Collection of 18 stories

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Collection of 18 stories Page 1

by Ally Blue

  Ally Blue Collection

  Jingle Bell Fuck

  Love You To Pieces

  Happy Trails

  In Dreams

  In The Arms of the River God

  Taste of Sun and Sea



  Bad Medicine


  Orion's Belt

  Make A Wish


  Happiness Is A Warm Boy


  Pure Morning After


  Dream A Little Dream

  Jingle Bell Fuck

  "Jingle Bell Fuck" is a bit of Christmas fluff that began life as a bandslash fanfic. As a matter of fact, all I did was change the names and the speech patterns to protect the innocent. Hope you enjoy it!


  It was Christmas Eve, and Tom was insanely excited. Johnny had promised to come over with a Very Special Surprise, and Tom could barely sit still for wondering what it was. He put on Christmas music, sat down, jumped up again, checked his hair for the umpteenth time, sat down again and fidgeted.

  At last the doorbell rang. Tom raced to the door and opened it. His heart fluttered at the sight of Johnny in a long red fur coat with a sheer, glittery, skin-tight black shirt underneath. And black chastity jeans, Tom noted with supreme satisfaction. Johnny knew how much he loved undoing all those shiny buttons without using his hands.

  “Tom, you look splendid, love!” Johnny grinned a wide, toothy grin that melted Tom right into his red Christmas shoes.

  “Thanks, I hoped you’d like the outfit,” Tom said, turning around to show off the spectacular green velvet bell bottoms and matching sleeveless vest. He’d taken to going sleeveless constantly ever since Johnny mentioned how turned on he got when Tom wore muscle shirts. “You look gorgeous, as always.”

  Johnny flipped his shampoo-commercial hair out of his eyes with studied casualness. “Oh, this old thing? It’s nothing. I knew you’d like it though.”

  “Well, come on in,” Tom said, standing aside so Johnny could enter. Johnny swept past him in a cloud of Chanel No. 5, tossed his coat on the table, and settled himself gracefully into an overstuffed chair.

  “So,” Tom said as he sat down on Johnny’s lap, “where’s my surprise?”

  “Patience, darling,” Johnny laughed. “Should be here any moment. Now kiss me, like a proper boyfriend.”

  Tom obeyed right away. Johnny’s tongue was warm and sweet in his mouth, his hand gentle but possessive on his thigh.

  “You’re making me hard,” Tom whispered against Johnny’s lips.

  Johnny slid a hand up to check and Tom gasped. “Yes, you’re quite right,” Johnny said. “Whatever are we to do about it?”

  “Oh, I can’t imagine.” Tom rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you s--”

  At that moment, the doorbell rang again. Tom threw his hands up.

  “Who the hell can that be?” he grumbled. He stuck his bottom lip out and crossed his arms. “Well, whoever it is can damn well stand there. I want to fuck.”

  “Tommy,” Johnny giggled, “I think you should answer the door.”


  “Don’t you want your surprise?”

  Tom eyed him suspiciously. “That’s my surprise?”

  “I expect so.” Johnny pushed Tom off his lap. “Now go on and answer it.”

  Tom grinned. He hurried to the door, walking funny because of the tent in the front of his trousers. He flung the door open.

  “What the fuck...?!?” He stared wide-eyed at the small, delicate, evil-eyed beauty standing on his doorstep in a red mini-skirt and coat trimmed with white fur. A Santa hat perched jauntily atop the chin-length, solid black curls. “B-Brian? Brian M?!?”

  Brian’s painted lips curled into a smile that made Tom’s naughty bits twitch. “Surprise.”

  Tom continued to stare with his mouth hanging open. Brian laughed. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” He batted long black lashes coquettishly at Tom.

  “Oh! Uh, yes, yes of course,” Tom stammered. “Do come in.”

  Brian traced a blood-red fingernail down Tom’s cheek. “Thanks, sweetie,” he purred. He sashayed past Tom and into the house. Tom was so busy watching the hypnotic sway of Brian’s slim hips that he completely forgot to close the door. Johnny stood up and shut it for him, stifling a laugh with his hand.

