Prohibited: an erotic novel

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Prohibited: an erotic novel Page 5

by Patrese, Donnee

  I thought about that for a second.

  I can’t remember the last time Michael and I had sex. Sex was not at the top of my list. I just could not imagine dropping everything for sex.

  When we were dating, I gave him sex whenever he wanted it even though I didn’t like it. I thought sex was overrated and was sometimes a waste. My mother said that sex was an essential part in getting a wealthy man to marry you.

  We never had much growing up and she insisted that if I wanted to make a better life for myself I needed to fulfill a wealthy man’s needs. Once you were married there was no longer a need for sex with the exception of having children. It was her way of convincing me…

  So I gave Michael what he wanted when he wanted until I just couldn’t take it anymore. Eventually I got what I wanted, two beautiful children, a beautiful house and a financially stable standard of living.

  In the beginning, some days we never left the room. Sometimes I would think that he was obsessed with sex. Now, there are other women giving him the sex that he needs.

  It’s a relief.

  “Well how often do you and Mark have sex?” Selena asked taking a sip of her espresso trying to take the pressure off herself.

  Shannon smiled as if in her mind she could see herself engaging in the act.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “At least three or four times a week.” She said boastfully.

  A quiet gasp escaped from Selena’s mouth. Selena and I just stared at Shannon in disbelief.

  Seriously? Would you have time for anything else having sex that often? Goodness!

  “Really?” I blurted.

  All eyes turned to me.

  “What?” I asked sitting back in my chair.

  Alexis smiled.

  “Michael is a virile and gorgeous man, Maria. I know you two have to have sex more often than Shannon and Mark.” Alexis said folding her arms across her chest.

  “I know we would if that man was my husband. Forget three times a week, more like every night!” Shannon said.

  I wanted to slap her.

  “Why do you sound so shocked at how often they-- make whoopee?” Alexis said.

  Shannon looked amused. Selena looked relieved they were back on my case.

  “I am not shocked.” I said chuckling completely telling a lie.

  “I am just wondering how they would have so much time for that with how often Mark works.”

  “Michael works a lot. I don’t see what the difference is,” Alexis said disbelievingly crossing her arms across her chest.

  “So how often do you and Michael have sex?” Shannon asked.

  I was not sure what to say. Will they see through my facade? I knew they would not understand? I just don’t really want a man on top of me sweating and getting me all gross and hot. To endure that three or four times a week seems like torture.

  Before I could answer, the alarm on my cell phone went off.

  Saved by the bell!

  “Well ladies, it’s getting late and I need to pick Mitchell up from school.” I said getting up from the table.

  I rushed out of the restaurant as fast as I could.

  Before I could reach my car I heard a voice call my name.

  “Maria, wait!” Selena said running towards me as fast she could in heels.

  I stopped and waited for her to catch up.

  “What is going on?” I asked as she reached me.

  “I was just hoping that you were free for dinner tonight. Since my divorce and James is off to college, I’m virtually alone and I could use the company.”

  As much as I would love to spend some alone time with Selena, I had to think. I had spent quite a lot of time out with the girls lately and I miss having dinner with my son.

  “Sorry, I need to have dinner with the boys tonight. Maybe we could do it some other time.”

  Sure okay.” She said looking disappointed. “Well call me later,”

  I headed for my car.

  I was glad to have an excuse to leave I thought as I headed toward the private high school. I hated talking about sex. I have never told anybody, but I do not enjoy it. When I lost my virginity to Michael for the first time I realized that it was not all that it was cracked up to be.

  I pretended it was wonderful and we used to do it all the time. I never told him that I felt nothing. Nothing. It was only when I was alone with my thoughts and fantasies that I could feel something.

  Sex was the only reason we were in therapy. I just couldn’t see how therapy was going to make me change my mind about how many times or how much sex I wanted.

  I pulled in front of the school and realized that the only spot to park was in front and I would have to parallel park. I hated parallel parking!

  I mean, try parallel parking in these painful heels.

  Lincoln Academy was one of the most prestigious high schools in the state. Michael and I chose very carefully. Public school was not an option. Our children were privileged and we wanted their education to be the same.

  We wanted our boys to have the best and Lincoln was the best. The curriculum was extraordinary and the class sizes were smaller allowing each student to have more one on one time with the teachers.

  Getting a chance to rub elbows with some of the richest and smartest families was just a bonus.

  I was finally able to figure out this parallel parking thing and parked in front of a Bentley and behind a Lamborghini.

