A New Day

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A New Day Page 35

by Nancy Hopper

  He stared at her evenly for a moment, and then closed his eyes. He walked across the room, and through the doorway into the hall. The door slammed soundly behind him.

  The phone woke Tim at ten. “Tim, it’s Johnny. You’ve got trouble, friend.”

  Tim sat up, and shook his head to clear it. “Morning, Johnny. What’s the problem?”

  “Pattie Danniels is doing a story on you. She says she’s got pay dirt and she’s going to make you eat it. “

  Tim sighed. “What in the world? Johnny, I haven’t done anything wrong. How could she have anything that will hurt me when I haven’t done anything wrong?”

  “I dunno, Tim. Sometimes you don’t have to, you know. You can be clean as the driven snow, and still have your reputation ruined. There’s such a thing as misrepresentation. If I were you, I’d be real careful with that little song bird.”

  “What would she have against me? What makes me so interesting, anyway?” Tim asked in annoyance.

  “Cincinnati made you interesting. Remember?” Johnny snapped.

  Tim sighed. How could he not remember? Pattie had been vulgar in her come-on to him. He wasn’t proud of it now, but he hadn’t even been kind in his response to her. He knew he’d humiliated her before a number of people. But in his own defense, the choice had been to coldly shake her off his arm and walk away, or else allow her to humiliate the lady he’d taken as his date that night.

  He'd chosen to let Pattie stew in the soup she’d made of the situation, and protect his date’s feelings. There was nothing else he could think of to do, at the time.

  “Well. I guess she’ll have to do whatever it is she’s going to do. There’s nothing I can do to stop her, anyway. We’ll just let her take her best shot. I don’t know why the tabloids don’t pick her up. She gives them a run for their money, doesn’t she?”

  Johnny sighed. “Yeah, she does. Okay, Tim. I’ll keep you posted if I hear any more.”

  “Who’d she blab to, anyway?” Tim asked curiously.

  “She told Kenny Williams. He called me right away. He took Pattie out for breakfast this morning. Champagne brunch. After imbibing, she blabbed. It seems she thinks she’s got something hot enough to ruin you forever.”

  Tim shook his head, and laughed. “Bless Kenny, what’s he see in her?”

  “He’s not so dumb to stay on her good side. He knows her weakness for Champagne, and he’s learned to use it to very good advantage.” Johnny pointed out darkly.

  “I ain’t willing to pay that cost.” Tim said dryly. “Just keep your ears open. When does her magazine hit the shelves?”

  “A week, I think.” Johnny advised worriedly.

  “John. Listen to me,” Tim said evenly. “Stop worrying. I’ll just make it a matter of prayer, and let the Lord deal with her on it. I haven’t prayed for her for a long time. See what happens when I forget?” he teased.

  Johnny sighed. “It’s my job to keep you out of trouble, Tim. That’s all. So how goes the battle, anyway?”

  “Fierce.” Tim admitted. “She’s mad as hell at me. Wouldn’t even talk to me last night. I think maybe I’ll have to come home for awhile and let her think about it.”

  “Well, be careful. You do have to go abroad in a week or so.”

  “Yeah. Thanks, Johnny.”

  “Okay. See ya.”

  Tim hung up the phone, and stared at the ceiling thoughtfully. He immediately went into prayer and covered not only Pattie, but Tasha and the children as well.

  He read some of the Psalms, and laughed as he thought about how David had responded to the darts of his enemies. Tim vowed to do the same. When he had peace, he got up to shower and dress.

  He found Tasha in the kitchen, pouring herself some coffee. He kissed the back of her neck and slipped his arms around her.

  “Morning,” he said. He hugged her; and then let her go, when she didn’t respond.

  “I think it would be best for me to go home, Tasha.” he said simply. "I should spend a few days with my family before I leave to go abroad next week. Want to come with me?"

  She turned to look at him for a fleeting moment, before she went back to her coffee.

  “Guess not, huh? Well, I’ll be gone for quite a while, but I’ll write when I can.”

  There was no response. Nothing. Tim shrugged and sighed. “Okay. I can leave right away, if you'd prefer." he offered simply.

