The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1)

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The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1) Page 22

by Tricia Andersen

  “At your wedding?”

  “Yes. You and Tabitha. Please come. It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

  The coach’s smile couldn’t get bigger. “Of course, we’ll be there. What about the other guys?”

  “Them too. You’re all my family.”

  “I’ll spread the word.”


  “I think you might need a stitch or two. I’ll get the doctor. In the meantime, I think someone is here to see you.”

  Reese glanced up to find Lily and Buddy struggling through the crowd towards him.

  Buddy used his entire frame to protect her from the pushing and shoving.

  Reese stood and let out a sharp whistle…silencing everyone in the room. “Everyone! Let the lady through. You may not know her but she is my world. Shove her around and you deal with me. Got it?”

  There were murmurs and nods. Suddenly, a wide path opened up to let her and Buddy through.

  She wrapped her arms tight around him as the party resumed. “I’m so proud of you,” she whispered in his ear.

  He held her tight, nearly squeezing her to pieces.

  “The Heartbreaker is back and the fans are going wild,” Roxy announced as she sashayed in. “I was cornered by a guy who wants you to model his underwear line. Of course, I said yes.”

  The announcement was met with oohs and catcalls.

  Reese let a growl escape his throat as he glared at her. “The answer is no.”

  “And why not? Why turn away that kind of money?”

  “Because my decisions aren’t only mine anymore. I have to think about my wife and my child. I don’t want my son or daughter to be teased because their classmates saw his or her dad in his tighty-whiteys.”

  “You aren’t seriously going through with this ridiculous wedding, are you?”

  “Good night Roxy.”

  “Reese, you’re going to destroy your career.”

  Coach ducked his head into the room. “Reese, the doctor is ready to see you.”

  “Awesome.” He took Lily’s hand in his. With one cold glare at Roxy, he walked Lily out of the locker room.

  ~* * * *~

  It was eleven o’clock. The lobby of the hotel was still buzzing with people swarming in and out of the attached casino. Lily snuggled closer to Reese as they and Buddy walked through the crowds towards the elevator. There were still four fights after Reese’s but after the visit to the doctor, they slipped away. They had a big day coming.

  They all froze in their steps as the heard two high pitch squeals.

  Jenny and Molly came running from the bar towards them, wrapping them all in hugs.

  “Great fight tonight!” Jenny gushed.

  “I can’t believe you’re getting married,” Molly added.

  “I’m so glad you’re both here.” Lily hugged each of them, being careful of her arm.

  “Not just us.” Jenny motioned towards the bar. “I couldn’t just go without telling Mom, Dad and Jane. They would’ve been devastated if they missed the wedding. Especially, since we all hated you a week ago, Reese.” She gave him a wink.

  “Thanks there, Jenny.”

  “No problem, brat.”

  “And I wanted to tell someone else too, Lily. I thought they should know,” Molly confessed. “They wanted to come.”

  “Who?” Lily questioned.

  “Us, Lily.”

  Lily spun around, awestruck, finding her mother, sister and Adam behind her, each woman cradling a glass of wine in their hand. “Mom, Rose, you’re here! Where’s Dad?”

  “Your Dad left, Lily,” Rachel Dixon replied. “The parishioners found out about your father’s affairs and demanded his removal. Before the church body was able to, he took off and left us alone. We’ve been living in your old apartment until we find a place of our own.” She set the wine glass on a table then hugged her daughter. “I wouldn’t miss your wedding for the world. Lily, I love you. I always will.”

  Lily sighed as she hugged her mother tight. “Thanks, Mom.” She looked at all of her friends. “Thank you for bringing Adam…Adam, I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “That was us too,” Rachel admitted. “He has no family. And what happened wasn’t his fault. So we’ve sort of adopted him into our family. He’s been a huge help. But when he stays with us it’s cramped. I didn’t realize just how small that apartment is.”

  She pulled free and turned to Reese while Lily hugged her sister and Adam.

