Shield's Submissive

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Shield's Submissive Page 9

by Trina Lane

“You know we’ll do more than talk if we get within five feet of each other and a closed door. Especially since we’ve haven’t been alone in two days.”

  “Really? Do you believe we have so little self control?” He smiled into the phone and after a soft chuckle said, “Ms. Cross, I fully intend to have a conversation with you. It is nobody’s business if I plan on discussing what scents you prefer in body oils or if you’ve ever used an anal plug to stretch that tight, little rosebud of your ass.”


  “No? No, what? No, you won’t meet me or no, you’ve never plugged yourself?”

  “I’ve never… I’ve always wondered… I’ve read… I want…”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m going to make sure you experience everything you’ve wondered about and wanted and some you’ve never thought of. You’ve read many erotic novels. What scenes make you squirm? What phrases make you bite your lower lip in that enticing manner when you’re trying to hold in a moan?”

  Silence ensued across the phone. Had he pushed too far? Erica was open about her sexuality but maybe…

  “Submission. I want…I think, I’d like to be controlled,” she whispered.

  Mark held his breath and closed his eyes in prayer.

  “I mean…I’ve read about and thought maybe…but don’t worry if you don’t like—”

  In his best Dom voice, he said, “Stop. Never be afraid to ask for what you need. If I ask you a direct question, I expect an honest answer regardless of what you think I want to hear. You are very good about this in the office. However, I expect it in our personal relationship, as well. Regardless of your desire to submit, you will be honest, or I will not give you the outlet you need. I will help you explore this desire, but I do have rules. You are a strong, independent woman, and I will not take that away from you, but when our business day is over, you will be mine. In return, I will provide for your safety, pleasure and wellness. What questions do you have?”

  “Will you expect me to give up personal time to run errands or see friends? What if I want to go shopping or see a concert?”

  “You are not going to become a slave in any way. You will maintain your independence. My only requirement is that you inform me of your plans at the beginning of the day, and should I wish to plan something elaborate, I will advise you in advance. I want you to think about what this means, and let me know if you want to pursue this type of relationship. If you decide you’re not ready, please understand that I want to continue seeing you. This is not a deal breaker. However, it’s my opinion that if we want to have an honest and meaningful relationship, you should know I greatly wish to become your Dom. What other questions do you have?”

  “You’ve done this before, I assume?”

  “I’ve been in the scene since my early twenties. I’ve been a member of several clubs over the years, and I’ve been mentored by, in my opinion, one of the best Doms in the country. I still maintain friendships with several others in similar relationships. While I still occasionally visit the clubs, I would prefer to have a committed D/s relationship where public exhibitions are not necessary but merely an occasional tool. Not all my relationships have been D/s. I do date in a conventional manner, as well, but I hope, when I find the woman I’ll spend my life with, this will be a part of our lives.” He heard a knock on his door. “Excuse me a moment. Yes?”

  Erica heard his voice and another speaking softly but couldn’t catch the drift of the conversation. After a few moments, he came back on the line. “Erica?”


  “I must go. Please think about all I’ve said. I will give you tonight to yourself. Give me your decision tomorrow morning. Goodbye.”

  “Goodbye, Mark.”

  * * * *

  Erica sat at her desk, one-third shocked, one-third trepidatious and one-third excited. Up at the lake, when she’d mentioned having fantasies to Mark, she’d never expected that her ultimate would even remotely be granted. She had acknowledged the desire to explore the possibility of her being a sexual submissive a couple years ago. When Mark had admitted to reading erotic novels, a part of her had wondered if he ever considered acting in a Dom role. He had quite obviously exhibited similar characteristics in the office, however one never knew if those behaviours translated into the bedroom. Over the weekend, she’d picked up some of his dominant tendencies while they’d made love. The fact that he admitted to being an active member of the BDSM community for several years was exciting. He would know how to achieve a balance between exhibiting control and eliciting pleasure. Despite the excitement, she was also somewhat cautious because it was something important to consider. Her decision either way would affect whatever relationship developed between them.

  She jumped when her assistant came into her office.

  “Erica, you need to get downstairs. There’s some kind of problem with the Coleman layout.”

  Instantly, her personal contemplations were put on the back burner. “What’s the problem? Those layouts were approved and sent to print last week.”

  “Not sure exactly, but I heard Karen mumbling something about the manufacturer wanting to change their minds on something.”

  “Okay, let’s figure out what’s happening.”

  Chapter Eight

  Mark sat in his office, nursing a cup of coffee and wondering how Erica would respond to his offer the previous day. He hoped she’d had time to consider the options last night since she’d been charged with putting out a fire with the Coleman layout late yesterday afternoon.

  He looked up when the elevator door opened and she walked out and headed to her office. He knew she would come his direction once settled. She wasn’t one to employ stall tactics. Sure enough, he soon heard the click of her heels along the walkway. She discreetly knocked on his door frame.

  “Got a minute?”

