Taming the Texan

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Taming the Texan Page 10

by Jules Bennett

  “That’s not...” She shook her head and looked away.

  Whatever she was dealing with was none of his concern. He didn’t want to take on any more baggage from anyone. He could barely carry his own mess.

  Hayes came to his feet and backed up. “Why don’t you get your clothes on, or stay in mine, I don’t care. Then meet me in the kitchen.”

  She brought her focus back to him, drawing her brows in and narrowing her eyes. “Why?”

  “I’ve got something planned for both of us to take our minds off everything else going on.”

  When her eyes trailed over his body, he had to laugh. “As much as I’m tempted to give in to that silent invitation, I have something else in mind.”

  “I wasn’t inviting,” she stated.

  “You said the same thing last night after you paraded naked in front of me. We know how that ended.” He sauntered from the room and called over his shoulder, “You’ll want pants and shoes on for this. Meet me downstairs in five.”

  * * *

  Well, ten minutes later and she was in the kitchen, where Hayes was absent. What on earth was he doing?

  Alexa went to the French press and figured she’d fire it up and have a good cup of coffee. It was so rare she managed to grab a cup at home. Mornings were usually rushed getting Mason ready for the sitter and her trying to get to school on time to be the smiling teacher ready to go when her students arrived.

  “Taking your coffee break already?”

  As the drip started, Alexa turned her attention from the much needed morning fuel to the man behind her clutching a sledgehammer.

  “Um, what are you doing?”

  “We’re going to take down the cabinets.”

  Stunned at his bold statement, she leaned against the counter and crossed her arms. “Why are we busting them out? I didn’t think you’d decided what to do in here, yet.”

  With a shrug, Hayes eased the sledgehammer on the floor and propped the handle against the door frame. “I know these need to come out before I can do anything else. So the first thing I’ll do is empty them. Considering nearly every room in this house is bare, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a home for the few dishes and pans I have. And my microwave can go anywhere for the time being.”

  Alexa figured she had two options: she could drink her coffee and get going on this demolition or she could drink her coffee and spend the rest of the day worried about things she had no control over.

  Either way, she was getting her liquid jump-start.

  “Let’s get these cleaned out then,” she told him.

  An hour later they had everything out of the kitchen and eating area. The counters were cleared off and Alexa was caffeinated and ready to go.

  “Do you want to hit them first or should I?” he asked.

  “I’ll do it.”

  Hayes crossed the room and grabbed the sledgehammer. Before he handed it over, he pulled a pair of work gloves from his back pocket.

  “Put these on.”

  She eyed the well-worn leather. “Where are yours?”

  “I have one pair and you’re wearing them. Not up for discussion.”

  She wondered if he ever wore gloves. Those strong hands of his were rough, but they slid over her skin easily and sent shock waves all through her.

  If she didn’t focus on the sledgehammer instead of those masterful hands, she’d knock herself out while doing this demo work. Without arguing, she slid the gloves on and adjusted the wrist strap. When she picked up the sledgehammer, she was a little surprised how heavy it was. She didn’t do too many teardowns. While she had lived alone for some time now and did most repairs herself, she’d had no reason to own such a tool.

  Though she did re-screen her back door and change out the leaky pipe in her bathroom faucet. She was rather proud of herself when she managed things on her own. Considering everything was on the Internet, she would at least try once before calling in reinforcements. She didn’t always have the funds to pay someone to ride to her rescue when things went wrong.

  “You got it?” Hayes asked.

  Alexa nodded. “Where should I start?”

  “Anywhere. As long as you don’t bust the window, feel free to smack anything. I want it all gone.”

  She went to the side of the base cabinet and gave a swing. Well, in her mind it was a hefty swing, but it barely made a hole in the side of the old wood. How embarrassing considering Mr. Muscles behind her could probably take it out with one whack.

  “Harder,” he demanded. “Whatever you were upset about this morning, whatever came between us last night, use that emotion and smack the hell out of that cabinet.”

  Thoughts about how life wasn’t fair ought to do it. The fact her husband had been taken, her child robbed of a father, then to find the one guy she was interested in had been her husband’s friend...

  The sledgehammer came around, her grip tightened as it made contact with the cabinet and busted right through.

  Apparently channeling heart-clenching emotions was the perfect solution for demo work. She needed something to demo at home on those days that she struggled to get through.

  “At this rate I won’t have to do anything but haul everything away,” Hayes joked. “Swing at it again.”

  Alexa banged over and over. The muscles in her shoulders and arms burned, but this was the greatest therapy she’d ever had. Even if she could get over that hurdle of Hayes’s insistence about being alone, now she had the barrier of her late husband. How had she never known about Hayes?

  Obviously, they’d lost touch after school when Hayes went overseas, but Alexa had never heard his name and—

  Oh, no. She had. She’d heard his name several times. Well, she’d heard Scott talk about his friend “Cowboy.” Ironically the same name she’d called Hayes right before they...

  “Okay,” Hayes called over the crashing sound.

