Anarchy of the Heart (The Complete Erotic Novel)

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Anarchy of the Heart (The Complete Erotic Novel) Page 2

by Max Sebastian

  He watched her take a big gulp of her own wine now, seeking a little fortitude. She looked so very sexy, her blush somehow enhanced by her awkward, self-conscious explanation.

  "We were just talking, you know? About this and that - good restaurants to go to, the best beaches in Spain. I didn't even think you might be worried about me."

  Another sip of wine.

  "And then they asked me if I was a prude."

  "A what? A prude?"

  "Yeah. I mean, at first I thought they'd got the wrong word - you know how it is, English isn't their first language. I thought maybe they were just asking me whether I disapproved of them."

  "You said 'no'?"

  Caitlyn paused, and once again Leo found himself having to resist the urge to just jump her there and then, the tension was so delicious in her.

  "Didn't seem polite otherwise," she said. "I always think all things to all people - whatever works. I'm not going to judge. And I wasn't going to tell them what they should or should not be doing on vacation."

  "So what did they do?"

  She glanced around, as though worried her parents were going to stumble in and find them doing something dirty. Leo just wanted to grab her and slip his tongue in her mouth, but he was so curious to hear her story.

  Curious - no longer so horrified for some reason.

  His fiancée turned to him, and said in a loud whisper: "Sofia pulled his thingy out!"

  Leo was feeling strangely light-headed, and it wasn't just all the wine from that evening. He heard himself say dryly: "His 'thingy'? And you told them you weren't a prude?"

  "His penis," Caitlyn stuck her tongue out at him. "His cock, his erection, his big throbbing organ. Happy?"

  Leo smiled, feeling his own big throbbing organ stirring. He said: "You should talk dirty more often."

  She ignored him. "Actually, it wasn't all that big. Big enough, I guess. God, I felt so weird being there."

  "They couldn't wait to get back to the hotel?"

  "And I didn't want to just walk off - "

  "Because you'd said you weren't a prude."

  "Well... they were nice. I'd had a great time all evening. And then suddenly Sofia was giving him a blowjob right in front of me."

  Leo looked at Caitlyn, at her hard nipples straining against her thin top, and he could tell she was seriously aroused. Was that what this virulent flush was all about, splashed right across her face and upper chest?

  Perhaps the reason he was responding to it so much was something to do with his own primeval reaction to some kind of female pheromone she put out.

  Wanting to prolong her story, wanting to explore this new level of arousal in her, he prompted her to continue.

  She said: "I've never seen anything like it. I guess it was just two people getting it on, but... God. I couldn't turn away."

  "Did anyone else see?"

  "It was kinda dark, there wasn't really anyone else who could."

  Leo's pulse was racing. For the first time, he now considered what it meant for their relationship that he couldn't remember her blushing quite like this, as a sign of arousal, perhaps even since the first few months they were together.

  Was it really true she hadn't been seriously turned on in all that time?

  "And what, you watched to the end?" he asked her.

  She took a deep breath, and said: "Yeah, I did. It was so strange... I was talking to Marco while she was doing it, while she was sucking him. He wanted to know if I liked what I saw."

  "And what did you say?"

  "I think I just nodded. It was so insane, I couldn't not. I was kind of shocked, but I couldn't look away, couldn't stop them. Couldn't walk away."

  He wasn't at all fussed that she had been an unwitting voyeur, that she had been there while another couple had got into some weird exhibitionist kink. But the quiet sense that she might have then, somehow, gotten involved - that made him feel a little flicker of anxiety inside his stomach.

  How might he deal with such a situation?

  She looked suddenly like a panicked deer caught in the rifle sights, as though reading his mind.

  She said: "God, you're not mad at me, are you, Leo?"

  "Of course not," he said, more in reaction than in reflection of any of the bedlam going on in his head.

  His first instinct was always to assure her happiness, but he wasn't telling a lie. He wasn't mad at her. It was a challenge to wade through the muddle of emotions jostling for position within his head, just then, but anger didn't really seem part of that maelstrom.

