Taste of Wicked

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Taste of Wicked Page 9

by Michelle Howard

  His brows lowered. Her voice sounded scratchy and hoarse. “Antonia, let me explain.”

  “You don’t have to. I get it. This was all a lark for you. Go away for a week and pretend to be someone else. Have sex with a stranger from the internet.”

  “You’re not a stranger to me.” A sniffle followed. If she was crying again, he was going to kick the door down. Drake let his forehead hit the panel and pressed his palm flat on the frame. “That’s not it at all. Open the door and let me talk to you. I’ll tell you everything. Anything you want to know about boring Drake Winston, CEO of Winston Enterprises.”

  He hoped to get a smile or chuckle out of her but instead it sounded as if she muffled a sob. Drake straightened and banged on the door. Enough was enough. “Open it now, Antonia and let me in or I’ll come through it.”

  He waited, lungs pumping until the lock clicked. The door cracked open, leaving Drake to push it all the way and step inside. Antonia had her back to him, shoulders sagging in a white fluffy robe that covered her from shoulders all the way to her ankles. He reached out to grasp her arm and turned her lightly.

  Red cheeks and tear stained eyes met his gaze and his stomach dropped. Her pain carved a hole in his chest. Drake didn’t think twice about pulling her into his arms. “Please don’t cry. It’s killing me.”

  “I didn’t think corporate big shots had hearts,” she muttered into his chest.

  Drake lowered his head to rest on the top of her hair. “Apparently, if the woman they care about is crying, a lot of things outside the norm happen. Including growing a heart.”

  “Very funny. Let me go. Haven’t you done enough?” She jerked and tried to pull away from his hold but Drake only tightened his arms.

  “I’m sorry for not telling you who I am. I’m sorry you had to find out however you did and I’m really sorry it hurt you to think I didn’t trust you with the truth.”

  Her head lifted, revealing her misery. “I feel like I don’t know who you are any more. Everything I thought seems like a big lie.”

  “I never lied to you, Antonia.” Her lips pinched and Drake forestalled what she was about to say. “I didn’t go about it the right way but everything I shared was the truth about me.”

  He thought of the last secret he needed to tell her. The biggest one in his opinion but he could only hope she accepted it along with the knowledge of his professional half. He had no idea how her human sensibilities would react to his heritage.

  “I want to believe you, Drake. I really do.” She managed to work herself out of his arms and Drake let her go. “Give me something to explain this afternoon.”

  “This afternoon?” He had no idea what she was talking about.

  “You told me to meet you in the lobby. I thought you were going to apologize then but you left me there. You never showed!”

  The last was said with such hurt Drake had no doubt she believed what she was saying. “Antonia, I didn’t plan to meet you downstairs. I went to see Simon. I told you that.”

  Disbelief and pain gathered like a storm in her gaze. “How do you explain the text messages?”

  When she held up her phone, he still didn’t understand. He read the messages and a chill swept down his spine. “That’s not my number.”

  “Whatever! What else are you going to tell me? More lies?”

  “I’m crazy about you.” Her eyes widened and she stumbled back. Drake didn’t deal in nerves but confessing his feelings seemed like the right thing to do and it scared him that Antonia might push away. If he had to bare his soul to change her mind and prevent her from leaving him, he would.

  Chapter 14


  “I’m crazy about you. I didn’t expect it, wasn’t looking for it but there you have it.”

  Listening to Drake’s words stunned Toni. Especially since she felt the same way but then why hadn’t he shown in the lobby? “I looked for you downstairs. Waited for almost an hour.”

  He sighed and reached for her hands. “I went to see Simon. I had something to talk about with him and it couldn’t wait. I wanted to talk with you. In fact, I have one more thing I need to speak with you about. But first, tell me I’m not alone in this.”

  Toni wanted to jump for joy and scream but after all she’d discovered, the secrets, the no show…should she accept what he was telling her?

