Prohibited: an erotic novel

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Prohibited: an erotic novel Page 8

by Patrese, Donnee

  My hand hesitated for a split second before I picked up the phone. In that split second, I almost changed my mind. I can stop now, destroy the phone number and walk away. A glutton for punishment, I picked up the phone and dialed the number anyway.

  I waited a few seconds then the other line started to ring. It rang three times and then she picked up.

  “Hello,” she said groggily.

  “Hello Maxine.”

  There was silence and then I heard muffled sounds

  coming from the other line.

  I waited.

  “Michael, what can I help you with?” She asked softly.

  Her voice was low and sensual.

  I smiled to myself.

  “I’m sorry I woke you.” I said leaning back in my chair.

  “It’s fine. Who needs sleep?” She quipped.

  I chuckled softly.

  “Again I apologize.”

  There was silence for awhile. I didn’t know what to say. She was the only woman that has ever left me speechless. I’m never at a loss for words when it comes to the women I have been fucking lately. It confirms to me that I needed something more from Maxine.

  Don’t get me wrong, I intended to fuck her every chance I got.

  “So, how did you get my number?”

  I didn’t know if I wanted to tell her that I searched her online. It didn’t sound very mysterious or sexy.

  “Well does it matter?”

  She snickered.

  “You’re right it doesn’t matter. I’m glad you called.”

  I was starting to feel happy that I called as well.

  “Michael, you didn’t answer my question.” She said her soft elegant voice breaking the silence.

  “What question was that?” I asked.

  “What can I help you with this beautiful night, well morning?”

  “I wanted to know if you would accompany me to dinner.”

  There was a long stretch of silence. I waited for what seemed like forever for her to speak.

  “Michael,” she said slowly. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  She laughed.

  “Well, let me see.” She retorted “I don’t know, maybe because you’re married and…,” her voice trailed off.

  I smiled.

  “And every time I get close to you I just want to pleasure you in so many ways,” I said finishing her statement.

  She laughed.

  “I’m just not so sure you are ready for what I have to offer.”

  I smiled to myself.

  I plopped my legs on my desk and leaned back even further in my chair.

  “My dear, I’m not so sure you are ready for me.”

  “Then bring it baby.” She replied.

  I could hear the amusement in her voice.

  “We can turn this into a marathon. I have no problem fucking you all night.” She confessed.

  “Oh baby, I love it when you talk dirty.”

  I heard her laugh through the receiver.

  “I can do much more than talk it.”

  I was starting to get so turned on.

  “Mmmm, I know my darling. I was a happy participant.”

  “So are you available tonight. I could really use a good hard dick inside of me.”

  She definitely doesn’t beat around the bush.

  I like that!

  “Well baby, as much as I would love to come over and fuck you like crazy. Not tonight.”

  “That sucks.”

  I smiled.

  “Look we will have plenty of time for that if you meet me for dinner.”

  There was a couple seconds of silence.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What if I told you that I know a place where we could be together and no one would see us? Would you go then?”

  “Michael, dinner is a little too much for what we have here. This was just supposed to be all about sex.”

  I knew what it was supposed to be but I was starting to feel that is not what I wanted it to be.

  “Maxine, the moment I saw you I felt something unexplainable. I had to know you, explore you. I need to see you again and I know that you need to see me just as much.”

  There was silence. I could hear her sigh.

  “Look Maxine, I am not trying to force anything on you, but I have to be honest with myself.” I said reaching up to run my fingers through my hair.

  “I hope you will be honest with yourself as well.”

  I waited for her response. It took a few minutes to come.

  “Can I think about it?” She asked softly.

  “I have no problem with that. I will call you in a couple of days and I guess we will see.”

  “Have a goodnight.” She said and then I heard a click on the other line.

  I hung up the phone. I wasn’t ready to go back to a lonely bed so I set in my office for a few more minutes.

  After a while I made my way upstairs. I climbed back into bed but I could barely sleep. My mind wandered back to our night together. Her voice brought back so many memories. My mind burned with the recollection and so did my body. I could still feel her hands on me.

  I got out of bed and grabbed my lotion. I needed release.

  It took only a few moments of reminiscing and vigorously stroking my cock, before I came all over my hand. After cleaning up, I got back in bed. I could hear movement downstairs.

