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CodenameAutumn Page 3

by Aubrey Ross

  He hesitated outside his quarters, debating how to proceed. Should he let her attempt to seduce him? She would be humiliated when she failed. Worse, she would be in danger. He hadn’t missed the threat in the madam’s tone. If Autumn returned without a hefty transfer of credits, she would be punished severely. Which left them at a perilous impasse because he didn’t pay for sex, never had and never would.

  Scanning open the door, he found Autumn curled up in his favorite chair. She was mostly covered by one of his dress shirts. The soft white material skimmed over her body, hinting at curves he was anxious to explore.

  “I borrowed one of your shirts,” she said with a cautious smile.

  “I can see that.” He could also see her shadowy nipples beading against the fabric. Unable to suppress the urge, he stalked toward her. She started to speak then caught her bottom lip between her teeth and averted her gaze. “What’s the matter? Do you need more energy?”

  “No, and thank you for healing me. I really appreciate it.” She sounded sincere, but her gaze continued to dart about the room. She looked at everything but him.

  He caught her chin in a light grasp and gently lifted her face. “Then why are you so jittery? I didn’t frighten you before.”

  Her pink tongue swept across her lower lip, then she met his gaze. “I don’t want to go back to the embassy. Rebecca twisted everything around and Belietta is furious.”

  Ahh, she was appealing to his protective nature. Smart girl. “Rebecca is the one who beat you?”

  “Yes, but she convinced our madam that I provoked her.”

  “How did you provoke her while you were bound and gagged?”

  She fiddled with the hem of his shirt, inadvertently revealing a nice expanse of toned thigh. At least it appeared inadvertent. Was she better at this than he’d first thought?

  “Belietta didn’t know I was gagged, and all the other girls were too busy to notice.” She unfolded her legs and stood, moving toward the viewport on the far side of the room.

  “And what were you supposed to have said that warranted such abuse?”

  “According to Rebecca, I bragged about not having to pleasure anyone. She told Belietta that I think I’m worth more than anyone else, and I intended to remain a whipping girl as long as possible.”

  “You are, and you do.” Her strategy was clever. She coaxed him into pursuing her while she stayed just out of reach.

  “You make me sound like a tease.” She casually strolled back toward the sitting area as he neared the viewport.

  “Is it an unfair assessment of your role?” Even knowing why she was avoiding him didn’t hinder the hunter. Predatory urges surfaced and he stalked her, closing the distance between them. “You display your body—which is damn close to perfect—in a sexually charged atmosphere, yet refuse to let anyone touch you. Is that not the definition of a tease?” She’d reached the sofa and started to sit, but he caught her upper arms. “Don’t start something you’re not willing to finish.”

  Her brow creased and her lips parted. “Are we still talking about last night?”

  “Were we ever talking about last night?” He lowered his face, inhaling her scent as he gazed into her eyes.

  “I thought we were.” Her tone became whisper-soft and she melted into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around her and brushed his lips over hers. She allowed the kiss longer than he’d expected. Their lips pressed and slid, caressing. But as soon as he touched her with his tongue, she twisted away. “I can’t do this.”

  “Are you a virgin?”

  “No.” She crossed her arms over her chest but didn’t move out of reach. Tempting and vulnerable, she neatly baited her trap. “I thought I could do this, but I can’t. My emotions won’t disengage.”

  All he had to do was reach out and touch her. Despite her denial, her nipples were hard and her cheeks were flushed. There was no doubt she wanted him. “Autumn…” Rather than lift her chin, he waited for her to respond to her name. Slowly, she tilted her head and looked into his eyes.

  Keeping his tone calm and low, he said, “I would love to spend the night with you, but I don’t pay for sex.”

  Heat rolled through Autumn’s body, stirring her senses and muddling her mind. He wanted to fuck her, but he had no intention of paying her? What the hell was she supposed to do with that? Belietta would kill her if she failed so miserably.

