Restored (Shattered #2)

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Restored (Shattered #2) Page 5

by Heather D'Agostino

  “It’s not that,” he grumbled as he reached to grab my wrist “you just don’t seem all that interested anymore.”

  By this time, the bartender had come over, and was waiting to take our drink order. “Two BudLites,” I called before turning back to Will. “Maybe I’m just trying to act like a mature adult, and not a horny teenager.”

  “I think there’s someone else,” Will turned away from me as the words slipped from his lips.

  Shock and confusion blanketed my face, “What?” I wasn’t sure how to respond to this. Sure…I’d been distracted lately. I mean, Nick had been on my mind, but I’d never strayed in my life. “You can’t be serious Will. I’ve never cheated on anybody.”

  “Maybe not physically, but your mind has been elsewhere these last few weeks. I’ve seen it. When we make love, you’re not there. You’re somewhere completely different. It’s like your body’s there, but your mind…I don’t know how to explain it any different. I wish I could, but it’s something that you’re going to have to figure out.”

  I turned so my body was angled away from him and began peeling the label from my bottle, “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

  “I’m too tired to do this tonight. I’m going up to bed. I’ll grab something from the vending machine,” he slid off his stool and placed the empty bottle on the bar. “See you later.”

  I shook my head as I tried to process what had just happened. Was he breaking up with me? Were we fighting? “What does this mean?” I called after him.

  “It means I need to sleep, and I’ll talk to you in the morning,” his shoulders slumped as he walked away leaving me sitting there.


  “I would have never left you alone like that,” came a deep voice from behind me.

  My back went ridged as every nerve in my body was called to attention. “Nick,” the words fell from my mouth in a whisper. I turned to look at him, and my breath caught in my throat.

  He stood there smirking at me. His sandy hair was sticking up from being tugged at. Dark jeans and a snug black t-shirt graced his body. He looked edible, and my eyes couldn’t stop drinking him in.

  He leaned closer to my ear and chuckled, “If you keep staring we might have a problem.”

  I shivered when his warm breath caressed my cheek. What was wrong with me? I had told myself numerous times to stay away. I was not going back to him. After what Will had said to me though, I couldn’t seem to help it.

  “Stop trying to fight it Leah,” he rolled his eyes at me. “I know you want me. You know you want me,” his seductive voice rolled over me as he took the stool Will had just vacated.

  “I don’t remember inviting you to join me,” I snapped at him.

  “Didn’t think I needed an invite,” he leaned closer and draped his arm across the back of my stool.

  “What are doing you Nick?” I muttered as I tipped my beer back to finish it.

  “Getting in the game,” he shrugged. “If I’ve got competition, then I need to get off the bench and join the game.”

  “I didn’t know you were on the bench,” I closed my eyes when I felt his fingers touch my bare back.

  “That right there tells me I am,” he smirked. “Stop fighting me, and let me show you I’ve changed. I’m not the same guy I was a year ago. I want to be a better man for you.”

  “We’ve been over this,” I groaned in protest as his hand left my shoulder.

  Nick turned his body more toward the bar. I thought he was going to back off, and let me take the lead, but I was wrong. When the bartender set another beer in front of me, Nick leaned in and placed his palm on my upper thigh. I jolted to attention as I waited to see what his next move would be. I tipped the beer to my lips, and almost choked on it as his hand drifted up my cotton shorts. When his fingers reached my panties, he rubbed me through them.

  “You can’t deny me, can you? You still want me. I still know all the ways to turn you on Leah. Can he do this?” Nick’s fingers moved over my now wet panties.

  As quickly as I’d fallen under his spell, I was snapped out of it. The mention of Will brought me right back to reality. I couldn’t do this to him. As much as I wanted to be with Nick right now, I couldn’t cheat.

  I reached down and pushed Nick away, “Please stop.”

  Nick’s brow furrowed, “You want me. I can feel it.”

  I nodded and bit my lip, “I do, but I can’t do this to Will. He loves me, and this would break his heart.”

