Title Page
Chapter One Assaults and Robberies
Chapter Two Murder on the Line 1840-1900
Chapter Three Railway Financial Fraud
Chapter Four Murder on the Line 1900-2000
Chapter Five Assorted Crime
Chapter Six The Work of the Transport Police
Chapter Seven Crime and the Railway in Film and Literature
Railway Crime on the Screen
Stockport Viaduct. This view gives some idea how the viaduct over the Mersey Valley dominates the centre of Stockport.
Communication is a necessity for civilised societies. The earliest such societies were located in the valleys of great rivers such as the Nile and the Indus. The water of the rivers provided the means for irrigation and thereby the development of agriculture; they also provided the means of transport and communication for these early civilizations. The inhabitants of these societies learned how to use draught animals for agricultural purposes. However, they found what they had developed was threatened by barbarian enemies who, while not so advanced economically, had utilised the horse for the purposes of transport and particularly for warfare.
The speed of the horse, its relative intelligence and the ways in which it could be trained gave those who exploited it a huge advantage. It would not be unfair to say that, for a millennium and more, the horse was the key to economic, military and political power. The problem with the horse was the finite limits on its capacity and endurance. A horse could only go so fast, or a team of horses could only pull so heavy a load, or go at such a speed. A messenger could ride no faster from, say London to York in 1700, than his predecessor would have done in 1200. By the late eighteenth century, the then advanced world needed a new, more efficient and more powerful horse. This could only be a mechanical horse or, in that happy transatlantic phrase, an ‘Iron Horse’.
The invention of such a device was both a product of, and also a vital contributor to, that extraordinarily complex series of interacting processes which historians loosely – but conveniently – call the Industrial Revolution. This involved massive increases in humankind’s control over nature, in the output and productivity of human labour and the scale and complexity of human co-operation and social organisation. The Industrial Revolution set in motion many of the economic and social processes which characterise the modern world, not least the expectation in the advanced economies that citizens have the right to enjoy a more or less continuous rise in their living standards and expectations.
The Industrial Revolution and associated technical and scientific developments in agriculture, as well as changes in landownership, meant that a hugely increased and predominantly urban population was supplied with food by a drastically reduced rural workforce. Those innumerable small towns and villages, each a centre of its immediate economic hinterland, that had been so characteristic of pre-industrial Britain, either stagnated or grew and transformed into centres of industry.
In the towns a radically new social fabric developed. Long-established social inter-relationships were destroyed. For example, the old semi-paternal nexus between squire and tenant, tenant farmer and labourer, priest and congregation, master and servant became anachronisms. Society was dominated by less personal relationships, such as those of employer and employee and producer and consumer. Most of all, the Industrial Revolution saw the emergence of the modern working class or proletariat; workers who sold their labour-power in exchange for wages, sometimes being employed in workforces of hundreds or thousands in factories and mills.
In finding their needs totally at odds with those of their employers, they learned from experience that the only way to defend and develop their interests was by collective industrial action. Workers’ self-help, especially in the form of trade unions, gave expression to this. The bringing together of huge numbers of impoverished or poor people in the industrial towns created public health, public order and other issues which could only be addressed by radical changes in social policy. With the improvement in communications and the overall rise in real wages, production increasingly was for national but also international markets. The British economy became embroiled in a tangle of worldwide commercial and financial business transactions: it was the beginning of globalisation.
All this amounted to a revolutionary change in almost every aspect of life. Although some parts of the process can be seen to have started developing momentum as far as back as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, it was in the eighteenth and especially the nineteenth centuries that the processes matured. If just one factor had to be identified as critical to industrialisation and all its associated changes, it would have to be the invention of reasonably efficient steam engines.
They provided the power for mechanised forms of industrial production and, after much further trial and error, were a prime mover in the field of transport. The latter was, of course, the steam locomotive. The quite extraordinary rise of the railways in the nineteenth century was an effect of industrialisation and its associated changes, but it was also the cause of further massive economic, social and political change. In the words of Professor Harold Perkin, ‘The Industrial Revolution’s most spectacular achievement [was]: the development of the steam railway.’1
It is hard for us in the twenty-first century to appreciate the extent to which railways dominated land transport by the end of the nineteenth century. The statistics of their achievement are impressive. Between 1840 and 1870, annual passenger numbers rose from around 20 million to 336 million, and the amount of freight moved from 5 million to almost 170 million tons. Scarcely any town of any size was not served by one or more railway lines by 1900. The few towns that were never linked to the network either stagnated or actually declined even during the periods of sustained economic growth that made up much of the second half of the nineteenth century.