  “I’m going to take a shower.” He brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers, the touch so light and fleeting she barely had time to register the caress. “I hope you’ll join me, but I’ll understand if you choose to leave instead.” He paused as his gaze swept down her body. “Call for an escort and borrow a pair of pants if you head home.”

  He turned and walked toward the bathroom, pulling off his shirt as he went. The muscles in his back bunched and flexed, and Autumn stifled a groan. It had been so long since anyone touched her with anything resembling tenderness. She’d forgotten how good it felt. Even while he healed her Ra’jen had been careful, his hands skimming over her body.

  His lips had been warm and patient. Their kiss, though brief, had been unbelievably arousing. Despite the conflict complicating the situation, she wanted this night with him. She needed to feel wanted and alive, if only for one night.

  She knew she couldn’t change his mind about paying for their pleasure. He’d made his opinion of ambassadors obvious from the start. But maybe she could convince him to find her another position. Yeah right. Her only other option was one of the refineries and she’d already rejected that sort of life. The dangers among the laborers might be different, but they were just as real.

  So that left Belietta. Could Ra’jen protect her from the madam’s wrath? Of course he could, but why would he? Autumn was nothing to him. No, less than nothing. She was an ambassador.

  She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. Not tonight she wasn’t. Tonight she was just a woman attracted to a man. She would steal these few hours for her own pleasure and deal with the consequences as they came.

  Even if she returned to the embassy in the morning and told Belietta she’d slept on his couch, the madam would be a fool to harm her. She was the only woman in whom Ra’jen had shown any interest and she would exploit that fact for as long as possible. Eventually Belietta would realize Ra’jen would never change his mind, but that day was a long way off and Autumn intended to indulge her passions while she still had a choice.

  The bittersweet thought hovered in the back of her mind as she followed him into the bathroom. Humidity warmed her skin and made the air hazy. Like the rest of the apartment, the bathroom was functional and immaculate. She unbuttoned the shirt and let it slide down her arms as she watched his shadowy figure move beyond the frosted door.

  “Are you coming in?” His deep voice wrapped around her and flowed through her.

  “Are you sure there’s room for me in there?”

  The door slid to the side and he held out his hand. “Let’s find out.”

  Desire flared within her, consuming, demanding, hot. Clothed, Ra’jen was captivating—all restrained strength and leashed power. But his naked body blatantly displayed the savage side of his nature. She had never seen muscles so starkly defined or features so fiercely…beautiful. The two words shouldn’t have worked together, but he was both fierce and beautiful.

  His lips curved and his gaze smoldered. “Are you coming in, or shall I come out?”

  “You’re amazing,” she whispered as she stepped into the shower.

  With a rumbling chuckle, he closed the door and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m glad you approve.”

  “Do all your people look like you?” He tensed and she looked up at him. “I’m sorry.”

  “The Gathosians decimated my planet much like they’re devastating Earth. Very few of my people remain.”

  Then how could he work with them? He didn’t just work with them, he led their armies as they destroyed world after world.

  His gaze cooled and
his features hardened. “Don’t you dare judge me. You’ve been told what withdrawal does to your body, but have you experienced it?”

  She shook her head. She’d obviously struck a nerve, and she wasn’t sure how to defuse his anger. Wait a second. How the hell had he known what she was thinking?

  Before she could ask, he tangled his hand in her hair and pulled her head back, pressing their lower bodies tighter together. “There is no fighting the Gathosians. I think you understand that. So I tried to run. Over and over, I found ways to escape, and each time they brought me back. They strapped me to a table and let the compound work its magic. You can’t imagine the agony. They would dose me just often enough to keep my body craving more. Each time I suffered longer, and drifted closer to death. But death is the one mercy they will not allow me. I’m too fucking valuable to them.” Pushing her away, he turned toward the showerhead and let the water pelt his face.

  “I’m sorry. I know—”

  Without warning he spun and yanked her into his arms. His mouth crushed hers, tongue boldly thrusting. She instinctively struggled, frightened by his sudden aggression, but his hold was unbreakable. He pressed her against the back wall of the shower, his mouth ravaging hers.

