The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1)

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The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1) Page 18

by Tricia Andersen

  If only the rest of Braden saw that.

  Buddy, Molly and Jenny kept true to their word. They stood right beside her. Buddy woke her up every morning with a hot cooked breakfast even though she didn’t have the stomach to eat it. It was a huge sacrifice for him, considering what time he came home each night. The girls poured over every parenting book, so they could expect the unexpected. Even Jenny’s parents and sister jumped in to help where they could since this baby would be part of their family. Lily appreciated it but it just twisted the knife deeper in her heart. It just reminded her that the phone calls from Reese stopped—he was gone for good.

  Lily sighed as she looked up from the circulation desk. Nearly everyone in Braden avoided her except one.

  Connor Baker sauntered across the wood floor, a devious glimmer in his green eyes. Even in high school, he thought his slicked back black hair looked cool.

  To her, he looked like a used car salesman.

  “Well, hello, Lily Dixon,” he crooned.

  She sighed. “Can I help you find something, Connor?”

  “Already found it. How about I take you to dinner tonight?”

  “I’m not interested. But thank you.”

  He leaned over the circulation desk to get closer. “Lily, Lily, Lily,” he chided. “In your condition, no guy in Braden is going to want you. Especially considering who knocked you up. No one wants Reese Cooper’s leftovers. I am the only chance you’ll ever have.”

  Lily glanced around the library, meeting the other patron’s cold stares. “Again, no thank you,” she murmured weakly.

  “Suit yourself.” He winked as he walked away.

  Lily watched him until he disappeared out the door. Was Connor right? She wanted her child to have a father. Truthfully, she wanted her baby to have his or her father. Unfortunately, Reese cut himself out of their lives. That option was out. Connor did have a good job at the ethanol plant. And he had been after Lily since they were in high school. Would one date be bad?

  She was still pondering those thoughts when she closed the library and made her way to Buddy’s Bar. She slipped around the bodies to reach the bar but stopped short when she found Connor sitting alone at a table.

  “I knew you’d come here,” he smirked. He motioned to the empty chair. “Have a seat.”

  “Connor, really—”

  “Lily, it’s just dinner. Am I that bad?”


  “Then sit.”

  Lily dropped into the seat, clutching the drink menu in her hands.

  Jenny wandered over to them to take their order, her eyes growing wide when she saw Lily. “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll take a burger and a Bud Light. And she’ll have…”

  “Ginger ale and fries,” Jenny snarled.

  “I’m sure that’s not what she wants.”

  “I’m sure you have no idea.” Jenny stomped off before Connor could say any more.

  He huffed. “Where does she get off?”

  “She’s one of my best friends. She knows about my morning sickness,” Lily defended.

  “You don’t think I know what’s best for you?”

  “Connor, you hardly know me.”

  “I know you better than you think. Your favorite color is sapphire blue. You claim to love classic literature but your favorite genre is romance. And the one place you want to visit before you die is Ireland. Does Cooper know those things?”

  “I don’t know.” Lily’s voice was a squeak.

  “I doubt it. All he wanted was to fuck you. I’m offering you a future. Security. Think about it.”

  Lily startled as the basket of fries were dropped in front of her. She looked up, seeing the look of warning burning in Jenny’s eyes. Lily nibbled on a fry as her friend walked away.

  Connor talked about himself the rest of the meal between bites of burger. Lily wasn’t able to get a syllable in. He gave his credit card to Jenny with a wink. “Next time we go Dutch. Right?”

  “Who said there will be a next time?” Lily protested.

  “Oh, there will be.” He signed the receipt then stood, motioning her ahead of him.

  She reluctantly rose and made her way to the door. Just as the warm night air hit her face, so did a pair of lips. The taste of cheap, stale beer nearly made her gag. Connor shoved his tongue in her mouth, holding her head still as he did so. She had no choice but to kiss him back.

  His smile was pure evil as they parted. “Now, that’s a good girl. Let’s go back to my place and keep this up.”

