “Hey, what? Oh, and have we mentioned that this is like a match made in heaven? You work with the space station, and he is a dignitary!”

  “I know.” I chuckled. “And here I thought my trips to Udora would always be full of meetings and check-ins.”

  She looked down at my match’s papers, already waiting at the desk for her to stamp through. Dignitaries got special treatment like that. She held his photo up and looked absolutely beguiled. “Does it bother you that he can’t show you around now?”

  “Around Udora?” I clarified and felt increasingly puzzled by the question. “No, why should it?”

  “That’s part of the fun!” she insisted. “Fun for him and for you. They love showing the ladies all the moss and the mountains, you know, as though we’ve never seen a blade of grass before. Then we swoon, and they feel proud,” she said with embellished gestures.

  “Hopefully that’s not all he wants to show me,” I said suggestively with a quick raise of my brows.

  “Or all you’ll be swooning about!” she added and we both burst into laughter usually reserved for women who were sharing a dirty secret.

  “It’s all very manly,” she continued. “Gets their tails wagging, if you know what I mean?”

  “You seem to have a lot of authority on this subject for someone who’s never actually been in a choosing ceremony.”

  “I’m with Christopher!” she said, incensed. “Besides, just because I’ve never been chosen doesn’t mean I’ve never jumped between the sheets with a shifter.” She snickered and my face flushed at the sentiment. Then she looked horrified. “Please don’t tell Zaphira,” she said through gritted teeth; her eyes wide. “She would kill me. Figuratively. Maybe.”

  I giggled and waved her off. “No worries. Speaking of Zaphira, though, she really didn’t seem too jazzed about all this.”

  “Does she ever? Zaphira was the one who started this whole thing to begin with, so she’ll really have a lot of nerve saying anything about it.”

  “She’s down on the whole process, all the time, every time,” I snapped. “Do you know she actually took me aside and told me not to take my ‘reporters cap’ off?”

  Anita gave me a blank stare before her brows furrowed up into confusion. “What does that mean?”

  “Who knows?”

  “She’s probably just scared you’ll fall madly in love with sexy shifter Haden and spill all her dirty little secrets.”

  I backed against the counter behind me and hoisted myself on top of the desk. She wasn’t wrong. I’d been accompanying Zaphira on meetings to Udora for six years now, ever since my 22nd birthday. I knew firsthand the relationship between Earth and the Koth. I knew the struggles they’d overcome to make the choosing ceremonies continue; the scandals.

  I would have thought of myself as her confidant, of sorts, if Zaphira was the type to confide. Still, I knew how she liked her coffee and eventually knew how to run her operation just the way she liked it.

  It was Zaphira’s job as the ambassador of Riddell, the organization put in place to maintain peace with Udora, to ensure everything ran smoothly between our planets. It was my job to do frequent journeys and monthly call-ins with the Koth to make sure Udora was still a safe space for humans to breed.

  Funny. I’d used that term hundreds of times in the past. ‘Breeders.' That expression seemed so cold now that I was considered one of the breeders.

  “So, are you coming with?” I asked, now desperate to change the subject.

  “To your lovemaking swoon fest?” She winked. “I’ll pass.”

  “No, idiot, to Udora.”

  “Oh thaaat,” she said while drawing out her vowels. “Yes dear, of course. Why?” she asked suddenly, rushing my bag through security and then tossing it back over to me. “You itching for a chaperone?”

  “Oh yes, that is me.”

  “So, you ever met prince charming before?”

  I shook my head. I’d met enough dignitaries by now to have forged a few friendship on the mountainous planet, but never Haden.

  I’d been a reporter before Zaphira brought me into Riddell. She’d read several of my pieces regarding a different planet and its geopolitical drama and decided to scoop me up into her fold. I’d gladly accepted, of course. I wasn’t the only woman, nor reporter, who wanted to jump at the chance to meet the Koth.

  There had even been several occasions where I’d flirted with the higher ups in passing. Partially to stroke my ego, partially to pass the time, and partially because they were so incredibly sexy.

  “Seriously, though,” Anita huffed, jostling me away from my thoughts as she spun in her black leather office chair. “Please don’t be one of those girls who runs off and sleeps with the shifter on the first day. Those couples are never happy.”

  “I think it’s kind of romantic,” I said.

  “It’s not,” she responded bluntly, stamping the last couple through and pointing them to the nearest exit to the shuttle platform. “It’s just trashy.”

  “Aww, they’re just excited.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

  The sooner a breeder could get pregnant, the more favorably she was looked on by the Koth.

  “Here comes Prince Charming now,” she suddenly blurted, spinning back in her chair and watching my match walk through the blue tinted glass doors. Anita stood from her desk as he approached and nodded her hello to the black dragon. “Hello, Mr. Commissioner.”

  “What a greeting,” he said in the most charming way possible; his eyes darting behind her to catch my attention. I slid off the desk and straightened my blazer out, suddenly all too aware of how handsome he was.

  He had a deep, beautiful skin tone with black scales that seemed to He had short brown hair that was cut to a small fuzz that made him appear even more athletic and fierce, and blazing blue eyes that sat in his strong, square face. There were small patches of crystal shards patched in with his broad scales that I had never seen before on a shifter. These details made me want to get to know him even more.

  “Hello again,” I said and tried not to smile like a teenager.

  “Hello, Sarra. And may I said how incredibly charmed I am by your accent,” he responded.

  Normally I hated when people said this. I’m English, and everyone thinks it’s a compliment to tell me how refined I sound when I speak or how fetching my accent is when, to me, they’re the ones who have the accent. Anita knows my irritation with this and offers a giggle as she buries her head in her hands.

  Usually, I’d have some kind of sarcastic quip ready to defend myself with, but instead, I said, “I hope that isn’t all you’ll be charmed by.”

  “Something tells me it won’t be,” he said with a smile.

  “Ooh!” Anita gasped. “She must like you!”

  “So,” he began, turning around for a
moment to make sure there were no more couples waiting in the oversized room. “Are we able to leave together, or do you have some business to attend to?”

  “No, no,” I said quickly. “I’m ready now. I wouldn’t want to keep my handsome shifter waiting.”

  “Handsome, she says,” he said with a wry smile, looking over at Anita with an expression that said he was impressed.

  “Oh, you like that, do you?” I asked flirtatiously.

  “Sure,” he said with a shrug. “I mean, striking, powerful, and hilarious aren’t bad adjectives either. But handsome will have to do for now, as you’ve yet to know my handful of other pleasing qualities.”

  “Pleasing, you say?” I smiled. “I will hold you to that.”

  “I wouldn’t expect any less from a diplomat,” he said.

  “And what’s up with men and their need to be funny?” I asked and looked to Anita, who gave me an equally passive, confused stare.

  Haden’s brows raised far up his forehead and he shifted his arm above his head to scratch his back with a hint of clumsiness. “Is it wrong to want to make a lady laugh?” he asked nervously.

  “No, but it’s like that’s the first thing they want us to think,” Anita interrupted. “It’s like once you get in a room with a woman, you all turn into a bunch of comedians.”

  “Well, I assure you both my hilarious styling will speak for itself, thank you very much.”

  Anita and I giggled amongst ourselves, and then I walked out from behind the counter. He took my hand and kissed it gently, his scales glowing ever so slightly as he made contact with my skin. He wore a blue blazer that perfectly complemented his eyes and black slacks. He was dressed like a gentleman.


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