  “So,” Tom said, once his brain started working again, “you’re my surprise, are you?”

  “Yes,” Brian confirmed. “D’you like?” He slid a hand up his thigh, raising his skirt enough to show a bit of creamy skin at the top of his black stocking, and licked his lips suggestively.

  “I think he does,” Johnny said after a moment, when it became clear that Tom was no longer capable of speech. “Tommy, why don’t you give Brian a proper welcome?”

  “Uh?” Tom mumbled.

  Brian stalked up to Tom, fluidly graceful despite the high-heeled red pumps he wore. He draped both arms around Tom’s neck and stared up at him with the promise of sin in his turquoise eyes.

  “Give us a little kiss, darling,” Brian murmured, his voice low and dripping with sex.

  Tom darted a questioning glance at Johnny. Johnny smirked.

  “Go on, Tom,” he said. “Why do you think I enlisted Brian’s services for the evening? He’s yours to do with as you want.”

  Tom raised his eyebrows at Brian. “Really?”

  Brian nodded. “Oh yes. I’m a very naughty elf, and I’m aaaaall yours.” He flicked his tongue over Tom’s lips. Tom grabbed him around the waist to keep from falling on the floor. It felt really really nice, he thought, to hold Brian’s warm little body against his. Tom pushed his hips experimentally against Brian’s.

  “Hey,” he said, “you fucking lied!”

  Brian pouted prettily. “I never lie!” He thought about it a second, then said, “Well, hardly ever.” He thought about it some more. “Okay, so I lie all the time, I still don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

  Tom snaked a hand under Brian’s skirt and grabbed his crotch hard. Brian’s mouth fell open and his eyes rolled back.

  “This,” Tom said, “is fucking huge. You said it was miniscule. Liar.”

  Comprehension dawned in Brian’s eyes and he smiled. “It’s just a song, Tommy. What, are you disappointed?”

  Tom grinned. “Hardly. But you were a very wicked little boy to lie like that.”

  “Oh, yes, sooooooo wicked,” Brian growled, rubbing his not-at-all-miniscule tool against Tom’s thigh. “I should be punished immediately.”

  “Indeed.” Tom grabbed Brian by the hair and kissed him hard. Brian’s slick wet tongue slithered into his mouth, his hands deftly opening Tom’s vest while they kissed.

  Tom gave Brian a shove and he fell to the floor, his skirt hiked up to show a green satin thong which barely contained his enormous erect cock. In fact, the head peeked out the top of the thong. The satin was already darkening with pre-cum. Tom eyed the luscious Christmas package greedily.

  “Not yet, Tommy,” Johnny admonished. “You must punish him first, remember?”

  Brian leaned back on one hand and stroked himself through the sticky satin with the other. “Oh yes, I need to be punished, please!”

  “All right, then,” Tom said, rather breathlessly due to the effect Brian’s five-dollar-whore moaning and panting was having on him. “Get up. Bend over the table there.” He gestured toward the kitchen table.

  Brian held a hand out. Johnny took it and pulled him to his feet. Brian gave him a seductive smile. “Thanks, Johnny darling.” He raised his face and Johnny bent to kiss him. Tom watched; the sight of those two pairs of plush red lips tangled together made his cock try
to jump right out of his trousers.

  “Fucking bend over, you little slut!” Tom ordered. He grabbed Brian’s slender arm, dragged him over to the table, and pushed him face down across it. Brian didn’t resist. He looked over his shoulder at Tom with half-closed eyes and wiggled his taut behind invitingly.

  Tom lifted Brian’s skirt, revealing smooth, pale, perfect cheeks. He ran both hands over the silky skin, then yanked the thong down and dipped a finger into the warm cleft. He rubbed lightly at Brian’s tight little hole. Brian moaned and lifted his ass higher into the air.

  “Little sex elf,” Tom whispered in Brian’s ear, “I’m going to spank this sweet little butt so hard.”

