The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1)

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The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1) Page 20

by Tricia Andersen

  “I hope so. He’s the father.”

  The tech’s eyes flew open wide in amazement. She let go a laugh. “Girl, if your baby takes after its daddy, good luck. Have you felt it kick yet?”

  “I felt something. I thought it was gas.”

  The tech shook her head as she slipped behind the wheelchair to push Lily back to her room. “I foresee more of these in your future for your ribs. And the assaults are going to come from the inside.” The tech said her goodbyes once they reached the exam room.

  Buddy was hunched over his knees in the chair. He looked completely flustered and agitated. “How’d it go?” he grumbled.

  “I met a huge Reese Cooper fan. And I was warned that if the baby takes after Reese, I’m going to end up with broken ribs.”

  “Reese’s weapon of choice is his feet. Granted, he’s phenomenal on the ground. He has a brown belt in jiu jitsu. But his kicks are lightning fast. Should have warned you about that before he got you pregnant, huh?” He sighed. “We need to get out of here or Reese won’t have a fight.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m going to kill him when I see him.”

  Lily giggled. “My money is on my man.”

  “Yeah. Well, my money is on the baseball bat I’m going to take with me if he doesn’t calm the hell down.”

  Lily laughed harder but swallowed them back as the doctor stepped back into the room. By the tote of supplies he had with him, she knew the news wasn’t good. Her hand was broken.

  Sitting down next to the table, the doctor made quick work casting her arm. He rattled off instructions as he did so.

  Lily glanced over to Buddy to see him furiously typing notes into his phone. He cocked a grin. “For Reese. We know he’ll be the one taking care of it.”

  Once the doctor was finished and discharged Lily, she and Buddy hurried to find a cab. Her heart thundered in her chest as they flew down to the auditorium where the weigh ins were being held. The past few hours had been a whirlwind. It was all so surreal. One moment, she was so down and out that she almost married the biggest jackass in Braden. Then the next, she was reunited with the love of her life and told that he’d never wanted to leave her in the first place. She let out a sigh, she just wanted to be in Reese’s arms again.

  Buddy glanced up from his texting as the cab came to a stop. “I just let him know that we’re here. He’s almost up.” He stepped out of the car then offered his hand to Lily.

  They rushed inside and searched for seats in the crowded auditorium, finally finding two near the back. They barely sat down before Reese was called out.

  He sauntered into the stage in his usual t-shirt and jeans looking like his typical oh, so sinful boy next door. He was followed by his coaches and a leggy, long haired blonde in a business suit. The skirt of her ensemble cut well over the knee. Reese tugged his t-shirt over his head and handed it to her then popped the buttons on his jeans and let them fall until he was only in his tight spandex fighting shorts. The echoes of lovesick sighs popped up all over the room.

  Lily frowned. “Who is the woman?”

  Buddy grinned. “That’s Roxy. Before you get your panties in a wad, remember he’s probably going to fire her when he gets the chance.”

  Lily paused. “Did he sleep with her?”

  “Why do you think she hates you?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Lil, he fucked her once or twice. He bought you a house in hopes that you’ll spend the rest of your life with him.”

  “The x-ray tech said he didn’t have a girlfriend.”

  “He didn’t. Just a bunch of one night stands. He liked being alone until you. Now, being alone is the last thing he wants.”

  Lily watched as he stepped on the scale and waited. After a moment, he grinned and flexed. “He looks so thin,” Lily stated quietly, concern in her voice.

  “He had to cut weight. After this, he gets to eat. He’s probably looking very forward to supper.”

  Reese stood aside with his team as his opponent was introduced.

  It looked like Roxy was chattering away, the animated way she pressed close to him and waved the free hand not holding his clothes betraying her demands to the fighter.

  Lily gasped at the cold, hard look Reese responded with.

  Roxy huffed then stormed back to the coaches, dropping his clothes on the floor.