  See what I mean about this school?

  I sat back in my seat and waited for Mitchell to run his defiant self between the doors and to my car. A group of kids ran out of the school as if they were being held prisoner.

  I spotted Mitchell easily. His long dark hair could really use a haircut. He saw my car and casually walked to it taking his time. I noticed as he approached that his pristine white shirt was no longer immaculate.

  I sighed.

  I rolled down the window as he approached the car.

  “Mitchell, what did you do to that shirt?” I asked.

  The white uniform top that he was wearing was covered in dark brown smut. There was no way I was letting him get in my car with all that dirt. My son just looked at me and smiled. I cringed when he hopped in the car and cloud of dust followed him. After struggling for a bit, I pulled out of my parking spot and drove up the boulevard.

  “No big deal mom!”


  “Mitchell you tell me what happened now or no video games tonight.”

  The smile from Mitchell’s face faded and his eyes traveled downward.

  He sighed.

  “Well?” I said getting a little bit more than frustrated.

  “I was wrestling with Dave and fell in the dirt.” He explained.

  He looked up at me and flashed me a smile. I was not amused.

  “Amusing, my dear child, how you get extremely dirty today when it is time to take you shopping for new clothing.” I said stopping at the red light. He turned and looked at me.

  “I totally forgot mom.” He said pretending to be sad however I could see the laughter in his eyes.

  I was not fazed.

  “Well it does not matter we are still going shopping.” I said putting my foot on the gas.

  “But mom…” he said acting as dramatic as a fifteen year old boy could be.

  Twenty-five minutes later, I was sitting near the dressing rooms in one of the most fashionable department stores waiting on Mitchell to try on a shirt.

  “Mom,” my youngest son whined. “This shirt is ugly.”

  Mitchell stood in front of the mirror tugging at the blue and red plaid top I gave him to try.

  “Mitchell, it is a very nice shirt. The colors look great on you.”

  Taking Mitchell shopping is always an enormous problem. Lately I have had to take him shopping more often. He is growing like a weed. It seems like we are always shopping with this one. Not that I am complaining about shopping.

  I loved to shop. Sometimes I think that I am addicted to sho
pping. But when you have the lifestyle I have, the funds that I have and the people to impress like our family does you have to keep up with the latest fashions and designs.

  “I’m taking this shirt off.” He said heading for the dressing rooms.

  I sighed.

  We go through this every time I take him shopping. I would give up and leave it up to his dad, but I am terrified of what would happen. I know Michael would let him walk out with whatever he wanted and my son would come home with Lord knows what. I could not let that happen. We have a reputation to uphold.

  I sat on the chair by the dressing rooms waiting for Mitchell to get dressed. I looked around the store and watched a sales clerk try to sell a young blonde woman a very hideous dress. The dress was a weird shade of green with purple stripes and polka dots.


  I cringed as I watched the young woman walk towards the dressing rooms and my way. She passed and I noticed that she was gorgeous.

  I could not take my eyes off her.

  She noticed me watching and smiled. I became warm all over.

  I smiled back.

  For a moment I had a disturbing thought. I quickly dismissed it and looked away a little flushed.

  I had nearly forgotten Mitchell was still in the dressing room. I looked down at my watch and realized Mitchell has been in that room for over ten minutes. I got up and walked over to the door.

  I knocked.

  “Mitchell, come out of there.” I said very quietly. I didn’t want to make a scene. There was silence coming from the room. I knocked on the door harder this time. Mitchell swings the door open and walks out.

  “Let’s go find you some more clothes.”

  He sighed and we head back to the young men’s section.

  I don’t think this section of the department store will hold him much longer. Pretty soon we will have to shop in the men’s department. Yes men’s! He is a big boy. I expect that he will be taller than his dad soon.

  After buying Mitchell a decent amount of clothes that I am sure he probably does not like, we headed out of the store and toward the car. I noticed the young woman getting into her car. She detected my gaze and smiled at me again.

  I didn’t smile back.

  Instead, I ushered Mitchell into the car. He climbed into the passenger seat and slammed the door.

  No I do not think that he liked the clothes.

  I climbed into the driver seat. I put on my seat belt and started the car. I looked over and saw Mitchell did not have on his seat belt.

  “Mitchell put on your seat belt.” I told him.

  He ignored me gazing out of the window.

  “Mitchell, we are not leaving until you put on your seat belt.”

  He didn’t look at me, but he reached over and put on his seat belt. We rode the entire trip home in silence.