  “Let me get this straight,” he moved his hand and scrubbed at his face, “you’d turn me down…the one you really want…just, so you don’t hurt him? Is that really how you want to live your life?”

  “It’s not like that,” tears welled in my eyes. “I love him. He’s been there for me.”

  “You may love him, but you’re not in love with him,” he gestured toward the door of the restaurant, “if you were we wouldn’t be here talking right now. You’d be upstairs in bed with him.”

  I blanched at his frankness, “love isn’t just about sex.”

  “It’s an important part. If he doesn’t do it for you in the bedroom, how can you want to stay with him?”

  “Who said he doesn’t do it for me?” I snapped.

  “I did,” Nick pointed to his chest and stood. “I saw the way you two were together, and I know how we are together.”

  “Will and I were fighting,” I scoffed.

  “Yeah, and when you and I would fight…did you ever stay that calm?”

  I thought about what he was saying and dropped my chin, “No.”

  “There’s a passion in you Leah that you don’t have with him. He’s not the one for you,” Nick backed up a step and lifted his arms slightly.

  “He’s faithful to me,” I cried as the tears came. “He doesn’t let other women into his bed.”

  Nick’s face contorted in pain, “That was a mistake that I would never let happen again.”

  “How do I know that?” I wiped at my eyes.

  “You don’t,” he shrugged. “You just have to trust me.”

  I rolled my eyes, “You make it sound so easy.”

  “You need to decide what you want Leah. Here,” he placed a piece of paper in front of me “that’s where I live…about two miles down, right on the water. I’ll be home all day tomorrow if you change your mind.”

  Before I could answer, Nick pushed through the doors and stepped out into the lobby of the hotel. With a few long strides, he was out of my sight.

  I let my head drop to my crossed arms on the bar as I clutched the piece of paper in my hands. What was I going to do? I knew what I needed to do, but I wasn’t sure if I could actually do it.

  Chapter 7


  After finishing my beer, I sat there thinking about the things Nick had said. Did I want to be with Will? I looked down at the crumpled piece of paper in my right hand. I unfolded it and ran my fingers along the writing. 7200 Ocean Drive was written in Nick’s scrawl. I chewed on my lip as I thought about him being so close, yet so far away. He had been right, I did want to be with him. I think I’ll always want to be with him. No matter whom I’m with, Nick is always going to be there in the back of my mind. Could I forgive him?

  As tears welled in my eyes once again, I wadded the paper in my hand, shoved it in my purse, and made my way out of the restaurant. When I turned the corner, instead of going back up to mine and Will’s room, I headed for the beach.


  When I stepped out onto the beach, the warm evening breeze whipped through my hair. The sand was still rather warm from the afternoon sun. I made my way over the dunes and sat down. As I watched the waves lap up onto the beach, I wrapped my arms around my knees. It was relaxing just sitting there. No one to argue with, no one to tell me what I should do, no one accusing me of anything.

  I don’t know how long I sat in silence, but my mind kept wandering back to Nick and what I needed to do. I didn’t want to hurt Will, but I knew it was over
. It wouldn’t be fair to him. I couldn’t be with him when I was in love with someone else.

  If I hadn’t been so zoned out, I probably would have heard the steps behind me, but I didn’t. I jumped slightly as he sat down beside me and took the same position I was sitting in.

  “I’ve been watching you from our balcony. Do I even want to know why you’re out here?” Will turned and gazed at me. His eyes were sad as if he already knew the answer to his question. I shook my head as I refused to meet his gaze. “I saw you,” he continued “at the bar. Is he the reason you’ve been like this?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered as tears welled in my eyes again for what felt like the thousandth time tonight.

  “Do you love him?” Will shifted on the sand and gripped my chin between his thumb and forefinger forcing me to meet his gaze.

  “Yes,” I whispered again.

  “More than you love me?” a defeated smile slipped into place.

  “Do you really want me to answer that?” I questioned.

