Collection of 18 stories

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Collection of 18 stories Page 12

by Ally Blue

  A light on the board shone dull red. The light that meant the mike in the studio was hot. And the DAT he’d forgotten to turn off when Orion was trashing the studio had gone all the way to the end. The color drained from Kier’s face as it dawned on him what must have happened. He rewound to where he thought it had been before, then started it playing, half afraid to hear.

  Orion coming sounded almost as sexy on tape as it did in real life. Kier smiled to himself as he started mixing.


  “Hellooooo! Anybody here?”

  Chad’s voice rang through the studio, jolting Kier awake. He yawned and craned his neck to look at the clock.

  “Fucking hell,” he grumbled under his breath.

  Orion stirred in his arms. “Hmmm? Did I just hear Queenie?”

  “Yep,” Kier answered. He shimmied out from behind Orion and grabbed his jeans. “It’s already one o’clock. And stop calling him that.”

  “Kier!” Chad’s voice floated from the studio again. Kier looked up through the window. Chad smiled and waved at him. He waved back. Behind Chad, Jess and Tom wandered in, deep in conversation.

  “Coming!” Kier called. He yanked the blanket away from Orion. “Up. Time to work.”

  Orion growled and curled up tighter. Kier nudged him with one knee. “C’mon, Orion. Unless you want Chad to walk in here and draw his own, probably correct, conclusions, you better get your ass up and get dressed.”

  “Fuck him.” Orion grabbed at Kier’s leg, nearly tripping him. “Come back here with me.”

  “Nope. It’s Monday, Chad and Jess and Tom are all here, it’s time to work. Remember what I told you?” Kier started pulling his clothes on.

  Orion glared at him. “That’s cold, man. Fucking cold. You,” he said, poking Kier in the thigh for emphasis, “are a cold, cruel man.”

  “And don’t you forget it.” Kier smacked Orion’s black and blue butt, eliciting a yelp from the younger man. “Now get dressed. I’m not gonna tell you again.”

  Orion laughed. “Yessir, daddy.”

  “Stop that.”

  “If I’m good, will you spank me again?”


  “And will you put your big, hard cock up my ass? Please, daddy?” Orion’s eyes were blandly innocent, but his grin could’ve made Satan himself sob for his mother.

  Kier laughed. “Band meeting in the studio in five. Be there.” He bent down and kissed Orion’s soft mouth. “Brat.”

  Orion slipped both arms around Kier’s neck. “We just spent a whole day doing not much more than fucking, and I already want to do it again. Why can’t I get enough of you?”

  “Don’t know. But I feel the same way. I could fuck you until my dick falls off and still not want to stop.”

  They kissed again. Raucous laughter from the studio brought them both back to earth.

  “C’mon,” Kier said. “We’ll go over the schedule for the day, then I wanna play you guys the mix I did for Midnight.”

  Orion raised his eyebrows. “When did you do that?”

  “Yesterday morning, while you were asleep.” He kissed Orion again and pulled away, ignoring Orion’s compelling pout. “No more stalling now. Little boys who don’t do what they’re told don’t get their asses fucked.”

  Orion laughed, stretched, and reached for his clothes. Kier shrugged his shirt on and slipped through the door into the studio, pulling it closed behind him.

  “Whoa, dude,” Tom said. “What’d you do, sleep here or something?”

  “Stayed here, yeah,” Kier said. He was painfully aware of how he looked: hair in knots, unshaven, still wearing the same clothes he’d had on two days ago. He put on his poker face. “Didn’t sleep much, though. Been working.”

  Jess raised her eyebrows, but didn’t say anything. Chad crossed his arms and glared.

  “Well, wonder who we’re missing?” he said. “One guess.”

  “Chad...” Kier began.

  “He’s not here, Kier. Again.”

  “Who’s not here?”

  Chad whirled around at the sound of Orion’s voice. His jaw fell open when he saw the singer lounging against the booth door, barefoot and shirtless, a smug grin on his face.

  “Orion!” Chad exclaimed after a few seconds of silent gaping. “You ... you’re here already?”

  “Well, yeah. It’s one o’clock, right? That’s what time we’re supposed to start today, right?”

  “But, but ... but you’re ... I mean ... What?” Chad lapsed into a desperate silence. Kier stifled a laugh.

  “God, Chad, what’s your problem? Jesus.” Orion shook his head sadly.

  “We had a little talk the other day,” Kier explained as Chad stood there sputtering. “I don’t think we’ll have that little lateness problem anymore. Isn’t that right, Orion?”

  “That’s right, d ... Kier.” Orion widened his eyes and smiled, looking as innocent as it is possible to look while half naked, bruised, and obviously well fucked.

  “All right, kids,” Kier said. “Let’s get started. We need to do some final tracks for Drown Me today. I figured we could start with guitar, since that one’s gonna be the bitch here, then go from there. That work for you guys?”