  “Antonia?” He tugged her close again. Sincerity practically poured from his gaze. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  She did and a part of her was more than eager to accept his words at face value. Drake wanted her. Had feelings for her. But was she setting herself up for heartbreak? Maybe the problem stemmed from moving too fast in this. “Maybe it’s too soon for either of us to talk about this.”

  He curved his arms around her waist, pressing them chest to chest. Her body softened against his firm chest as she clenched her hands on his shirt. He bent down and licked a fine line down her collarbone then paused at the base of her throat to whisper words that left her dazed. “I’ve known you for months, Antonia and you know me. You know me. Not Drake Winston the CEO. Just me. Drake, your wicked gamer.”

  Toni understood the point he was trying to make. She did know him and he knew her. Relationships between people started on far less than what they had. His secret was out and sure he’d no showed on her but he explained that as going to see his friend. Could they move beyond that?

  Then the time to talk was over. Drake hauled her over to the bed and pushed her back. She landed on the mattress and had no time to move as he came to stand between her legs. Her robe parted, baring the boy shorts and her lack of a bra beneath the terrycloth.

  “You can’t imagine how much I want you right now.”

  “We weren’t finished our conversation.” Even as she spoke, her eyes drifted down and stopped at his obvious aroused state.

  Drake groaned and shoved his jeans to his knees. “If I don’t get inside of you in the next fifteen minutes, I’ll be dead before we can have another conversation. Ever.”

  Toni grinned and her smile morphed into a moan of pleasure when Drake leaned forward to yank her underwear down, his shaft at her entrance before she could blink. She could have protested. She spent two seconds wondering if sex was the answer during this conversation. Drake took away her ability to form any more coherent thoughts and thrust deep inside. The hard and fast move shocked her nerve endings to awareness. Low level heat strummed her core. He pulled back and slammed forward again. Hard. Pleasure hit like a punch of desire to her middle.

  “You know me,” he muttered over and over again as his hips pumped. “You know me.”

  Toni held his shoulders tight, giving her body over to the sensations. She writhed against the sheets unable to stop the orgasm ruthlessly chasing her. Drake planted his face in her neck, a guttural groan tearing from his throat. Toni bit her tongue as she came, her hips moving with a mind of their own as they continued to meet the greedy demand from Drake.

  He roared her name and shuddered in her arms before collapsing. He nuzzled her neck. “Tell me you know me, Antonia. That you believe me.”

  “I believe you, Drake.” She whispered the words as she tried to catch her breath. “I’m crazy about you, too and it’s crazy to…to fall for someone you’ve known for a short time but I believe you.”

  He leaned up and cupped her jaw. “There doesn’t have to be rules for this. I just hope you accept my other news without reacting first.”

  Toni blinked and her heart leaped in her chest. Those damn violet eyes were making promises and she wanted to grab a hold and never let go. Drake straightened and stood to adjust his jeans. Toni flipped the sides of the robe together and awkwardly righted her underwear as she sat up.

  “What does that mean?” His unwavering stare made her nervous. Panic clawed at Toni’s throat. “Drake?”

  He turned away and spoke. “There is one last thing I need to tell you.”

  “Oo-kay.” Toni eased to her feet, not liking t
he sound of the ominous statement.

  “What are your feelings on mystical beings? Magical things?”

  Relief left Toni staggering. For a moment she’d had the wild thought that he was going to tell her something horrible. “I’m not sure what you’re asking. Do you mean like the tooth fairy or something else?”

  What was magical? She frowned, staring at his back and the way the tee shirt molded to his muscles.

  Drake spun around. “Fey not fairies. Do you believe in shifters or vampires?”

  “Like in the movies and creatures that howl at night?” Toni laughed and searched his intense eyes for the joke. He didn’t appear amused or as if he were playing.

  “Not like the movies.” Drake ran a hand through his hair and gripped the ends. His brows lowered and he came toward her in a rush. “Warlocks. Magical beings. What would you say if I told you they all exist?”

  She didn’t have to think hard on his question. “I’d laugh at you. Drake, what’s going on?”