  I was in no mood to talk to her. I had to admit, I was angry.

  I eventually fell asleep.


  “I officially hate my job.” I said to myself in frustration closing my laptop and placing my head on it.

  I was in the living room of my apartment sprawled out on the floor trying to research the affects of glaucoma on African Americans for a medical feature story my editor insisted that I write.

  I guessed since I was one of the two African Americans that worked for the paper he thought I would be better equipped to write this story. It seemed being black also makes me a doctor as well.

  It seemed this happened a lot with this paper. I am an education beat writer and it seems they just give me whatever story that strictly involves African Americans.

  Normally I would just let it slide but it seemed I was having a little trouble with this story. It was almost dinnertime and I had been researching, taking phone interviews and trying to write the thing since lunch. I was fed up and needed to do something before I had a nervous breakdown.

  I decided to take a break from my article and make myself some dinner. I pushed myself off the floor and walked into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and looked around. There was nothing to eat. There was some old chicken noodle soup and day old chili, neither of which looked appetizing. I decided that I needed to go to the store immediately and grab some groceries.

  I was standing with the refrigerator door open when my cell phone rang. I slammed the refrigerator door shut and darted to answer it. I almost cracked my shin on the coffee table in my mad dash. I grabbed my phone off the floor and answered.


  “Buonasera, bellissima mia.”

  I smiled to myself as Michael’s silky, deep voice slid sensuously from the other end of the line.

  “Hi Michael,” I said.

  I was waiting on his call. I loved hearing his voice. It was so smooth and always sensual as if the man oozed sensuality. I started to get wet just thinking about him fucking me. The memory of our last encounter can only tide a girl over for so long.

  “Am I interrupting you?” He asked.

  “Yes, but I’m glad that you did.” I said looking at my laptop.

  “I made a reservation for dinner tonight…” he trailed off.

  His voice was low and full of spirit.

  “And I wanted to know if you would join me.”

  I made up my mind a long time ago but I waited on his call. I knew that no matter what I wanted this man in my pants again.

  I was impres
sed with the way he handled my body. No man, white or black has been able to make me come so hard. I knew that we could not be in the same room without ending up naked and sweaty.

  “Yes, I will join you but on one condition.”

  I heard him laugh quietly.

  “And what is that condition?” He asked clearly amused.

  “That food isn’t the only thing that gets eaten tonight.”

  I heard him chuckle some more on the line.

  “Well my darling, I can satisfy that condition.” He said in such a sensual way I could feel my clit start to throb.

  “Can you be ready in two hours?”

  Can any woman be ready in two hours?

  “Sure,” I said not completely sure that I could be ready in three hours let alone two.

  After giving him directions to my apartment, I ended the call and started my frantic race to get ready. Almost two hours had gone by and I was still trying to figure out what to wear. I was wearing only my lacy black bra and matching underwear rummaging through clothes in my drawer.

  I finished combing my hair into a nice wrap style, put on some dangling hoop earrings and reached in my jewelry box for the gold locket my father gave me.

  I stared at the locket for a moment. Memories of him came flooding back to me. I sat on my bed holding the locket in my hands.

  Life was a very difficult one after my father died. I was sixteen when I moved in with my aunt Tina. She stepped up taking me in when Dad passed away.

  Over the years I thought that I had grown past my father’s death and the grieving process, but by the time I was a freshman in college I was still vulnerable and naïve.

  That is when I met Timothy.

  He was much older than me and I thought I was nothing without him. He had a hold on me that held me even when he beat me, broke my arm and sent me to the hospital. It took Mikey and Julia’s help to pull me from him. To this day I am still picking up the pieces, of all the men after and the emotional and mental pain that was left.

  I sat in silence for a second. I fastened the locket around my neck and made my way over to the closet to pick out an outfit.

  I pulled out a black mini skirt, a cherry red blouse and lay both items across my bed. I looked at the clock and realize that Michael could be here any minute. I hurried and threw on my clothes. I walked over to the mirror and began to touch up my hair.

  As I tried to flat iron out a wave, I hear a knock at my door. I unplug the flat irons; put them back in the drawer and race for the door. I opened it to find Michael leaning against the frame.

  “Cara mia, you look-amazing.” He said licking his lips.