  “Please, come in. Have a seat.” He gestured to the sofa where everything had begun. She glided across the carpeting and sat regally on the deep cushions. Her face was a study of brave determination, until he looked deep into her eyes and saw hidden nerves. He wanted her to know that despite his request to dominate her, he would still provide whatever support she needed when faced with decision or difficulties in life. He walked over and sat next to her, taking her hand in his. “Have you made your decision?”

  “Yes. I have a proposal for you. As I’ve admitted, submission is something I’d like to explore. I’m not completely convinced this is a lifestyle I’m ready to embrace. So I propose a trial. I’d like to start slow and gradually build into what it would be like to live this lifestyle full-time.”

  “Interesting… How do you suggest the time window?”

  “As you’re the Dom, I leave that to your discretion. Otherwise what’s the point?”

  He smiled. “Very good. I accept. We’ll begin this evening if you haven’t already made plans.”

  “No, I’m available.”

  “Excellent. Meet me here at six p.m.”

  He slipped his hand around her neck and brought their lips together. His tongue entered the warm recess of her mouth, stroking the upper ridge of her palate and sliding along her tongue to engage her reciprocation. The electric charge he experienced whenever they touched streaked through his body. Three days without her like this was too long. His blood rushed through his veins and tingling impulses ran along his nerves, but as much as he wanted to deepen the kiss, he knew the rest of the office would be arriving at any minute. Slowly pulling back, he separated from temptation.

  “Have a good day. I look forward to this evening.”

  “Me, too. Thank you for this opportunity.”

  He gently slid his thumb along her cheek and smiled. “I should be the one thanking you. When you agreed to begin this relationship, I was aroused by the idea of being able to touch and taste you. Now, knowing that I’ll be able to aid you in exploring your submissive nature, I find that arousal increasing exponentially. I can’t wait to show you the power that can be shared betwe
en a couple who achieves the perfect balance. I’ve yet to find the perfect sub, and I don’t want you to feel excessive pressure to fill this role, but I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together.”

  * * * *

  Mark decided to start with a simple dinner out. How would she react to him taking charge in a minimal manner during a social situation?

  Just as he shut down his computer, Erica entered his office.

  “Please come in, close the door and join me over here.”

  She entered the room and turned around to gently shut the door.

  He watched as she took a moment to collect herself by taking a slow breath and closing her eyes for a few seconds. He smiled when she faced him again with a resolute look on her face then walked towards him. His breathing and heart rate reduced from the excited levels of anticipation just moments ago.

  “Kneel before me, and relax against your heels. Place your hands on your knees and lower your gaze to the floor. Whenever we initialise a scene, this is the position I expect you to assume. Unless I tell you otherwise, I expect your gaze to remain downcast. When I ask you a direct question, you will answer honestly. When you address me, you will call me ‘Sir’. Tonight, as you requested, we’ll start slow. I’ll take you to dinner, and as is my right, I’ll order your meal. As I stated yesterday, it’s my responsibility to care for your health and safety. To that end, are there any foods you are allergic to?”

  “No, Sir. Not that I’m aware.”

  “Is there any type of food you despise or refuse to eat based on principle?”

  “Sir, I would prefer not to eat veal or lamb but would not refuse should it be provided for me.”

  “Thank you. I’ll take that under advisement. Does it bother you if others eat veal or lamb?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good. Do you have any questions before we leave?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Are we in a scene at all times when not working? Must I always avert my gaze and only speak when asked a direct question?”

  “Excellent. You were listening well. The answer is no. I expect us to interact as any couple would in most cases. I don’t wish to live in a scene twenty-four hours a day. Instead, I see it as something to enhance our relationship. The purpose of dinner this evening is to introduce you to some behaviours you may expect in the future. I want to assess how you respond to giving up your autonomy. This will not be something you have to expect every time we go out. I’ll always make you aware when we enter a scene.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I have no further questions.”

  “Just so you are aware. Even when we are not directly involved in a scene, I maintain somewhat of a dominant nature. It’s my way. I don’t expect obedience or subservience unless I direct you.” Taking her hand to assist her balance, he said, “Lift your gaze, and stand up.”

  Watching her rise to her feet, he recognised the innate grace and sensuality common to many natural subs. He gently kissed the back of her hand then reached up and removed the pins that held her hair in a twist at her nape.

  “I prefer your hair down unless necessity or fashion dictates otherwise.”

  He then bent his head slightly and kissed her lips in a soft chaste kiss. Holding out his hand, he asked, “Shall we?”

  Erica smiled, placing her hand in his, and nodded.

  * * * *

  The ride to the restaurant was an exercise in subtle stimulation. Mark had opened the door to the car for her, and when she’d settled in the seat, he’d leaned over to snap her seatbelt and placed a whisper of a kiss on her neck. Each time he shifted, his hand brushed against her thigh. Halfway to their destination, she realised he was doing it on purpose. So she settled back into the seat to enjoy, pretending to be oblivious to the soft touches while all the time feeling warmth flow through her body from his touch and the memory of that soft kiss before they’d left.