  The other fighter was about the same height and build as Reese with short cropped flaming red hair. He completed the same ritual as Reese, stripping down to a pair of boxer shorts and stepping on the scale. Once he was weighed he was motioned over to the waiting Reese. The redhead stood nose to nose with him, glaring him down. The snarl on his moving lips made Lily only guess what he said to her lover was pretty vile.

  Reese didn’t move. It didn’t look like he even breathed. He just kept his eyes locked on his opponent.

  The tension in the auditorium was terrifying. In the blink of an eye, all hell could break loose and fists would fly, an unwelcome preview of what could happen anytime in the octagon. Finally, the official forced them apart. Against their will, they dropped into fight poses for pictures. Each fighter and his camp were escorted off separately to keep the peace backstage.

  “What just happened?” Lily inquired under her breath.

  “Reese’s opponent, Brett, has been talking shit the last month or two,” Buddy huffed. “He’s been trying to get under Reese’s skin. He said he’s going to rip Reese’s shoulder up and retire him permanently. Unfortunately, the guy has done it before.”

  Lily shuddered at his words. The thought of the redhead permanently disabling Reese—she shook her head to clear the thoughts from her mind.

  Buddy nudged her. “He wants to meet us in the lobby. Let’s go.”

  The two of them wandered out to the lobby searching for Reese.

  Lily looked around anxiously. All she wanted was him. Her mind was a jumble. She needed him to help her make sense of it. Her face lit up as she saw him down the corridor.

  Reese wrapped her tightly in his arms. “Are you all right?”

  Lily nodded as she lifted her casted arm in the sling. “I’m good. I’m just happy to see you. What happened with that guy?”

  Reese shook his head. “Brett is a bigmouth. He’s not going to intimidate me. If anything it makes me want to beat him that much more.” He softly, slowly kissed her lips then pulled back. “Baby, don’t worry about him. I have a wonderful night planned for us. Just you and me. The last thing that’s going to be on our minds is this fight. Are you ready to get started?”

  “Yes. Am I dressed all right?”

  “You’re beautiful no matter what you wear.” He kissed her again, this one was long and deep.

  It was the kind of kiss that made Lily lose her mind.


  The sound of a shrill female voice tore Lily from her sweet feeling.

  Reese clenched both his eyes and teeth closed. “What the holy hell do you want, Roxy?”

  The blonde glared at Lily in his arms, never focusing her attention on her client. “Reese, sweetheart, I need you to go home and rest. Alone. I’ll stop by at eight to go over contracts.”

  “Sorry. I have plans. Roxy, I’d like to introduce you to the love of my life, Lily.”

  Roxy’s eyes narrowed angrily. “So, you’re the precious little girl Reese has been distracted with. I’m Roxy, his manager. I run every aspect of his life.”

  “Not every aspect,” Reese growled.

  “I should. You’d be champion if you’d let me.”

  “Not a snowball’s chance in hell, Roxy. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have reservations.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Lily chirped.

  Roxy didn’t answer. Her lips pressed into a hard, thin line as she glared at Lily.

  With a growl, Reese wrapped his arm protectively around Lily and led her away from the venomous manager towards the door leading to the Las Vegas strip. They said their goodbyes to
Buddy as they stepped out into the hot summer night.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Reese tucked her close to him as they strolled along the Las Vegas strip.

  “So where are you taking me?” she teased.

  “I’m starving. I know this great little restaurant. Do you like Italian?”

  “Love it.”

  “Awesome. There aren’t too many places to get Italian in Braden. I wasn’t sure.”

  She grinned at him. “You guessed correctly.”

  Reese winked at her. “I guess I know you better than I thought. It’s right up here.”

  He held the door for her to pass through. At the sight of them, the hostess waved them through the crowd, leading them to a private room.

  Lily looked at Reese confused. “Just us?”

  “Yeah. Trust me. If you want to eat tonight, we need to be alone. Out there, people will stop and talk to us every second of the meal.”

