Taste of Wicked

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Taste of Wicked Page 2

by Michelle Howard




  And she was in his reach.

  Chapter 2

  Toni couldn’t believe her bold actions. She’d hugged wicked gamer. Well, Drake was his real name but for so long she’d known him by his screen name. A man she strictly knew from the internet. A virtual stranger. But it didn’t feel like he was a stranger after months of chatting. She knew his favorite football team, his favorite restaurant and his favorite movie. She knew he hated wearing shoes at home along with a host of other trivial facts.

  There wasn’t a single man in her day life that she knew better. And here they were face to face. Never in her wildest dreams did she think they’d meet when she mentioned her trip to Magic, New Mexico. Then in a stroke of fate he’d mentioned his vacation to the same location.

  She poked at his high tech phone on the table. “You mentioned coffee in your message. You’re also the only person frowning over his phone and tapping away in anger. The odds were in my favor or I would have been supremely embarrassed.”

  The smile he aimed her way almost knocked her out of the chair. Leave it to her to have her online crush end up being the sexiest man possible. Dark blond hair cut ruthlessly short layered around his head. A strong jaw line hinted at a core of stubbornness which she’d butted against on more than one occasion. His eyes much to her shame were deep pools of violet.

  Her friends back home would laugh if they could hear her rhapsodizing about pools of violet. His eyes were blue. Plain blue. With a tinge of lavender she reluctantly added. The slight hint of purple was too devastating to ignore.

  “I thought you said you were coming down for vacation. This is work.” She gave him a mock glare with the admonishment.

  Drake stretched back in his chair, legs splayed in blue denim and eased the phone into his front pocket. Toni’s eyes dropped to the outline of his crotch nestled against his zipper. Her face heated and she yanked her gaze back up. Luck was on her side and he missed her ogling his privates.

  Once he finished, he leaned forward and propped his forearms on the table between them. The sleeves of his black shirt were rolled to the elbows, revealing a thin dusting of hair on his wrists which mesmerized until he spoke.

  “I am on vacation. Sort of.” The remnants of his smile still played about his lips. Full luscious lips, Toni thought then shook her head.

  She had to stop daydreaming about Drake. Nothing in any of their conversations hinted at him wanting more from their contact other than friendship. Toni brightened at his words and forced her libido into a deep, dark cave. “It’s either a vacation or it’s not. Didn’t you say you were having problems and needed the break?”

  Drake didn’t go into a lot of details about what he did for a living but she assumed it to be something high powered. He was constantly on the go and talking about flying from one place to another. His boss was probably a real jerk. Some people didn’t understand giving their employees down time. It still amazed her how often she managed to catch him online when she logged on.

  From the level he played at during their gaming sessions, their discussions on politics and his arguments on the merits of sushi which she refused to try despite his prodding, everything about him seemed driven. She could almost feel the intensity of his forceful nature through the screen of her monitor.

  Seeing him now confirmed her initial impression. One could only imagine how potent his presence would be in a suit. Although he looked quite edible in today’s dark blue jeans and chest hugging black button down. This was a man who was a force to reckon with. Yet he always seemed to have time to talk with her through the private messaging they’d set up.

  Her question brought a crease between his brows and his gaze dimmed. “You could say I have problems. Nothing to worry over though. How long did you say you were staying, Antonia?”

  The way he breathed her name, lingering over the syllables caused her chest to heave. “I told you everyone calls me Toni.”

  With the exception of Drake. Once they’d exchanged gamer tags for real names, he’d insisted on calling her Antonia despite her protest. Okay, she didn’t protest as hard as she could. Alone at night, Toni fantasized about him whispering her name in her ear. She’d never heard his voice and played with various accents in her mind. A gentle Scot’s burr, a seductive Latin flair and her personal favorite was an Irish lilt.


  His true voice was none of those and better than anything she could have imagined. It certainly didn’t sound like a typical New Yorker.

  “Antonia?” He called her name again.