  Fear, trepidation, uncertainty - sure. Even a little envy, that he hadn't been there to witness her initiation into voyeurism. But no real anger.

  What he did feel, was the strange desire to encourage his fiancée. They'd never really talked like this before. It was hot. Maybe he needed to embrace this kind of thing - role-play, or something like that - to bring that sexy blush back to Caitlyn's cheeks.

  With Caitlyn looking so vulnerable and awkward and afraid and so damn sexy with that soft pink glow across her Irish complexion. The dominant drive inside Leo was pure unbridled lust.

  "I'm not mad," he said, in what he hoped was a calm, considered tone, and added: "actually, it's kind of turning me on."

  Chapter Two

  Caitlyn raised her eyebrows, mouth opening in surprise, as though she'd never considered such a response from her fiancé to be possible. She laid a hand gently on Leo's lap, and finding the hardness between his thighs, quietly gasped.

  "God, you really are, huh?"

  "I guess I like it when you talk dirty."

  Well, he might as well embrace his lust - there was certainly no point in embracing his fear. Where would that lead? Only to paranoia, doubt, and then ultimately perhaps conflict.

  Now Caitlyn was leaning over to unfasten the drawstring on his trunks.

  She said: "Doesn't it make you jealous that I was sitting right there, inches away from Marco as his girlfriend was sucking his cock?"

  "A little, I guess," said Leo, as she withdrew his manhood, curling her fingers around it.

  "But it turns you on that I was there, even though another guy was looking at me as his girlfriend went down on him?"

  Now Leo got the sense that Caitlyn was trying to test him, to see whether his jealousy had become extinct through the years they'd been together.

  He said: "It's weird, I can't really explain it. I guess it's just so different from what normally happens."

  Caitlyn was looking at his cock as she squeezed and gently pumped his shaft, as though it was something she hadn't seen for a while. Perhaps having seen Sofia tending to Marco's own manhood, she was now looking at his with a different perspective.

  "It turned you on, didn't it?" he asked her now. "Watching them."

  She was blushing as she looked up at his face, of course. God, she was so hot. Her green eyes flickered as she examined his face, searching for signs of how he might react if she now told him a hard truth.

  "Yes," she said at last, quietly.

  He nodded, that was all. He saw relief in her face.

  He asked her: "Did they want you to... do anything?"

  "No. They only asked if I enjoyed watching. Or at least, Marco only asked."

  Then Leo said: "Show me. Show me what you saw Sofia doing."

  Caitlyn looked a trifle surprised at his sudden demand, but after a beat, she flashed him a little impish grin that made his cock throb in her hand.

  She flicked her feet up out of the water, and kneeling over him, briefly stretched upwards to kiss his lips. He tasted the wine on her mouth again, and this time it reminded him of their early days, when they were just dating and alcohol had never been far away. Back when he had been jealous when she looked at other men.

  "She was on all fours, like this," Caitlyn said, "only she was in front of him, between his legs."

  Leo pulled his own feet out of the water, and swiveled to match her description.

  She said: "The waves were s
till coming up to soak her - and him - as she was doing it, but she didn't stop."

  Between his thighs, Caitlyn took up Leo's hardness in her hands, gazing up at him with a vampish smile before slowly licking all the way along his length, her breath tickling his sensitive skin as her tongue caressed him.

  "I think he was smaller than you," she said, her fingers crushing his hardness as she spoke.

  "You know how to flatter a guy," Leo joked.

  She smiled, said: "Sofia's smaller than me, though, so I guess it was to scale. She's this really cute little blonde - had to stretch to get him inside her mouth."

  Leo now leaned back as he felt the tip of his penis engulfed by the soft but intense heat of Caitlyn's mouth.

  He let out a long moan as she sucked greedily on him, his fullness filling her mouth to an obscene extent, before she withdrew again to continue peppering his hardness with kisses, rubbing his swollen tip around her face as though exploring it for the first time.