  “I forget I’m dating a celebrity.”

  Reese pulled her chair free then crossed around to his seat. “Yeah. I wish I wasn’t. It’s one of the things I love about Braden. Yeah, people stop me to talk. But just as many want to chat about that State football championship we won our senior year as do my MMA career. And believe it or not, I’d rather talk about the football game.”

  “I remember it being a big thing.”

  “It was awesome. Buddy was quarterback. Jake Littey and I were receivers. It was four quarters of Buddy popping passes off to us and us running for touchdowns. Our defense was solid. They didn’t stand a chance. It was the first State championship Braden ever won. Did you go watch?”

  “No, I was where I spent all my time. I still spend all my time there.”

  Reese winked at her. “I don’t remember you in my bed in high school.”

  Lily giggled as she rolled her eyes. “You know where I mean.”

  “I do. For the record, do you know how hard it is to stalk someone who spends every waking moment either at the library or school? Trust me. It isn’t easy. I know from experience.”

  Lily felt herself blush at his words. She was so distracted by Reese’s devious smile that she missed the waitress coming to take their order. Once she jotted down what they wanted and left, Reese stood. “Get up.”

  Lily frowned at him confused. “We just ordered.”

  “I know. Lily, you are truly the most beautiful woman in the world. I could spend hours just staring at you. I actually have. But it’s been months. I need you in my arms, not across the table. I’m going to move your chair to my side of the table if you don’t mind.”

  She shot to her feet. “I don’t mind a bit.”

  Reese picked up the chair and slid it next to his. When they were settled into their seats, the conversation stopped and the kissing began. She trembled at his touch against her cheek, her chin, her neck. When he pulled her tight to him to deepen the kiss, she moaned. The soft, silky feel of his hair clenched in her fingers just made her want more of him. Each time their lips broke apart, he whispered just how much he loved her. They giggled to each other as the waitress cleared her throat to announce her arrival with their dinner.

  The girl didn’t seem irritated. She actually grinned and winked as she set the plates in front of them.

  Reese attacked his food, stuffing fork after fork into his mouth.

  Lily watched amazed. “When was the last time you ate?”

  He looked at her, his cheeks full and his fork loaded with the next bite. “Truthfully? Yesterday. I’ve been drinking smoothies all day. I needed to make weight.”

  “Did you?”

  “Two pounds under.”


  “Sorry about the pigging out.”

  “No. Eat. Please.”

  He smiled as he went back to his meal.

  Lily watched a little longer. She wanted to wrap her good arm around him and kiss his cheek over and over. The sacrifice and self-discipline he had to do for what he loved to do was amazing. She didn’t know anyone who would give up the basest of creature comforts for what they loved, much less things they needed to survive. He really is a warrior. It makes me love him more.

  Once they were finished eating, Reese took her uninjured hand in his and led her back out onto the streets of Las Vegas. He first took her to the top of the Eiffel Tower at Paris Las Vegas to see the lights of the city burning brilliantly beneath them. They saw the Fountains of Bellagio and took a ride on a gondola at the Venetian. Each stop and many steps in between came complete with kisses and caresses that melted Lily’s heart. They also came with many encounters with fans begging to talk to The Heartbreaker. Lily watched him converse with them and take a few photos. She waved off each and every one of his apologies with a kiss. By now, she knew who she was with. And she couldn’t be more proud of him.

  Lily yawned as the night grew late.

  Reese cocked a grin at her. “Don’t give up yet. We’re not done.”

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I’ve been getting tired easier since I got pregnant. I’m usually sleeping by now.”

  “Well, there’s just one more stop. It’s a biggie.”


  He hailed a cab, giving the address through the open window before Lily could climb in. He snuggled her close as the car weaved through the busy streets for the short ride. Her eyes opened wide as it stopped in front of the arena where the fights were being held.

  Reese helped her out of the taxi then paid the driver. He grinned at her. “I made arrangements with the promoter and security to sneak in.”