  Soft blues music came from the speakers, and Mark’s aftershave enveloped her in a subtle woodsy scent. She’d learned he only used aftershave, preferring unscented soaps and never using cologne. The scent made her want to burrow against his neck and absorb that wonderful heat always emitting from him.

  The car slowed as he pulled up to the valet station. He unsnapped her belt and grazed her hip. As she stepped out of the car, she waited until he joined her. Placing his large hand on her lower back, he guided her up to the host then to their table. He pulled out her chair and settled her at the table, gently caressing her shoulders as he pulled up her hair so she wouldn’t lean back against it. Taking his seat, he nodded to the host, and a server immediately approached.

  “Would you like to see our wine list this evening?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Placing the leather-covered folder in Mark’s hands, he stepped back. “Our specials this evening are grilled sea bass on rice pilaf with steamed asparagus and stuffed pork chops with green beans. I’ll give you a few moments to peruse the menu.”

  “Thank you.”

  Mark took a moment to make his decisions then replaced the folder. The smart server immediately returned. “Are you ready to order?”

  “Yes. We’ll start with the bottle of Chateau St. Jean Cabernet Sauvignon and the prosciutto wrapped mozzarella with vine ripe tomatoes. I will have the seasoned Delmonico steak with balsamic glaze and steamed vegetables. My companion will have the filet mignon with wild mushrooms.”

  “Very good, sir. I’ll have your wine and appetiser out shortly.”

  Mark relaxed against his chair and gazed across the table. “Have you been here before?”

  “No, I’ve driven past several times but never dined here.”

  “What do you think?”

  She glanced around the room. The walls were a rich dark red. Sconces on the walls and discrete canned lights overhead emitted soft lighting. The windows had heavy, lined drapes in chocolate brown that matched the thick carpeting. Faint classical music sounded from invisible speakers. Colourful artwork brightened the walls. The tables were arranged so even those in the middle of the room had privacy. The staff was unobtrusive but observant, and while she had not reviewed the menu, the appetiser and entrees Mark had ordered sounded decadent.

  “I like the atmosphere. It’s quiet and intimate without seeming stuffy or oppressive. The food sounded delicious. Thank you.”

  The waiter appeared and allowed Mark to taste the wine. After nodding his agreement, both glasses were poured. Inhaling, she smelled the aroma of black cherries, and taking a sip, the rich smoky flavour burst over her taste buds. She released a soft moan at the full-bodied taste. Mark smiled, and she watched light reflect in his expressive eyes.


  “I enjoy watching you. Hearing you express pleasure. Whether it’s during sex or something as simple as the flavour of a good wine.”

  She smiled. “I enjoy watching you, as well.”

  “What do you see?

  Knowing he wasn’t fishing for compliments, she stated, “I see a strong individual who takes his job seriously but knows how to relax and enjoy life’s little pleasures. Case in point, despite what you want people to believe, you often work late and are usually one of the first to arrive in the morning. At the same time, you relax by taking hikes, cooking delicious meals and napping on the sofa.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand. “Not many people see those different aspects of my personality. Certainly, no one has acknowledged them in my presence.”

  “You required honesty to your questions.”

  “Yes, I do, but that is a double-edged sword. What if you had said I’m a chauvinist with a power trip? On the other end, what if you had said that after seeing my home, cars, and vacation house, you decided I was the perfect man and planned on doing everything within your power to snag me?”

  “Do you think someone would admit that? Any self respecting gold digger or psychotic won’t broadcast their intentions despite the request or order f
or honesty.”


  The dinner was delicious, and the conversation was stimulating. When it came time to leave, Mark once again guided her chair out and steadied her on the way out the door. The drive back to the office passed in the same manner as the trip there. When they reached the parking lot, he helped her out in front of her car. Pulling her into his arms, he held her tightly but with gentleness. Doing what she had been dreaming of all night, she placed her nose against his neck and inhaled that alluring scent unique to Mark. His hand tightened on her back, and he softly kissed her neck.

  “I would love to take you home with me tonight, but I don’t think either one of us wants to deal with the rush in the morning of preparing to be back here. Tomorrow, I would like you to bring what you need for work Friday morning and stay with me if you don’t already have plans.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Good. Would you be able to stay Friday, as well?”

  “Yes, but Saturday, I have a standing commitment in the morning.”

  “Did our plans last weekend interrupt that?”

  “No, I have a group of friends who meets the second Saturday of every month.”

  “Good. Remember, all I ask is that you advise me of other commitments.”

  Standing back, he took a moment to look into her eyes. “I enjoyed myself tonight. I will anticipate our evening tomorrow.”

  His head lowered, and his lips met hers. The kiss started slow, but soon, neither one of them was satisfied. She tightened her arms around his neck, and her fingers burrowed in his hair as she kissed him back. She arched into him, remembering what it felt like to be taken over by his strength.

  His hands came down to cradle her rear, and she was pulled up into his erection. His hips rocked into the juncture of her legs. She desperately wished he was able to slide that wonderful thick length inside her body. Her breasts were pushed against his chest, and she felt her nipples tighten and elongate. She whimpered a little when he pulled away.


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