The railways also had a massive social, economic, intellectual and cultural impact. Processes of change from within and without are the dynamic of any society. The speed of change in Britain was enormously enhanced by the development of the railways. While some significant improvement to internal transport had been effected by turnpike roads and by canals, it was the railways that effectively ‘shrank’ the British Isles, and made that which was previously distant, close. The first simple lines usually connected quarries and mines to the nearest navigable waterway, and little interest was expressed in the conveyance of passengers. The success of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway in 1830 in benefiting the business communities of those cities was compounded when, to everyone’s surprise, it was found that there was also a demand for passenger travel, much of it just for pleasure.
The coming of the railways meant that a reasonably cheap form of transport was available throughout the land for moving minerals, raw materials and the products of industry. That was their prime purpose. The growth of significant business in moving people had not been foreseen and was a bonus. The very idea that people would travel in large numbers for pleasure would have seemed utterly ludicrous in 1700 when travel was relatively and absolutely slow, expensive, difficult and often dangerous. Within the next 150 years, however, large numbers of people, excluding all but the very poorest sections of society, were benefiting from the enormous broadening of horizons that much easier and cheaper travel brought.
/> The railways contributed enormously to economic and social change. They broke down rural isolation, they enabled labour and capital to be much more flexible and mobile, all factors essential for a modern industrialising economy, and they were part of the process of eroding family, local, district and national identities within Greater Britain. Railways undermined existing social and cultural practices. They greatly increased the speed with which ideas and information could be transmitted, and assisted the spread of the written word and of reading as an activity both with serious purposes in mind and just for simple pleasure.
From the early days of the railways, the idea spread that actually sitting in a carriage during a journey was intrinsically boring and that something needed to be bought in order to help while away the time. Bookstalls appeared, selling newspapers, magazines and cheap novels, and this material was consumed in almost exponentially increasing amounts as the century wore on. Those who considered themselves a cut above the common herd, however, deplored the quality of this popular printed matter. It was cheap, sensational and vulgar, they said.
Millions used the railways to travel to the Great Exhibition held in Hyde Park in London in 1851. This glorified international trade fair was believed by its organisers to be an aid to international amity through the forging of trading and other commercial links between countries across the world. It was also designed to be a shop window to show off the multifarious achievements of British industry. Not without good reason was Britain being described at the time as ‘the workshop of the world’.
The Exhibition was open from May to October 1851 and it contained 13,000 exhibits and was visited by 6.2 million people. The railways brought them from the four corners of the British Isles, largely in special trains at incredibly cheap prices. Many of these British visitors had rarely left the districts in which they were born, and the very idea of a visit to London, let alone a tour of such an Exhibition housed in a building which itself was the product of the latest technology, would have been something simply inconceivable for earlier generations. They were awed, educated and entertained by what they saw – a hugely mind-broadening experience. The Great Exhibition, a symbol that Britain was about to enter its historically brief period of world domination, was also a symbol of the contribution made by the railways to economic and social advancement.
While there were aspects of the railways that could be described as demotic, for example the way they allowed people from all walks of life and all parts of the country the chance of a cheap visit to the Great Exhibition, elsewhere railways emphasised social classes and gradations. A journey by rail was likely to provide stark evidence of how the well-to-do could afford to live in far more pleasant surroundings than many of the industrial workers who often had little choice but to dwell cheek by jowl with the noxious and polluting mines, mills, foundries and other workplaces in which they were employed. This starkly brought the observer face to face with the reality of the ‘two nations’ idea that exercised the conscience of many upper-class Victorians.
The comfort and service provided for the traveller by the railway companies varied greatly with the price he or she was prepared to pay. Accommodation on trains was strictly divided in the early days into first, second, third and, in one or two cases, even fourth class. This segregation was repeated in station facilities such as waiting rooms, leading to immortal messages in frosted-glass windows such as ‘third-class women’s waiting room.’
The Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, housing the Great Exhibition of 1851. The exhibition owed much of its great success to the railways who provided cheap inclusive fares to make it possible for people from right across Britain to visit it, many of them making their first trip ever to London. For some, it was the first time they had been away from home.
The larger railway companies were among the very biggest capitalist business concerns of their time. In that sense, they provided a forerunner to the immense multi-national companies that bestride the globe in the twenty-first century. They were bang up to date in that the ownership, which was mostly in the hands of shareholders, was divorced from the everyday control which was exercised by professional managers – another feature of modern capitalism. These people were the top dogs in the railway employees’ very hierarchical structure.