  Brian arched back to rub his cheek against Tom’s. “Do it, daddy.”

  “Hell yeah, I’ll fucking do it,” Tom said. He stood and smacked Brian’s bare bottom hard.

  “Oh! Oh yeah, do it again.” Brian grabbed the edges of the table and spread his legs wider.

  “Like that, do you?” Tom said. “Such a whore.” He smacked Brian again. “Say it, Brian. Say ‘I’m a filthy whore.’”

  “I’m a filthy whore,” Brian echoed obediently.

  *smack* “Louder, whore.”

  “I’m a...”




  “WHORE!! Oh fuck!”

  Tom blinked, surprised. That is, he was surprised to see a huge purple jelly dildo sticking out of Brian’s ass. He knew he hadn’t put it there.

  “Johnny,” Tom said, “did you do that? With the dildo, I mean.”

  “Yes indeed.” Johnny capped the lube and put it back in his sequined handbag. “He loves toys.”

  “How do you know that?” Tom demanded, mostly just to be argumentative. The fact that Brian was moaning and humping the table did seem to support Johnny’s statement.

  “I have my sources,” Johnny said, flashing the smile that he thought looked sophisticated and mysterious but merely made him look smug. “You’re wasting time, love. Your present wants to play.”

  “Fuck yeah,” Brian panted. “C’mon, fuck me!”

  Tom gave Brian’s reddened backside a half-hearted slap. “You’ve got a big mouth, you know that?”

  Brian twisted around and gave Tom a demented grin. “Yeah, how about you fill it up with your big fat cock?”

  “Oh, what a delightful idea!” Johnny clapped his hands. “Which end do you want, Tommy?”

  Tom frowned. “Huh?”

  Brian slapped a hand to his forehead. Johnny sighed and rolled his eyes.

  “Don’t be stupid, Tom,” Johnny said. “We can both fuck him at the same time, now do you want his mouth or his arse? Honestly. You should get out more.”

  Tom stared thoughtfully at Brian. He contemplated his supple bottom, complete with giant purple dildo sticking out of it, then considered his soft, pretty mouth. Brian flicked his tongue out and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. Tom swallowed.

  “Think I’ll have that lovely mouth,” Tom said.

  “Right,” Johnny said. “Brian, all fours on the floor, there’s a good little elf.” He pulled the dildo out of Brian’s ass. Brian squealed, then slid off the table and onto his hands and knees on the carpet.

  Tom threw his vest off, unzipped his trousers and stepped out of them. Brian eyed his bare body with naked lust as he dropped to his knees. Tom wound one hand into Brian’s hair and held his own painfully hard cock in the other.

  “All right, little girl,” Tom growled. “I believe you know what to do.”

  He rubbed the tip of his cock against Brian’s lips. Brian sighed and licked at the dripping pre-cum.

  “God, so good,” Brian moaned.

  “Shut up,” Tom said, “and suck it.” He looked up and caught Johnny’s eye. Johnny still had his glittery shirt on, but had shed his jeans and was rubbing himself against Brian’s butt. He winked at Tom, and shoved his cock inside Brian’s ass just as Tom plunged into Brian’s throat.

  Brian’s mouth was soft and surprisingly hot on Tom’s cock. Tom clenched both fists in Brian’s hair and pushed until Brian’s nose hit his pubes. Damn, he thought, that boy sure can deep-throat. Brian took it all like he did it every day. Which he probably did, Tom speculated absently as he fucked Brian’s mouth. He watched his cock sliding slowly in and out, in and out between those full, gorgeous lips. Yep, he thought, practice does make perfect.

  “You like that, little whore?” Tom said, pulling out for a minute and grinning at the way Brian pouted and whimpered. “You like sucking my cock?” He smacked his wet prick against Brian’s flushed cheek.

  “God, yes,” Brian gasped. “Gimme it back!” He lunged for it and Tom smacked him with it again. He gazed up at Tom with big, pleading eyes.