  “Guess not,” he muttered as he released my chin. “It’s over…isn’t it?” he sighed.

  “It has to be,” I sobbed. “I’m so sorry Will,” I wiped at my eyes as I turned back to face the ocean.

  Will nodded as he dropped his head between his bent knees, “I knew if he ever came back I wouldn’t stand a chance. I hope he makes you happy Leah. I hope he loves you as much as I do,” he pushed himself to a standing position before glancing back at me one last time. “Goodbye Leah,” he whispered as he disappeared into the darkness.

  As soon as he was out of sight, the tears came back. They streamed down my cheeks in rivulets dripping onto my lap. My emotions had been all over the place over the last twenty four hours. I hugged myself as I rocked back and forth on the beach. Letting go of Will had been harder than I had imagined.

  When the tears finally stopped, I pulled the crumpled paper from my purse. As I smoothed it between my hands, I stood and began walking down the beach in the direction of Nick’s house.



  After leaving Leah at the bar, I made my way home. I didn’t really want to come home, I had worked myself into such a state that what I really needed was a release. It seemed that it didn’t matter what she did, or said, Leah could always get to me.

  As soon as I entered my house, I stalked into my bedroom. After tossing my jeans on a nearby chair, I tugged on a pair of athletic shorts and made my way to the garage. The speed bag that was hanging in the corner was calling my name, and it seemed like the perfect way to burn off some energy. Adrenalin surged through me as I quickly taped my hands, and tapped the bag. When it rocked back, I hit it again, this time harder. It felt good to release the energy, and I soon got into a rhythm and began to drown out the world around me.

  After I had worked up a good sweat, I peeled my t-shirt off and tossed it to the side. I moved to the heavy bag, and began kicking and punching in a punishing rhythm. My breath was coming in gasps and pants, and sweat was beading off my body. It felt good to get it out. I stayed down there for several hours, before making my way back upstairs.

  Once back inside, I began stripping the sweaty clothes off and tossing them to the floor as I headed for the shower. My muscles groaned in protest as I stretched. I hadn’t given myself a workout like that in a long time. I’d been too busy lately with football practice to do anything for myself other than my daily run on the beach. I guess the thought of Leah being nearby encouraged me too.

  When I stepped under the cool water, and let it wash over me, I sighed. I finally felt relaxed, like maybe I might actually be able to sleep well tonight. I ran the soap over my body, scrubbed my hair, and turned the water off. Once I stepped out onto the mat, I paused. I thought I’d heard something, but it stopped, whatever it was. As I began rubbing the towel over myself, I heard the noise again. It was a soft knocking.

  “Just a minute,” I called as I pulled on a pair of mesh shorts sans boxers.

  The knocking continued as I rushed through the house, and raced toward the back door where the noise was coming from.

  “I’m coming,” I barked as I stomped through the living room.

  When I reached the door and saw who was on the other side, I threw it open. There in the same little shorts and tank top that she was wearing at the bar was Leah. She glanced up at me, but quickly averted her eyes as she wiped tears from them.

  “Leah,” the word fell from my lips in a hushed whisper.

  “Hi Nick,” she sniffed.

  “What are you doing here?” I glanced around to see if she was alone.

  “Can I come in?” she pleaded.

  I stepped back, and motioned for her to enter, “Yeah sure.”

  “I’m sorry I came this late,” she mumbled as her eyes drifted around the house taking it all in. “Can I stay here tonight?”

  My eyes flashed as what she said began to sink in, “That depends on your reason for being here.”

  She turned and glanced me as she bit her lower lip, “You were right.” Her head bounced slowly, “I can’t be with Will when I’m in love with you.”

  I was hearing the words, but it was like I was somewhere outside my body watching it all happen. This was what I’d been waiting for so long. She was here…the one girl I loved with all my heart, was here.

  “What are you saying Leah?” I took a tentative step toward her, and reached out to grab her elbow.