  Reese shuffled his feet nervously a bit. “Mrs. Dixon, I promise to do everything I can to make your daughter happy.”

  “I know you will. You already make her happier than I’ve ever seen.” Rachel Dixon hugged him. “I am proud to have you as my son.”

  Lily beamed as she watched Reese hug her mom back. He never had one of his own. Being part of a family was what she wanted for him.

  “It’s late.”

  Molly’s voice caught everyone’s attention.

  “We need to get to bed. We have a wedding in the morning.”

  “Right.” Reese held Lily’s hand. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Nope, not happening.” Jenny shooed the couple apart.

  “What the hell?”

  “The groom cannot see the bride before the wedding. Kiss each other good night. Lily is coming with us tonight. Buddy, Adam and Dad have you. Go have your bachelor party.”

  Lily’s heart sunk at the thought of a stripper giving Reese a lap dance.

  He shrugged and kissed her softly. “I love you. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “I love you too.”

  Before another word was said, Molly, Jenny, Rachel and Rose shepherded her towards the elevators. They escorted her to her room to get her things then to their suite to continue their night.

  Lily slipped into her pajamas but couldn’t settle in. The thought of Reese on the town living his last night as a single man disturbed her. Would he be satisfied with her only for the rest of his life? His dad wasn’t. Her dad wasn’t either. She slipped her sandals on and headed for the door.

  “Where are you going, Lily?” Jenny inquired.

  “To get a bottle of water.”

  “Got to be back by midnight.”

  “I know.” She slipped out the door and headed down the hallway. As she pressed the elevator button, she heard the door open again.

  “Wait for me,” Rose shut the suite door and hurried to her.

  “I could get a bottle of water for you,” Lily insisted.

  “I don’t need water. I just want to hang with my big sis.”

  The two women stepped into the elevator. “They sent you to make sure I’m back by midnight.”

  “Really, no. I really admire you, Lily. You stood up to Dad. You went after love. You have your happily ever after.”

  “Your happily ever after is out there too. You’ll find it.”

  “I know. I wouldn’t have a chance without you.” Rose frowned. “Why are we going to the lobby? Couldn’t we have found a vending machine on the floor?”

  “I just need to get away for a bit.”

  Rose smiled at her as the doors opened to the lobby.

  Her eyes locked on the little convenience store next to the front desk. She headed across the lobby but stopped short at the atrium between the elevators and lobby. A soft smile spread across her lips.

  Reese, Buddy, Adam and Jenny’s father sat in plush chairs around a table, a bottle of beer in front of each of them. The computer in the middle of the table played a hard rock song softly.

  Lily redirected their steps with Rose following her.

  Reese grinned when he saw her. “Hey baby. I thought we were banned from each other?”

  “It’s not midnight yet. I thought you were having your bachelor party.”

  He motioned to Buddy, Adam and his uncle. “This is it. Just hanging with the guys. I don’t need to go out. Just a beer then bed. We’re actually reviewing bands for next year’s street dance at the festi
val. It was such a hit that bands have been flooding us with submissions.”

  “Us?” she asked.

  Buddy laughed as he lifted up a pile of papers. “It’s official. Your future husband is now the co-owner of Buddy’s Bar.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Lily kissed Reese on the forehead.

  Reese craned his head to look at the clock. “Rose, have a seat. We have ten minutes.” He tugged Lily onto his lap then motioned to the computer. “Buddy, play the last one we heard.”

  Buddy pulled the computer across the table to him. His fingers flew over the keyboard.

  A soft, almost haunting melody sang from the laptop’s speakers.

  Lily noticed Reese’s fingers drum in time on the arm of the chair, his head bobbing slightly to the beat. She glanced around the table to see the other men doing the same.

  As the notes drifted away, Reese smiled at her. “What do you think?”

  “I love it,” Lily admitted.

  He looked over at Rose. “What do you think?”

  She flushed at the direct question. “You want my opinion?”