  I stand there and just stare at him. He is wearing a navy blue suit that fits his body perfectly. Underneath his suit, he has on a baby blue button up shirt with the matching navy shoes. I couldn’t take my eyes off ehim. I just kept thinking that this man was amazing.

  I am not sure how long we were standing there, but he started to laugh.

  “Are you going to let me in?” He asks flashing his perfect white teeth.

  “Of course,” I stammered.

  I moved and watched while he glided smoothly by me. I could smell his cologne. It was intoxicating!

  “I just need to grab my purse and I will be ready to go.” I said walking over to the couch, grabbing it and sliding it up my arm and onto my shoulder.

  “Oh no rush my darling,” he said breezing around my small yet comfortable apartment.

  I watched him as he looked at every picture in my living room.

  “Who is this?” He asked lifting a picture off my entertainment center.

  I walked over to him and removed the picture from his hands placing it back in its place.

  “That would be my aunt Tina.” I said leaning against the wall with one hand on my hip.

  He smiled and reached for another picture.

  “Who is this strapping young man?”

  It was a picture of my dad. He was all decked out in his Navy uniform.

  I snatched the picture from his hands.

  “That is my dad.”

  “Wow your dad was in the Navy?”

  “Yes.” I answered.

  I didn’t like talking about my personal life with a man that I just intended to fuck and move on. I especially hated talking about my dad to anyone. I placed the picture back on my entertainment center and walked away.

  I am pretty sure he got the message. He didn’t pick up another picture.

  He smiled looking me up and down.

  “Did I tell you how good you look tonight?”

  I smiled.

  “Yes,” I answered moving closer. “But you have yet to show me.”

  He turned toward me and smiled. He held out his hand and I grabbed it. He pulled me against his lean muscular frame and his hand instinctively landed on my soft ample ass. I could feel his erection pressing against me. We kissed. My hand reached down and found the bulge in his pants. I caressed him there. He moaned softly.

  “Baby, I think we had better head to the restaurant before we never make it.”

  I gripped his erection tighter and a moaned escaped from his lips.

  “Do we have to?” I whined “I would much rather stay here and have you fuck my brains out.”

  “We will have plenty of time for that.” He said taking my hand.

  “First, a nice dinner. We can talk and get to know each other better.”

  I pouted a little as we headed out of my apartment and to his car.

  When we got there I was completely impressed. He drove a black on black Mercedes Benz. It had leather seats and was immaculate I might add.

  He held the door opened for me and I slid into the car letting the cool leather hit my skin and we made our way to the restaurant.

  We rode for a short while in silence. His hand was gripping the steering wheel rather tightly and he looked uncomfortable.

  I looked at the clock on the radio in the car.

  “Have we really been driving for 20 minutes?” I asked.

  Michael looked at me from the corner of one eye.

  “Yes, it will not be much longer.” He said.

  I wondered where he was taking me. I knew he said it was some place where no one would notice us. I figured no one would notice me, but Michael...not so sure if he is that unnoticeable.

  We drove for about 20 more minutes in sort of an awkward silence. I was not sure what to say. I didn’t like to ask many questions or get too personal in these types of situations. So I just sat quietly until we pulled up to the entrance of a beautiful restaurant.

  The name Serenity gleamed out at me from the sign. Two valets walked over. One opened the door for me and helped me out the car and another took the keys from Michael and got into the driver’s seat. Michael walked behind the car and grabbed my hand.

  We walked into the restaurant and I was in awe. The place was beautiful. A leggy blonde hostess greeted us when we entered.

  “Welcome to Serenity, if this is your first time dining with us I would like to point out that we are a nightclub and a five star restaurant. Do you have a reservation?”

  “Yes I do, Michael Salantino.” He said offering a sudden arresting smile while giving the hostess a fake name.

  The hostess looked bowled over as she struggled to open her leather reservation book. She looked up and smiled.

  “Right this way Mr. Salantino.”

  The hostess led us through the restaurant. As we passed tables, I noticed that many of the guests were staring at us. I am not sure Michael saw any of this.

  The hostess led us up some stairs and to the second level. You could look out at the beautiful layout of the restaurant. She led us to a table in the middle. Michael pulled out my chair and I sat down. The hostess placed menus on our table.

  “Your server will be with you shortly.”

  Michael set back in his chair and smiled at her. I could tell she enjoyed it because she giggled and went back to her post by the door.


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