  She had to stop to pull her hair out of the way, but flashed such a blazing smile his way, he was nearly coming right there and then.

  It was so sexy to see her this excited, the thrill emblazoned in the flush spread through her pale skin.

  She said, "You know, sweetie, maybe I've been taking it for granted how amazing your cock is."

  Then she was sucking it back inside her hot, wet mouth, and Leo was trying to imagine how she must have looked watching a similar scene down there on the beach, shocked but powerfully aroused as a blonde bobbed up and down on another man's cock.

  How deliciously self-conscious she must have looked trying to talk casually to Marco while he violated French decency laws right there in front of her.

  When Caitlyn came up for air again, Leo stopped her, and with one finger gently tilting her head up to meet his gaze, he asked: "Did you see them finish?"

  Caitlyn dropped his cock. She had that look of reluctance about her again.

  "What happened?" Leo caught his breath, his gut twisting into knots.

  "Would you be angry if I said I didn't just watch Sofia going down on him?"

  "You... joined in?"

  A little horror at that thought. But Caitlyn merely shook her head. "No. I mean that wasn't all Sofia did to him."

  "She fucked him?"

  Caitlyn gave a subtle nod. She picked herself up now, pulling forward to straddle his hips, her hands sliding over his chest, her legs pinning his body as her weight bore down on his hardness.

  Was she going to show him?

  She said: "Marco asked how you'd feel to know I'd seen them. I said I thought you might not believe me when I told you."

  Leo hadn't even considered the possibility she might be making all this up. "Doesn't seem like something you'd make up," he said. "So she was just... doing it, right there?"

  Caitlyn nodded, still wary of his disapproval. Leo actually found it hot to think of his fiancée being presented with such a startling sight. Thinking she must have been so taken aback, yet feeling unable to object.

  He hardened underneath her, and it was apparent that she noticed. It lent her confidence now.

  She went on with her story, reveling a little more in the details, feeling it arousing her fiancé, not just herself.

  "Sofia reached under her little skirt and took off her panties," she said. "Then she threw them up to Marco. And he was pressing them up to his face, and I was so surprised, I didn't even see her climb on top of him..."

  "Show me," he said, and saw the flames ignited in her eyes.

  Caitlyn quickly stood, slipped her hands up her skirt and removed her own panties, affording him a spectacular sight as she revealed the full beauty between her coltish thighs before she crouched over him, and resumed her position over his hardness - though this time, the searing heat of her pussy was directly touching his flesh.

  Leo held out his hand, and for a moment she didn't get what he wanted - then after a pause, she understood what he wanted, and a little reluctantly passed him her underwear.

  "Like this?" he asked, and then held her damp panties up to his face, breathing in the dark, spicy aroma of her arousal.

  She nodded.

  Though she'd seen Marco doing it with Sofia, she wasn't fully confident about having Leo inhaling her personal scent from her underwear. Yet Leo found himself so fired up pressing the soft, moist material up to his nose, sampling the essence of her sex.

  He was shaken from his distraction by the sudden intense heat as she took his cock inside her irresistible tightness.

  Looking down now, to where Caitlyn's skirt concealed the union between them, he asked: "Did you see his cock going inside her?"

  Caitlyn's eyes sparkled. "Not at first," she said. "Marco wanted to know if I was offended by it, so I told him I was fine with it - I thought he'd just finish up, you know? And then we could go."

  "You were fine with it," Leo grinned. "You loved it, didn't you?"

  She gave him another bashful smile. "I never saw anything like that. You men are always looking at your porn, so I guess it wouldn't be such a big deal for you."

  "Our porn?" he scoffed. "So what did they do when you said you were fine with it?"

  "It was like they were testing me. Testing my limits. Sofia went down on all fours, hiking up her skirt, and then Marco was kneeling behind her, kissing her, you know, down there, before - "

  "Kissing her down there?"