  He slipped his hand to her face and held it as he kissed her nose, her lips. His mouth brushed across her cheek. “I need to tell you that magic and otherworld creatures exist. I’m a warlock.”


  Drake knew she wouldn’t believe him right away but he didn’t expect her explosive laughter. Antonia snorted. “Right. I thought you were a mage but if you want to change your character that’s fine. I don’t remember a warlock option though.”

  Drake wanted to smile. “Not on the game, Antonia. I’m a warlock in real life.”

  If not for the hold he had on her, Antonia would have leaped back. She snatched her chin away. “If you want to play games and avoid the truth, fine.”

  “I am telling you the truth,” he snapped. “For once, I’m trying to be completely honest with you.”

  “You’re a warlock? Casting spells and woo-woo stuff?”

  Anger stirred at her mockery but he tamped it down. She was human. He was her first exposure to the not normal. “It’s not woo-woo as you say and yes warlock as in casting spells and using magic. My family has a long line of producing very powerful warlock offspring.”

  Now she looked frightened which hadn’t been his intent. “It’s getting late and I think we should both take a breath. We’ve covered some pretty heated stuff and—”

  The door flew open in the midst of her words, wood fragments shattering and sparks of light flaring about the room. Drake pushed Antonia to the floor and crawled over her even as he tried to turn to look over his shoulder at the being attempting to enter the room.

  Thank fuck his wards worked because the creature with distorted features hovered at the busted doorway snarling and banging his fists in the air. A shimmer of magic in a distinct familiar red haze kept him from crossing the barrier. He may have broken the door but he couldn’t cross the threshold as long as Drake’s magic held.

  “Toooonnnni,” it snarled.

  Antonia jerked around and screamed. Her hands and feet scrambled as she tried to lunge away but Drake caught her in his arms, keeping her in the corner between the bed and a small side table.

  “W-what the hell? What the hell!” She cried out.

  Evil flowed about the room in a violent wave then bounced back, forcibly repelled by the strength of Drake’s magic in the spells he’d used.


  “It’s not me,” Drake muttered in puzzlement, his gaze going from Antonia and back to the creature. “You’ve attracted the goblin.”


  With one loud roar and a final fist pound, the goblin morphed from his magical form to a man in blue jeans and a ripped button down blue shirt. Greed, anger and revenge filled the menacing gaze. Drake’s heart pounded as the goblin shifted the deadly stare to Antonia and his rage seemed to grow seeing her huddled in Drake’s arms.

  Magic bubbled to the surface and a sense of relief loosened Drake’s tense muscles. He knew without a doubt if the creature broke through the wards, his magic would respond and he could defend himself. More importantly, he could defend Antonia.

  After one last dark look, the man took off, feet pounding as he ran down the hall. Raised voices came from the same direction as other guests of the inn began to come out to investigate the noises.

  With no time to spare and urgency pushing at him, Drake got to his feet and tugged Antonia up beside him. He wanted to give chase but it was more important to find out what was going on. “Who was he? How do you know a goblin and what does he want with you?”

  Pale and shaking, her lips parted but no sound came out.

  “Antonia, please sweetheart. Give me a name.” He had to know so he could prepare counter measures.


  Thomas? He didn’t remember her ever mentioning the name. Drake braced his hands on her shoulders to hold her steady. “Who is he to you, Antonia?”

  “I…he was someone I dated.”

  And that quickly jealousy reared its ugly head. “You dated a goblin but doubted my claim of being a warlock?”

  “Why are you talking about goblins and stuff? That was Thomas at the door but he was…some kind of monster at first.”

  She looked on the verge of panic so Drake took her hand and led her to the bed. “He wasn’t a monster. He’s a goblin and after you. I set magic wards around your door. For protection. This is the second time he’s tried to get in.”

  “Magic wards?” She tugged her hand from his grip.

  Drake sat beside her and reclaimed her hand. He cupped her chin with his other hand and kept her facing him. “The bigger question for me is why he’s so determined to have you, Antonia. How the hell did you attract a goblin’s attention, sweetheart?”