Some historians have even seen elements of feudalism in the way in which these companies organised their labour forces. Everyone knew their place within the scheme of things but realistically that is where the parallels with feudal society ended. A railway worker who kept a clean disciplinary record had a job for life if he wanted it. He had the possibility of promotion and employment with some social status attached to it, especially enjoyed by grades such as locomotive drivers and firemen. However, wages and conditions were often extremely poor and hours were long, even by the standards of the time.
The absolute priority given to safety issues was cited as the reason why there was a substantial degree of militarism present in the way in which railway companies organised their labour forces. A railway worker clocking on was ‘reporting for duty’; the job he held was a ‘post’ at which he remained until relieved; and a worker liable to be disciplined might find himself ‘on a charge.’ The need for operational safety and the sheer scale of their operations required the maintenance of comprehensive and meticulous paper records, and for that reason the railway companies demanded a high level of literacy from its workforce and encouraged them to take their education further. However, the first major trade union in the industry had the revealing name of the ‘Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants.’ There was little that was paternalistic in the relationship between the railway companies and their labour forces.
Railways from the start provoked deep anxieties and deep opposition. Many saw railways as essentially unnatural, as being by their very nature inimical to established ways of doing things, but also harmful to human minds and bodies. Trains, it was claimed, would damage crops and prevent hens laying their eggs, they would suffocate people travelling through tunnels, or, equally, the tunnels themselves would collapse pulverising the luckless passengers. Hundreds would die as the result of boiler explosions or as trains hurtled off the tracks and plunged over the edge of viaducts.
From another angle, it was averred that the lower orders would become fractious and discontented by being able to travel around. John Ruskin, vigorously attempting to keep railways out of his beloved Lake District, predicted ‘the certainty…of the deterioration of moral character in the inhabitants of every district penetrated by the railway.’ Mind you, when we read that Ruskin on his wedding night was apparently so horrified by the unexpected sight of his wife’s pubic hair that he could not consummate the marriage, it becomes difficult to take anything he said very seriously.
The initial, almost primeval, fears and neuroses stirred up by the railways gradually changed their nature over the course of the nineteenth century, as even those who opposed them realised that the railways were here to stay. As they developed, they became an ever more potent symbol of modernity and the threats that modernity posed. The scale and complexity of their operations, the sublime nature of their major engineering feats (think, for example, of Stockport Viaduct dominating the town and the valley of the River Mersey), the manifest power and speed of the locomotives – all these had the power both to fascinate and to appal.
The railways seemed to encapsulate the forces of mechanisation, of organisation and industrial progress that were the very essence of emerging modern civilization. For good and for bad, or so it was seen at the time.
For many there was evil in this emerging new world, and the railways provided abundant evidence of it. Railways conveyed passengers at previously undreamed of speeds. Those people were, at least in the early days, trapped in small wooden boxes which shook them about, assaulted their senses and rendered them completely at the mercy of forces over which they themselves had no control. One critic described a railway traveller as a ‘living parcel’, merely being consigned or
sent from one place to another.
The railways intruded into the environment. Their smoke, their whistles, the puffing of their locomotives, the clanging of buffers and the squeal of wheel flanges – all these created an appalling and unacceptable cacophony. Whole districts were demolished for their stations, sidings, sheds and marshalling yards. The verdant countryside was torn up to allow the passage of the iron horse and the tracks, without which they could not move. Tunnels burrowed under mountains, the cuttings and embankments changed the changelessness of the British countryside forever, and lofty viaducts reared up over valleys overawing the mere people who lived and worked below. Even time was hijacked. Gone were the one-handed clocks of the past to be replaced by railway time across the whole country, and a plethora of timetables, instructions and regulations. Man had created this beast; man was in danger of being taken over by it.
While the railways required order and discipline in their employees, and indeed in their passengers, railway installations and especially stations from the start attracted all manner of human detritus, not least that element bent on criminal enterprise. Particularly in those happy days when even small wayside stations had waiting rooms with roaring fires on cold winter days, stations could provide warmth and shelter. Many of today’s unmanned stations offer cold comfort – even for paying passengers. A bus shelter on a railway platform is an admission of bad faith.
However, the large stations of the past could almost have been designed with society’s drifters in mind. Some provided open access to covered space twenty-four hours a day. That had to be much better than dossing under the stars in sub-zero temperatures. No wonder that, whether big or small, railway stations over the best part of 200 years have been gratefully utilised by the homeless and the friendless in order to snatch an hour or two of sleep or shelter.
Blood on the Tracks: A History of Railway Crime in Britain Page 1