  “Connor, I’m really tired. I just want to go home.”

  “Sleep at my place.”

  “I don’t think my roommate would like that.”

  “Who’s your roommate?”


  “You’re telling me you live with a guy? What, do you sleep in the bed that Cooper screwed you in? Did you do them both?”

  Lily glared at him appalled. “Yes, I do sleep in the bed. And no. I only slept with Reese. Buddy and I are just friends.”

  Connor let her go. “Lily, you have too many issues. I’m out.” He strode away, leaving her alone on the sidewalk.

  Dejected, she walked home and crawled into bed. Despite the bizarre evening, she fell right to sleep.

  Connor made no appearance the next day. Lily felt relieved. Even though he made some great points about her future being alone, something in her didn’t trust him. She buried herself in her work to avoid the glares.

  Her heart sunk when she found him waiting for her when she locked up that night.

  “I decided to give you another chance,” he announced.

  “You’re so kind,” she responded sarcastically.

  “Come on. I’m starving. Let’s eat.” He took her hand and nearly dragged her down the street to Buddy’s Bar. Finding an empty table, he sat in one seat. He pointed to the other. “Sit.”

  Lily collapsed into it. She watched as he scanned the bar, unsure what he was looking for. A smile spread across his face. “I have to take a leak. Get me a Bud Light.” He stood and stepped around the table stopping in front of her. Tipping her chin up to him, he engulfed her lips in a kiss. Chuckling, he strode off to the restrooms.

  Lily looked around the bar, seeing every set of eyes locked on her including Buddy’s.

  He was none too pleased. He reached into the cooler to pull out a familiar can. Pouring the contents in a glass, he crossed the bar and set it before her. “No. End it,” he demanded.

  “Pardon me?”

  “Connor can’t be trusted. End the relationship.”

  “It’s just dinner, Buddy.”

  “That kiss didn’t look like just dinner, unless you’re the entrée.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It better be.”

  She glanced away uneasily. “Could you get him a Bud Light?”

  “He has you ordering for him? Lily, back away. Now.”


  He huffed at her before he stormed off.

  Lily slumped in her seat as she sighed miserably. Buddy was right. She needed to get away. But it was just dinner and a kiss.

  Connor dropped into his chair frowning. “Where’s my beer?”

  “Buddy’s bringing it.”

  “Good. Thought you were going to say you didn’t order it. I’d have to be upset then.” He took her hands into his. “So, after we eat, we’ll go back to my place. I’m dying to see what’s under that librarian outfit.”

  “She’s going home to bed,” Buddy snapped as he set the bottle of beer in front of Connor with a hard klunk.


  “Of course not.”

  “Then stay out of my business. I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.”

  Lily had never seen Buddy so angry before. “Lay a hand on her and I’ll make you regret it.”

  “Not in your bar. You wouldn’t want to anger your customers, now would you?”

  Lily could hear Buddy growl as he stomped off.

/>   Another waitress, not Jenny thankfully, took their order.

  Connor shook his head. “He’s gonna just have to get used to me being your boyfriend. I’m the only man who’ll step up to the job.”

  “You make it sound like dating me would be horrible,” Lily defended.

  “Lily, you’re sort of cute in that intelligent geeky way. It’s an acquired taste. But with that Reese Cooper thing.” He took a sip of beer. “I am your only chance at a future.”

  “I’m sure there are others.” Lily could hear the doubt in her voice.

  “Buddy? Would you do that to your friend?”


  “Well, that leaves me then.”

  The waitress arrived with their food. Once again, Connor did nothing but talk about himself. Like the night before, he kissed her goodnight but this time became a mini make out session. His hands wandered places only Reese had touched. She hated it but she didn’t seem to have the will to make him stop.

  Every night that week, Connor took her to Buddy’s Bar. He told her it was to improve her reputation in town. Deep down, she knew it was to parade her around to the folks of Braden that she was his girlfriend. He did everything he could to keep her from her friends.

  When she did see them, it was only long enough for them to warn her about him. She felt trapped. It only made her miss Reese more than ever.