  “Please, daddy,” Brian begged. “Please let me suck your big, hard cock. OH! Oh yeah, HARDER!!”

  Tom looked up at Johnny, who had evidently caused that outburst. Johnny’s fingers dug hard into Brian’s delicate hips, and he was pounding that delectable ass like a jackhammer. The sight of Johnny’s abs bunching and his hair swinging as he fucked Brian’s ass was so distracting that Tom completely forgot about teasing Brian. The little minx managed to swallow his cock again before Tom could stop him, not that he really minded.

  “Ohjesusfuckingchrist,” Johnny breathed. “I’m gonna come.”

  “Come on his back,” Tom suggested. Brian gave him a dirty look, but evidently didn’t want to protest badly enough to stop sucking. Tom grinned and fucked his mouth harder.

  Johnny pulled out and started stroking himself fast. “Oh, oh shit, oh FUCK! Fuck!” He threw his head back and shot semen all over Brian’s bare butt and the Christmas skirt still hiked up around his waist. The sight was enough to send Tom right over the edge. He pulled Brian’s hair so hard he squealed in protest and shot his load right down Brian’s throat. Brian swallowed every drop.

  “Oh, wonderful,” Tom sighed as he pulled out of Brian’s mouth. “No no, stay right there,” he added when Brian started to sit up on his knees.

  “But daddy,” Brian whined, “my cock’s so fucking hard!”

  “Don’t worry, sweetie,” Johnny said, plopping down onto the floor and wiping the sweat off his face. “We’ll take care of you.”

  “Oh yeah,” Tom agreed. “I want to lick off Johnny’s cum first. I love his cum.”

  Brian’s gemstone eyes clouded over. “Mm. Have it, baby.” He folded his arms on the floor and rested his chin on his hands, which arched his lovely ass up higher. He gazed up at Tom with a knowing smile.

  Tom scooted around and knelt behind Brian. He scooped up the cooling semen with his tongue, except for the part on the skirt because he didn’t want to get skirt fuzz in his mouth. When he’d thoroughly cleaned Brian’s sweet cheeks, he pried them apart and licked off the little stream that had run down between them. Brian trembled and cried out when Tom probed his tongue experimentally inside.

  “Mm,” Tom mumbled approvingly. “Cum and strawberries. How do you do it?” He stuck his tongue in again, deeper this time.

  Brian was not, at that point, capable of anything more than moans and sharp little cries, so Johnny answered for him.

  “It’s flavored lube, Einstein,” Johnny said, laughing.

  “I knew that,” Tom lied. “So, um, I’d like to suck him off now, you want some?”

  “No, thank you,” Johnny answered politely. “I’m done, you have it. He’s your gift, after all.”

  Tom grinned a big, child-like, happy grin, launched himself at Johnny and kissed him deeply. “I love you, babe.”

  “Love you too, precious.” Johnny kissed him again, then smacked his bare little bottom. “Now go to it, I want to watch.”

  Tom grinned again, then scrambled back over to Brian. He lay on his back and squirmed between Brian’s open legs, then grabbed his hips and pulled until Brian’s cock slid down to fill his throat. Brian let out a little mewling sound and started thrusting into Tom’s mouth.
br />   Tom opened his throat and was rather proud of himself for being able to take nearly the whole thing. Brian was huge, especially for being so tiny otherwise. After a moment, Tom felt Johnny’s knees on either side of his hips. He smiled inwardly; he knew Johnny couldn’t resist joining in. He closed his eyes and pictured Johnny licking and fingering Brian’s wide open, strawberry-and-cum-flavored hole.

  “OH! OH FUCK, OH FUCK YES! DADDY, YES!!!” Brian screamed, making Tom’s fillings vibrate. He shoved his cock deep into Tom’s throat, and Tom found himself swallowing what felt like buckets of hot, salty semen. He gulped as fast as he could.

  Finally Brian sighed and Tom felt his body go limp. He wriggled up until he could see Brian’s face. Good lord, he thought, how beautiful he is. He pulled Brian down into his arms.


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