  Fighting him was pointless. This was why she’d stayed, why she followed him into the bathroom. She wanted this, wanted him. So instinctively she submitted, allowing his tongue to have its way while his body ground against hers. His smooth chest rubbed her nipples and their legs entwined. Desire sparked through her fear and she began to respond.

  He pulled back and she looked into his eyes, expecting anger and finding pain. Her heart lurched and compassion melted the tension in her muscles. He was searching for comfort, just as she was, trying to recapture some measure of control. She licked her lips and glanced away. “It’s been a really long time since I’ve done this.”

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  The growl in his voice made the words hard to believe, but she summoned her courage and met his gaze. “I know.” She combed her fingers through his hair, fascinated by the multicolored strands. They’d both lost so much and had been forced to do things that were unthinkable before the Gathosians entered their lives. Becoming an ambassador was mild compared to some of the things she’d done in the last four years. She’d stolen food and supplies meant for those just as needful as the people she was trying to keep alive. She’d lied and cheated then stood back like a coward as others were punished for her misdeeds.

  Ra’jen was right. She had no reason to judge him. He had been under Gathosian control far longer, and his role in their conquests was larger, but their situations weren’t that different. They were both just trying to survive.

  His hand descended with obvious intent, pressing over her mound then slipping between her thighs. She opened for him, leaning against the wall as his fingers explored her pussy. He traced her slit, pausing to circle her clit before pushing into her passage.

  “Fuck, you’re tight.” His finger pumped and then his thumb settled over her clit. “How long is ‘a really long time’?”

  “Before the invasion.”

  He withdrew his finger and moved his hand to her hip. “You haven’t had sex in four years?”

  His obvious bewilderment made her smile. “Closer to five. I was pretty gun-shy even before this all started.”

  “Then this isn’t going to work.” He turned off the water and pushed open the shower door.

  “You don’t want to… I don’t understand.”

  He guided her hand to his cock, curving her fingers against the hardened shaft. “Does this feel like I don’t want you anymore?” Her gaze descended and she sucked in a ragged breath. They’d been pressed against each other since she stepped into the shower, and she’d only glanced at him before. His cock was thick and long, and blue! The tip had darkened to a smoky shade between royal and navy while the shaft remained the same light gray-blue as the rest of his body. “I’m not going to fuck you against the wall.” He pulled her hand away and nudged her toward the opening. “I promised not to hurt you, and I intend to keep that promise.”

  Desire swirled through her abdomen as she stepped out into the steamy bathroom. Her core ached for the promised fullness and anticipation made her restless. Returning to the embassy held no appeal to her now, a fact she would have to deal with eventually. But for now she was going to enjoy this encounter, savor every minute of their stolen pleasure.

  “Activate warm air,” he commanded the computer as he slid the shower door shut. Soothing currents swirled around them, and Ra’jen pulled her back into his arms. His hair tickled her ribs and she wiggled against him, giggling helplessly. Sadness tinged his smile as he said, “I like your laugh. It’s a sound I seldom hear anymore.”

  As his hair dried the ticklish flutter became a caress. She snuggled against his chest, content just to be held, but he was far less patient. Pulling her leg up to his hip, he rubbed his cock against her belly and whispered something under his breath. She was about to ask him what he’d said when she noticed a hazy pattern on his chest. At first glance she’d thought the gray-blue lines were blood vessels, but the lines curved and intersected at regular intervals. The pattern faded as it trailed across his shoulders and down his arms until there was nothing but smooth pale skin.

  The air cycled off and Ra’jen swept her up into his arms. She laughed and wrapped an arm around his neck. “I am capable of walking, you know.”

  “I like the feel of you in my arms.” He carried her out of the bathroom and made a beeline for the bed.

  “I wasn’t complaining,” she assured him with a smile. “I just thought you should know there is an alternative.”