  Toni jumped in her seat. Cheeks burning, she wanted to disappear through a hole in the floor. “Sorry. My thoughts wandered.”

  Drake cocked his head to the side, a twinkle in his violet hued eyes. And they were violet, damn it. “I didn’t mean to bore you.”

  “No!” Toni smacked a palm against her mouth at the loud outburst.

  A quick glance showed no one paid them any attention but Drake wore a broad grin. “I guess I’m used to talking to execs all day instead of a beautiful woman.”

  Beautiful? He called her beautiful. Toni let out a dreamy sigh. “Thanks.”

  It wasn’t often men who looked like Drake paid compliments to someone who looked like her. For one she was too tall. Standing five-ten in her bare feet hindered dating throughout high school and college. Since she shot up in height at sixteen nothing much had changed once she graduated. She’d also never been a size eight and didn’t see the single digits in her future any time soon. Not that Toni minded. She liked her curves. She just needed to find a man who appreciated them as well.

  Drake rose to his feet suddenly. “Come on, I’ll walk you to where you’re staying unless you’ve already checked in.”

  Heart racing, Toni stood as well. Of course, she wanted to grab the opportunity to spend more time with him. She wasn’t that flustered. “I got in earlier so I’m already settled.”

  Drake nodded and reached for the black leather bag from the chair at their table. “I’m due to check in now. My friend assured me it wouldn’t be a problem if I arrived a bit early at the Middleberry Inn.”

  Toni’s heart continued to pound in excitement. She clasped her hands together to keep from smoothing out the stray strands of blond hair falling into his eyes. “I’m staying there, too.”

  His gaze darkened, the air between them shifting. Anticipation thrummed as his right brow arched in a trick only certain people mastered. “Perfect.”

  The short walk to the inn didn’t take much time at all. Awareness crackled and the burgeoning of sexual interest increased. Neither of them mentioned it. It built like a slow wave and Toni was certain her cheeks were burning.

  Every few minutes they talk about a subject they’d discussed online or fellow gamers. Drake’s insights were no less intriguing in person.

  “I still think he’s an ass,” Drake growled.

  Toni couldn’t help laughing. At first, she’d thought Drake’s immediate dislike for one of their regular gamers stemmed from jealousy but soon dispelled the notion as her own wishful thinking. “You’re upset because he reached the latest achievement before you.”

  Drake had a competitive streak a mile wide but everyone fought for him to be on their team in group battles and campaigns. The man knew his way around a game.

  “Maybe.” His lips curved in a secretive smile and Toni’s heart skipped several beats.

  When they reached the inn, she waited patiently while he checked in. As soon as he was done he headed back in her direction.

  Several women turned to watch him, taking in his long legged stride. He had to be at least six four and for the first time since noticing guys as a teen, Toni got to look up at a man and not feel the least bit ungainly about her imposing height. The button down shirt flattered the frame of his chest and his arms, the jeans skimming along his thighs without being indecent. On his feet he wore boots of all things with small links
looped around the ankle.

  The clink of the metal as he approached hinted at the more intimidating side of him. Nothing business like about a man in boots with chains. How unexpected. Every step he took notched her arousal higher. Her breasts felt swollen and heavy beneath her cotton top.

  As if he could read her thoughts, the corner of his mouth lifted in a smile when their gazes met. Toni shivered, her skin growing clammy and her pulse thudding in time to his steps. She swallowed and licked her bottom lip to moisten her suddenly dry mouth. His eyes narrowed, zeroing in on the gesture and time seemed to slow. His long legged steps closed the distance between them, reminding her of being stalked like prey by a lean jungle animal.

  Everything around them faded, dimming her focus to the two of them. Drake ran a hand through his mussed hair. The move shifted the tail of his shirt revealing a sliver of taut abs. Toni’s nipples tightened and she couldn’t catch her breath.