  Reese smiled at her. “In less than twelve hours, you’re going to be my sister. So yes.”

  “I really like it.”

  Reese glanced at Buddy. “So, now what?”

  “I think the consensus is to book them. I’ll shoot them an e-mail in the morning. I don’t know about you gents but I’m exhausted. And I have a groom who just had a hard fight who needs sleep.”

  Rose hopped to her feet. “The bride needs sleep too.”

  “That she does.” Reese softly kissed Lily. “Good night, baby. I’ll see you at the altar.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  He kissed his fingertips and pressed them to her belly. “Good night, rascal. See you in the morning. Be good for Mom, okay?”

  Lily giggled as he helped her off his lap then stood himself.

  After exchanging hugs, Lily and Rose quickly bought their waters and raced for the elevators. They hopped into their beds and threw the covers over themselves as the clock flipped to midnight. Even though her stomach was full of butterflies, Lily drifted right to sleep.

  ~* * * *~

  The suite was a flurry of activity the next morning as the women dressed for the wedding. Molly and Jenny helped Lily into her dress. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t the gown she arrived with. That dress was sold to buy this one. The sundress was simple yet beautiful with eyelet lace and embroidered lilies. She couldn’t believe she found it. The woman at the jewelry store thought she was insane when she bought a broken heart pendant to accessorize it. If she only knew, my heart belongs to The Heartbreaker.

  The others were instructed to wear their favorite sundress. For a wedding that was planned in twenty four hours, it looked like they planned it for months.

  Lily glanced out the hotel window to see Buddy finalizing things with the minister. Her heart raced. I’m about to marry Reese Cooper. I can’t believe this is happening.

  Everything shattered to pieces in the lobby of the hotel. As they stepped off the elevator to make their way to the garden, a familiar female voice floated from around the corner. “Come on, baby. You don’t want to do this. Let’s go back to my place and open a bottle of wine. I can make you forget this ever happened.”


  Tears burned Lily’s eyes. By the purr in Roxy’s voice, the seduction had to be working. A hot tear slipped down her cheek.

  The faces of her friends and family darkened. It was her wedding day and she was about to be left at the altar.

  Molly hissed as she stormed around the corner but the cold response stopped her in her tracks.

  “You stole from me,” Reese snapped violently.

  Lily wiped the stray tear from her face as she watched Molly gape at the scene. The rest of the women stood stone still. None of them moved to watch the scene…they all stood and listened.

  “Baby, let me explain,” Roxy begged.

  “What’s there to explain? You told me those logos were there because the promoter demanded it. In reality, you pocketed more than my last two purses combined! My blood, my sweat earned that money. I almost had my career ended. You threw me in there to line your pocket, not mine.”

  “I’m holding it for you.”

  “Great. I want it back.”

  “Pardon me?”

  “I’m about to get married. I have a baby on the way. I want only the best for my wife and child. So, give me my money.”

  “It’s going to take some time.”

  “Let me guess. You tied it up in the down payment on your Porsche?”

  “Among other things,” Buddy grumbled from beside Reese.

  “Reese, the promoter really demanded that those logos be on your trunks and banners.”

  “No, they didn’t,” a man spoke up.

  “And you are?” Roxy demanded.

  “Brad Larsen, Mr. Cooper’s attorney. He hired me to look into his contract for loopholes, so he could fire you. I give you credit. For not being a real agent, it was airtight. But then, I looked at his latest fight photo and saw the logos. The number of logos didn’t match the number listed as supporting him. I researched the symbols and contacted the sponsors. All three told me you personally recruited them and asked them to issue the checks in your name. I have the cancelled checks with your signature, not Reese’s.”

  “Reese, please. I can explain,” Roxy pleaded desperately.

  “Roxy, you’re fired,” Reese snarled. “And those policemen standing there? They’re here to arrest you. Brad filed charges this morning on my behalf.”

  “Don’t do this, Reese!”

  “Goodbye, Roxy.”