  “It’s you,” she shrugged. “You’re the one I want. It’s always been you,” tears trickled down her cheeks as she tilted her head up to look me in the eyes. “It’s always going to be you.”

  Listening to her profess her feelings right here in my living room was causing my heart to swell beyond what I thought it was capable of.

  “Do you really mean that?” I offered her a half grin.

  She nodded as she wiped at her eyes once again. I took the last step needed to wrap her in my arms as I dropped my lips to hers, and poured everything I had into an unforgettable kiss.



  When I felt his arms tighten around me, I knew I’d made the right decision in coming here. Nick pulled back, and broke the kiss before leaning in again and peppering my face. I could feel his hands drifting over my back as he attempted to touch every part of my body. I laughed between kisses and grinned up at him.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” I smiled.

  “I love you,” he stared down at me. “I mean that. It’ll be different this time. I promise,” he vowed as he leaned in and pressed another kiss to my lips, this one harder and full of promise.

  As I leaned in, Nick’s fingers began tugging at my shirt. I giggled and stepped back. Nick’s brow furrowed, and a wicked smiled slid across my face. I reached down and slowly began to pull my tank top up. Once I got it off, I tossed it in the direction of the couch. Nick grinned at me as he drank me in. I bit my lower lip as I pushed my shorts over my hips.

  “See something you like?” I teased as I stepped back even further from him.

  Nick nodded as he slowly moved forward. For every step he would advance, I would retreat back. Soon, I felt my back hit the glass of the slider behind me.

  “Looks as if you’re stuck,” he mused as his eyes darkened.

  I glanced back, and noticed I could see the beach very clearly. Nick must have sensed my change in demeanor because he leaned next to my ear and mumbled, “No one can see you. It’s too far away,” before he flattened himself against me.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned as I felt his hips press me into the window.

  “You can’t tease me like that,” he growled as he grabbed my wrists in one hand and pinned them over my head. “I’ve missed you so much, and I’m getting ready to show you just how much that is.”

  He reached for the tie at the back of my neck, I was still wearing my bikini from that morning and gave it a light tug. When it released, and fell loose between us, Nick tossed it out of the way with his free hand as his mo
uth descended on my breast. I bucked against him as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. When he moved to release it, he let his teeth graze lightly over the hardened bud.

  “You’re so perfect,” he mumbled as his mouth moved to trail kisses up my neck, continuing on until he connected with my lips. When his tongue plunged into my mouth, his free hand began its descent toward my bikini bottoms. They were the style that tied over the hips, and he tugged at one side until it was loose enough to cause them to fall. His mouth broke away from mine as he glanced down.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he groaned as his hand drifted between my legs “and so wet.”

  ”Please Nick,” I begged as I felt him trail his fingers near where I wanted them.

  “Please what?” he teased as he slipped two inside me.

  “Oh God,” I groaned as I let my head fall back against the glass.

  Nick’s mouth returned to mine, and his tongue mimicked what his fingers were doing down below. I pulled at his other hand, trying to free mine. I wanted to touch him, but he’d had me restrained since we’d started this.

  He must have sensed this because he released my wrists, and moved that hand to squeeze my neglected breasts. As soon as I dropped my arms from over my head, I reached for the waistband of his shorts. I began pushing and tugging as much as I could, trying valiantly to get them down. I could feel his hardened cock pressing against me, and I wanted to touch him.

  Nick wiggled his hips slightly trying to help me with my endeavors as he continued to tease me. Once I’d freed him of the shorts, I smiled against his mouth, “No underwear?”

  “You were banging on my door,” he panted as I reached for his cock and wrapped my fingers around it.

  He moaned as I ran my fingers along the hard velvety flesh, and offered a gentle squeeze. As I continued to stroke him, he broke the kiss and gasped for air.

  “I need to be inside you. I can’t take it anymore,” he murmured into my neck as he grabbed my thighs to lift me up.

  I thought he was going to carry me to the bedroom, but before I knew it, he leaned into the glass and slammed into me. We cried out in unison as he held me pinned against window.


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