  A woman entering the inn bumped into a potted plant in the lobby when Drake passed her by. Toni didn’t blame her. More feminine stares turned his way as he neared but he never took his eyes from Toni. For some reason the small action sent a curling sensation of relief through her belly.

  “Will you wait while I run my bag up? I want to have lunch and catch up with you.”

  He wanted lunch and dinner with her? Toni’s face hurt from smiling so hard. Nerves took flight, fluttering in her mid-section. “Sure, I’d love to.”


  Drake dropped his bag off in the cozy room with its quilted comforter and daisy patterned curtains which were parted to let in the bright New Mexico sun. Before leaving, he crouched by the window and sketched a quick ward. The symbol glowed vibrant red to his eyes but would be invisible to anyone else. He placed another at the door and exhaled in relief when this one took as well. The only thing not failing him at the moment was the ancient symbols of protection.

  It would have made sleeping here dicey since Drake trusted no one when he allowed his body to drop off for rest. Knowing the room would be secure while he was gone offered a modicum of consolation.

  He locked the door behind him, stunned at how eager he was to spend time with Antonia. His heart settled into a steady rhythm as he made his way back to the lobby. Anticipation built and the urge to claim prodded at the core of him. His warlock nature when roused demanded immediate satisfaction. It wasn’t often a woman appealed to him as quickly as Antonia did.

  When he strolled through the arched doorway, her back was too him as she engaged the Innkeeper in animated conversation. It gave him a moment to observe without her knowledge. He’d taken women out in glamorous gowns, shared drinks with women clad in barely there bikinis and slept with any number of models but none of them caused the reaction he was having at the sight of Antonia.

  She wore a short sleeve white blouse that crinkled around the collar paired with a pair of fitted black jeans that tapered to her calves in a rolled cuff and hot pink sandals that had a flower clasp at the ankle. All in all it was demure and comfortable. Perfect for a young woman relaxing on vacation. Nothing about her outfit screamed sexy and yet Drake wanted to take her to his room and remove each piece of clothing slowly. With his teeth.

  Her breasts were more than a handful, voluptuous and overflowing. The backside presented to him was perfectly rounded and meant to be squeezed. His breath caught. A vision of her hair spilled over her face while he bent her over the side of his bed as he pounded into her from behind caused Drake to stumble.

  Antonia chose that moment to glance over her shoulder and hit him with another one of the wide smiles he was beginning to want all for himself.

  “Are you ready?” He cupped her elbow when he neared, the need to touch her insistent.

  A bearded man in khaki shorts and a worn tee shirt stood across the counter waiting his turn to check in. His gaze roamed Antonia’s body from the top of her silky hair to her lovely calves. Jealousy swirled its ugly head.

  “Sure.” She finger waved at the Innkeeper and allowed Drake to lead her out.

  The trust in the gesture stunned him. She didn’t really know him. They talked online, argued and shared occasional moments about their daily life. But that wasn’t true knowing. Early on Drake had tried to keep his responses short and non-specific. Antonia on the other hand regaled him with the antics of her coworkers at the University where she worked, her best friend Chrissy and her pregnant boss who ordered donuts daily in her second trimester much to Antonia’s dismay.

  Soon after he found himself revealing more things of a personal nature, stuff he never told another. Especially the fact that he intensely hating wearing shoes at home and always had according to his parents. Individually, he shared pieces of himself that would mean nothing to anyone else. Small slices of who he was beneath the exterior of wealthy business man. Antonia brought that side of him out and before long he found himself relaxing and wanting to drown in her online presence.

  Drake held the door open for her and slid his gaze over her full figure again. Antonia never mentioned dating or an active man in her life and suddenly the need to know the answer to that question became a driving force.

  “Where do you want to eat?” She blinded him with another smile and plopped a pair of shades on her eyes, hiding them behind tinted lenses.

  The words of a familiar spell to banish them in order to continue gazing into her eyes were on the tip of his tongue. Before he could utter the first phrase everything blanked. Drake froze. He came to a complete stop in the middle of the sidewalk.