  They walked to the arena doors where a large man dressed in black held the door open for them.

  Lily stared around at the dark arena in awe. The only lights in the place were focused on the metal structure in the middle.

  Reese gently took her good hand in his and led her through the rows and rows of chairs until they reached it.

  “It’s big,” she squeaked.

  “And scary. I know.” He laughed.

  “So, you’ll be in there tomorrow night.”

  “Yep. Winning, hopefully. I hope my shoulder holds out.”

  “Me too.”

  Reese grinned at her. “Do you want to go in?”

  “I can?”

  “Why not? Here…Take off your shoes.” They both toed off their shoes and tugged off their socks. He helped her up the short metal staircase until she stepped into the cage then followed her inside.

  She waded on to the mat, feeling the slick surface beneath her feet. Her eyes wandered around taking in the enormous logos beneath her. She turned, memorized, to find Reese leaning against a padded post grinning at her. “This is amazing,” she gushed.

  “Yes it is,” he agreed.

  “You’ve been in one of these before.”

  “You see the octagon. What I see that’s amazing to me is everything I love in one place, the woman I love carrying my baby standing in the place where I do what I love. It’s more than amazing. It’s perfect.”

  Lily felt her cheeks grow warm at his words.

  Reese continued on, “Which makes what I’m about to do even better.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Reese stood up straight and strode across the mat. He pulled her to him, dipping his mouth against hers for a long, sweet kiss.

  She sighed as she wrapped her good arm around his shoulder. Kissing him here was incredible but how was it any different than any other kiss?

  As their lips parted, Reese breathed. “Marry me.”

  Lily’s eyes grew wide. “What?”

  “Make my life complete, Lily. I need you. I have been alone my whole life and it’s worked for me. I don’t want to be alone anymore. You’re the piece that completes me.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small square felt jewelry box. He flipped it open with his fingers. Inside a brilliant diamond ring was tucked into a display of white satin.

  Lily couldn’t breathe. It was the most beautiful ring she’d eve
r seen. She gazed up at Reese in amazement.

  He laughed. “I drove all over Eastern Iowa for that. Finally, found it in Iowa City. It’s gone everywhere since I got here. I wasn’t about to lose it.” He lowered to one knee at her feet. “I’m begging you, Lily Dixon. Please. Say yes.”

  Lily couldn’t find her voice. She was standing in an octagon with the sweetest, sexiest guy on the face of the Earth kneeling before asking her to be his wife. Never in her wildest dreams did she think Reese Cooper would want to marry her… And, he bought the ring before he ever left Braden to fight. She nodded ecstatically. “Yes,” she gushed. She never saw a bigger smile on someone’s face than was on Reese’s as he stood and took the ring from the box.

  He ever so carefully placed it onto the finger of her broken hand then pressed a kiss to her temple. “Whenever you want, Lilybug. Your wish is my desire.”

  “Soon. Soon works for me.” She wasn’t sure how long they stood in the metal structure sharing kisses. The long, soft caress of Reese’s lips against hers, the taste of him as his tongue danced with hers made her light headed. She melted against his sculpted, hard body. There was no place else, she wanted to be than under the spotlights kissing him.

  Finally, he broke away, resting his brow against hers. “We should probably go. I need to get some sleep. I got a room at my hotel for you.”

  “Oh,” she responded, fighting desperately to keep the disappointment from her voice. “Thank you.”

  He gazed at her long and hard. “Normally, I watch super hero movies the night before a fight to get my mind off it. You can come join me. We can snuggle under the covers and watch. I can’t promise anything will happen. But I would love to hold you tonight.”

  Lily giggled as she beamed. “Sure. I would love to. That sounds like fun.”

  “Awesome.” Reese beamed as he took her hand again, to help her down the stairs.

  Once they slipped their shoes and socks back on they hurried from the arena in the direction of the nearest cab.


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