  He chuckled and placed her on the bed. She scooted over, making more room for him beside her, then lay down on her back. Stretching out on his side, he slipped one arm beneath her neck and cupped her breast with his other hand. “Your skin is amazing.” He brushed his thumb back and forth across her nipple. “And these beg for my lips.”

  She couldn’t argue with that. He bent to her breast and sucked firmly. Pleasure spiraled from her breast to her clit, making the nub twitch within her folds. She buried her hands in his hair, holding him close while he licked and nibbled. It was exciting yet intimidating. She hadn’t been intimate in so long. And who Ra’jen was, the power he wielded, hovered at the back of her mind.

  Drifting from one breast to the other, he built the pressure between her thighs. The connection was surreal yet undeniable. Her pussy ached more with each strong pull. She pressed her thighs together and tightened her hands in his hair.

  His hand skated down over her belly then detoured toward her hip. She murmured a protest and parted her thighs. He brushed her curls as he shifted to the other side, but avoided her slit and the needy little nub hidden there.

  “Touch me, Ra’jen. Please.”

  He raised his head and looked into her eyes, his gaze searching hers. “No one uses my name. For a split second, I thought you were talking to someone else.”

  “I’m sorry—Sir.”

  His lips parted, displaying even white teeth. “I wasn’t complaining.” He covered her mound with his hand and eased his middle finger between her folds. “Say it again.”

  “Ra’jen.” She moved restlessly.

  He slid up to her clit and circled, drawing the sensations tighter. “Again.”

  “Ra’jen.” She gasped and shivered, rocking her hips as the pleasure built. A floodgate opened and sensations gushed, sweeping her along in their powerful current. “I’m going to… Is it okay if I… Ohh!” The orgasm gripped her, bowing her back and contracting her inner muscles. She stared into his eyes, thrilled by the approval she found there.

  Before the last spasm passed, he pushed two fingers into her tight channel. She was wet and giving as he shuttled in and out. “Can you come again?”

  “I don’t know.” She’d never come this easily before. In fact everything about this was vastly different from anything she�
��d experienced before. He was exotic and self-assured with an air of command. The combination devastated her senses.

  He pulled his arm from beneath her neck and urged her legs apart so he could kneel between them. Then his gaze focused on her sex as he continued the steady slide of his fingers. She lifted against his hand, wanting more than this teasing preview.

  His warm breath stirred her curls and then his tongue pushed between her folds, lightly rubbing her clit. The soft caress was both stimulating and frustrating. She needed a firmer touch, wanted his body covering hers, pressing her down into the mattress.

  He held her open with one hand and fucked her with the other, and then his lips closed around her clit and he sucked. Pleasure spiked, drawing a startled cry from her throat. She dug in her heels and pressed against his mouth, relishing each distinct pull of his persistent lips.

  He pulled his fingers out, focusing her attention on the movement of his mouth. Then he released her clit and drove his tongue into her cunt. She cried out again, grasping the backs of her knees and holding herself open. She was right there on the verge, wanting to come yet unable to let go.

  With a low growl, he surged up along her body and found her opening with his cock. His big body pressed her down and his thick cock drove steadily inward. She took just the tip, spreading wide to accommodate him. His mouth covered hers, the taste of her pleasure strong on his tongue. Rather than unpleasant, she found the discovery exciting and curled her tongue around his.

  He pushed deeper, the fullness racing toward pain. “Relax,” he whispered against her mouth. “You’re tensing up.”

  “I don’t mean to.” She panted. “You’re just too damn big.”

  “You can do this. I promise.” He shifted to his knees and lifted his weight off her. “Better?”

  It was confusing. Without his weight immobilizing her, the invasion of his cock was more pronounced. “No, I need you close. Come back down.”

  He slipped his arm beneath her neck and met her halfway. They pressed together skin to skin, but he supported a good deal of his weight on his forearm and his knees. His mouth settled over hers again, the kiss slow and coaxing. She buried her hands in his hair, loving the silky thickness sliding through her fingers.


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