  “Are you alright, Drake?”

  Antonia stepped closer, the curve of a plump breast brushing his forearm. Drake strained his memory but nothing came to mind. It was gone. He wasn’t sure what was worst; forgetting the spells or having them fail completely. Flushing, he cleared his throat. “Sorry, I’m fine.”

  She patted the front of his shirt. “There’s The Krazy Kettle or Darla’s Place. Darla’s has the best fries and burgers according to the website.”

  Drake had a weakness for good hamburgers. “Darla’s if you’re fine with that.”

  Antonia tipped her head back, the silky length of her hair shifting with the move. “I knew you’d say that.”

  Of course she did. During one of their conversations he’d admitted his craving for all red meat and a weakness for hamburgers.

  “I guess you know me after all.” He stroked a hand over one loose curl, the words slipping out without realizing it.

  Her cheeks pinkened.

  Drake dropped his hand. What was he doing? Antonia wasn’t the type of woman to flirt with and leave. She had rings and babies written all over her. Drake didn’t do forever.

  They reached Darla’s Place and were seated in a booth at the back near a large window with a view of Main Street. The laminated menus caused Drake some concern but Antonia picked hers right up and started skimming through.

  She glanced up and must have caught his hesitation. The corners of her mouth twitched. “A little below your taste?”

  Again she drew a rough chuckle from Drake. What was it about this woman? “If the food is good, it’s perfect for my taste.”

  She nodded, lips pursed and went back to perusing her menu. Reluctant to take his eyes off the enchanting vision she made, Drake continued to stare. The smooth waves of her hair ended in ringlets about her shoulders and bounced each time she moved. The fringe of her lashes fluttered as she read. Her mouth drew his attention. Full and pouty, her bow shaped lips begged to be kissed.

  “I think I know what I want.” She closed her menu and dropped it to the table, folding her hands together and meeting his gaze.

  Drake knew what he wanted too and it wasn’t on the menu. He shifted in the vinyl seat to relieve the growing pressure against his zipper.

  “Do you folks know what you’d like?” The server had silver streaks in her red hair and tiny creases at the corner of her green eyes. Her smile matched the one on the name tag she wore which read Doris.

  A quick scan and Drake elected to have a bacon burger with cheese and all the toppings. Antonia grinned and rattled off her order. As soon as they were alone again he waited for her to ask a myriad of questions about him, fully prepared to deflect. Women of his acquaintance were notorious for wanting to know everything about a man including his bank balance.

  Instead she asked, “What are you thinking?”

  And to Drake’s amazement, he answered. “How much I’d love to take you back to my room, spread your legs and lick you until you come in my mouth.”

  Chapter 3

  That evening Toni banged her hand on her head as she paced in her room. How naive could she be? Her first meeting with wicked gamer and she’d stumbled her way through it. The hug alone should have sent him screaming but she’d been so excited when she spotted the lone man in the coffee shop working industriously. Combined with his message, it wasn’t hard to take a wild guess as to which patron was her online friend.

  Then he’d asked her to lunch and she was sure she’d made googly eyes at him over the meal the entire time. He didn’t point out any drool so Toni could only hope she hadn’t made a complete fool of herself. She’d accept partial fool-hood.

  None of that however compared to his announcement about wanting to do hot and naughty things to her. Unable to keep from mulling over it, she decided a call to her best friend was in order.

  “Is he hot?” Was the greeting whispered in her ear.

  Clearly Chrissy was at work. Laughing, Toni slumped onto the soft mattress with its antique quilt and ran her hands over the delicate stitches. “Beyond hot.”

  Chrissy snorted and switched to her regular tone. “Spill. What’s beyond hot?”

  Toni flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Think cover of a magazine.”

  “Big foot spotted on the mountain cover or sexiest man on the planet?”

  Toni huffed in amusement and rolled to her side. “Definitely sexiest man.”


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