  The sound of struggling and screaming filled the lobby. “I’ll ruin you, Reese Cooper! I’ll ruin all of you!”

  “Good luck doing that from a jail cell.” Reese cursed under his breath. “We’re late. Lily’s going to think I stood her up.”

  Lily could see the devilish glimmer in Molly’s eyes. “Reese, I have bad news.”

  “Molly! No, please. Don’t tell me Lily changed her mind. I’ll go talk to her. I won’t let her go. I need her as my wife.”

  “It’s not that. She’s right behind this wall listening to everything. The bad news is that you’re going to have to go around the hotel to the garden or you’ll see her. You’re going to be even later.” Molly waved. “Bye.”

  Reese burst out laughing. “All right, all right. Hey, Lilybug, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Lily replied with a laugh.

  “Oh, no.” Molly wagged a finger at each of them. “Violation. You two can’t do that.”

  “Brad?” Reese questioned.

  “I believe it’s not see the bride. He can talk to her as much as he wants.”

  Molly crossed her arms over her chest in protest as everyone laughed. Heavy footsteps faded away. Once they were gone, Molly motioned towards the garden. “We’re clear. Let’s go.”

  There was a whirl of color streaking across the lobby and pool area as they hurried to the garden. They were stunned to find the men already there with the minister, readjusting their clothes from their sprint around the building. People were seated on the benches around the gazebo, most of them burly fighters from Reese’s gym. Lily’s mother and sister as well as Reese’s aunt, uncle and cousin sat on the bench closest to the gazebo. Coach Reynolds and his wife along with Brad and his brother, Austin, sat behind them. Lily was jolted to a stop as an arm snaked around hers.

  “Mom said I should walk you down the aisle,” Adam announced proudly.

  “She did, huh?” Lily winked at him as she squeezed his arm with hers in an awkward hug.

  He tipped his head up proudly as he led her down the aisle.

  Lily’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of Reese. With Buddy’s encouragement, she went out on a limb and bought him and Buddy just slacks, dress shirts and vests.

  Reese made the combination drop dead sexy.
His shirt was unbuttoned to reveal just a bit of skin. The slacks hung from his hips just right. The silver vest was the perfect accent. Handsome was too weak of a word. His eyes crawled over her, a smile sneaking across his lips. “You’re breathtaking.”

  “Thank you. So are you.”

  Reese shook Adam’s hand then took her hands in his.

  The ceremony was short. Lily wasn’t even sure she heard a word the minister said. Some words stuck deep in her mind. Hearing Reese say the words “I do” made her shudder in excitement. “Man and wife” left her breathless, as did the kiss that sealed their bond.

  As their lips parted, Reese whispered, “I love you, Lily Cooper.”

  “I love you, Reese Cooper.”

  The entire pool area erupted into applause. Even the hotel guests enjoying the water joined in. Lily shyly buried her face in Reese’s chest.

  Chuckling, he took her arm and led her to the hotel restaurant for brunch.

  After a little rest, they were all invited to Coach Reynolds’s house to celebrate. The kitchen was filled with food. Guests kept stopping them to offer congratulations. The backyard was decorated with paper lanterns.

  Reese led her out to the patio, holding her in his arms as they swayed to the music floating on the breeze from inside the house.

  “I can’t believe we’re married,” Lily breathed excitedly.

  “Me too. I’ve never been happier,” Reese replied with a huge grin.

  “We hardly know each other.

  Reese looked at her puzzled. “I know everything about you.”


  “Ask me,” he challenged.

  Lily thought back to what Connor had said to her weeks ago. She took a deep breath. “What’s my favorite color?”

  “Sapphire blue.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “When we would color as kids, the first thing you would do is look for the sapphire blue crayon. You would blush and tell me it was your favorite color. You were cute then when you blushed but I never knew why.”

  “Because I was inspired to love the color sapphire blue from staring into your eyes. Your eyes are sapphire blue.”

  It was Reese’s turn to blush, his face glowing like the setting sun. “Give me another.”


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