  Other than her back straightening a bit more, there was no response. She was like ice.

  Tim wasn’t perturbed. He’d made up his mind; he wasn’t going to have her without the commitment that he was looking for. She wasn’t willing to let God have His proper place in Tim’s life, and she wasn’t willing to serve God. That had become very clear. She wasn’t speaking to him, and she showed no signs of a thaw. He was wasting his time with her, until that happened.

  He booked a flight out for that afternoon, and then went to thank Brent for his hospitality.

  “Not much luck with Tasha, eh?” Brent asked sympathetically.

  Tim shrugged. “Some. It’s going to take some time. She’s really been going through it. She’s still mourning the loss of her husband. She doesn’t want to trust me, or God, or

  anybody. It’s understandable. I’ll just have to be patient.”

  Brent shook his head. “I must be crazy for trying to hook her up with another preacher. I think she’s smarter than the rest of us, for refusing you.” he admitted, watching Tim closely.

  Tim just grinned. “Maybe. But I think you’d better realize I'll finally win, and she’s going to be very glad I did.”

  Brent roared with delight. “Poor kid. Well, if she’s got to choose preachers, I’d have to say she’s done all right.”

  Tim smiled, knowing it was a clear endorsement from Brent, no matter how the words came out of his mouth. He definitely approved of Tim.

  Tim walked over to him, and put a hand on his arm. “I’ll be good to her, Brent. It’s going to work out fine.” he promised.

  Brent smiled up at his future son-in-law. “I know that.” he assured him. “You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

  Tim smiled wryly. He knew Brent was powerful by the world’s standards.

  He packed his things, and took them to the door. Brent had a car and driver waiting to take him to the airport. He went to Tasha’s room and knocked on the door lightly.

  She answered it, and stared at him coldly. It touched his heart to see that she had been crying. He looked into her eyes and smiled sadly. “I just came to say goodbye, for now.” he said gently.

  “Goodbye for always, Tim.” she lashed. “It's over!”

  He chuckled. “No way. I’m going home because I have to get ready to go abroad. And some kind of publicity emergency is erupting. And anyway, you need time to think about this, and get everything sorted and put in the right place. Tasha, we’re going to be together. Trust me. It’s just that you’re clearly not ready for the kind of commitment I’m asking for. But, that doesn’t mean I’m walking out on you. I’ll never do that. Take your time. I can wait.” he promised. “I still intend to marry you, Tasha mine. Just let me know when you’re ready.”

  She was listening guardedly. “Don’t call me that! I’m not yours. Goodbye.” she said. Gary was the only other person who’d ever called her “Tasha mine”, and the words went through her like a knife.

  He shook his head, and moved close to her, to kiss her. She backed up, and stared at him balefully, daring him to push it.

  He didn’t. He just gave her a look that told her he thought she was behaving like a naughty child, turned on his heel, and walked away.

  Tim’s flight got him home in time for dinner. Reuben picked him up at the airport, and took him home. He had Reuben drive right past his folks' house, and on to his own. He walked in, put his things down, and sighed. He felt discouraged. It hurt a great deal that she wouldn’t even kiss him goodbye.

  He felt rather like an idiot, chasing her shamelessly. His pride was definite
ly trying to rear its ugly head. He chuckled, and shook his head.

  That’s just what she’d gone through last night, chasing him shamelessly and being rebuffed. He shouldn’t be surprised that she’d turned the tables on him.

  Tim forgot about his dinner, and went to his knees in prayer. He realized he didn’t need his pride nearly as much as he now needed Tasha. Since the Lord had put the girl in his life, he was becoming increasingly aware of his lack.

  It was time to let a woman in. It was time to settle down. But, it was clear that the Lord would have to do it, because the lady wasn’t willing, at all.

  That voice came back to try to tell him he should have taken what she was offering, and none of this would have happened.

  Tim laughed. “I don’t think so.” he said derisively. Then it occurred to him that he’d hurt Tasha’s pride deeply. That’s why she was angry.

  All her life, he was sure, she’d relied upon her looks to get her what she wanted. He was certain that it was like hitting a brick wall to find that she couldn’t manipulate him that way. But, it was a lesson she had to go through.