  I walked through the front door and dropped my bags. Margaret would know what to do with them I thought. Mitchell trotted upstairs to his room and I followed.

  I walked in to my bedroom to freshen up for dinner. I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped out of my red heels. I rubbed my feet and heaved a sigh relief. Those shoes were killing me, but I looked great in them.

  I take off my shirt and skirt and neatly folded them. I placed them in the hamper and headed for the walk-in closet. I walked inside and grab a clean pair of black slacks and a black blouse.

  I decided I needed a shower. The warm water felt so good on my body and I felt refreshed. After drying off and blow-drying my dark black hair, I walked from the bathroom in just a towel to find Michael sitting on our bed.

  “It must have been a nice shower because you look rejuvenated.” He said adjusting his position.

  He wore black slacks and a navy blue collared shirt. He sat on the edge of the bed with his legs spread open in a manly stance.

  I was starting to feel a little uneasy watching him like that. By the way he was sitting I could tell what he wanted and I was not in the mood to fight with him. I decided to ignore the signals he was shooting at me like daggers and walked over to the dresser to grab some panties.

  I did not look back at him, but I could tell he had moved from the bed and was following me to the dresser. Our bedroom was rather large but it took him only a few strides to reach me. When I reached the dresser, he grabbed me and pulled me up against him.

  “What are you doing?” I stammered slowly trying to move away from him.

  I didn’t have to wonder for long.

  He brought his mouth to my neck and started to kiss it. His hands traveled all over my body. He snatched the towel from me and left me standing there nude, exposing my body to the cool air. My nipples hardened and he took that as a sign of my desire. He brought his attention back to me and started to caress my breasts slowly.

  I turned to face him pulling his hands off my breasts in the process.

  “Maria,” he whispered. “I need you now.”

  I looked at him and tried to speak but ever so quickly he pulled me close and kissed me. It was a long and probing kiss.

  I felt nothing.

  I tried to move but he held me tightly, firmly. The way his tongue moved in my mouth made me feel vulgar and dirty. He released his grip and I pulled away from him. I looked at him. His green eyes were shaded by the urgent desire.

  “Michael, I just took a shower.” I said moving from him and walked over to the bed where my clothes were laying.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” He asked moving closer to me grabbing my slacks out of my hand.

  “Well,” I said trying to grab my pants from him.

  He turned and threw them on the brown recliner stationed in the corner of the room.

  I sighed.

  “I just cleaned myself and I am not willing to get-dirty.” I said.

  I looked at him and I could tell that he was far from pleased with my explanation. He sighed and sat down on the bed.

  “Maria, I am not sure I can take this anymore.”

  The desire had left his eyes and was replaced with what looked to be-sadness.

  “Michael, if you are having issues, we can talk about them in therapy.” I said pulling my shirt over my head.

  I turned from the bed and walked to the recliner to retrieve my pants.

  “You don’t get it Maria,” he said.

  His voice was low and he hung his head as if his world was going to end.

  Sex isn’t everything!

  I sighed and slid my pants over my smooth bare legs.

  “Maria, are you listening to me?” He asked standing up from the bed.

  I turned to him folding my arms across my chest. We just stood staring at each other. Eventually he walked out the room slamming the door behind him. I plopped down on the recliner and sighed.

  Here we go again…


  “Maxi, don’t rush me.” Julia whined.

  She was leaning comfortably in the bedroom doorframe in my tiny apartment wearing a white T-shirt with the word “Grumpy” printed on it and a picture of that dwarf.

  “Nice jeans,” she said as I slipped my feet into a pair of white tennis shoes. “Can you breathe?”

  I had to admit my navy blue denim jeans looked like a second skin.

  “Very funny,” I said walking toward the front door rolling my dark brown eyes at her.

  She laughed. I stopped to grab my keys off the side table and Julia smacked right into the back of me. She was standing so close it was hard to tell where I ended and she began.

  “Geez, chick! Have you ever heard of personal space?” I asked taking a step backwards.

  I watched as she stared at my hair with a look of confusion on her face. I started to feel self-conscious.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Goodness, I’m just looking at your hair.”


  “I think it’s cool, the texture of it. I like it when you wear it down like this.” She said reaching out and grabbing a
few strains of it in her hands.

  I sighed.

  “Please stop touching my hair, white girl, and let’s go eat. We are already late and Mikey is going to be wondering where we are.” I said rolling my eyes at her.


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