  Then finally it happened. It was something Lily dreamed about since she was a little girl. But with Connor the dream turned into a nightmare. Coercing himself into her office, he sat on the couch with her. As he was kissing her, his fingers quickly tugged the buttons open on her blouse. She quickly held it closed.

  “Come on, Lily. Don’t play shy. I know you’re not a virgin. Give Papa some sugar.”

  “I made a mistake. I want my next time to be my wedding night,” she breathed the words out, hoping it would make him back off and leave her alone. By the look in his eyes, she was sure she did it.

  He cocked his head to the side. “If I propose, you’ll let me fuck you.”

  “On our wedding night. Yes.”

  “Fine. Marry me.”

  Lily stared at him stunned, her hand falling to her lap leaving her exposed to him.

  He hissed a breath. “Yeah, that was the right move,” he breathed. “What’s your answer?”

  “Connor, I’m not sure I love you.”

  “I’m not sure I love you either. But your parents didn’t love each other. Your dad slept around. And my parents hate each other. Who else would marry you? Cooper? He’s probably screwing some stripper right now. So, just say yes.”

  The image of Reese in bed with another woman popped into her mind. It felt like a punch to her chest. He was right. She sighed miserably. She didn’t care about any of it anymore. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “Great. I’m going to celebrate with this.” His hands tugged up the edge of her bra and cupped her breasts. His lips soon followed, sucking and nipping at each nipple.

  Lily inhaled sharply and groaned as she laid back on the couch.

  Connor stretched out over her, wrapping her legs around his hips. Sleeping with Connor was the last thing she wanted but she might as well get used to it. He was soon going to be her husband.

  News about her engagement spread through Braden like wildfire. As the rumor mill heated up, Connor’s passions cooled. The date nights weren’t as frequent but he kept tabs on his fiancé, texting to demand her whereabouts every hour. The one night she did drive to Waterloo with Jenny and Molly, he chewed her out for two hours, accusing her of cheating on him. He demanded she move out of Buddy’s house and into his apartment. It was only after Buddy threatened to kick his ass did he back off. But he still wasn’t happy.

  Lily stared down at the plate of bacon and eggs Buddy sat in front of her. Her stomach lurched violently. The dry toast was the only thing that looked remotely inviting. She picked up a piece and nibbled on the corner.

  Buddy stalked across the kitchen and slumped into his chair. He looked at her plate. “Eat.”

  “I don’t feel well,” she mumbled.

  He frowned. “I thought you were supposed to be through morning sickness by now.”

  “Guess I’m special.”

  Buddy stabbed at his eggs with his fork puncturing the yolk. The wound seeped yellow, puddling around his bacon. He shoveled a bite into his mouth and chewed. Sighing, he set his fork by his plate. “Lily, I’m begging you. Don’t marry Connor. He doesn’t love you.”

  “I don’t have a choice, Buddy. He’s right. I’m shunned by nearly every person in Braden. No other man in this stupid little town will have anything to do with me. Ever.”

  “You always have a choice.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like me. Marry me.”

  Lily set her toast on her plate. “I can’t marry you.”

  “Why not?” Buddy demanded.

  “Do you love me?”

  “Of course I love you.”

  “As a friend or as a lover?”

  Buddy scowled at her silently.

  She took a deep breath and continued, “A lover is the reason someone breathes, the reason their heart beats. It’s someone they want to share their body, their bed, their life with. It’s that person’s every thought, they’re very soul. Maybe I wasn’t that to Reese but he was that to me. And I love you enough to not tie you down to someone who you don’t feel that way about. Even if I’m carrying your best friend’s baby.”

  “Ex-best friend,” Buddy growled. “Have you slept with him?”

  “What does that matter?”

  Buddy didn’t answer. He just glared.

  She sighed. “We almost did in my office. Elijah pounded on the door needing help. It made Connor…lose focus, let’s say.”

  Buddy stared across the room.