  He smiled. “You’ll make it, honey.” he assured her, and bent his head to pray for her again. Tim's phone was ringing, but he was so deep in prayer that he didn't hear it.

  The following morning, Tim stopped by his parents' house for a cup of coffee, but no one was home. He went on to his office, and got there just in time to pick up the phone when it rang.

  “Hello? I’m looking for Tim Rain.”

  “Who is calling, please?” Tim asked in a friendly voice.

  “This is Bill Byer with Christ in You magazine.”

  “Hi, Bill. This is Tim, what can I do for you?”

  “I thought maybe you’d like to publish a response to Pattie Danniel’s story, when it comes out. I'm not pressing, Tim, but I wanted to give you the opportunity.”

  Tim’s eyebrow went up. “Is she talking about content?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Bill answered meaningfully.

  “What’s she say?” Tim asked lightly.

  “She’s got pictures, dude. She showed ‘em to me. Steamy stuff.”

  Tim frowned. “What kind of pictures?”

  There was an uncomfortable silence. “You and a woman, Tim. Sex.”

  Tim laughed long, and hard. “That’s a good one. I don’t even remember what it’s like, to be with a woman.”

  “Then this guy’s your twin brother.” Bill warned pointedly.

  “So give me details.” Tim begged. “This, I gotta hear. Tell me straight, Bill.”

  Bill cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Well, the deal is ... Pattie was hiding on some kind of veranda. It was night, but there was plenty of light. There’s a whole rack of pictures. You’re in a bedroom, and you can see this rumpled up bed behind you. And you’ve got this babe in your arms. I’m telling you, Tim, these pictures are literally dripping with passion. You’re kissing this girl, Tim; and if it ain’t you, I’ll eat my hat.”

  “Both of you have on next to nothin’. She’s got on some kind of skimpy, short lace gown that looks like it came from a Paris boutique and you’ve got on nothin’ , that I can see. It’s steamin’.”

  Shock and fear coursed through Tim’s entire body. “What’s the girl look like?” he asked in a much more subdued voice.

  “Gorgeous. Knock down, drag out, drop dead gorgeous babe.” Bill admitted. “Long, black hair. Sultry eyes. There’s a good daylight picture of her, too, that Pattie shot sometime last winter. She’s been on you and this girl for some time.”

  “This girl’s way too hot to handle, Tim. Where’d you find her? And what in the world are you doing, dating her? Who is she, some kind of actress, or fashion model? Don't you know Pattie’s gonna clean up, Tim?”

  Tim sighed. “Yeah. Could be.”

  “It is you, isn’t it?” Bill prodded.

  “Yeah, sounds like.” Tim admitted darkly.

  “What in the heck is going on? I thought you were as clean as could be, Tim?”

  “I am.” Tim snarled. “Trust me, I am.”

  “Sure don’t look that way.” Bill chuckled. “Looks like you were gettin’ real lucky, bud.”

  “Yeah. Well, I was there – it was me, all right. But, nothing happened.” Tim insisted. “I was just kissing her goodnight.”

  “You’re gonna have one heck of a time convincing anybody of that.” Bill cautioned.

  “Go figure.” Tim said flatly.

  “What do you want me to print, Tim?”

  Tim was silent for a long time. “Print that I’m in love with a beautiful girl. Print that I was visiting her at her home. Print that I believe in the sanctity of marriage and I don’t condone or indulge in pre-marital sex.”

  “Tim, I don’t think anybody’s gonna buy that.” Bill sympathized. “Pattie wants everyone she’s contacted, to raise the hue and cry against you. It’s like a vendetta. She’s contacted every Christian mag in America, friend. Sorry, Tim, but I smell blood.”

  “What should I say, then? I’m telling you the truth.”

  Bill sighed. “Maybe a TV. spot would be a good idea. Are you willing to talk about this?”

  “No, but I guess I have to be.” Tim snapped.

  “Okay, I’ll see what I can do for you.” Bill offered wearily.

  “Thanks, Bill.” he said listlessly. He hung up the phone, and dropped his head in his hands.