  “That’s cool,” Tom said. Everyone else nodded.

  “Great,” Kier said. “But first, I want you guys to hear something. I got Midnight mixed yesterday, I’d like to know what you think.”

  “Dude, that was fast!” Tom said.

  Kier smiled. “It was easy. It practically mixed itself.” He headed toward the booth, motioning the others to follow him. “I added some extra stuff that I think works really well.”

  “Extra stuff?” Chad said as he sat down on the sofa. “What kind of extra stuff?”

  “Just some found sounds.” Kier unplugged the headphones and turned on the booth speakers. “Okay, here we go.”

  Kier watched Orion’s face as the music poured out. The singer’s eyes widened when he heard his own moans, heavily altered but still recognizable, woven through the sinuous rhythm of the music. He shot a sharp glance at Kier. Kier winked at him.

  “That’s, um, interesting,” Chad said. He gave Orion a narrow look. Orion gazed blankly back.

  “What’d you do, download audio off a porno website or something?” Tom asked.

  “Something like that,” Kier answered.

  “Which one?” Chad shot another suspicious look at Orion, who was barely holding back an attack of the giggles.

  “Why, you need something new to jerk off to?” Jess said, laughing. Chad stuck his tongue out at her.

  An evil thought struck Kier. “Actually,” he said, “I got that from something called Orion’s Belt.”

  Chad nodded thoughtfully. “Hm. Didn’t know there was a series.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Kier said as Orion choked back laughter. “There’s already several episodes in the Fucking Orion series, and there’s probably gonna be more.”

  “It sounds great with the song,” Orion said, his face the picture of sincerity. “Think you could get some more of that?” His eyes gleamed, daring.

  Kier grinned. “You can count on it.”

  Make A Wish

  "Make A Wish" first appeared in the erotic ezine Ruthie's Club in June 2005.


  A foot of snow fell between midnight and sunrise Saturday morning. By sunset another two feet had fallen and Jake and I were officially snowed in. We stood at the big picture window sipping Irish coffee and watching the drifting flakes shroud the world in white.

  “This’ll give us a couple more days,” Jake said.


  “I wish we had longer.”

  “Me too.”

  We were supposed to be skiing. Jake’s a top-notch skier. Me, I trip over my own feet even without skis. But that didn’t matter. This weekend wasn’t about skiing anyway; that’s just what we told people, to keep the questions at bay. The ‘boys’ weekends away’ we took now and then were all about us. />
  Jake set his coffee down on the table, took mine and set it beside his. I went to him and we kissed, those soft slow kisses that always make me burn.

  “Want to make love to you, Alan,” he said.

  “I want you to.”

  “On the rug in front of the fire.”

  “Just like a cheap romance novel.”

  “Only this isn’t a cheap thing.”

  “I know.”

  He took my hands and pulled me toward the massive stone fireplace. His dark amber eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled. He’s always smiling; I love that about him.

  We undressed each other and stretched out on the thick rug in front of the fireplace. Its deep hunter green made Jake’s pale skin glow. I combed my fingers through his white-blond curls.

  “Love you, Jake.”

  “Love you too. Always.”

  We made love in the flickering orange light while the rising wind howled outside. The heat of the fire pressed like a weight, slicking our skins with sweat. We left winter behind and moved in a summer rhythm, the rhythm of porch swings on August afternoons. He filled me like the ocean, like the forest, like every joy I’d ever known. When he came inside me, Independence Day burst in my heart, fireworks and laughter and warm July breezes. Then his velvet mouth on my cock brought me to sweet blazing bliss, and I cried.

  We lay silent for a long time afterward. I rested my head on his chest and he stroked my hair. His heartbeat comforted me. While we lay in each other’s arms in the warm golden afterglow, I could forget that in a few days he’d be back in Santa Fe and I’d be back in Atlanta and we’d only share phone calls and web chats until the next time we met. Moments like this helped us both survive the long months apart.

  “I’ll be in Asheville in March,” he said.

  Only a three hour drive north of my home. “For how long?”

  “Five days. There’s a conference. I’d be busy during the day, but we’d have the nights.”

  “I’ll come.” I didn’t tell him what another mysterious out of town trip could cost me. The frowns, the dirty looks, the how-could-you-be-so-selfish speeches. They wore on me like the millennia wear down the mountains. But I would gladly endure it all for those nights in his arms. He is my sun, and I would cross continents and slay dragons to spend a single moment in his light.

  “Good.” He lifted my chin and kissed me. He tasted like Irish coffee and semen. “How’s Karen?”

  “Okay. She had pneumonia again last month, but they got it cleared up. What about Brandon?”

  He smiled, that special smile he reserves for his child. “He’s good. He’s in sixth grade now, you know. I think he’s gonna make it just fine.”