  Alexa took a step back. Sweat dampened her skin, causing her tank to cling. She eased the head of the sledgehammer down to the ground and rested the handle against her thigh. She was definitely going to feel that workout in the morning, or quite possibly tonight.

  “Feel better?”

  Alexa glanced over to see a very smiley Hayes. She hadn’t seen that much emotion from him other than when they were naked.

  “I’m sweating and sore,” she told him. “That was amazing.”

  Hayes chuckled and stepped forward. “Maybe I should exorcise some demons, as well.”

  Alexa stepped far enough back to not get hit by the debris, but still close enough to admire that very masculine form in action. Muscles clenched and bulged as he took his own frustrations out. Before long, the entire wall with the sink was done.

  Hayes stepped back and pulled in a deep breath. “Well, that didn’t take as long as I thought.”

  “What about the other wall?” she asked.

  “That’s a gas stove, so I’ll wait to pull that out. I think we’ve done enough for the day.”

  Alexa took in the carnage and propped her hands on her hips. “So how are we going to cook?”

  Hayes propped the sledgehammer against the newfound wall. “I have plenty of things. We won’t need to cook.”

  Alexa narrowed her eyes. “Like what?”

  “Ice cream, cereal, bread from Sweet Buns.”

  “I’m here for two days and I’m going to leave fat if all you have is carbs.”

  Hayes’s gaze raked over her entire body. “You’re perfect now and you’ll be just as perfect when you leave even with a buffet of carbs.”

  Words every woman wanted to hear. If she was ready for something more, maybe he’d be the one who helped her get back into life as a couple, the man who fed her every fantasy, the one she told her every secret...

  Except, oh, that’s right. She was now the one keeping a secret from

  She couldn’t tell him about Scott. Something about the admission felt too emotional, too raw. She’d be gone soon and Hayes would never have to know who she was. That was for the best, considering both of them had determined this to be physical only and nothing personal.

  Bringing Scott into the mix now would only make it seem like she’d been keeping something from him all along. And considering they weren’t going to see each other again, it was best she just kept her late husband to herself.

  “I say we have ice cream for dinner,” he told her as he closed the distance between them.

  “You don’t have to talk me into that if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  A corner of his mouth tipped up as he reached her and banded his arms around her waist. “Oh, that’s not what I’m thinking.”

  Alexa flattened her palms against his chest. “We’re filthy, Hayes. And I know I smell.”

  His lips trailed over her jawline. “We’re definitely on the same page. You do stink.”

  She swatted his shoulder with a laugh.

  “Which is why I’m about to go scrub you from head to toe and work out those sore muscles in the shower.”

  She squealed as he scooped her up. She started to say something about his knee, but he wouldn’t care. He’d ignore the pain and push through because once Hayes had his mind set on something, he followed through.

  And apparently he had his mind set on making sure she was thoroughly clean.


  By the time Sunday rolled around, it was like the sky opened up and poured down some much needed sunshine. Alexa was sore in places she hadn’t even known muscles existed—from the sex and the demolition. She’d ended up staying in Hayes’s bed last night, though she’d vowed to herself not to. Things just progressed and that was where she stayed.

  The man had a power over her she couldn’t comprehend. It was as if the word no didn’t exist where he was concerned.

  And her time there had come to an end. She’d been in contact with Sadie, never once admitting where she’d truly been. They were expecting her home this afternoon and Alexa knew the water had gone down and she’d be able to deliver on that promise.

  Alexa adjusted her tank over the top of her jeans. She was most excited about putting on different clothes. Even though Hayes had washed her things while she’d worn his shirts, she still wanted something else.

  But part of her hated to be leaving. The house was amazing and she wanted to see more of what would be done, but she’d never be back. She’d never see what happened with the kitchen they’d torn up and she’d never know if he put that long farmhouse table in for guests or if he’d keep it simple so he didn’t have to invite people over.

  So much about this house, and this man, she would miss.

  Being in bed with him last night, not just the sex but the actual intimacy, had sparked something deeper inside her. After sleeping alone for two years, having someone right beside her had been...perfect. She’d slept so well, all cradled in Hayes’s arms. When morning had come, she didn’t want to get up, but she knew this fairytale couldn’t last forever. The real world waited on both of them.

  As Alexa came down the steps and headed toward the kitchen, she heard Hayes cursing.

  “Something wrong?”

  Her question had him jerking around, eyes wide. His hair was all a mess, from sleeping or running his fingers through it. “Just a minor electrical issue.”

  “Do you want to ride back with me?” she asked, knowing full well he would.

  He pulled in a deep breath and met her gaze from across the space. “Stay.”

  That one word held so much power as it settled between them.

  “You don’t mean that.”

  Those dark eyes that held so much pain never wavered from hers. “You know I never say something I don’t mean.”

  That was true. She’d come to know him pretty well over the past couple of days. “You’ll be glad to see me go,” she informed him, remaining where she was in the doorway.

  “I slept better last night than I have in years.”

  She didn’t want to hear that. She didn’t want to know that she had an impact on him because last night had been a turning point for her, too. She was having a difficult time gearing herself up to leave. And if he were being honest, he wouldn’t want her to stay. This euphoric state would wear off and he’d want his privacy once again. It was best for everyone if she left as planned and they forgot about each other.