  The magazine story was worse than Tim could ever have imagined it could be. Pattie had been doing her homework big time, and doing an uncharacteristically good job of laying low while she was doing it.

  He got truly sick at heart when he saw the pictures, and he couldn’t even bring himself to read the article. The evidence in the pictures Pattie had taken was so damning, Tim knew it was going to ruin his ministry and Tasha's life.

  But the public reaction the morning it was published, was overwhelming and castigating. He’d been getting calls beginning at 5:30.

  At seven, he put his answering machine on, and picked up the magazine. He pushed down the dread, and read the blasted thing.

  “Tim Rain, international Evangelist and Prophet, has been living in the home of wealthy socialite Tasha Taylor in Salt Lake City, Utah. Though Mr. Rain has been a proponent of what he calls “clean ministry”, he seems to have been heavily involved in something very much unlike what he preaches to the nations.”

  “Mr. Rain had been reportedly living with this woman for several days, in her home. Pictures show that Mr. Rain has been enjoying the view from Ms. Taylor’s bedroom, which looks north toward the famous Utah mountain resorts.”

  "Mr. Rain first appeared publicly with Ms. Taylor at a Christian conference in Salt Lake City in January of last year. He was observed kissing this woman with obvious passion on more than one occasion at this conference. Obviously, romance was brewing, but look just how far it’s gone.”

  There followed a series of pictures, beginning with Tim sitting on Tasha’s bed, holding her in his lap, very intimately positioned. The camera angle made it appear that he had nothing on, at all. His boxers were lost under the folds of lace flowing from Tasha’s negligee.

  Then, there were pictures where they stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows. Tasha was melted against him. He had his hands on her face in one, kissing her like there was no tomorrow. In another, his hands were on her waist in a very possessive way.

  The pictures were cropped, so that all you could see was a portrait cut, from the waist up. Again, Tim looked like he had nothing on, at all. And Tasha looked so seductive, it would be ludicrous to deny that something was going on.

  “It’s time to hold our church leaders accountable. We can’t continue to have this ‘do as I say and not as I do’ kind of scandal going on.

  “How many big television and other public ministers are we going to have to expose, (no pun intended) before this is over? They must be convinced that this lascivious behavior will not be tolerated."

n of Ms. Taylor’s past reveals that she was the wife of a Charismatic pastor who recently died of cancer. Sources who knew deceased Pastor Gary Taylor, say that Tasha is the daughter of business tycoon Brent Charles, well known for his escapades with younger women.”

  “Perhaps illicit sex is a habit in the Charles household, but we can’t allow these people to minister it to us. We can’t allow it to come into our American homes, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

  “Join me now, in making a protest to the ministry of this man. Make a statement! Stand up and be heard! Let’s tell Tim Rain that marriage is still important to the followers of Christ in America.

  “He must be held accountable. This cannot go by without response.”

  Tim groaned, and put the magazine down. There was a photo of Tasha walking down the street in a beautifully fitted red suit. Her long hair was blowing around her in the wind, and she looked like a very young, very chic model with her above the knee skirt, her flawless legs and obviously swingy walk. She was wearing very tall heels that made her legs scream sex!!!!!! She was gorgeous.

  Tears sprang to Tim’s eyes as he looked with despair on her sweet smile. He was so sorry for the hell this was going to cause her. It wasn’t right.

  He picked up the phone and called. “Lucinda.” he said listlessly. “Tim Rain.”

  “Mr. Tim. It is awful!”

  “I know. Lucinda, I’m going to do a live television show

  and talk about this. It’s got to be set straight. Tell Tasha to lay low and let me handle it. Tell her not to talk to the press about anything, for any reason. And tell her not to be afraid. It’s going to be all right.”

  Lucinda groaned. “She’s so upset, Mr. Tim. Maybe you could talk to her.”

  “She’s up? It’s only seven! She must be upset. I’d be happy to, if she’ll listen.” Tim said wearily.

  “Well, she’s up this morning. She’s received a few unpleasant, anonymous phone calls. I’ll get her, Mr. Tim.” Lucinda said gratefully.


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