  She could feel the tension roll off him. “What is it?” She insisted.

  “He was in the bar last night with another woman. I know he slept with her. They were all over each other. Your fiancé cheated on you.”

  Lily stared down at her knotted fingers. “I know. Jenny told me he did it a couple of nights ago too.”

  “You deserve better.”

  “I don’t. I just want to move on with the parts of my heart I have left intact. I know Connor isn’t good for me but he’s the only option. I don’t care about myself. It’s the baby that’s important now.” She stood and walked around the kitchen table. Then she bent over and pressed a kiss to Buddy’s forehead. “Thank you for everything. You are such an incredible friend. I should only be here for a couple more weeks. Connor wants to get married the end of next month.” She pecked his cheek then breezed down the hall to her room. She could hear the string of curse words that followed her. With one last heavy sigh, she closed the door to shut them out.

  ~* * * *~

  Buddy crouched behind the bar, slipping can after can into the cooler. He needed monotony right now, something to dull his brain. It was the only thing to get the fact Lily was about to marry Conner out of his mind. The cheating son of a bitch was with another woman last night right there in the bar under Buddy’s nose. Conner grinned at him too, knowing that he was watching but could do nothing. By the way they were carrying on, there was no question the evening ended up in bed.

  He huffed as he shoved another can into the cold. Lily deserved better. Why couldn’t she just swallow her pride and marry him? Buddy paused for a moment. Because she was right. They didn’t love each other that way. Friends, yes. Lovers, no. But she still needed someone better. She needs… Buddy sighed again. She needs Reese.

  The door chimes clinked together happily announcing a visitor.

  Buddy frowned. It was ten in the morning. No one came in here this early. “Just a moment,” he called out, brushing his hands on his jeans.

  He stood to find a busty blonde in a business suit, her skirt halfway up her thigh. Her stiletto heels clacked across the cement floor. “Buddy, I assume.”

“Yeah. And you would be?”

  “Roxy. Roxy Monroe.” She offered her hand to him.

  “Reese’s manager,” Buddy responded coolly as he shook her hand.

  “Yes. He’s told me all about you.”

  “I’m sure. What can I do for you, Ms. Monroe?”

  “Ms. Monroe. Cute. I just need to take some footage of your bar for Reese’s video before his fight. I want to show him as the good old American boy next door. Women eat that stuff up.”

  “Whatever. Knock yourself out.” Buddy motioned around the bar then squatted behind to continue restocking the cooler. He heard the door chime again, and the shuffling feet of what he could only guess was a cameraman.

  “This is a nice little place,” he heard Roxy comment. “I still can’t believe Reese nearly gave up his MMA career for it, though.”

  Buddy shot up until he was standing. “Pardon me?”

  “I had to drag the poor guy kicking and screaming from this little ghost town. He didn’t even bother to tell me he was healed. I had to threaten that I would ruin you and that…Lulu he was dating. He had tears streaming down his cheeks. It was pathetic.”

  “Her name is Lily. You said you would ruin me?”

  “Sweetheart, it wouldn’t be hard.”

  “Don’t underestimate me. My cousin is a lawyer.”

  Roxy looked at him stunned for a moment, then waved him off. “No matter. Reese is where he belongs in Vegas with me. However, if he keeps pouting and talking about that Lila, I’m going to have to strangle him before he reaches the octagon.” Roxy ran her hands down her frame. “He has all this anytime he wants. What does he want with some little farm girl?”

  “Lily,” Buddy reminded her. “And she’s a librarian. If you could excuse me.”

  “Whatever. Fred, start filming.”

  Buddy slipped down the hallway through the kitchen and out the backdoor. Then he whipped his phone from his jeans, thumbed through his contacts, and hit send. He listened as it dialed. “Come on. Answer,” he mumbled.

  “What do you want?” a masculine voice snapped on the other end.

  “You haven’t died yet, Reese. That’s a good sign.”

  “Again, what do you want, Buddy? I called you three times a day for three weeks straight. Nothing. What do you want from me now?”


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