  I held his face in my hands and watched him shine for his little boy. “I’m glad, Jake. I really am.”

  We’d met three years before, in the cafeteria at an Atlanta rehab hospital. His son, my wife, both paralyzed, lives turned inside out in an instant. We’d bonded over wheelchairs and catheters and long days of watching the people we loved suffer.

  We didn’t realize we’d fallen in love until the night before they left for Santa Fe, where his wife’s family lived. I took him out for a drink to say good-bye, and something changed. We just knew. We went to my apartment and made love for the first time.

  We made our plans, and the next three years became a cycle of agonizing months apart and a few pure perfect days together whenever we could manage it. Neither of us had ever felt that way for another man before. But what we have goes far beyond sex; it’s a soul connection, an unbreakable bond not between two men, but between two human beings. We can’t leave the people who depend on us, but neither can we live without each other. So we lie, and steal our time together when we can.



  “Are we wrong to do this? Are we selfish?”

  “I don’t know. But I can’t do anything else. I need you, Jake.”

  He caressed my cheek, and his smile was sad. “We need each other.”

  His gentle hands sang over my skin, his lips started a simmering fire in me. We made love again, and his tears mingled with mine.

  Afterward we dressed and went outside. The snow had stopped falling, and the world sparkled silver in the moonlight.

  “Look, Alan,” he said. “A shooting star.” He pointed at the bright streak blazing its brief life across the diamond-sprinkled sky.

  I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

  “Make a wish,” I said. “Make a wish.”


  "Licked" first appeared in the erotic ezine Ruthie's Club in May 2005. WARNING! TWINCEST!



  Oh yeah.

  So fucking good.

  Does me in, every time. That tongue of his. Slick and slithery and pure fucking magic.

  On my back, knees up and spread wide, moaning like a goddamn whore and pulling my cock while Jared’s tongue works my ass. Fucking magic, man.

  First time he did this to me, I was awkward as a virgin on prom night. Shot in about five seconds. He laughed.

  Matter of fact, it was prom night. We were double dating. The Hanrahan twins, Shannon and Siobhan; blond, blue-eyed, fucking huge tits. Don’t remember how we ended up doing each other instead of them. One minute we each had an armful of hot female, next minute we were naked on my bed and he was licking my asshole. Life sure is weird.

  “Shit, Jared, shit!” I yell it out, shooting cum all over my stomach. He sits up, grinning, slicks my spunk over my hole and shoves in.

  “Love fucking you, Jason,” he growls. His fingers bruise my thighs. I fucking love it.

  “Boys, are you okay? I thought I heard ... oh...”

  Grandma. Fuck. Mom and Dad are out of town. I forgot Grandma was here. Jared’s eyes go huge, but it’s too late. His head snaps back as he shoots inside me. Over his shoulder, Grandma turns grey and drops to the floor.

  We don’t tell the ER doc what made Grandma pass out. Hopefully she won’t either. Maybe she won’t remember.

  “Okay,” doc says. “I got your phone number. You called your parents?”

  We nod together.

  Doc smiles. “You two look just alike. Identical?”

  We nod again, in sync as usual. Jared grins. “I’m older. Twenty minutes.”

  Sometimes, I want to slug him. But when I feel that tongue...


  I love my brother.

  Happiness Is A Warm Boy

  "Happiness Is A Warm Boy" first appeared in the oringinal slash ezine Forbidden Fruit in the summer 2005 issue.


  On a Saturday afternoon in late April, the campus of the University of North Carolina at Asheville was as bright and lively as a Disney cartoon. Green and golden and fragrant, the soft warm air filled with the sounds of birdsong and laughter and the chatter of a swift little stream. Cool green grass below, deep blue sky above.

  Cameron found it extremely distracting.

  “Okay, Cam, concentrate,” he muttered to himself, tearing his eyes away from the scenery and trying to focus on the paper he’d been attempting to grade for the last twenty minutes. Nothing, he thought, kills a good poem like a freshman essay. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Maybe he should’ve stayed in his office to work instead of coming outside.

  “Whoa, look out!”

  Cameron looked up, startled, just in time to get hit in the chest by an orange and green skateboard. The pile of papers in his lap scattered as he fell over backwards.

  “Shit, I’m sorry!” said a voice next to him. “Lost control when I hit that bump in the sidewalk. You okay, man?”

  Cameron pushed up on one elbow and rubbed his chest. An arm slid around his waist, helping him sit up. “I’m fine,” he said, somewhat breathlessly.

  He turned and found himself staring directly into a pair of large, clear eyes the exact color of the new leaves sighing overhead. The eyes peered at him from under a thatch of pa
le blond hair that cascaded over half of the boy’s face, just brushing the corner of his Cupid’s bow mouth. His hair was razored short in the back, baring a long line of golden neck. Cameron stared, forgetting all about his bruised chest.


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