  Chapter 15

  Toni couldn’t stop shaking and despite the warmth emanating from Drake’s thighs as he sat close to her, her body felt encased in ice. The crowd at the destroyed door grew with curious onlookers until a loud voice shouted, “Please move aside. Coming through.”

  She stared as a large, burly man entered with no problem. His red hair was cut short and matched the red beard he sported. Dressed in khaki pants and a black tee shirt, he carried an air of authority. Belatedly, she realized that the door didn’t shoot red sparks and he had no trouble coming in. The thing...Thomas hadn’t been able to. Drake stood beside her and slid in front of her view, blocking her sight of the man.

  “Drake Winston? I’m Mike Nichols. Simon sent me to speak with you but it looks like I’m too late.” The newcomer spoke in a gruff voice that matched his broad frame.

  Drake shook his hand. “Thanks for coming out. We had visual confirmation on the goblin a few moments ago.”

  Toni twisted her fingers in her lap then leaped to her feet. “I think I’ll get dressed.”

  She didn’t have on anything beneath the robe except her underwear and she was certain she needed to clean up after her unplanned interlude with Drake.

  He touched her arm lightly and squeezed. “I’ll talk to Mike while you shower.”

  Any other time and Toni would have protested being excluded but she practically ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. Her bag rested on the counter beside the sink. She grabbed for a red tee shirt and jeans and set them out. Her hands shook the entire time and her thoughts flew in every direction. The shower was the quickest in history and she couldn’t stop darting looks at the door as if expecting another explosion.

  When Toni came out feeling slightly better, only Mike and Drake remained. No one else gathered in the doorway with the exception of a maintenance person.

  “We’ll have the door repaired within hours,” he promised before disappearing.

  Drake walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulder. Toni wasn’t ashamed to lean her weight into him. She couldn’t stop trembling. This was all too much and she wasn’t sure what was going on.

  Mike sat at the delicate antique desk beneath the window, his bulky frame in jeopardy of crushing the tiny chair she’d admired earlier. He he
ld up a pencil and pad. “I’m going to need you to tell me everything about this fellow. Drake says you know him.”

  Toni chewed her bottom lip. Her head spun and the room went hazy.

  “Antonia?” Drake leaned in close, his mouth near her ear and the whiff of his familiar scent brought everything back into focus.

  “I’m okay,” she lied.

  “I need more information,” Mike prompted.

  “His name is Thomas Oliver and he works with me. We dated briefly.”

  Drake stiffened beside her and if she wasn’t mistake he growled. Mike scribbled something on his pad. “You’re not from Magic, right?”

  The truth blurted out before she thought better of it. “No. Florida. This was supposed to be a vacation. A chance to get some space from him.”

  “You came here to get away from him and never told me?” Drake’s voice was incredulous.

  Mike cleared his throat after shooting Drake a warning glance. “Any reason to believe your ex-boyfriend would follow you here?”

  Toni jerked. “He’s not my ex-anything. We went out a couple times. Three. I knew right away it wouldn’t work. He seemed…off for lack of a better word.”

  Mike grimaced. “Goblins usually are but they don’t typically go after humans. They’re attracted to power and magic in large doses. It’s an irresistible draw to them.”

  Okay, this was too much to take in. “I’m not sure what you and Drake are pulling but there’s no such thing as goblins. Or warlocks for that matter.”

  The corner of Drake’s mouth curled up. “Sweetheart, how do you explain the green thing that blew up your door and tried to get in here?”

  This wasn’t the first time he’d called her sweetheart and Toni tried not to let the endearment weaken her resolve. “I don’t need to explain it. Clearly, there’s another explanation though.”

  Drake held up his hand and said something she didn’t catch. Two tulips appeared in his hand. “Can you explain this?”

  Toni shivered. He waved his hand and the flowers vanished. Drake pointed at the entrance and said a word in another language. The broken bits of the door flew about the room and reassembled until it was back in place. Undamaged.


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