  "Well, kind of going down on her, but I've never seen it done like that before."

  Leo tapped her hips, signaling her up, and she found a position on the tiles beside him, presenting her rear as Sofia must have done for Marco that night.

  Crouching behind her, Leo pushed up her skirt to reveal her pale behind and the pink folds sandwiched between her cheeks. He stooped, breathed in her exhilarating scent, then eased forward to taste her pussy.

  "Like this?" he said, kissing and licking around her soft skin, holding her with one hand while his tongue coursed through her pussy lips, seeking out her heat, teasing out her moisture.

  "Oh, you don't have to - "

  Caitlyn had always been self-conscious when it came to receiving oral sex. Leo didn't push the point, though he thought perhaps some day they'd have to take the time to deal with that.

  She said: "Then he was pushing his cock inside her again."

  "Wow. And you actually saw it?"

  "It was dark, but yeah, I could. It was wet from her - "

  Almost as though following her instructions, he now guided the tip of his hard cock to her glistening folds.

  Easing inside her again, feeling that exhilarating heat as he entered her, he said: "Must have been a turn on for her. Having him fucking her while she was right next to you."

  "She was moaning - kind of loud. I started to worry someone might hear. Oh God, that's so good..."

  She was moaning as he moved inside her, and almost yelping as he started to accelerate his motion, holding her hips as he worked up a powerful rhythm within her soaking pussy.

  Since when had she been so vocal?

  Leo said: "You watched him fucking her like this?"

  "Just... like... this..." she said breathlessly.

  Leo thrust forcefully into his fiancée’s sweet pussy, which pulsated around his hardness as he pushed into her. Her moans turned to unashamed cries, and it was plain she cared little whether any of the neighbors might hear.

  He was so turned on, felt so powerful to make her respond this way, so loud, making her gasp and wail and writhe as his cock squeezed into her, grazing against every inch of her tightness.

  He knew it wasn't going to be long before he lost control of himself. Yet pounding into her now, it was Caitlyn that seemed to be leading the way to climax - she was shuddering and bucking like a rodeo ride, and he had to hold on firmly to keep from slipping out.

  "Come in me, come in me," she hissed, and he found no problem in complying with her wishes.

  He felt her trembling and shaking as she yelled out her
final clarion call before the end, and he felt the explosive energy consume him as his hard cock erupted inside her, filling her with his hot seed as her climactic scream turned to a breathless whimper.


  Leo collapsed out on the tiles, gasping for breath as he heard Caitlyn pulling off the rest of her clothes and slipping quietly into the pool.

  It was her uncontrolled, rapturous laughter that brought him back into full consciousness, his eyes opening again to be filled only with stars before he rolled over and sat up.

  "That was the most incredible time ever!" she called from the middle of the pool, her voice so unrestrained he suddenly feared the neighbors might hear, though the villas this far out were quite far apart.

  Caitlyn took a few strokes toward him. She looked stunning against the blue background of the water - those slender curves, all that bare skin, her little pink nipples so stiff out in front. Breathtaking.

  "You must have been warmed up already from watching Marco and Sofia," Leo said, dipping his toes back into the cool water.

  The bronze-haired girl beamed back at him, with a slight but still oh-so-sexy blush giving her cheeks a gentle glow. She floated to within a few yards of his feet, then dropped down to get her hair wet again, before bobbing back up, so that her pert breasts were freed from the water, crystal droplets running down her smooth skin.

  "You were so hard," she said in a conspiratorial tone as she reached back to squeeze the water from her hair. "More than normal. What was it? The way I was talking?"

  "I'm not sure," he said, not quite knowing how to express his tangle of feelings. "It probably helped."

  "I would have thought you'd be mad at me after watching them like that."

  "I couldn't be mad. It wasn't really your fault they did what they did."

  She swam up to the edge of the pool, between his dangling legs, those emerald eyes so bright looking up at him as she said: "You seem really calm, sweetie."


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