  In theory, that’s exactly what should happen, but Alexa wasn’t so quick to believe that she could just let all of this go.

  “You’ll do fine once I’m gone,” she assured him, and tried to take the advice herself. “You only slept so well because of the sex.”

  Hayes shrugged. “Maybe so. I wouldn’t turn down sex or a good night’s sleep if you stayed.”

  “We both know that’s not a good idea and I have a son and reality to get back to.”

  Now he did cross the room, and her heart kicked up. Maybe it was the whirlwind weekend or perhaps it was just the man himself, but every time he looked at her she couldn’t help the fire that continued to blaze within her.

  “Maybe I don’t want reality,” he told her as he nipped her lips. “One more day. Stay one more day.”

  The man could tempt a saint, and she was surely no saint. Alexa slid her hands over his arms and tipped her head back.

  “You make me want to forget responsibilities.”

  That naughty grin from his lips had her biting back her own. “Don’t look at me like that,” she scolded. “I’ll never leave here.”

  Hayes slid his hands under her tank as his lips captured hers. Easing her back, he completely covered her, but held her all at the same time. The man’s strength never failed to impress her, which was just another reason she found him so intriguing.

  Her time was up, but she desperately wanted to stay. She wanted to get Mason here to play in the yard and ride the horses. But that was all fantasy because the reality was Hayes was a billionaire living in a far different world.

  As his lips pressed deeper into hers, Alexa clutched at his shoulders. Those fingertips brushed the underside of her breasts.

  “Looks like everything is fine here.”

  Alexa jerked, but to Hayes’s credit, he only cringed. He kept his hold on her, tipped back and all, and merely turned his head to the back door where a tall, broad man stood. He had to be an Elliott. He had the same dark hair, dark eyes and naughty grin.

  “Get out, Colt.”

  Annabelle’s husband. No doubt Annabelle wondered what had happened to her B and B guest.

  “Is that any way to treat your brother who came all the way back here to check on you?” Colt asked, stepping farther into the room. He eyed Alexa. “Colt Elliott. You must be Alexa. My wife has been worried, but I told her if you were with Hayes, you’d be in good hands.”

  Pushing against Hayes, Alexa stood upright. “I was definitely in good hands, as you can tell.”

  Colt’s brows rose as he let out a bark of laughter. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “Yes, you did,” Hayes growled. “Now leave.”

  “Actually, I was on my way out.” Alexa turned her attention to Hayes for the briefest of moments before looking back to Colt. “I need to get to the B and B and settle my bill and gather my things.”

  “There’s no bill.”

  Alexa spun around. “There is a bill. Just because I didn’t stay there doesn’t mean I don’t owe.”

  “It’s taken care of,” he insisted.

  Narrowing her eyes, she crossed her arms. “You’re not paying my bill.”

  “It’s taken care of,” Colt repeated.

  Turning back to the other brother, Alexa sighed. “Is this how it’s going down? I’m getting overruled? I can pay
my own way.”

  “I thought your friend was paying,” Hayes asked as he came to stand beside Colt. She could definitely see the similarities now. “Why are you settling up?”

  “She gave me the money to put on my card for the room, but I’m giving it back. She watched my son all weekend. That was enough of a favor.”

  “Well, consider your stay free and clear,” Colt declared. “Annabelle was so worried, though we figured you’d gone out with the horses and since Doc was missing, we knew Hayes had taken him.”

  “Nolan’s always too busy at the hospital or with his new wife and baby to get Doc out that often,” Hayes added.

  This familial moment was not helping her get out unscathed. She’d already fallen in love with this house; she’d partly fallen for the man, though she chalked the unwanted emotions up to the whirlwind affair. If she stayed much longer and heard more about their brotherly bond and witnessed their banter firsthand, she wasn’t sure she could push aside what she was feeling for Hayes.

  Oh, yes, he’d asked her to stay, but he meant in his bed. And, tempted as she was, she had to leave. Now.

  “I can ride Jumper back,” she suggested.

  “Nonsense,” Colt replied. “Why don’t you take my truck? Hayes and I will get the horses back to the stables.”

  “Take your truck?” she asked.

  “I’ll drive her,” Hayes stated. “In your truck. You can stay here until I get back or you can ride Doc. Leave Jumper for me.”

  “I can send a stable hand,” Colt suggested.

  “Jumper is fine here and I’ll take—”

  “I’ll drive myself.”

  Both sets of eyes turned to her. Alexa cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. “That is, if you don’t mind,” she said to Colt.

  “Not at all. Keys are in it. Just leave it parked at the B and B.”

  Hayes’s dark eyes held her in place for only a moment before she crossed the room. The two men parted at the back door as she passed through. With her hand on the screen, she carefully let it close softly, so as not to bang.

  Her heart clenched as she froze on the porch. She risked a glance over her shoulder where Hayes stood on the other side of the screen, his hands shoved in his pockets, the muscle in his jaw clenching.


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